Chapter One

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The Ghost was back on Lothal for a couple of weeks. Correction the Ghost would be back on Lothal for a couple of weeks. Hera had claimed that it felt like forever since she had last seen the Ghost crew, or at least what was left of it. She was right though, it had been three years. Zeb had agreed and even decided to bring Kallus with him. Hera had happily picked them up from Lira San and insisted that we all gather at Ezra's tower.

Now here I stood, out in the middle of nowhere, yellow dying grass up to my knees, gloved hand covering my eyes and helmet tucked under arm as I waited for my second family to come into view.

A cloud drifted by lazily, as if it didn't have a care in the world. That ended when a ship broke through it creating a huge hole in the fluffy white substance before it continued to meander along the sky, completely and utterly undeterred.

The wind blew against my face as the ship landed, stirring up dirt and causing a Loth-cat to run away to the safety of distant rocks.

The ramp opened revealing a very excited eight year-old with a mob of green hair and blue eyes. They kind of reminded me of Ezra's eyes in a more toned down way and I couldn't help but smile back at him.

"Sabine!" He cried running down the ramp towards me. He stopped abruptly at my feet as though waiting for me to pick him up. Not entirely sure what to do I awkwardly gave him a pat on his right shoulder before giving him a slight smile.

"Hey Jacen. You've certainty grown up." I met the others at the end of the ramp. Giving Hera a brief hug I smiled at Zeb and Kallus. "Long time no see."

"You have no idea. I was worried about you guys the entire time." Hera piped in, giving me her motherly smile.

"I'm kind of surprised your Mother hasn't tried to marry you off yet." Kallus spoke, clearly joking. I couldn't help but notice the line of worry that spread across his forehead.

"She's tried, but I haven't been back home, not since......" I trailed off. Seeing the concern on their faces, minus Jacen who who laying in the grass watching a Loth-cat, a lauhged before continuing. "I don't think she could find anyone willing to put up with me anyways."

This lightened the tension, although only slightly.

"I'm sure Ezra would have been happy to marry you!" Zeb laughed, earning a death glare from either side of him from Kallus and Hera. What had I missed? Did they think I would start crying at the mention of his name or something?

"Ezra's still alive." The statement came out of my mouth before I could even think. To me it was just a fact now. He was alive and I was going to find him. Simple as that.

I shouldn't have said that. They all just turned their heads in union and just stared at me. Just stared. No one blinked or moved a muscle. I didn't dare breath. After what seemed like an eternity Jacen ended it all bu running back to us screaming "Mom! Mom! I saw a Loth-cat! A real Loth-cat just like Zeb told me about!" I don't think I had ever loved that kid more.

The unreadable expression on their faces disappeared as Hera's Mother Smile took over. "That's great sweety." She cooed. "Why don't we head to Ezra's tower now? It's over a mile away."

Jacen nodded eagerly before grabbing my hand and pulling me through the grass towards the tower.

"Why did you stay here?" He asked, the most innocent look I had ever seen across his face.

"It's complicated." I said with a sigh.

"Didn't you miss your family?"

That question caught me off guard. "I mean..yah...of course I did, but it's just complicated and grown-up stuff."

"Okay." His face fell though only slightly. I couldn't help but wince.

"How about we paint when we get there?" I suggested. I had been using Ezra's tower as my new home for the past six years. The two years prior to that I spent with the crew helping with Lire San and a baby Jacen. Thank goodness he was not force-sensitive. I think that we all would have died from exhaustion.

"Okay! I'm going to paint a ship for Mom!" Happy to see him brighten up again we continued our walk with him bouncing ahead of me slightly telling me all about his adventures. The rest of the crew was a few paces behind us. Hera would occasionally point at something or the other, Zeb would laugh and start talking, and Kallus would nod his head slowly, intently listening to what they were saying.

The tower slowly came into view and it wasn't long before it was looming above us. The others jogged to catch up with us and we marched on in our ordinary parade, Spectre 7 leading us.

Thanks for reading! Don't forget to like, comment, and follow me!

Basically my inspiration fro writing this story came from the fact that I was bored. That and I couldn't find anything else relating to what happened after the series finale. I decided to change that. Here it is. For the record I tried my hardest. Sorry for any grammatical mistakes that I missed. I'm big on those things though, so feel free to correct me if I spelled anything wrong.

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