Chapter 4

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Camille was in her room, lying on her bed and looking up the ceiling, tossing and turning. She was lost of words admitting she could elope to Paris, preoccupied opposing her fiancé devoid of announcing to him about it. She sighed, grabbed her phone and runged up Amy's number for guidance. It was around one in the morning and everybody was preliminary in bed, slumbering. 

She bided her time for Amy's reply instead undisturbed; she did not become proficient to pick up her call. Camille lamented and began mulling over what she had to do. She got up and scurried to pack her bags. She was over with keeping her ears open to her mother's haughty orders about the wedding. 

At first, she started off by collecting her beauty products and garments as she stationed them in a small-sized suitcase. Then, she personalized into her light blue floral strap dress and distinct to put her hair into a loose ponytail. 

"There! That should do it." She said softly as she fastened her suitcase pridefully.

Camille wound up at her chest of drawers and pulled out her passport and a little amount of currency that she had been storing especially for about seven years. She grasped them in her hands and shoved them in her purse after which she went to her desk and decided to scribble a note for her parents that said: 

"Dear Mom and Dad, 

The reason I wrote this letter is because I love you and I don't want you to get under stress about me. I'm a grown up and I can very well look after myself, and the cause that I turned my back on is owing to the fact I have countless things going through my head. You might not notice it right at this time, although I'm making the right choice. Elias is an obedient man, but I don't want to live the lies anymore. I don't worship him. Hopefully you comprehend what I resist to convey to you. I love you both immensely and I hope to see you soon. 



Camille took an envelope out and placed the piece of paper inside it. She sealed the envelope and wrote 'To Mom and Dad' in big, italic letters. She rose and went downstairs to the entrance door, little by little as she attempted not to wake anyone up. Once she got to the front door, she slipped the red velvet envelope amongst the books on the bookshelves.Then she steadily left the place and sighed.

"I'll miss you!" She proclaimed as she regarded her home and resisted to overlook the fact she'll never find that kind of warmth that she found in this place. A tear glistened on her cheek as she wiped it from the sleeve of her shirt and turned around, hoping to never see this place again. 

She started strolling towards the taxi stand near their home with the suitcase in her hand. She caught sight of the deserted streets of Creston all quiet and peaceful. She continued in her tracks and sat down at the taxi stand, hoping for a cab to get her. 

Camille withdrawn her phone and texted Amy about her abandoning the town forever. As she was staring at her phone, a vehicle pulled up next to the stand. 

"Miss, do you need a ride?" A man lowered the window of his car asked in a kind-hearted way, flashing a bright smile at her. 

"Yes. Can you take me to the airport?" 

"Certainly, miss." He said in a refined tone. 

"Thank you!" She replied. 

She got into the vehicle after placing her suitcase in the trunk of the cab, and drove her to the airport. 

"Dear lord! Where are you going with such a big suitcase? Are you moving?" The man looked at her through the interior mirror, dumbfounded. 

"Kind of. I'm going for a rejuvenation journey, thereby Lord knows exactly how long that will bring." She smiled faintly. 

"Ah! I went on such a journey once. I can't now as I'm married and have 2 kids. It's not that I am not grateful for having them. They are beautiful, both my children and my wife." He explained himself defensively. 

"What time does your flight leave?" He asked her, peculiar whereas concentrating on the freeway. 

"My flight leaves at four in the morning." She replied, skittishly. She realized it was the right thing to do, but she couldn't help but dispute her determination.

As they were chattering, they reached their destination. 

"I think you can drop me here. Thank you for the ride!"

"Let me give you a hand with your baggage, miss." He offered like a gentleman. 

"There's no need for you to do that, but thank you for proposing. Here." She grinned as she paid the essential. He took the cash with a smile and left the pavement hastily.

Camille wandered into the airport through the entrance, and instantly dashed off to the counter to check in her baggage. She waited tenaciously, and ultimately it was her turn. 

"Next. Hello! May I please observe your passport?" The counter lady inquired in a pleasant tone. 

"Yeah!" She answered and revealed the lady her passport. 

As she was expecting for her passport to examine, her cell phone vibrates. She took her phone out and rummaged through the notifications. Amy had replied to her texts saying: 

"Did you take your charger?" 

"I did." Camille replied.

"Do you have the mosquito repellent?"

"No. You know they sell those things in Paris, right?"

"I do. I'm just looking out for you, alright? I'm deeply concerned toward you."

"I'm going to be fine. In fact, I've never been better."

"Give me daily updates."

"I'll surely do that." Camille responded as she put her phone back into her pocket.

"Excuse me, miss! Here's your passport and your boarding pass. Can you please place your baggage on the conveyor?" She questioned warmly. 

She placed the baggage on the transporter as the woman positioned a tag on her baggage and let go of her suitcase. 

"Have a nice flight." She twinkled graciously.

Camille moved away and grabbed a seat at the bench close to a restaurant. She plugged in her earphones and began listening to her playlist. Shortly, she fell asleep.


"Ladies and gentlemen Flight AF8980 to Paris, France is straightaway available for boarding. Please approach Gate C for departure. Thank you!" The PA system announced loudly. 

Camille woke up to the sound of the announcement for her flight. She looked at the clock and it was five minutes to four. She cast aside her earphones in her bag. 

She quickly zipped up her bag and ran to the designated terminal. As she got to the gate, she could see people about to head into the aircraft. She pulled out her boarding pass, hoping she'd get a window seat. 

"Hello, miss! May I see your flight ticket?" The air-hostess asked with an English accent. Camille submitted her ticket. She examined the details and ripped the plane ticket into two required pieces. She entered the airplane sluggishly.

Camille searched for her seat and got comfortable in it as soon as she found it. It was a window seat after all. She couldn't believe she did this on her own. She had been a grown adult being puppeteered by her parents for many years, and she had never felt so alive before. 

She fastened her seatbelt and looked out the plane window nervelessly. As everyone got into the aircraft, the place started to feel way more silent. 

The pilot began to make an announcement: 

"Bonjour Mesdames et Messieurs! Au nom d'Air France, j'ai le plaisir de vous accueillir à bord du vol AF8980 avec service vers Paris et service continu vers la France. La réglementation fédérale exige que les bagages à main soient rangés avant la fermeture de la porte de l'avion." 

 "Vos bagages peuvent être placés dans un compartiment supérieur ou sous votre siège. Soyez prudent lorsque vous placez des articles ou les retirez du compartiment supérieur, et faites-nous savoir si nous pouvons vous aider. Afin d'accélérer le processus d'embarquement, veuillez vous asseoir  le plus rapidement possible après avoir rangé vos bagages à main. Prenez un moment pour consulter la carte «Consignes de sécurité» dans la poche de votre siège.

Then the pilot continue to speak in English:

"Good morning ladies and gentlemen! On behalf of Air France, it is my pleasure to welcome you aboard flight AF8980 with service to Paris, and continuing service to France. Federal regulations require that carry-on items are stowed prior to closing the aircraft door." The pilot promulgated.

"Your luggage may be placed in an overhead compartment or beneath your seat. Use caution when placing items in or removing them from the overhead compartment, and let us know if we may assist you. In order to expedite the boarding process, please be seated as quickly as possible after stowing your carry-on items. Take a moment to review the "Safety Instructions" card in your seat pocket." They added.

Camille began to feel giddy and unrestrained. She couldn't be pleased. She plugged in her earphones to avoid the earache during takeoff. As she was about to do anything a woman sauntered next to her, offering her snacks and drinks. 

"Bonjour, mademoiselle! Would you be interested in any complimentary snacks or drinks?" She wondered in a genteel French accent. 

"Bonjour, what are you serving today?" 

"We serve light snacks such as a croissant with butter and jam, alongside couscous with grilled chicken, and a croissant tuna filled sandwich. What would you like to have?" she desired amiably.

"I think I'll have the couscous with grilled chicken s'il vous plait. Merci!" Camille supplicated to the woman. 

"Of course! Here you go, and what would you like to drink? We have Mont Blanc, apple juice, orange juice and for dessert some bonbons." 

"I'll have a glass of apple juice please ." Camille requested splendidly

"Voila! Bon appétit." She said as she handed Camille a glass of apple juice and she walked away. 

“Merci beaucoup…” she said in a gentle voice. 

Camille looked at her choice of food and decided to have a bite. First of all, she grabbed a bite of her grilled chicken along with some couscous. She turned on her phone to airplane mode and continued to listen to music. The journey to Paris was a lot more serene than she had anticipated.

It seemed sedate and soothing. Her mother would be searching for her in the morning, but by that time she would currently be in Paris, miles away on the basis of her chaotic vitality. It was a conclusion she would always be grateful for. 

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