Chapter 8

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“Bonjour Belle, are you ready to go to the doctor’s today? Don’t worry little one. It’s going to be okay.” Camille grinned as she scooped up the little kitten in her arms and reluctantly set her in the pet carrier. She casually slipped on her jacket and picked up her cat’s carrier walking down the stairs lifelessly so as not to fall down.

As she made it to the ground floor, she opened the entrance door and walked down Montmartre's mundane stairwell whilst holding the pet carrier in her hands.

A few minutes later, she finally reached the end of the stairs and decided to walk to the veterinarian by foot. She sauntered past a bakery and resolved to buy herself some light breakfast on the way. Camille walked into the bake shop and looked up at the assorted variety of pastries in the pastry box observantly.

"Bonjour. Puis-je vous aider?" The bakester said in a sweet voice.

Camille looked up at her and flashed a warm smile. "Bonjour, Madame. Est-ce que je peux avoir deux pains au chocolat et deux croissants s'il vous plaît?" she demanded in a polite tone.

"Ouais, bien sûr!" she replied as she picked up her orders perkily. "Et voilà! Voici vos pâtisseries chérie." The woman beamed, handing her her pastries in a paper bag precisely.

"Ah, excellente. Combien?" she asked as she took out her purse to pay the woman affirmatively.

"Ce sera 23 euros s'il vous plaît." The woman smiled sweetly behind the counter.

"Ok…" Camille grinned and offered her the right amount of money. "Voila!" she said as she gave her the cash and picked up her pastries on the counter table.

She received her balance from the woman and left the bakery. "Merci beaucoup madame. Au revoir!"  she said as she exited the shop fleetly.

As she was walking to the vet, she took a dense bite of the pastry in her hand and gobbled in her mouth cravingly.

A few minutes later, she reached in front of the clinic with Belle. "Bonjour! J'ai rendez-vous à 8 heures…" she said contentedly to the clerk with felicity.

"Bonjour, quel est le nom de votre animal de compagnie?" The male asked in a deep French voice. "Belle?" she stated in an issue. "Ok. Attendez-vous dans la salle d'attente s'il vous plaît. Le médecin sera bientôt avec toi." he smiled as he got up to send the paperwork to the doctor.

Camille nodded and took a seat next to an empty chair near the counter. She set the carrier on the ground and waited stoically for her turn. She pulled out her phone from her pocket and logged into Instagram whilst waiting for her pet to be called. She scrolled spontaneously on her Instagram newsfeed and liked a few posts in real-time.

"Bonjour! J'ai rendez-vous à 8h30. Ouba?" The male said in a pleasant voice. "Bon, quel est le problème Monsieur?" the clerk questioned calmly. "Mon chien est malade.  Pouvez-vous m'aider s'il vous plaît?" he inquired in a worried tone.

"Attendez-vous dans la salle d'attente s'il vous plaît." The woman beamed kindly at him. "Merci…" he grinned as he sauntered to an empty seat a few meters away from Camille. He settled down and sighed at an easy rate. He glanced at his dog and petted it softly. "Ça va mon ange tout ira bien." he cooed and kissed the dog gently on the head.

Camille glanced at her pet and smiled. "Hang in there, Belle." she said, looking at her from the carrier cage perfectly.

A few minutes later, the door of the doctor's office was wide open. And out walked a tall figure at the door holding a clipboard in his hands. "Belle?" the doctor called out like a dream.

Camille got up from the seat and walked into the doctor's office hastily leaving everything behind. "So, what seems to be the problem?" The doctor interrogated courteously. "So, I found this abandoned kitten in the streets yesterday and she looked injured. She couldn't barely walk properly." She explained to the doctor seriously.

The man began to examine the kitten gently and rub her wounds on her feet carefully so as not to hurt the kitten. The doctor set a plaster on its feet and smiled.

"There you go, you're all set…" the man said gently stroking the kitten's head softly.

"Thank you so much for your help sir." she grinned and put back Belle in the cage securely. She smiled and thanked the doctor as well as exited the door and left the clinic with bliss.

She walked back home and looked down at her cat joyfully. "See... It wasn't that bad, was it Belle?" she beamed walking up the Montmartre's staircase sluggishly.

"How about when we get home, I'll feed you more biscuits later on." she inquired pleasantly. She opened the door to her apartment building and walked up the mind-numbing flight of stairs in the fullness of time.

In spite of climbing up the small Parisian staircase, her cell phone rang. She sighed and stopped in her tracks on the way up answering the call on the spot. "Hello?" she questioned, continuing her tracks to her apartment.

"Hey, bestie… It's me! What's up?" Amy asked through the line happily. "Nothing much, I just got back from the vet. On my way back to my apartment." she said, unlocking her door open and entering the small place tiredly.

"Why?" Amy asked, perplexed.

"Well, it's a long story. I'll tell you when I get the chance." She said placing the carrier on the ground and letting out the cat from the cage.

Camille began taking the cat food out from the cabinet and served the food in the pet bowl then placed it on the kitchen floor.

"Any plans for today?" Amy asked ponderously through the line.

"Nope. But I thought about going to the park with my feline companion tomorrow. Maybe get some fresh air or you know, read a book in the garden I suppose." she shrugged sitting on her bed with Belle guarding her feet.

"That's a marvelous idea." Amy replied courteously.

There was a knock on the door. "Paul, can you get the door please? It must be the cops. They must have found Camille or something." Esther said to her husband as he got up and went to the front door.

"Good evening, Mr. Hathaway. I am Chief Sanders. And this is William. We are from MPDP. May we come in? We need to discuss something important with the two of you." The police officer said in a vibrant voice.

Paul looks at his wife for approval. "Should I let them in, dear?" he questioned worriedly. Esther looked at her husband and nodded. "I'm sorry to trouble you officers. Is there any sign of our daughter? Did you find her yet?"

"I'm afraid not ma'am. But we're still in the process of finding her. The reason why we came here is that we want to ask some questions." The man said as he pulled out his notepad from his belt.

"Please, have a seat." Esther offered. "May I offer you some tea or coffee?" she asked them politely, grabbing the cup from the cupboard.

"No, thank you ma'am. We're good. So, about your daughter, can you describe her for us?" the man suggested writing down the notes in the small notepad.

"Yes, certainly, she has brown eyes, chestnut brown hair and a petite body figure." Paul answered honestly, stirring his cup of coffee. The policeman drew her features on the clipboard confidently. "Mm hm, when did she run away and why?" the man asked in a calm voice.

Esther looks at her husband and back at the policeman with trembling lips then she clears her throat. "The reason is that she could not accept her fiancé. So, she decided to run away without us knowing. But she left a note. I can get it for you if you want to see it." she said truthfully.

"I see… may I see the note?" the policeman offered generously.

"Certainly, I'll be right back." she said as she went upstairs to her daughter's room to fetch the letter.

The policeman waited patiently at the table looking around the room. "My, what a nice tapestry you have there. Where did you get it?" he asked, referring to the wall courteously. Paul looked in the direction and smiled. "I got it on my business trip in Germany." he replied nicely.

"That's very nice." he grinned and waited for Paul's wife to come down. A few minutes ago, she walked down the stairs holding the letter in her hands. "I'm sorry to keep you waiting, officer. Here's the letter." she beamed and lent the letter to the policeman to investigate.

"Alright, thank you, ma'am… we'll be off. Do contact us when you need service." He suggested and went straight to the front door and steadily walked out.

"Thanks again, officers." she waved and glanced over at her husband in despair. "Oh, Paul… this is all my fault. If only she wouldn't run away." Esther said with tears in her eyes, sobbing softly.

"I know honey… be patient, we'll find her soon. Plus, I wonder what Elias is up to right now."

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