swara's pheli rasoi

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Scene starts at sanskar mansion... sanskar room...

The sun rays shine brightly which disturbs sanskar sleep... but wen u see his face he looks so tired as he did not sleep properly whole night... he was continuously thinking about what has riya told them... he really wanted to know who was swara's parents... but he knew tat it was not the right time to ask her as she juz getting better... he really felt sad n his heart sank seeing swara in this condition... but somewhere he knew he was responsible for this... n he should expect this but don't know how did he forget about this... soon he got up n got refresh n went to the living room...

Scene shifts to swara's room...

Swara got her conscious first n saw her surrounding n than she saw she was still in her wedding dress... that's when she realised that she was saved n saw beside her... she saw Uttara was still in the medicine effect... she tried calling her... but someone was passing by heard the voice n informed her what has happen...

Swara: where am i??? (scanning the room than saw her dress) ouh... so I was saved... why god??? Why don't u want me to come to u???? why u want me to suffer with my parent's murderer??? (crying)

Soon she realised about uttara...

Swara: Uttara... (she saw next to her) I am sorry but I can't tell u the truth... its best when it is hidden... Uttara... Uttara... wake up... (patting her cheeks) Uttara... Uttara...

Someone hear her voice n came in the room...

Person: Bhabhi u r awake... (happy)

Swara: yuvi... (sorry guys if u thought as sanskar) why uttara not waking up... (crying) she is fine rite???

Yuvi: Bhabhi relex... actually she is in the medicine effect... tats why... u go n fresh up first by the time she will be awake...

Swara: no... its ok... I will be with her till she is awake...

Yuvi: ok Bhabhi... we will wait for u at the dining table for breakfast... hope u will join us...

Swara: I will see first... I can't promise anything...

Soon yuvi left... yuvi have informed everyone that swara gained her conscious, everyone was happy but they were worried about her still... even though swara is staying in one of the rooms in the mansion... they don't want her to take stress by seeing them... thus they decided to wait till breakfast... after a while Uttara woke up...

Swara: Uttara... finally u woke up... (gives a hug) u know how scared I was???

Uttara: di... don't worry when u r there... nothing will happen to me... (saw the time) di... its already 8... I will go n fresh up n come...

Swara: ok... be careful... u r still weak...

Soon Uttara got freshen up n left the room... n swara left to freshen up... while walking on the corridor uttara heard jeevika n twinkle talking...

Jeevika: twinkle, we don't know the whole truth about all this... but even though swara hates us now, she will know the truth some other time...

Twinkle: ha Bhabhi... when swara Bhabhi knows the whole truth then.... But atleast we should know her parents name so that we can find who is at fault regarding (was cut off)

Jeevika: aare twinkle leave all this... (signalling through eyes that Uttara is coming) Uttara... how r u feeling now???

Uttara: I am fine... if u don't mind... may I know wat u were talking cuz when u saw me u stop tats why...

Twinkle: no not like tat... its juz tat... juz tat... (searching for words) juz tat we don't know how to ask swara to prepare her pheli rasoi... I know she hates us... but we don't have any hard feeling for her...

Uttara: ouh... its ok di... swara di will never hate someone this much unless they did something really wrong... nvrm leave all this... twinkle di... u juz prepare the dining table... I will convince di to make something sweet...

Jeevika: ok... we will be waiting for her dish eagerly...

Soon all left... Uttara went to the room swara was to convince her...

Uttara: di... u r ready??? (saw her clothes) where r u going di???

Swara: I am going back to work Uttara...

Uttara: ouh... but before u go can u pls make gajar ka halwa... I feel like eating it for breakfast...

Swara: aree Uttara, I am getting late for work... (saw her pleading n puppy face) achaa I will make... but I will have to go n buy the ingredients...

Uttara: wat... but di the things u need are in the kitchen... then???

Swara: Uttara, I know u have a lot of questions... I will answer u at the rite time... for now let me go n buy the things I need so I can make ur breakfast... (pats her cheeks)

Swara (monologue): sorry Uttara, I am lying to u... but I can't use anything which is bought using the money by killing people... so I am using the money I earned to make up to our needs...

Soon swara bought the things she need n came back... she quickly made gajar ka halwa n gave it to Uttara n left to work... she did not wait to see if she had her breakfast as she is running late...

Scene shifts to the dining table...

Jeevika was serving the breakfast to everyone... but her eyes will still searching for someone... this was noticed by everyone n viren decide to ask her...

Viren: jeevika how much will u serve??? Dyaan kaha tumhara???

Jeevika: ouh I'm sorry... I will get another plate... (she was about to move)

Sanskar: bhabhi... wait for a while... who r u looking for???

Jeevika: no one...

Sanskar: don't lie... tell who u r looking for???

Jeevika: I was looking if swara n Uttara will come for breakfast...

Sanskar: I know swara will not come n she will also not let Uttara to come... so I guess we can start our breakfast...

Jeevika listening to this got sad cuz she knows that it is the truth... but at that time jeevika saw someone her face lit up with a smile...

Jeevika: aarei Uttara, (listening her all turn to the direction she was seeing) come n have breakfast... n where is swara???

Uttara: uhmm... its ok... I will have it later...

Sanskar: why??? R u scared that ur di will say something again???

Uttara: no... its juz tat di have hurt u all a lot... n its awkward for me to eat with u all tats why... (scared n worried tone)

Viren: we did not take ur di's word to heart... it did hurts us... but there must be a reason for it that she is behaving like tat... so we don't mind...

Uttara: u all r so nice... (smiles)

Yuvi: Uttara, I am juz curious... u don't mind if I ask a question rite???

Uttara: no, I don't mind... come on ask wat do u want to ask...

Yuvi: don't u have the urge to know why ur di is behaving like this to us??? N how come u drank the poison on ur di's saying??? Don't u feel she is selfish???

Hearing this, everyone was quite... they don't know wat to tell but they were shocked hearing her answer n seeing her maturity level...

Uttara: yes, sometimes I do want to know why she hates u all but I don't want to force her to tell me... when she feel that it is the right time to tell... than without me asking she will tell me... n coming to the point my di being selfish... than when my parents died, my di was in college... but she sacrificed her studies to look after me n working day n night to get some money... but u know wat, whenever she gets her salary she spends it all on me... never once she spends it on herself... even sometimes I force her to buy then still she won't... (tears in her eyes) if u think by doing this she is selfish than ya she is selfish...

All were quite now... they don't know that swara has sacrificed her studies juz to get a job n look after her sis... but they were proud that she is part of their family now...

Uttara: sorry, I know I was emotional... but leave all tat... (moves towards sanskar) I am sorry on behalf of my di... (holding her ears)

Sanskar: u don't have to... the problem is between me n ur di... so u don't have to apologise to me...

Uttara: can I call jiju??? (innocent face)

All hearing this question were happy that atleast swara sister wants to accept sanskar as her jiju...

Sanskar: sure why not... (pulls a chair next to him) come n sit... we will have our breakfast together...

Uttara: ya... but I have a condition... (while settling beside him)

Sanskar: what condition???

Uttara: but I don't know u will do it or not...

Sanskar: I will try to fulfil ur condition...

Uttara: its juz tat whenever I get reminded of my parents, di will feed me... but I don't know why... i feel i got my father in u... who will protect me from everyone... who will manofy me if i am sad or angry... so I really want u to feed me... will u do it???

All was looking at Uttara... Uttara sense that everyone was looking at her... so she thought to go when someone hold her...

Uttara: I am sorry if I said something wrong... (was about to leave)

Sanskar: won't u eat ur breakfast??? (holding a bite in his hand)

Uttara: are'nt u angry with me???

Sanskar: why would i??? I feel happy that u feel I am part of ur family... (saying this he feed her) n ha i will protect u like a father and love u like my child... so come on finish up...

Everyone were adorning their bond... n for the first time they saw sanskar smile reaching till his eyes... during this time, Uttara was comfortable with everyone n was opening up herself... soon all were about to leave when Uttara stops them...

Uttara: wait... where r u all going???

Sanskar: going to do our respective work...

Uttara: wat... but u guys did not finish ur breakfast... than how can u leave???
sanskar: but we all finish our breakfast... not long ago, u was also enjoying the breakfast with us then???

Uttara: uffff jiju wait... all of u sit down... I have a surprise for u...

Soon Uttara went to the kitchen n came out with a tray which contains the gajar ka halwa...

Uttara: tada... how can u guys forget desert???

Karan: ouh ya... so wat have u brought for us???

Uttara: gajar ka halwa...

Soon all took a bowl n was tasting the gajar ka halwa... they loved it n was literally licking the spoon as it was so delicious that they were enjoying every bite of it...

Yuvi: hmmm... Uttara... its so yummy... I will gift the person a gold bangle for this delicious halwa...

Viren: yup... uttara, did u buy it from somewhere??? If yes pls tell the place also... so if we want we can buy it anytime...

Shivam: yes... n pls tell the timing of the shop as well...

Uttara: ok... so the shop is open 24 hours...

Karan: wow... tats even great... but where is the shop...

Uttara: here...

Twinkle: matlab???

Uttara: woh... di made it as her pehli rasoi...

Sanskar: what... she made it??? I don't believe it... u saw wat she did in the grah pravesh rite... than how can swara cook halwa...

Uttara: jiju cool down... n don't worry she has never mixed anything inside... u all r shocked na???

Shivam: ya... n how come u r so sure that she did not add anything inside???

Uttara: cuz I asked her to cook it for me... so how can she add something else inside if she is cooking for me???

Viren: smart... but how did u convince her to make halwa???

Uttara told how she convince swara to cook halwa.... Soon all left for their respective work...

Precap: flashback and revelation of truth...

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