Chapter Four

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This takes place after the very end of Star Wars Rebels. Rewatch the ending if you want to, but this is tied into right after it ends. See the end of the chapter please! Important notice down there!

As I sat in the co-pilot seat of Ahsoka's T-6 shuttle I felt like crying. It had been a month since Hera, Jacen, Zeb, and Kallus had visited, but like all good things, their visit had come to an end after a few days. I hadn't actually gotten the chance at all to see or even communicate with them since them, all of my time and energy had gone into planning with Ahsoka.

The day before she had come to pick me up she said she had received a transmission with a lead on Ezra. What that lead was? Just like Hera when I was sixteen she "Couldn't tell me.". I of course hated this, but if it meant finding Ezra then I would travel to the end of the galaxy.

After eight years of convincing myself that I was fine here I was on the verge of tears, keeping my head tilted far enough to the right so that it looked like I was watching the lights of hyperspace, but so Ahsoka couldn't see my face. It was a very thin range and I was scared that if I even moved an inch my attempt at a cover would be blown.

After traveling in uncomfortable silence for half an hour was when it really hit me. I didn't even know Ahsoka that well. Hera and her are good friends, especially since Jacen came along. Zeb and her knew each other of course, but about as much as I did. Kanan and her had been good friends and seemed to have an unspoken mutual connection, like only years of friendship could build. Ezra was, is, good friends with the female Jedi though. If he trusted her so much, then I should too. After coming to what I considered to be a rock solid conclusion I realized that the hairs on the back of my neck were standing up. I knew that it meant that the Togruta piloting the ship was staring at me. Not willing to turn around for fear of her seeing me upset I waited for her to make the first move.

"Sabine can I ask you a question?" I heard her turn to stare back out the window. Her voice was gentle, like she knew I was in the middle of battling my inner conflicts. Then it hit me. She's a Jedi. Of course she can sense my feelings.

"Sure. Fire away." I mumbled back, trying to keep my voice as steady as possible.

"Why did you come to find Ezra?" That threw me off guard.

"I...why wouldn't I?" 

"We all know that Hera and Kanan practically raised you two. Obviously Kanan can't go find Ezra, but how come Ezra's basically adoptive mother and Zeb never tried to find him?"

It was a few seconds before I spoke again.

"They did at first. Eventually everyone else on his case gave up after a few months. Nothing ever seemed to turn up and it seemed pointless to continue searching if there was nothing to be found. I know he's alive though. I've always have. He's out there somewhere and I'm not going to stop searching until I find him."

"That's not exactly what I meant and you know it."

I sighed. She had trapped me in a corner. Turning to face her she continued.

"Why is Ezra so important to you?"

"He told me that he's counting on me. I...he's my best friend."

Ahsoka gave a slight sigh of annoyance. "Some things never change. You're still as stubborn as you were when we first met."

"He's my best friend. Nothing more, nothing less." I knew that was a lie. He was everything to me. My entire world. He was always there for me and now I planned to be there for him. I still felt guilty, a part of my brain told me it was all my fault he went missing for so long. I should have never let him crawl through the vents and to Thrawn's ship.

I just wanted to bring him back home.

I know, I know. It's all mushy and feely and stuff. I'm just trying to slowly get Sabine to accept the fact that she loves Ezra. At this point she knows it, but just isn't quite ready to admit it.

Currently I have four books that I'm working on, three are active and one is on hold. I want to bring the story on hold back, but I can only handle so much writing while updating within a respectable time frame. That means that this book MIGHT be put on hold. See my conversations for more information.

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