thirteen - TWOH1

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Three Weeks Of Hell.

Week one.

First day.

Baekhyun stared blankly at the wall, unable to do anything. His mind had gone completely blank besides from the reccuring feeling of death. Without Chanyeol, he felt empty and now, knowing that he could die, made him feel even worse.

His phone buzzed with numerous messages and missed calls, he knew exactly who they were from but still didnt answer.

He wanted to be alone, all by himself, with no one there besides him.

Baekhyun was falling, but not in the love sort of way. His life was falling, breaking into tiny little pieces and there was no one there to help him sort everything out.

He breathed in slowly, shutting his eyes before breathing out, trying to stop himself from crying again.

A broken whimper escaped his lips, echoing softly around the lifeless, colourless room. Baekhyun brought his legs up, curling into the fetal position.

Shaky breaths rattled his body as his eyes remained closed. He was so desperate, so vulnerable.

To Baekhyun, it felt as though knifes were puncturing his skin, ripping him apart bit by bit until nothings left but emptiness. Emptiness and self hatred.

"Chanyeol.." He whispered out, a dry sob following soon after.

Knocks could be heard throughout the house, along with people calling his name.

Sehun and Minji.

Shakily, he stood up and unlocked the door, watching them walk in before collapsing into both of them, sobbing uncontrollably.

Minji stared down at the broken boy in between her and Sehun and felt completely heart broken. She hated seeing Baekhyun upset but what was worse was the fact that it was her that had caused this entire mess. She had let her hatred blind her and ended up putting Chanyeol in a bad mindset. Everything went off like pistons, one thing and then the next would be ten times worse and so on, so forth.

Baekhyun rocked back and forth as he felt the two other people grab ahold of him, hugging him, trying to comfort him.

"I dont want him to die.. I dont want him t-to die.." He kept repeating over and over again, leaning his head onto Sehuns chest, his own chest heaving with rattling breaths.

The other two stayed silent and rubbed his back, waiting for him to let it all out of his system before asking him questions.



Second day.

It was midday when Baekhyun hesitantly decided to visit Chanyeol.

He got up from his bed and dressed himself in whatever he could find strewn across his floor, not caring whether or not the item of clothing was dirty.

Grabbing his wallet and his phone, Baekhyun made his way to the bus station, too lazy to take his own car.

Once he had arrived at the hospital, he went straight to the intensive care unit, asking which room Chanyeol would be in.

"246" The receptionist replied bluntly, taking in the males scruffy appearance and his worn out face.

Walking into room 246 seemed like one of the hardest challenges that Baekhyun's had to face. He could already feel his eyes tingle and heat up as he opened the dreaded doors, seeing Chanyeol lie on the bed, his eyes sealed shut.

"You can stay the night if you would like Mr Byun, our team shall set up a makeshift bed for you." The nurse said to him, smiling as he saw his hopeful eyes light up. Baekhyun nodded his head and smiled back at the unconscious male.



Third day.

Baekhyun stayed the whole day once more, sitting by Chanyeol's side the whole time until the nurses told him that he had to go home and get some rest.

Although, he never went home.

Instead, he went to a club, hoping that alcohol would help him overcome his sorrows.

The alcohol burned his throat in a pleasurable way, leaving him craving more and more.

By the end of the night, he was completely wasted. Off his head. Hammered. But he didnt care. He was happy and thats what he craved for more than anything.

Happiness that can overcome the sadness worsening his heart.



Fourth day.

Baekhyun woke up in an unknown room, his head throbbing as he stood up, trying to find out where he was.

A man walked into the room and eased him down onto the bed again, tucking him in and giving him some pain killers, along with a glass of water.

"You're such an idiot." Sehun chuckled as he watched Baekhyun down the glass of water, along with the pills that he was given.

"What were you thinking, going out and getting drunk? You've got Chanyeol to worry about instead of getting pissed at night."

Baekhyun lowered his gaze before he spoke, ashamed of what he was about to say.

"Chanyeol's the reason why I went out last night.. I dont want to feel this pain anymore.."



Fifth, sixth and seventh day.

It was the same everynight, Baekhyun would go out and drink himself silly while chatting up almost every girl and guy in the club.

He would always end up waking up in Sehuns house or at Mr and Mrs Park's house until the seventh day,,

Where he woke up nakes in his own house,,,

With someone else next to him.

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