Swara's POV of Truth

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Precap: Uttara accepts sanskar as her jiju, swara unknown pheli rasoi...


The epi starts in the evening in sanskar mansion...

Since it was evening everyone finished their respective works n was at sanskar mansion for dinner... swara has juz finished her work n came back... as she enter she saw everyone laughing n talking to each other... she was not interested with their talks thus she quietly without anyone's notice went to her room...

Swara monologue: wat a tiring day... I am totally exhausted... but jux cuz I am tired I can't let Uttara starve... eventhough its for a meal... I will juz make something simple n will make her understand...

Soon she changed n moved towards the kitchen to cook for Uttara... while preparing she saw that the halwa was finished... she thought that uttara was hungry so she ate everything since she did not make anything else... but while leaving she saw that there were more than one utensils having the halwa... she thought to ask uttara about it... after making her mind she was going to Uttara room... at that time sanskar saw her... but was quite as it was clearly seen on her face that she was exhausted n he did not want her to fight with him in this state...

Sanskar thought were broken by a voice...

Karan: waise Bhabhi abhi tak nahi aayi???

Jeevika: yaa... viren can u call the company she is working in... to check if she is still there...

When viren was about to call swara... a melodious voice is heard which made everyone stop whatever they were doing... after a while they also heard some bells sound... riya knew where it was coming from n told them which made everyone shock n decide to see it for themselves...

Riya: omg... how can I forget the time... I am going to them...

Twinkle: wat r u saying??? Say it clearly... we can't understand...

Riya: actually the melodious voice u r hearing is of swara's n the bell sound is of Uttara...

All: WHAT!!!! We don't believe...

Riya: if u don't believe than follow me...

uttara was singing deewani mastani song while swara was exactly dancing like deepika from the video...


Saying this she went n everyone also followed them... when they reach a room, all saw swara singing a classical song n Uttara is dancing to it gracefully following all the surs... all were shocked to know that the sisters were really telented... whereas two pairs of eyes were admiring them... they were none other than sanskar n karan... sanskar was adoring his love swara singing closing her eyes n juz concentrating n enjoying the song... he was seeing swara with lots of love n small smile playing on his lips... whereas karan was seeing Uttara dance with a slight smile on his lips... after a while swara n Uttara stop when the song finish n were shocked hearing loud claps... they turned n saw all were clapping at the door...

Yuvi: wah I did not know that both sisters are so telented...

Swara: thanks... (smiles), (turns to Uttara) Uttara come lets go... lets fresh up n have dinner...

Uttara: di, u go first... I will keep the anklets n come...

Swara: ok... (turns towards riya) riya, I need to tell u something... r u free now???

Soon swara n riya left to freshen up...

Uttara: so how was it???

Jeevika: matlab???

Uttara: jiju, how did u like the showcase???

Sanskar: that means u plan all of this???

Uttara: yes n no...

Karan: matlab???

Uttara: actually I thought to let u hear di melodious voice n since this is the time we usually practice so...

Karan: I see...

Uttara: so how was it??? (in an excited voice)

Jeevika: really nice... n u dance well too...

Twinkle: mein toh app dono ka fan hogayi...

Yuvi: yup... but I have a doubt...

Uttara: ab kya doubt hai??? (in a tiring tone)

Yuvi: how come swara smile suddenly???

Uttara: its juz tat, di respect arts a lot... so eventhough she hates the person she will smile wen u compliment...

Yuvi: I see... waise u also dance well...

Uttara: thanks... (turns to sanskar) jiju... don't u like??? U were quite all the while...

Sanskar: nothing like that... its juz I still could not believe that u both r so telented... n btw u dance so well... ok I think u should go n fresh up... if not ur sister will come n shout at u....

Soon all dispersed to do their respective works... while sanskar was walking past a room, he heard song humming sound as it was unfamiliar to him so he peek into the room to see swara drying her hair infront of the mirrior... he was mesmerised to see his agenl like this as she was wearing s white salwar kameez which clearly show her curves n her wet hair adding to it... it made sanskar to awaken his manly desires but he somehow control it... he saw that no one was in the room n also looked around him to see if anyone was there... once he believed that no one was there he entered the room n locked the room startling swara...

Swara (shocked n turned): what r u doing here???

Sanskar (smilingly move towards her): why can't I be here??? When my wife is here than I should be here with my wife...

Swara: WHAT!!! How did u enter my room??? N why r u moving close??? stop where u are...

Sanskar: what r u gonna do if I never stop???

Swara: I will... I will... (look around the room) I will hit ur head with this vase.... (took a vase near the dressing table)

Sanskar: ok I will stop... but u know what u r driving me crazy with ur look... I really want to make u mine now...

Saying this he started moving forward n swara started moving backwards till she reached to the wall... before she could understand what happen sanskar locked her in between his arms... sanskar started leaning towards her exposed neck n started to kiss her sensuously... while sanskar ws kiss her neck swara quickly used her hands to push him away but to her bad luck he was way stronger than her... tears started rolling from her eyes seeing that he is gonna loose her dignity... but somewhere in her heart she was determined n she gathered all her strength n energy n pushed him away...

Swara: stay away from me... if not I guess u did not forget what I did previous times... this time I will do something worst that u can't save me... (anger tone)

Sanskar: if u do something to urself than u will face the worst of me... (anger tone) n I will only stay away from u in 3 conditions... if u agree than I will stay away...

Swara: why should I agree to ur conditions??? Why should I believe u???

Sanskar: u should believe me cuz firstly, I am ur husband... n secondly, I guess u don't want to loose ur job...

Swara: what do u mean??? (serious tone)

Sanskar: I know 2the food u cook today was with the money u earned... but what will happen if u loose ur job with my one phone call... n i will personally will look into it that u will not get any job from any company... so how will u feed ur sis??? (challenging tone)

Swara (thinks for a while): what is ur conditions???

Sanskar: wow smart girl... (pats her cheecks) k so ur first condition is, u will sleep in my room together with me on the bed... (he knows how she will twist it... tats why...)

Swara: what... no way... that will never happen (angry tone)

Sanskar: ok then... (took out his phone)

Swara (saw him taking out his phone): okok... I agree to this condition

Sanskar: ok... so ur second condition, is u will have to join all of us when we are together... be it breakfast, lunch or dinner... or even if we go picnic... understood??? N ya speaking of that... ur gajar ka halwa which u made in the morning for Uttara was very delicious...

Swara: I will join u all... but Uttara n I will only eat food cooked form my money... n how do u know what I made for Uttara n when did u taste it???

Sanskar: ok... I agree to it... actually... ur sis has accepted me as her jiju n she gave us the gajar ka halwa to taste as ur pehli rasoi... n ya... don't say anything to Uttara... cuz ur job is being at stake... (smirks) but u agree to my condition???

Swara: what!!! Ok fine... I accept ur second condition as well... (irritated tone)

Sanskar: my last n final condition is... is...

Swara: tell me damn it... why r u stretching it??? (irritated tone)

Sanskar: who was ur parents???

Swara was utterly shocked with this question... she was thinking why the hell does he want to kow her parents when they were killed by his hands... all the flashes again flashed again infront of her that she got angry on him n breakdown reminding of her parents death...

Swara: why do u want to know... when u urself kill them??? (angry n cold tone)

Sanskar: answer to my question??? N how r u so sure that I was the one to kill them???
swara: cuz I myself saw u killing them... (crying n angry)

Sanskar: what??? (schocked... after a while recovered from the shock) but who are ur parents???
swara (look into his eyes): do u know something... I used to love u cuz u help people even though u r a gangster... (another shock for him) but when I saw u killing my parents, my heart break to see my parents dead n the person I loved kill my parents... I cried a lot... but after that I decide to take my revenge from u...

Sanskar (was still in the shock... recovered from the shock): who are ur parents???

Swara: have u heard of swattara NGO???

(NOTE: ok so swattara is a mix of swara n Uttara name... n this NGO caters to all from children to elderly)

Sanskar: yes... the famous NGO which was run by a couple shekar and sharmishta gododia...

Swara: yes... (smiles lightly hearing the name)

Sanskar: but how are they related to this... (confuse tone)

Swara: cuz they were my parents... (smiles sadly)

Sanskar: WHAT!!! U r shekar n sharmishta elder-est daughter swara gadodia n ur sister is the youngest daughter Uttara gadodia??? (in shocked tone)

Swara: yes...

Sanskar: but why r u accusing me that I kill them??? (in a confuse tone)

Swara: have u forgotten the case where they were selling girls, 2 years back...

Swara is narrating the past to sanskar...


It was two years ago,

Swara was studying in 2nd year college... she was also a social worker juz like her parents who cant tolerate injustice... especially with women...

A sunny morning...

A girls was getting ready with a white sleeveless top tucked in with a maxi turquoise full length skirt and toped it with a white belt... she is juz wearing silver ring earrings as her jewellery n a pink lip gloss n kajol as her make up... suddenly we can here a lady voice calling for her...

Lady: shona... shona... come beta... breakfast is redy... (yes, the girl is swara)

Swara: aayi maa... ( the lady was shomi)

When she went down she saw her dad who was busy reading the newspaper... she went n hug him n greeted him n settled down for breakfast...

(NOTE: uttara is not here as she was sent to boarding school for her safety as they have handle high profile cases which may be a threat...)

Swara: morning dad... (hugs him)

Shekar: morning beta... (keeps the paper)

Swara: so any news on sanskar maheswari??? (asking in curiosity n dreamily voice)

Shekar: yup... it is written that he punished the culprits who raped a girl last week... n I am proud of u beta that u choose him as ur lover even though u know he is a gangster...

Swara: ouh wow... the culprits sould deserve it... n dad eventhough he is a gangster, he is a good one who only punish the guilty n not like others who scare others for power... that's what I love about him...

(NOTE: swara parents are not so traditional n they accept swara's love was for sanskar... cuz he is a gangster who fight for justice... especially for those whose complaints are not taken as the police are being bribed by rich people...)

Shomi: okok... u can talk this later... waise shekar... I am sure today how are we will save those girls from those heartless beast who think girls are a toy to sell them... I really wanna toucher them... I think dead is also not enough for them...

Shekar: arrei shomi leave that... we will save them.... I think of contacting sanskar maheswari there... he will give the best punishment to them...

Hearing sanskar maheswari name swara's face lit up... she immediately pleaded her parents to allow her in this mission... but they denied due to her safty....

Swara: what u gonna call sanskar maheswari.... Mom dad I also want to join this mission... please... please... please... (a pleading face with a pout)

shekar: no swara... these people are dangerous... but I will promise after this case I will call him for lunch than u meet him....

Swara: ok... but I can't wait for that day... (happy n excited tone)

Swara monologue: why should I wait till that time... I know the place where they r going n I am dying to see sanskar maheswari... what to do... idea... I will go to that place secretly n see him... after the mission I will go to dad n will tell him everything... (smiles knowing the idea)

Soon it was the time for the mission n shekar n sharmista was getting ready... whereas our swara was also getting ready... since she know where was the place her parents were going to go so she thought to reach that place to see her prince charming.... But unknown to her that that place will change her whole life in a second... when swara went there to see... she saw that sanskar was shooting her mom n dad... she was horrified seeing this... n wanted to reach to her parents but decided against it as she has to safe herself to take care of her sis... thus unwillingly run from there cryingly to her house... the next day she did her parents last rites with her sister... after that swara n uttara shifted house so that no one could find where they went n she joined a job to support them financially...

End of flashback...

Hearing this sanskar was shocked as he was still processing what she said to him... but came out after hearing swara's voice...

Swara: now u know why I hate u so much... but do u know how much I love u... I would always follow u secretly juz to see u... n that day I specially dressed myself for u... so that I can see my love but how would I know that the person I loved would kill my parents... (cryingly went from there)

Sanskar monologue: she is shekar n sharmishta daughter swara... she loved me a lot... after hearing it I was over flowed by happiness... but after hearing her haterdness how would I tell her that she had some misconception??? I will have to solve this anyhow... n get my love for her... I will not lose after knowing that she used to loved me... I will rekindle her love for me... but for that I need to tell everyone the reason of her hatredness... (confident tone)

Soon he left the room n went to the garden where everyone was sitting... he went n sat with them but was quite n was thinking deeply... everyone saw that n signalled each other to ask him... after a while shivam asked him...

Shivam: bhai...

Sanskar: no reponse

Shivam: bhai... bhai... (a little loud)

Sanskar: ya shivam... n why r u shouting???

Shivam: I was shouting??? Nvrm leave that where were u lost???

sanskar: nothing...

Karan: bhai don't hide... tell us... we will help u... is it about Bhabhi???

sanskar: yes... its about swara... I found out about why she hates me... (plain tone)


Sanskar: but before that... viren and yuvi I have asked u to find about shekar n sharmishta daughters... did u get any info about them???

Yuvi: no bhai... everytime we think we got to them but it turns out to be a dead end...

Jeevika: but why r u asking about it now???

Sanskar: cuz I found them???

Twinkle: what... than where are they???

Sanskar: in front of us all the while... but we fail to identify them...

Shivam: what do u mean???

Sanskar: shekar n sharmishta gadodia daughters are none other than my wife swara n her sister Uttara... (said blankly)

All (shocked): WHAT!!!! ARE U SERIOUS???

Sanskar: yes, they are none other than swara n Uttara, they are the daughters of famous social workers shekar n sharmishta gododia... n are the sole owners of swattara NGO...

Sanskar than narrated the past to all of them... all were utterly shocked to know that she used to love sanskar n her parents supporting her love too... another shocker was she had a misunderstanding about the situation...

Karan: she actually loved u by ur acts n not by ur money or looks... (shocked)

Shivam: ya... n she is the owner of the NGO, yet she hided her identity cuz of her sister...

Viren: but u have to tell her what actually happened that night...

All: yes... she has to know what actually really happen that night...

Sanskar: she will not believe this easily... she needs proof... n where r we gonna get that... (smiles sadly)

Jeevika: but u guys have to find the proof fast... if not she will kill her soul more n more cuz she loves u a lot but she is hurting herself due to the half truth... (worried tone)

Twinkle: yes... I will not let her harm herself more due to that... I don't care from where u guys will find the proof but do it fast before she will decide to kill herself for sure due to this pain... no matter what... even though she wants to take revenge... but she can't take it hurting u.... (worried n crying) pls safe her before she does something else... yuvi... pls u atleast do something... I can't see Bhabhi carrying so much pain...

Yuvi: ok baby... we will do something about it... for now u stop crying... (wipes her tears) n lets think of something...

Sanskar: whatever we r doing we have to do fast... before she does something wrong... (worried n determined tone)

Precap: the actual truth... n truth revelation to swara... (maybe)

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