Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

... It's chapter 25 and there's no wedding yet :3 I solemnly swear that it will be up by (or in) Chapter 30.

I went back home, and waited. A while later, Harry arrived back smiling yo himself.

"What's got you so Happy?"

"Aren't I allowed to be happy?"

"Well you can be. It's just not that often that you're this much of a Happy Harry."

"Ah. Well Ron has agreed. So operation Romione is a go."

"Good. Well when I was at 'Mione's, I er- Malfoy was there. Wait, let me explain!"

"Why should I? It's Malfoy!"

"Let me explain or I'll body bind you. Personally, of rather it didn't come down to that, alright?"

"Fine. But make it quick."

"Alright, but beloved me, I was ready to hex his ass off too! But he is- look, I said I wouldn't tell anyone, but he's planning on proposing to Kat, so Hermione was just helping him out."

"And why would she do that?" I shrugged.

"She claimed that it was because he only did what he did to protect his family, it wasn't his fault. And that he saved you guys' lives?"

He rolled his eyes.
"Hmm. Well whatever. What's that got to do with operation Romione?"

"He pulled me aside and was desperate to help. He only knew what I was trying to do because 'Mione and I were talking about it when he arrived."

"But why would he want to help her?" Again, I shrugged.

"'Mione helped to strengthen Kaco, so he wants to help re-build Romione."

"But he wouldn't do that." Harry replied stubbornly.

"Harry, he showed me one of the 'rough draft' copies of his proposal speech. He really loves Kat. As in, a lot. He has been working with someone he was a brought up against even recognising the presence of, just so he can get it right. I'm pretty certain he feels indebted to Hermione."

"Yeah yeah. Whatever. So he wants to help. But Ron won't allow that. You know he won't."

"Malfoy complemented Ron, right in front of me, to try to get her to see. He listed countless reasons. And if its someone who hates Ron's guts who's saying that sort of stuff... Hermione kinda has to listen."

"It still won't make Ron any happier with me than he is now." Harry sang - yes, sang - to me.

"But you're alright with it?" I asked dubiously.

"Not one hundred percent, no. He could easily give us the wrong stuff to do. But I trust you Gin, and I trust your judgement."

I hugged him.
"That's why I love you." He rolled his eyes, and then suddenly looked mock-hurt.

"That's the only reason? I'm hurt!"

"You know I'm only kidding. By the way, I realised that Dudley's wedding is only two weeks away, which means that ours is in about a month!"

"No way!"

"I know! It's crazy! It's been so long, yet time's whizzed by."

"Well that is weird. I just- in a month I'll be married! I'll be a married man! Tell you what, let's aim that Romione will be reunited within three weeks Max. If not... We'll play the whole card about how they have to be able to tolerate each other at least because otherwise they'll ruin our big day." He grinned mischievously.

"Perfect. I'm going out tomorrow by the way, to get the paintings for the spare seats done. So I'll need photos and a lost of people you want, and I'll do the same."

"Sure. The list is already sorted, I'll grab it in a minute. And I can get some pictures."

"Okay. How about if you show me your list first, so that any we both have cab be cancelled off."

"Sounds great." He stood up and went to his room. I followed suit, except - of course - I turned to go inside my room instead.

I looked through my stuff, before finding the great big box labeled "WEDDING" in big, bold letters. Taking it off the shelf, I placed it onto my bed and rifled through it.

Eventually, I found the "seating and guest list" folder. Opening it, I pulled out my list and scanned it. Harry would definitely have at least half these people, I thought to myself.

I burst into Harry's room, and shows him the list. He turned to me.
"One minute, sorry. I can't find mind."

"Want any help?"

"Sure." He handed me one box if folders, which were stacked weirdly inside. I looked into each one, and ended up shaking my head, when I was certain that his lost wasn't in there.

"Sorry, nothing. If you can't find it, you can always write a new one."

"Yeah, okay. I'll write one now, and if I find the list, I can add any extra ones on."

"Alright. Well here's mine. Do you want me to check if yours was with it?"

"Sure. Won't hurt."

So we traipsed into my bedroom, and I grabbed the folder, looking through it.
"Yep, I was sensible enough not to trust you with it." He rolled his eyes. "You know I was kidding."

"Ah, but were you? Were you really?"

"Yes. Let's have a look."

So we compared lists, and ended up just adding on one or two to my list. Then came the picture hunting. Eventually we managed to find one of everyone.

After that, we ended up just ordering take out, following which we went to bed.


Weeks passed with operation R and going over the wedding details. Romione were getting close to one another again, and just about everything was prepared.

We had been to Dudley's wedding, and it seemed that he had changed drastically to how he had been in his younger years. It was nice, and you could see how much the pair adored one another.

Soon enough, it was Harry's stag night. From the sounds of things, he was just going to the Leaky Cauldron, having a couple of drinks, mess around a little, then head back home.

But - unfortunately for him - I could tell  that they were going dress robe shopping first, due to the fact that A) he didn't have any yhs tight colour, and B) they were going ridiculously early.

At 3:30. Most shops close at 5 today.


So tonight was my stag party. Ron had already made several (incredibly rubbish) puns, due to my patronus and now animagus form.

The thing was though, that none of us had actually got our dress robes yet, so we were gonna get them first.

Of course, Ginny knew none of this. She thought it was a couple of drinks, mess around, go to our place (she'd be at 'Mione's) and then everyone would go back home.

Ah, so gullible. Not to be rude, but she hasn't seemed to have picked up on the fact that we're going for a couple of drinks at 3:30 on my Stag night.

I've no idea what I'm saying. I'm tired. I stayed up all night watching Netflix.

Anyway. Time to go and get some robes, then drink away.

Later on at the pub

"You know what? You guys-" I pointed at each of them in turn, "-you're not just friends,"

"I don't saying that way Harry." Ron told me. "I love Hermione."

"Well go tell her then. Idiot." Charlie said.

"What would you know? You don' even have a girlfriend."

"Neither do you."

"Will you let me speak?" I exclaimed. "You guys are family. Ron you're that annoying brother who's also nice when he's not being mean. Charlie and Bill are the big brothers. You're like the brick walls of the third little piggy's house.

"Percy, you're the annoying stuckup one. George is the funny one. Nev, you're the clumsy one that turned hot. And I know you, but can't remember your name."

"I'm the barmaid. The one who kicks you out unless you cough up." I coughed, lifting my head high.


"Don't get all smart-arse with me. Gimme the money for your drinks, or get out and go to the police station."

"I'm a please-man!" Ron said, eyes gleaming.

"Idiot. Pay or get reported."

"Okay. How much was it?"

"12 galleons. 4 sickles. 6 Knuts." I gave her a bunch or each coin. She handed me about half of it back. "We're closing noe anyways."

"Why do you sound weird?" Percy asked.

"I don't, but you lot do. Are you like English or something?"

"Yes. I am."

"We all are." Neville interjected. "And er- where is this exactly?"

"You'll work it out when you wake up. Seein' as y'all seem to have apperated, and Merlin knows this town needs cash, there's a little hotel down the road. Cheap, and quite comfy too."

"Thank you very much." Percy said, before dragging us all toward the hotel. One booked in, we headed to our told and went to bed.

Upon waking up, I found myself with an outrageous hangover, and in an unknown bed. Uh-oh.

Getting up, I vomited, had shower, then got dressed. Someone had came by because three was a hangover potion on my before table. The note said or was from Charlie. I took it, and instantly felt better.

I found the others' rooms, thanked Charlie, and then went to have breakfast. But everyone sounded different.

The others she'd do notice too. We went outside and explored the village, before collecting our stuff.

It soon dashed on me though: we were in America.

And what could make it better worse?

Well, that would be knowing that we weren't allowed to apperate due to the fact that it was a half-muggle town.

We've really don't it this time.

Harry is such an idiot.

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