Chapter Five

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Night had fallen and we still hadn't reached our destination. Ahsoka had sent me off to bed saying that I couldn't pilot  the ship if I didn't know where we were going. I of course was not happy about that, but quickly complied. At this point I would do anything if it meant finding Ezra. 

I just lay there in the bed though, staring at the bare gray metal walls that reminded me so much of the Imperial Academy. Ez is out there somewhere with Thrawn. Ez, I laughed lightly at the given nickname. Almost a month before Lothal was liberated he had suddenly began to call be Bean. This I of course rejected at first as not even my parents had called be by any sort of nickname. He insisted though and in retaliation I began to call him Ez. The names just stuck I guess. Even though he was who-knows-how-far away he could still make me laugh. Classic Jedi. 

As much as I hated to admit it I was exhausted. My eyelids began to droop and next thing I knew I was back in the Imperial Academy.

"Ketsu?" I called down a long dark hallway. Where was she? We were supposed to escape.

"A little bit louder. I don't think the entire Imperial Academy heard you." Ketsu told me, tapping me on the shoulder from behind. I turned around to glare at her, but she was already walking down the long dark hallway.

Not wanting to be alone, at night, unarmed, and in the middle of the Imperial Academy I quickly raced after her before the shadows completely swallowed her.

A scream.

A blood-curling scream that made the hairs stand up on the back of my neck and made me want to run the other direction. Ketsu. Where had she gone?

Suddenly the shadows moved aside to reveal Thrawn. As the shadows licked at his feet he took a cylinder from his belt, and ignited it. It was a lightsaber, Ezra's lightsaber.

I couldn't move. I couldn't breathe and I couldn't move.

"It's your fault." Thrawn hissed. "You let him crawl through the vents. He didn't stand a chance against me."

I fought back tears. He was right. It was all my fault that Ezra was gone.

Thrawn took another step towards me and held his lightsaber over his head. In slow-motion he swung it down, down towards. I shut my eyes, still unable to move.

Lurching forwards in bed it took everything I had to keep me from screaming. I wiped away the cold sweat on my forehead before getting out of bed. I knew from experience that it was no use trying to back to sleep now.

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