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"Hello? Mrs Park? Wait- why're you crying? What's happened?"


"Chanyeol? What did he do?"

[H-He.. Baekhyun j-just come to th-the hospital... Quick! I-I think he's d-dead!]



The phone almost dropped from Baekhyun's hand as he sprinted out of Sehuns house, leaving both Minji and Sehun confused. He didnt even bother to get into his car, knowing that the hospital wasn't that far from where he was.

He ran and ran and ran until he couldn't run anymore. His gaze moved up to see the hospital sign, along with the large sliding doors that made their way into the reception area.

Out of breath, he stumbled into the building and stood in line to see the receptionist. Once he got up to the front desk, he slammed his hands down onto the surface, staring desperately at the receptionist.

"Do you know where P-Park Chanyeol is?" He asked, watching as the young woman began to type on her computer.

"I do. He should be in the intensive care unit in a while. It says here that he is currently in the surgery room. If you go up to the intensive care unit, the receptionist will call you when he is out." She said, lifting her head up to see Baekhyun running in the direction given.

He burst through another set of doors, staring around the waiting room of the intensive care unit, spotting Mr and Mrs Park.

"Baekhyun!" Mrs Park shouted, her voice uneasy and hoarse due to her crying.

Baekhyun ran over to the couple and sat next to them, silently crying whilst they all waited for the dreaded feedback.

"Is there a--- Mr and Mrs Park in here?" A small voice called. The trio turned their heads and stared at the male nurse who stood by the doorway holding a clipboard. Mr and Mrs Park nodded and stood up, dragging a hesitant Baekhyun along with them.

"Follow me." The nurse said and began to walk down the corridor.

"This is a lot different than last time I was here.." Baekhyun thought to himself, thinking back to the last time he was here, just after Minji had left. Back then, it wasn't as serious but now, it was a matter of life and death.

Instead of going to see Chanyeol, the three were ushered into what looked like an office, with a desk with one chair on one side and two on the other.

Mrs Park took a seat in one of the chairs, bringing Baekhyun forwards to sit next to her, leaving her husband to stand behind her, his hands rubbing her shoulders soothingly.

"I have some good news and bad news." A doctor said as he hastily walked in, shutting the door behind him. Everyone else stayed silent, waiting 'patiently' for what the doctor had to say.

"I'll give you the good news first," the male said, taking a seat on opposite side of the desk.

"Chanyeol made it through, he's alive."

Baekhyun smiled to himself.

Chanyeol's not dead...

"But," the doctor began, leaning forwards and putting his linked hands on the table, "he won't wake up immediately. With the amount of restoril that he took, we have no ways of knowing when he will wake up."

Baekhyun's heart dropped as well as his tears. He imagined Chanyeol lying alone on a hospital bed, his skin pale and his body completely still.

He looked at the ground and tightly clasped his hands together, trying his hardest not to cry out like Mrs Park was doing.

Everyone in the room was devastated. Depressed, if you will.

"Are we still able to see him?" Mr Park asked, looking up from his wife.

The doctor nodded and stood up.

"Yes, if you would like to follow me, I shall lead you to his room." he said and walked out, slowly followed by the others.



Chanyeol lay motionless on the hospital bed, his body clad in an oversized hospital gown, making him seem small compared to his usual lanky self. His skin was deathly pale, almost green.

Baekhyun sat in a chair next to the bed, staring blankly at the unconscious male before him. Mr and Mrs Park had gone home long ago, not being able to handle seeing their son in that condition any longer.

The smaller stretched his arm out, gripping onto Chanyeol's cold hand.

"I'm sorry," he mumbled, stroking the hand with his thumb, "I shouldn't have made it seem like I didnt love you back because in reality-- I do.. Chanyeol I do love you."

With his other hand, Baekhyun wiped the falling tears, laughing bitterly afterwards.

"Look at me, I'm here crying to you when you're not even awake to hear me.. I guess I just miss you too much.." He looked at the oxygen mask that covered Chanyeol's mouth and nose

Tears continued to spill down Baekhyun's face as he continued his little monologue.

"I'm so sorry.. I didnt run away because I hated you.. I ran away because I didnt want it t-to happen like that-- I was organising a huge surprise for you-- in the end it was me who got the surprise."

Just by looking at Chanyeol's lying lifelessly on the bed made Baekhyun's heart break. The boy looked so helpless and vulnerable.

And it was all his fault..

The nurses eventually came in to tell him that it was time for visitors to leave. He nodded and kissed Chanyeol's hand.

"Its okay, I'll be fine.. You'll wake up soon, I just know it.."

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