Chapter 7

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The light of dawn seeped into Camille’s small room. She rubbed her bleary eyes and looked out the huge windowpane. There was a glow in the sky.

“Bonjour Paris…” she grinned and got up, threw the covers to the side and stepped foot on the floor but then she jumped back in bed realizing it’s goddamn chilly.

In that case, what she did was covering herself up with her white duvet and slipped on her comfortable fuzzy pink slippers. Next thing she does is trudge to her tiny apartment bathroom and take a quick shower as well as brushing her teeth, and groom her tangled hair before she blows dry it.

Camille instantly wore her robe and marched straight to the constricted kitchen slowly but surely. She gripped on an apple from the fruit bowl and took a decent bite. Eventually she leaned against the counter and sighed whilst chewing on her fruit. Unexpectedly, she received a phone call from Amy. Camille swiftly answered the call at once.

"Hey bestie, what's up?" Amy questioned over the line optimistically.

"Nothing in particular, all is well. How about you?" she wondered, sitting at the table near her bed.

"Same here. I need some advice... Dating advice." Amy requested bashfully.

"Amy, I've never dated anyone before. I have no idea where to begin. My parents are meticulous when it comes to dating." She mentioned over the phone that the topic they were discussing about gives her the heebie-jeebies.

"Woah, Cam take a chill pill. I was just asking for advice. Not to demand you to fuck some French guy in the streets that's insane." Amy exclaimed incoherently as she added a few jokes on her.

"Ha, ha, ha...! You're hilarious." Camille laughed as she obtained the ludicrous hoax Amy was telling her about earlier.

"So what do you need?" She was trying her best to act casual.

"Do you remember Lucas Thompson, the quarterback I admired back in high school, the one who slept with several cheerleaders and called me a wimp in ninth grade?"

Camille went silent for a moment to memorize the boy's characteristics in her head. After she finally recognized the male's current features, she grinned softly. "Oh yeah, that stud from chemistry class! What's up with him?" she demanded obscurely.

“Well he asked me out on a date last night and I couldn’t deny his overture apart from admitting his benefaction. As a result, I said yes. And this weekend he decided to bring me to a Jason Mraz concert which I absolutely love.” Amy squealed absurdly.

“That’s great news!" she answered energetically.

Camille glanced at the wall clock and back to her best friend. "Well, I guess I'll text you later Amy.” she stated as she was about to end the conversation summarily.

“Okay Cam. Talk to you later.” She smiled and ended the call without delay.

“Phew. That was close.” she sighed and walked out the door in one go. Camille locked the door behind her and steadily walked to the elevator down the hallway. She pressed the button of the elevator and unassumingly hoped for the lift door to be open. A few seconds ago, she entered the lift laid-back.

As she rode the elevator aloofly, she implicitly spent a few minutes on her phone scrolling through her Instagram newsfeed. At that exact moment, she eccentrically came across a photo of the same guy she recently saw the other day on social media. And this time she was with a girl... or maybe his girlfriend.

Camille stared at the photo on the screen for a couple of minutes and sighed "I wish that was me…" she stated softly.

The elevator stopped on her floor and opened the doors swiftly. Camille stepped off the lift and walked out the apartment ecstatically.

She walked down the spiritless flights of stairs of Montmartre and sauntered to her bike that was securely chained against the metal fence. Camille got onto her bike and cycled to the nearest grocery store close to her apartment. As she was cycling on the route of Paris, she spontaneously plugged in her earphones and listened to some ordinary French music in full swing.

In a matter of minutes, she reached the hypermarket that was found in the center of Sacré-Coeur. She positioned her bike near the store and superficially paced into the quiet place slightingly.

Camille randomly took an empty basket at the entrance and steadily walked to the fruit aisle to purchase some fruits. She grabbed a few apples, pears, oranges and a bunch of bananas from the fruit baskets by chance. Then she continued her tracks to the cereal aisle and grabbed herself a box of Frosties and a carton of milk from the freezer.

She took out her shopping list from her bag and double checked the items she intended to purchase in her hands as still as a mouse. "Let's see if I got everything on the list." she reflected, examining the grocery list vigilantly.

"Fruits, milk, cereal… Tick, tick… eggs, apple juice and last but foremost, cheese and bread. Tick. Tick! Eureka." she smiled and certainly kept her list back in her bag.

Camille paced to the front counter and earnestly set the items she wanted to purchase on the table effectively. "Bonjour Monsieur!" The grocer got up from the stool and began scanning the things in one swoop. While he was preoccupied with his work, he glanced up at Camille and began a small conversation.

"Est-ce que vous habitez où?" The man questioned good-humoredly in a nice voice. "J'habite derrière Sacré-Coeur, je loue un appartement là-bas." she answered with modesty. "Ah, c'est un lieu magnifique." The man replied kindly.

"Où sont vos parents?" he asked as he continued scanning the groceries vehemently.

"Ils ne veulent pas venir. Ils ont beaucoup de travail à faire. Donc c'est juste moi seule." she grinned as she recklessly pulled out her purse and searched for the plentiful amount of money in her bag.

"Oh je suis désolé." the man replied as he was apologizing to her in a considerate way.

"Combien?" she wondered as she was preoccupied with searching for some change with the exact same amount.

D'accord tous vont coûter 39 euros et 50 centimes s'il vous plaît." the man mentioned courteously.

Ok…" she beamed and pulled out the cash from her bag and paid the items meekly.

Shortly thereafter, she collected her things and left the shop smoothly. "Merci Monsieur… bonne journée."

Camille returned to her bike and set the groceries in the bike basket easily. As she was getting ready to cycle back home, a stray abandoned kitten came to her and looked up at her with huge doleful eyes. She looks hesitant and pigeon hearted at the same time.

She gets off her bike and draws her attention to the kitten cause for concern. Camille steadily petted the miserable kitten in small doses. "Hello little one. Are you lost?" she questioned as she continued fondling the tabby in her hands.

The kitten began purring and nuzzling her head against her palm doting by her touch. "Aww, you seem friendly. How about I take you back home to my place?" she asked herself beneficially.

Camille examined her surroundings squeamishly and scooped up the little feline from the ground and gently settled her in the basket. "There you go, little one. You're going home with me." she said as she got onto her bike and cycled back to her apartment.

She arrived at her apartment and went up the narrow staircase. She looked down at her little friend in her arms and gave her a pat on the head. "It's alright little one, we're almost there."

Camille made it to her apartment floor and unlocked the door. Then she placed the groceries on the table and laid the kitten on the floor. "Welcome to your new home! It's quite small for the two of us." she chuckled as she picked up the feline and went to sit on the couch. "Do you have a name, little one?" she asked as she softly stroked the little kitten's fur.

"Hmm, I guess not…" she looks around the room to look for a suitable name for her new friend. Then suddenly she spotted Belle written on the painting on the wall.

She beamed and said "You know, you have beautiful eyes, little one." Surprisingly, an appropriate name had been absorbed in her head.

"I know… what about Belle? Do you like that girl?" she wondered, caressing the kitten's head softly. The kitten cooed and licked her nose with affection.

"Ah, I guess you liked that name. Okay, I think I'll be naming you Belle from now on." she smiled bubbly.

Camille turned on the television and Ratatouille was showing. Belle jumped off the couch and tried to chase the little rodent with her little paws.

She got up and put down Belle on the ground as she grinned softly. "Alright, bedtime. Come on, Belle. Do you want to sleep with me?" She said as she went to her small bed near the open-window.

Camille laid Belle on her small bed and began to change into her pyjamas. Then she brushed her teeth and got into the covers with Belle on her side. "Good night, Belle. I'll see you in the morning." she yawned and slowly fell asleep.

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