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Bella's P.O.V

I woke up today by the sound of people talking.It's like so many people talking.I am confused and afraid cause the only people that live in this house is me and Jimin.And Jimin never bought anybody here.Hmm..

I then decided to just shrugged it off.Maybe Jimin is watching the television loudly.I then went to the bathroom to take my bath.I changed into a pair of skinny jeans and a sweatshirt that said 'I Like You' .I just put my hair in a messy bun.I can still hear the sound of people talking downstairs.Is it the television?And if it is,why does it so loud?And usually Jimin didn't wake up this early...

I then decided to go downstairs."Jimin?!"I shouted then suddenly,there's no more sound of people talking.I look downstairs and was surprised.

Jimin's P.O.V

"Urgh..."I groaned at the sound of my phone ringing.What time is it now?Why would someone called me at this early morning?I ignored it and go back to sleep.Then my phone started to ring again.I then picked up the call without looking at the caller ID."Hello?"I said still half asleep.

"Yah!Jimin!Where are you?!"I hear someone shouted.

"Who's this?"I said still half asleep."Yah!it's me!"I listen to voice again and it sounds familiar.It's Jin hyung.

"Oh hyung!What is it?Why call me at this time?it's still early in the morning.I promise I'll go to the studio at 12 in the afternoon,"I said rubbing my eyes."No!that's not it.I called you cause we need an explanation,"

"Explanation?What explanation? And who we?"I said confused."About yesterday.The girl,"Jin replied.

"Oh...Can't you guys wait 'till afternoon?Why now?It still early and I'm sleepy,"I said yawning.I'm still sleepy.Last night me and Bella watch movie 'till like 3 a.m."I'm sorry,chimchim but Bang PD,the fans and all other people won't stop asking question about it.Bang PD asked us to go to your house and talked to you about that,"

"Wait what?!My house?When?!!"I started to freak out.Gosh,why can't they just wait.

"We're about to go to your house.The boys is getting ready.Bang PD is coming too,"Jin hyung replied."What??!!"I am freaking out right now.

"Yes,chimchim.You heard me.Now I gotta go cause Namjoon calling me.See you there!"With that Jin ended the call.

Okay..Jimin...you got this...everything's gonna be okay.It was YOUR idea to bring Bella out to public so,now you need to tell everyone who she is...

"You got this.."I said to myself.I then went to my bathroom to take my shower.After changing,I then went downstairs.But before I went downstairs,I decided to go to Bella's room.I opened the door to her room and see that she's still sleeping.I then walked to her bed and sit on the bed.

"I hope I'm doing the right thing.."I said as I stroked her hair softly.I then leave her bedroom and went downstairs.I was about to go to the kitchen when suddenly I heard a loud noise from the front door.

"Yah!ring the bell you pabo!"I heard someone shouted.It's Suga hyung.

"But what if this is not his house?We're going to get trouble for waking people up at this early morning,"Another person said.It sounds like Namjoon.

"I know it's his house.Just ring the bell,"That sounds like Bang PD.

I then walked to the front door and opened the door.By looking at their expression,I can see that they're shocked."Hi!Welcome to my house.Come in,"I just laughed at their reaction and invited them in.

"Wow,you got a nice house hyung!"Jungkook said as they walked in my house.I just laughed and asked them to sit on the couch.

"Do you guys want anything to drink?I'll make it,"I offered standing up."No,it's okay.We're planning to eat breakfast outside after this,"Bang PD said.

"Oh,okay.."I said then sitting next to Taehyung."So,we came here to talk about the girl,"Bang PD said seriously.I just nodded and smile.

"Who is she?"Namjoon suddenly asked."Is she your girlfriend?!"Jhope said.

I looked at Bang PD and saw that he's smiling.Bang PD know who the girl is.I've told him about Bella being my daughter and living in the house.Then why he brought the boys here?

"The girl,she's my daughter,"I said calmly.

The boys reaction is priceless."What??!"Namjoon and Jhope shouted."Daughter??!You didn't even have a girlfriend!"Jin said."Wait?!Did I heard you right?Daughter?!!"Suga said."Isn't she's too old to be your daughter?"Jungkook said."She's kinda hot by what I saw in the pictures,"Taehyung said.

"Calm down boys.Let Jimin explained"Bang PD said calmly.The boys then keep quiet and looked at me.

I then explained to them all of it.I told them how I met Bella and her mum,how her mum asked me to be her father and all of that.I also told them that I've told Bang PD about all this,that's why I can live in this house.

"Oh,so then you decided to bring her to public?"Jungkook asked."Yes.."I answered calmly."Bang PD knows about this.Why didn't you tell us then?!"Namjoon said to Bang PD and Bang PD just smirked.

"Cause I told him not too.I didn't want anybody to know about it at first,"I said smiling.

The boys then keep asking me question about Bella.It is really loud cause they're like talking really loud.

"Jimin?!"I heard someone shouted from upstairs.The boys also heard it causing them suddenly shut up.Oh man,I forget to tell them that Bella's here.And I also didn't told Bella about that.Oh man...

Bella looked downstairs and I can see by her expression,she's surprised.Really surprised.

"Oh,h-hi Bella,"I said stuttering.

She seems still in shocked.

"W-who is this guys?"Bella said slowly.



It's my first time writing author p.o.v like this in this story.I just wanna say I enjoy writing this story!I hope you guys out there would enjoy reading it too.Give this book some loves and tell your friends about this book.I would really love you if you do that.So maybe that's all for now.Keep reading this book cause there's a lot more about to come ;)

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