Bonus Chapter

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This isn't really part of the story, it's just Dudley's wedding, because I didn't go into it. So for those who wanted it, here you are. For those who don't, feel free to skip ahead.

The picture on the side is purely for feels. Kill me if you want, but then there will be no more updates. Your choice;)

Dedicated to Bookwormwriter13. Enjoy :)

Dudley's POV

This was it. I was standing in my room, fiddling around with the buttons on my tux. Did I really want to do this? Did I want to settle down? To become "Mr Dursley"? That was dad, not me.

It'll be fine. You love her, that's why you're doing this. There's no other reason, is there? A little voice at the back of my head spoke.

But that was exactly the problem: did I really love her? I mean, it could just be my subconscious wanting to thank Harry by showing I accept him, his world, his people...

No. I love her, I'm doing this for me and Cho. This has nothing to do with Harry, in fact, it was by complete chance. I found out she has magic, after we had started dating. She thought it would shock me, but I was mesmerised. Besides, I was even certain Harry was coming, he could have easily agreed just to show how little he cares for me, because after how I've treated him... I don't deserve this.

"You okay Duds?" Dad asked gruffly, clutching my shoulder.

"Huh? Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. Just nervous I guess."

"Ah, well truth be told, I was just like you are now. But then I thought how great life would be with your mother, how normal it would-"

"Give it a break dad! Yes, she has-" I glanced around to make sure no-one was listening. "-she has magic, but I love her. And I know you don't approve, but you've got to let me live my life, rather than forcing me into yours!"

"Dudley, don't be so rude to your father, he just wants what's best for you!" Came mum's shrill scolding.

"And so do I! I've chosen her, and I'm keeping her. If you were that desperate for us to not be together, you wouldn't have waited until the wedding. Now go please dad." I looked into the eyes I had inherited, which store right back. "Now. I don't need your pessimism dampening my mood."

"Dudley, you're acting completely out of character!"

"Well for all we know, I could just be a character. I could be a small, insignificant character in a series of books. But that doesn't bother me, because I will still live how I want to live. And that's with Cho. So go."

With one last look of surprise at my manner, dad left.

"Sweetie, you shouldn't take this out on your dad. He's just trying to help, and so am I. No- I know what you'll say. But I'm fine with Cho. It's about time I accepted that magic isn't some abnormality, that defines you as a freak. It's a wondrous thing." I looked at her, confused surfacing onto my face.

"Abnormality? Freak? What're you on about mum?"

"Don't worry about it-"

"No, I deserve to know this. Please, go on. The ceremonies only in the garden, and we have a good half an hour to spare. So please, do go on." I wanted distracting. I wanted to be distracted from the fact that I was going to be married. It shouldn't have been such a scary prospect, and yet it was.

"Oh okay. But I've not told anyone this. Even your father. Just - it would be better if we sat down." So take a seat each, we did.

"This is to do with your Aunt Lily." I could barely contain the gasp that threatened to spill - mum never uttered a word about Aunt Lily. Only years and years ago, when she had first told Harry that Lily and... I don't know her husband's name. But when they died, it was supposedly in a car crash. "Now I know I've not really mentioned her before, but it's because when I was younger, I was... I was jealous of her. She was different. Special. She could come home and turn a broken old bucket into the most prettiest of vases. It was all - for lack of a better word - so magical.

"But I did a terrible thing Dudders; I let the jealousy take over. I had written a letter to Professor Dumbledore, but he told me - rather kindly - that he was sorry, but I couldn't go, because I quite simply didn't have magic. So I resorted to resenting my sister. I called her a freak, a disappointment to the family, I told her that she didn't belong. Yet she was still the lovely, kind, beautiful one. I sent her horrible gifts, and she sent me amazing ones. She sent me an assortment of things for you Dudley, when you were born. I didn't even acknowledge the letter of gender that she sent me."

"Mum, why have you-"

"Not told anyone? I'm ashamed Dudley. I could've and should've acted so much better, but I didn't. I just went on actin ridiculous. And then, Harry arrived and I realised what had happened to her. Vernon didn't want to take him, thought we should chuck him out, give him to an orphange. But I couldn't do that. Yet as the years went by, I mimicked your dad's actions in being horrible to him. Because he has his mother's eyes. He was a constant reminder as to how I acted."

"Hey there mum, don't cry. I'm sorry I pushed you. I-"

"Oh, it's not your fault. I needed to get it off my chest."

"Tell Harry. Unless he's found out by now, he'll have no idea. And if you did make amends with him, it'll show that you trust him."

"Look at you. All grown up, giving me advise." She sniffled. "Thank you."

"No problem mum. Love you."

"I love you too Dudley. But let's get up now, eh? You have a wedding."

My eyes widened, and I realised again.

"You've made the right choice doing this Dudley. She's a lovely girl. And your father will have to learn to get over it."

Mum sounded more confident.

"Yeah? Y'know what? Yeah. I'm gonna go. Catch you later mum, and thanks. I'll see you soon, okay?"

"Okay. See you."

I went out of the door, and glanced at the time. I took a deep breath. Everything mum had said had sunk in now, but I pushed it aside, and though about Cho. This was it.

All too soon, I found myself at the alter. This was it. I took a few deep breaths, and then felt one catch inside my throat.

Walking up the isle was Cho. And she looked beautiful.

A white dress flowed from her, and the happiness that was on her face radiated, appearing to give her a sort of glow. Her father placed my hand in hers, and whispered a threat to me. But I couldn't take my eyes off her.

"Dudley, you need to breathe." She whispered, causing me to blush, which in turn resulted in the crowd laughing. It doesn't take much imagination to guess what they thought she had said.

We walked to the alter, and stood, and repeated the vows:

"I, Dudley Dursley, take you, Cho Chang, to be my wife, my partner in life and my one true love. I will cherish our union and love you more each day than I did the day before. I will trust you and respect you, laugh with you and cry with you, loving you faithfully through good times and bad, regardless of the obstacles we may face together. I give you my hand, my heart, and my love, from this day forward for as long as we both shall live."

"I, Cho Chang, take you, Dudley Dursley, to be my husband, my one true love, and the only person I'll ever want to be with. I shall cherish our love, and know that it can never stop expanding. I will laugh and cry with you, respect, trust, and believe you, loving you faithfully through every day, regardless of the obstacles we may face together. I give you my hand, my heart, and my love, from this day forward for as long as we both shall live." We had co-ordinated together slightly, having a rough draft to base each of our vows upon.

I couldn't look away from her the entire time, smiling as I gazed into her warm, loving, brown eyes, which were glazed in happiness.

"I give you this ring as a sign of my eternal love." I said, sliding a ring onto her finger.

"And I give you this ring as a sign that our love shall never cease." A ring was slid up my finger too.

"You may now kiss the bride." I did so with gusto and the crowd cheered and clapped. As we broke away, I smiled at her.

"I give you Mr and Mrs Dudley Dursley!"

We walked back down the aisle together, and I spotted Harry, who gave me a thumbs up.

Cho threw back her bouquet, and a girl caught it, squealing.

"Well done Kat! Aww, I hope you abd Draco do get married soon, you're so cute together." One of the other girls told her - Gracie, according to Cho.

I opened the car door for her, then followed, and we drove off, leading the way to the reception.


"Hey Harry!" I greeted, and my cousin cane over to me. "So er... You came. Thanks."

"What? No problem! I mean, why wouldn't I come?"

"I just... Well, I didn't treat you the best, and I er- I wanted to make up for it."

"Thanks mate. Oh, I don't know if you've met Ginny?" A redhead appeared by his side, smiling slightly.

"Nice to meet you."

"You too." She replied.

"I take it Vernon and Petunia gave you an invite to our wedding? I don't think we've had a reply." Harry asked.

"Ah, I knew the name rang a bell. Mum said something about you falling for a very pretty redhead. Never mentioned a wedding though." I winked at Harry, and he blushed.

"We'll owl you one. Or just post if you'd prefer."

"Oh, I don't mind at all. Both you and Cho have proved that being 'normal' is overrated."

"How'd you meet Cho?" He asked. I noticed Ginny tense up slightly at the name, resulting in him snaking an arm around her waist comfortingly.

"At a supermarket actually." I chuckled. "Frozen foods isle. I helped her find a chicken to roast, and then we sort of ended up bumping into each other at several places."

"It happened progressively often, and he ended up asking me out." Cho had appeared at my side. "Hi again. Hi Ginny."

"Hi." The two replied.

"Ginny, it's fine. I'm not exactly gonna steal Harry from you, that was 7 years ago, and I have Dudley now."

"I know, sorry, I didn't mean to come across in any way. I'm happy for you."

"Wait a moment, you two dated each other?" I was - I'll admit - shocked. Cho had dated my cousin. Who grew up in our house, so I'm sure it would be what it was like to have a brother in some ways. In others, not. But still...

"Um yeah." Harry blushed. "But it didn't really work out."

"No." Cho nodded, "To be honest, I was a wreck back then. Cedric had just- and then I had feelings for you but I still liked Ced. And I was just a confused teenage girl basically."

"Well to be fair, I wasn't really the best either. Particularly as I didn't really want to speak about it. But don't worry Big D, I've got a girl that I'm not gonna let go of." He squeezed Ginny's waist gently, but smirked when he used my old nickname.

"Please don't bring that up." I was blushing.

"Big D? What's that about Dudley?" Cho asked. I shook my head and laughed slightly.

"Knew there was a reason I shouldn't've invited you, and embarrassment was the answer. Anyway, it was a nickname years ago. I was into boxing and stuff, and was way overweight, so my mates called me Big D."

"Plus, Aunt Petunia called him Diddykins and all sorts. I could write a list."

"No. Don't you dare Harry." I shook my head. "Anyway, nice seeing the two of you again."

"Wait, the two of you... again? Did you know Ginny?"

"We had a fling years ago." Ginny caught my eye, and got the message: go along with it.

"When did this happen?"

"As he said, a few years ago. You made it seem like he was a bad boy, and face it, most girls are suckers for bad boys. I was young and intrigued." Ginny "explained".

"But- you two never met until today!"

"Fourth year summer holidays." Ginny said in explanation. "As in, when it was third going into forth year for me."

"Oh. I didn't know. Hang on though... when?" He looked ready to kill.

"Harry, we're messing with you mate. I really haven't met Ginny until today." I said - he was gonna turn me into a hamster any minute,I'm was sure of it.


"Harry, you know I wasn't even allowed out of the house then, because it was the summer of You-Voldemort's then -return. How would I meet up with him, let alone know him?" Ginny rolled her eyes.

"I er- I totally knew that." He blushed. "Glad to hear it though - no offence Ickle Dudleykins."

"Please don't bring those up. I swear if you do-"

"You'll do what? I could easily give you a pig's tail. Or something more original... Elephant ears?" He grinned, and winked at me.

"Well on that note, I think it's time for us to go and see the other guests." I said quickly.

"Congratulations by the way. I'll write a list of stories, don't worry."

"How about we catch up with you another time."

I whisked Cho away, to the amusement of Harry, Ginny, and Cho.

"Now now Diddykins, calm down." Cho laughed.

"I never should've let him even get near that subject." I muttered to myself, causing her to laugh.

"Well you two can catch up at some point, I think that'd be nice for you."

"Yeah. Well they've invited us to their wedding, so he's gonna send the details."

"Cool. Oh and by the way, we have about-" she glanced at the clock on the wall, "-a few of hours, then we've got to go. Oh look, there's Kat, Gracie, Mollie, and some others."

"Who, who, and Mollie?"

"Kat, the one who caught the bouquet, Gracie, that girl we met up with in the cafe. Kat's with Draco."

"Wait, Draco Malfoy? That guy Harry's hated for years?"

"That'd be the one."

"Okay, and Gracie... Wait, she had brown hair, yeah?"

"Yep. Let's say hello."

"Okay." She pulled me over to her friends.

"Oh hi! Congratulations!"

"Hi, hi, hi." I greeted each of them "And thanks. How're you guys doing?"

I knew Mollie because when I first met Cho, she was there, in another aisle. They chatted a bit when they saw each other before going separate ways. And a couple of times we met up with her. She seemed really nice.

"Good thanks. And well done, that was beautiful." Mollie told us.

"Thanks." Cho blushed.

"No problem. You two deserve each other."

"Totally. Plus, that was really sweet you two! You are so cute together!" Gracie put in.

"Thanks again. Oh, time for the speeches. See you later."

"Okay. See you."

"Yeah. Congrats."

We sat down at our places, and everyone followed our lead, finding their designated seats and sitting down before looking at the two of us. I stood up.

"Thank you all for come here today. I'm honoured to be standing here before you, because I could live a thousand lives and not understand how Cho chose me over the hundreds of men she could have. She's beautiful, quirky, shy, yet once she comes out of shell she's incredibly chatty." A rumble of laughter was let out, boosting my confidence. "I love everything about her, and know that she's the best thing that's ever happened to me, and ever will. There's nothing about her I don't love. Everybody has flaws, apparently. Hers is that she's perfect." Aww's came from the women in the crowd. "I love you Cho, and am unable to describe how much I can't wait for the rest of our lives to begin. Thank you."

They clapped, and then my best man - Piers - stood up.

"Dudley, what's happened?" The crowd laughed. "I've known you for what? 17 years? You've always been a tough guy, and then BAM! Cho's here and you've gone completely soft. But you've become a better person. And yeah, perhaps you've been influenced, but it's been in a good way. So thank you Cho. You took away my best mate, and replaced him with someone as kind as caring as yourself. And ten years ago, the prospect of Duds being like this would be laughable, but instead it's heart warming because he cares for you more deeply than I've ever seen. So thank you. To Mr and Mrs Dursley."

"Mr and Mrs Dursely." The crowd toasted to us.

Sorry guys, I'm gonna stop there. It's long(ish), so hopefully that'll be okay. I can't really think of anything else to put, but I'll write a new (proper) chapter soon. In case you didn't yet know, I have a schedule now, so I'll try and stick to it. This'll be updated every Thursday and/or Friday. But school may prevent this from happening, it's just that I'm on holiday at the moment, so I have extra time.

Thanks for reading this if you did.

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Favourite part of the story so far?

Please give feedback, it really helps, because otherwise I'm not quite sure where to go. Thanks!

-Alice xoxox

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