Chapter 5

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"Mesdames et messieurs, bienvenue à l'aéroport Charles De Gaulle. L'heure locale est de 7h30 et la température est de 23 degrés Fahrenheit.

Pour votre sécurité et votre confort, veuillez rester assis avec votre ceinture de sécurité attachée jusqu'à ce que le commandant de bord éteint le signe. Attachez la ceinture de sécurité. Cela indiquera que nous nous sommes garés à la porte et que vous pouvez vous déplacer en toute sécurité.  À ce moment, vous pouvez utiliser vos téléphones cellulaires si vous le souhaitez.  Les téléphones cellulaires ne peuvent être utilisés qu'une fois que le signe. Attachez la ceinture de sécurité est éteint.

Veuillez vérifier autour de votre siège pour tous les effets personnels que vous avez peut-être apportés à bord avec vous et soyez prudent lorsque vous ouvrez les bacs à bagages, car des articles lourds peuvent s'être déplacés pendant le vol.

Si vous avez besoin d'aide au débarquement, veuillez rester sur votre siège jusqu'à ce que tous les autres passagers aient débarqué. Un de nos membres d'équipage se fera alors un plaisir de vous assister.

Au nom d'Air France, et de tout l'équipage, je tiens à vous remercier de vous joindre à nous pour ce voyage et nous nous réjouissons de vous revoir à bord dans un proche avenir.  Bonne journée et au revoir."

“Ladies and gentlemen welcome to Charles De Gaulle Airport. Local time is 7:30 am and the temperature is 23 degrees Fahrenheit,” the airhostess continued, “For your safety and comfort, please remain seated with your seat belt fastened until the Captain turns off the Fasten Seat Belt sign. This will indicate that we have parked at the gate and that it is safe for you to move about. At this time, you may use your cell phone once the Fasten Seat Belt sign has been turned off.

Please check around your seat for any personal belongings you may have brought on board with you and please use caution when opening the overhead bins, as heavy articles may have shifted around during the flight. If you require deplaning assistance, please remain in your seat until all other passengers have deplaned. One of our crew members will then be pleased to assist you.

On behalf of Air France, and the entire crew, I'd like to thank you for joining us on this trip and we are looking forward to seeing you on board again in the near future. Bonne journée et au revoir."

Camille breathed as she woke up from her deep slumber and peeped the window, enthusiastically. She looked so bubbly and ecstatic at the same time. As the vehicle came to a halt, she instantly got up from her seat and went forthright out of the aircraft before anyone did. She thanked the stewardess and bolted out the entrance. 

She got in line at the immigration and waited around for her turn resolutely. As she was waiting for the line to shift, she switched on her cell phone and texted Amy to mention that she made it to Paris. "Hey, Amy, just to keep you informed that I previously landed in Paris." she put away her phone back in her coat pocket and faced the line. It was finally her turn. 

"Prochain!" the officer called, waving his hand at her. She aimed at him and lent him her passport. "Bonjour, mademoiselle." he said flashing a toothy grin at her. 

"Bonjour, Monsieur..." She replied with a big smile on her face. "Ok, voici votre passeport. Bienvenue à Paris. À bientôt!" He said in a proud voice. 

"Merci!" she replied as she walked towards the exit. 

As the immigration check was settled, Camille went to the baggage claim to collect her suitcase. She strolled to Carousel C to wait for her baggage to come out. Then, her cell phone buzzed. She pulled out her phone and looked at her notifications. Amy had replied to her text. "That's great. Cam. Thank you for informing me. Take care." 

She got her belongings and exited the airport with glee. She went to the taxi stand to get herself a taxi. "Bonjour mademoiselle avez-vous besoin d'un tour?" the young French man asked in a raspy French voice. 

"Bonjour Monsieur. Pouvez-vous me conduire au Montmartre s' il vous plait?" she asked in a sweet voice. 

"Bien sûr hop je vais vous y conduire mademoiselle." He said as he facilitated her with her baggages and got into the driver's seat. He put on his cap and began driving to her said location. The man stared at her through the rearview mirror and decided to have a conversation. "Alors mademoiselle, est-ce votre première fois à Paris?" the man asked in a polite tone. 

"Non, pas du tout, c'est en fait ma sixième visite ici. La dernière fois que je suis arrivé ici, c'était en 2015. Je suis venu ici pour de courtes vacances avec mes parents." she smiled beautifully. 

"Et sont-ils également en train de suivre?" The taxi driver asked, drawing on the route thoroughly. "Non c'est juste moi seule." she chuckled softly. 

"Oh je vois. Avez-vous apprécié Paris ces derniers temps lorsque vous êtes arrivé ici?" 

"Oui. J'adore les petits cafés et la Tour Eiffel. J'adore tout à ce sujet. C'est tellement romantique." she grinned softly. 

"Tu sais ce qu'ils disent c'est la ville de l'amour." she said looking out the window. 

"Absolument." the man replied softly. 

"Ok je pense que nous sommes ici. Avez-vous besoin d'aide avec vos sacs chérié?" The taxi driver asked in a sweet tone. 

"Bien sûr, merci beaucoup Monsieur!" she grinned and proceeded to the entrance of the apartment steadily.

"Mille fois merci Monsieur, a tout à l'heure..." she waves her hand and reaches out to the building before her. Camille sauntered inside the building and explored the little apartment vehemently. She walked past a house-keeper and determined to greet her. “Bonjour.” she answered in a polite voice. The housekeeper grinned and nodded softly then she continued with her chores. The place was quite hoary and narrow. Just what she thought a Parisian apartment should be. 

As Camille was occupied with the beauty of the apartment, a grand young French man came up to her with a grin on his face. “Bonjour, comment puis-je vous aider?” the man asked attentively, shoving his arms behind his back like a proper gentleman. Camille turned around and beamed, she turned to the man before her and answered “ Bonjour. Oui, s'il vous plaît…" She replied as she followed the man upstairs to her apartment. "Excusez-moi, monsieur, parlez vous anglais?” she asked respectfully to the man carrying her bags. 

“Yes, I do speak English. But not frequently.” he said walking to another flight of stairs sluggishly. 

“Where are you from?” the man asked probably in a gorgeous French accent leading her up the stairs. “I’m from the States… Came here to study abroad.” she smirked eagerly. Though she lied, she was actually running away from home to avoid the marriage to her fiance. 

“Ah, that’s such exciting news. Bienvenüe á Paris.” he replied courteously. 

"Merci…" she replied in a soft tone. 

The man finally stopped in his tracks and came face-to-face to a door that leads to a small room. He slowly unlocked the door open and cautiously stepped in the tiny room with Camille.

“Voila! La chambre de bonne. It’s a room for the housekeeper.” he supposed as he set down her baggage on the ground. “It’s so gorgeous.” she said as she looked around the place in astonishment. She walked to the window and drew the curtains open to admire the scenery of Paris. 

“This is amazing. I really miss this view so much. Glad to be back.” she smiled as she turned to the man zestfully. "Indeed. There's also a small café shop downstairs if you feel like having coffee." the man said satisfyingly. 

"Come on, your apartment it's just upstairs on the fifth floor." he said as he started lifting her bags again and went upstairs to her real apartment floor. "Merci." she replied and followed him up the stairs again. He went to the left direction and set the bags on the floor. The man helped her unlock the door and stepped into the fully furnished apartment. 

"Voila. I hope you love how it looks. It's quite small yet it’s comfortable. You also got to see the view of the Tour Eiffel from here. The kitchen’s over here.” he instructed walking into the tiny kitchen amazed.  “Well, this is incredible. I love how it’s beautifully decorated." she grinned softly.

“Merci pour tout. Monsieur!” she thanked him relieved. 

“De rien.” he grinned as he steadily walked out the door. 

“Attends, Monsieur! Combien?" she asked searching for the right amount of money to give the man. “20 euros c’est assez…” the man replied with a generous grin. “Etes-vous sûr Monsieur?”  she asked, raising her eyebrows at him shocked. 

“Ouais. Je suis sûr." he beamed graciously.

"Très bien. Te voilà! Je te donne 20 euros.” she grinned as she lent the concierge the exact amount of money. “Merci Mademoiselle.” He said as he began to leave the room. “Je vous remercie pour votre aide. Au revoir monsieur, bonne journée." she wave brightly to the man.

“Bien sûr, pas de problème salut!” He twinkled gladly at her and left. 

“Salut!” she waved graciously at the man and gradually shut the door behind her. 

She sighed and went to her simple bedroom and stared at the balcony. The other side of her bedroom was the Eiffel Tower. Camille grinned and began to unpack her belongings. At that point of time she began hanging her clothes in the closet and filled the drawers with her things. As she was finished unpacking, she manifested to analyze the city a little bit. 

Camille habitually wore her jacket and exited the door. She went down the stairs and out the apartment with pure bliss. 

She decided to take a cab to drive her to the Pont Des Arts. Camille got into the vehicle and flashed a polite smile at the man. “Bonjour Monsieur, emmène-moi au Pont Des Arts sil’ te plait.” she asked the driver whilst beaming. 

“Oui, Mademoiselle…” he nodded and started to drive her to her said point. As the vehicle was moving she took a deep breath and sighed enjoying her new life in Paris. She looked out the window and smiled. A couple of minutes later, she arrived at her location. 

"Merci beaucoup Monsieur… Bonne journée."  

She began sauntering on the bridge and stopped in her tracks admiring the view of The Seine River. She sighed and took a break, clearing out all the toxic and negative thoughts out of her mind. She caught a glimpse of the Eiffel Tower and smiled widely, couldn’t imagine she was really here primarily.

A few minutes later, she leisurely paced to the beautiful weeping willow tree and sat on the bench, hoping a majority of her heart’s desire would appear searching for her. She plugged her headphones and resolutely listened to James Taylor. 

Meanwhile, Camille crossed beneath the Pont Neuf, the oldest existing bridge of Paris. On the other end of the bridge stood the statue of  Henry IV, and the house buildings facing south in the Ile de la Cite. 

Before heading north, she continued in her tracks in the left bank towards Saint-Germain wherefore she rode a bike with a pair of huge sunglasses and a red floral skirt. 

Continuing in a good mood, she arrived before Cafe La Palette to appropriate herself with some coffee to lighten up the mood. 

She parked her bike next to a boulangerie and entered the rather bustling coffee shop discreetly. She inspected the others in the cafe completely rejoicing their drink and discussing businesses, office work, et cetera. Camille roamed to the counter to order a cup of cappuccino for herself. She stood back a guy who was tied up watching French videos on his phone. She pulled out her purse and searched for some sufficient change for her budgeting. 

“Prochain!” the barista woman called out softly. Camille looked up at her and gave her a warm smile. “Bonjour que souhaitez-vous avoir?” she asked in a genteel voice. 

“Bonjour, je vais prendre un cappuccino s'il vous plaît.” she asked gently to the woman behind the counter. 

“Ce sera tout?” the woman asked looking up at her. 

“Oui, c’est tout, merci. Combien coûte?" she questioned extracting a quantity of money out from her bag. 

“Ce sera 5.90 euros s'il' vous plaît.” she beamed lightly. 

“Ok. voilà,” she grinned as she gave the woman the precise total of cash. 

“Merci.” she said as she took the right amount of cash from Camille courteously. 

"Nous enverrons la boisson dans peu de temps." the woman grinned, softly. 

"Ok…" she said as she left the counter and decided to have a seat near an open window. She pulled her little notebook out from her bag and decided to sketch a few drawings she had in mind while patiently waiting for her order to arrive. 

On the other side of the cafe sat a group of French women tell tales about their faithful love whilst fuming on their cigarettes and sipping on their caffeine perhaps pleasuring their time conversing with each other. 

Camille went back to her sketching and sighed softly. A few minutes later, her cappuccino showed up at her table. “Merci…” she said as the waiter smiled and went back to work. She took a break from sketching and ponderously took a gentle sip of her cup of cappuccino. In a matter of minutes she continued to sketch on her half-done drawing of the Eiffel Tower. Several minutes later, she had completed a full sketch of the picture and took another sip of her drink. Once she finished drinking the last sip of her coffee, she got up and left the cafe quietly. “Merci beaucoup.” she said as she exited the cafe in silence. 

“Reviens un autre jour.” the waiter answered in a polite tone. 

“Bien sûr, peut-être un jour. Au revoir.” she said as she flashed the man a sweet smile on her face.   

“A bientot.” he waved and began to clean her table quietly.  

Camille got onto her bike and cycled to a close pastry shop from her apartment. She thought about getting some French pastries for herself. Soon she reached before Le Moulin de la Vierge to come by several berry pastries she wished to devour. 

She positioned her bike in front of the Patisserie and entered the lively pastry shop. Camille breathed and took off her sunglasses stunned by the entirety of customers queued up to take their orders. She got in line secretly and waited for her turn. While she waited for her turn, she went examining the pastry box intriguing with the variety of different sorts of pastries. When she caught a glimpse of the one she liked best it’s none other than their well-known tarte aux framboises. She beamed and decided to wait in line persistently. 

A little while it was her turn after all. The bakester caught her eye and welcomed her with a smile. “Bonjour, Madame. J'aimerais une tarte aux framboises s' il vous plait!” she twinkled softly at the bakester. 

“Bien sûr, chérie. C’est tout?” she asked urbane. 

“Oui c'est tout pour le moment merci.” she said sniffing out her bag to search for some change to pay for the tart.

“Ok, ce sera 7.90 euros s'il' vous plaît."

Camille nodded and gave the perfect amount of money to the woman. She generously accepts the value of cash and provides the tart to her. 

“Voila, voici ta tarte.” she stated contentedly. 

“Merci.” she grinned considerately. 

Camille took the tart from the woman and left to find a place to sit in the room packed with people everywhere. She noticed an empty seat between the two tables on the left. She sauntered to the table and sat quietly whilst devouring her tart.Camille took a raspberry and lazily popped it in her mouth relishing the taste of the pastry itself. 

Shortly afterwards she left the patisserie and got on her bike steadily. She resolved to go to Palais Royal to take a stroll to investigate the place one brief moment. 

A couple minutes later, she reached Palais Royal grounds and stationed her bike against a wall next to a store. 

Camille exceeded to the other side of the corner to make it to the other side of the road.

Camille grinned and walked towards a bench surrounded by flowers. She took a seat and breathed lightly enjoying her moment in Paris. She took out her journal from her bag and began to write about her day. 



June 13th, 2017

Dear Diary, 

You’ll never guess what I have determined to fulfill. Last night I started to escape from home to be a part of my mother. She endured demanding me to wed someone I didn't even know. She hardly realizes my feelings of passion and hatred. I’m sick and exhausted of listening to her niggling about the visionary wedding with my so-called fiance Elias whom I don’t have a heart to marry. He is not my choice. 

But I would like to say thank you for comforting me like no one ever did. You listened to me patiently without judgements. You were there when everyone else was busy in their own life, not willing to listen to me. There is some magic in you! Many times you were the one who took me out of the labyrinth of my messed up life. You have witnessed my tears, my depression and my deepest fears. You replaced the negative energy within me with your positive one. Had not been you, can’t imagine how worse it could have been. 

One day, I foretell myself to find a better spouse than Elias. To forevermore be there for me, one step and one breath at a time. I am lost without you, but I’ve decided it’s time for him to find me. Ready or not here I come. If perchance, I feel like a failure to find true love. I just don’t know if he’s interested in the things I love in general. Such as does he have the same music taste as I do? Is he a hopeless romantic like Romeo? And most importantly can he impress me with his brilliant cooking skills like the one and only Cyril Lignac himself? I guess not. Maybe it is part of my imagination. Heavens only knows if he’s out here sneaking out on me. 

I want one of those days that all the great artists write about in their lyrics. One that has a summer romance and friendships that you'll never forget. Filled with memories that warm your heart just thinking about them. With days that you truly believe you'll be young forever. It will come with its own unforgettable moments and mistakes that we'll never learn from. Think of Fete De La Musique or La Marseillaise blasting loud and clear on Bastille Day, midnight kisses from your loved one, the laughter, the smiles and the love. Doesn’t it sound perfect? Can you hear the music playing?

I hope you can understand the emotions of these words that I write to you… This is it. My life has shattered to pieces. It feels as if I am here invisible. My soul feels heavy with regret and sorrow. I can no longer sustain the damages let alone heal them. This is the end. Some untold stories feel safe only at your heart. Mornings let go of things I did wrong last day, my packets of happiness will always stay. Some anxiety is just expressed with silence. But it feels better when it gets over with the company of your favourite city. 

That’s why I embarked here, The City of Love. The city is filled with extremely romantic lovers far and wide. In the company of them, life seems sorted and time seems worth it. 

I feel secured from my toxic parents. I didn’t have to worry about anything anymore. You keep secure much of the secrets, feelings, heart-throbs which passed me and my life and are hardly known to anyone. Every single word written holds an importance and speaks everything. 

You hold my feelings, pain so well as I can write that which cannot be told to anyone and no one has the time to listen to what you keep. Thank you for always keeping my secrets well hidden with you… Thank you for letting me rant when my day went awfully bad, thank you for making me feel good when I write something to you… You have been my best friend for years and never have expected anything from me, for you I might be another crying soul, but for me you will forever be a precious part of my forsaken life. 

Thank you for being my companion whenever I needed someone… Thank you for keeping my feelings inside you… Thank you for never asking any questions and for never judging me… Thank you for making me believe that I can express my feelings through my writing. 

Your last pages teach me life is more about love and happiness, this year made me heartless and cold hearted. I know I displaced ink over you with my tears but it’s okay to wipe or wash it with tears because no one deserves your story. This year taught me to always carry a mask of happiness. This mask helps you to answer so many personal questions.   

I am learning to trust the journey, even when I do not understand it. I suppose that this is the end of my entry writing to you. I hope you’re doing fine and I hope to write to you again soon. Bye! 



She shut the journal and kept it back in her bag. Camille looked up at the sky and breathed softly. She observed the time on her wrist watch and the time was a quarter past six. She should have been home by now. Camille left the place and got back onto her bike. She cycled and reverted to her apartment safely. A few minutes later, she stopped cycling and got off from her bike strolling in rue de Beaujolais to walk back home. Her apartment was located behind Sacre Coeur. A couple minutes later, she showed up in front of her apartment. Camille parked her bike against the fence and chained it for safety. 

She entered her apartment building and went up the narrow flights of stairs. She got on the fourth floor of her apartment and unexpectedly encountered some of her French neighbors downstairs. “Bonsoir,” she said in a calm voice. “Bonsoir…” they replied with a grin. 

She smiled and continued walking up the stairs. A few moments later, She reached her apartment floor. Camille went to the left direction and unlocked her door stepping into her petty apartment. She said and slumped onto her small bed. “What an exhausted day.” she muttered lying on her pillow with a sigh. She lied there approximately for 15 minutes and immediately went to take a shower. 

Camille was on her bed face timing Amy on FaceTime. "So, what have you been doing today?” Amy asked over the line wondering. 

“Ah, you know… I’ve decided to check out the city a little bit. It’s quite fascinating. It’s different in comparison to the United States."

“Fair enough. Did you meet any French beau that would cause you melt to the core?” Amy winked 

"No, not yet. I don’t reckon that it’s the right time to find the one. I still got some time.” she grinned at her friend on the computer screen. “Why’d you ask?” she smirked getting herself some water from the kitchen. “Nothing, just wondering. Don’t worry Camille, you’ll find him someday. A handsome young French man who you always desire. Doesn’t matter if he serves as a pastry chef, a musician, a photographer et cetera. I’m pretty sure that he’s gonna be an idealistic man just like you fantasized everyday.” Amy said as she gave her a huge smile on her face. 

"Yeah, I guess you're right Amy, maybe he’s out there in Paris." she said calmly sipping on her glass of water. 

“Yup. So, what are you going to do since you’re staying in Paris for a while?” Amy asked as she slowly blew out her bowl of ramen. 

"Well. I was thinking of getting a job. What do you think, Amy?” she asked politely to her dear friend. 

“I think that’s a splendid idea, Camille. At least you have something to do. I guess you should get a job in the meantime.”

“Yeah. I was thinking the same thing too.” she grinned lying on her bed with the computer facing her face. 

“Do you have in mind where to go to work in France?” Amy asked, sweetly. 

“I have no idea yet, but if I get a job, I will surely inform you.” Camille smiled. 

“Thanks, Cam… you’re a true friend.” Amy said grinning from ear-to-ear. 

"Don't mention it, Ames. You are like a sister to me." she said tranquilly. 

"Aww, that's so sweet of you Cam." she grinned softly, most likely going red.

Camille simply chuckled and glanced at the time before her and it read 10pm. 

"Okay, Ames, I think I should go, it's getting late. Good night Amy." Camille said as she launched to sign off. "Sleep tight Cam." Then the screen went dark. She shut her computer and placed it on the desk in her small bedroom. She got into the covers and slowly drifted off dreaming of her true romance. 

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