Chapter 10

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Tenth chapter whoop!

8k reads. WHOOP!

You guys are supermegafoxyawesomehot double WHOOOP!


The next morning, I rolled over, and stretched my arms out, yawning as I did so. I reached for my glasses, sat up, and slid them up my nose. I glanced at the alarm clock, and was shocked to see that it was 9:34! I hurriedly got up and entered my ensuit. Going into the shower, I couldn't hear anything, so it was a shock that when I was finished and had stepped out of the bathroom, I found a ginger-haired, chocolate-eyed beauty waiting for me.

"Well, good morning then." She said, nodding to the towel that was wrapped around my waist and lower body. Blushing a colour to rival her hair, I half ran to the dresser and yanked my clothes out.

"Uh... would you mind if um... for a minute uh..." I gestured to the door, stumbling over my words as I did so; I was naked, and had nothing but a towel draped around me, and the prettiest girl in the world was in my bedroom. Needless to say that I was getting more and more embarrassed by the second, and the fact that something in my ahem lower area, was getting rather... "excited" wasn't helping in the slightest.

"No good morning?" She asked teasingly, sitting down on my bed.

"Well er... morning?" It was a question more than anything else. "I mean, well - sorry love. I just... Good morning. Sleep well? You look well rested. And very energetic."

There's something that you could do to get rid of that energy. A small voice at the back of my head told me. I tried to push away the thoughts, but I'm a 20 year old man, with his fiancé in front of him, and I only have a towel around my waist. Can you really blame me?

"Yes thanks, you?"

"Yeah, okay."

"Okay then."

"Yeah." She sat there for a few minutes, seeming deep in thought. I was too, but about other things.

"Um, Ginny? I er- I don't mean to be rude, but er, could I get dressed? I mean, would you mind-"

"Oh, I got it. Sorry." She said, blushing. She stepped outside, and closed the door. I got dressed as quickly as I could, after taking care of a certain something first, that is. When I announced that I was ready and she could come back in, she peeked open the door slightly, and poked her head round it. The colour that was spread throughout her cheeks lessened slightly, but something must have triggered one thing or another, as pink highlighted her "nice skin".


"Um, Ginny? I er- I don't mean to be rude, but er, could I get dressed? I mean, would you mind-"

"Oh, I got it. Sorry." I said, and could tell that heat was radiating from my face. I stepped outside, and closed the door. Images and thoughts flashed through my mind, yet the image of Harry like that... Well, it certainly gave me thoughts that would cause Ron to imitate Pettigrew, and blast Harry to pieces. All that would left of him would by a finger nail, let alone the whole finger itself.

That being said, Ron was incredibly protective. Despite the fact that I'm a few months younger than him. He plays dirty with Miss Granger, yet the thought of me seeing Harry without a top on drove him insane. Although, the thought of Harry without a top on could probably drive any girl insane... I was just lucky enough to have the experience first hand. We've been further of course, but it's not something either of us particularly wanted to shout from the roof tops.

Anyway, as I was deep in thought, I heard Harry call through that he was ready and I could re-enter now, so I slowly turned the door handle and poked my head around the door. To my relief (sort of) Harry was dressed, and just sitting on a beanbag. But I couldn't help thinking of him sitting like that, minus the Beatles t-shirt, and it resulted in me blushing like mad.

"What's up?"

"Nothing. Don't worry about it."

"Umm... okay. Why are you here so early, anyway?"

"Harry. What's the date today?"

"The... 15th of Jun-July?"

"No. Harry, it's April. The fifth."

"Oh. Right?" I sighed.

"Harry, I'm moving in today."

"Oh, right!" Suddenly, he seemed to get excited. "Well, where to start then?"

"...Bringing boxes and crates to my room." I squinted at him - we had gone over this before.

"I knew that."


With that, we started, apperating from the Burrow, and back to here again, each time with a different box. It was a long day, but at the end, it was worth it. When the final crate was unloaded and put away, Harry took my hand and smiled at me.

Dinner was peaceful, with no washing up to do at all, as we ordered a takeaway. After dinner, however, we settled in properly...

Ron (beginning of the next day)

I groggily opened my eyes, to see the same sight that had greeted me since I was about one; the attic bedroom at The Burrow, which was clad in Chudley Cannons posters, and an array of clothes scattered across the floor.

"Ugh." I groaned after seeing the time. Mid day was too early to get up. Then I remembered the date and sat bolt upright in my bed. I swung my legs out from under the covers, and got dressed in record timing. I apperated downstairs int the kitchen, and had a bowl of Pixie Puffs. What? I love those things! Although I also love Hermione... and chicken. Mmmm, chicken. (Chickron or Romione... pfft, not hard. Chickron ftw.)

Anyway, after my cereal I went upstairs to use the bathroom and brush my teeth. I apperated back to my room, and grabbed some more expensive clothes, and went back to the bathroom to shower. After that, I dried myself magically, and got dressed again. Fastening on my watch, I looked at the time again. Thirty-four minutes. A voice whispered to me in my head.

Apperation is, I found, incredibly useful indeed. I was back up in my room incredibly quickly, and after rummaging through some of the boxes and storage units my mum insisted on putting in there, I remembered where I had out that oh-so important item. I placed it inside my robes and went back downstairs, bumping into Ginny on the way.

"Oh, hey Gin."

"Bye Ron." She replied without even looking at me, as she spoke in that go-away sort of tone. I frowned to myself.

"Bye then. Gosh, you're mean to me." I muttered to myself. But of course she had already gone.

I went on none the less, and yelled to mum that I was going out. I grabbed a handful of Floo Powder and yelled

"Diagon Alley!" Tucking in my elbows, I squeezed my eyes shut, and waited to stop feeling so dizzy. When that actually happened, I opened one eye hesitantly (I haven't used Floo in a while, it's usually apparition or Portkey or broom).

I was at the correct destination, and stepped out of the fireplace.

"Morning Tom." I greeted the landlord, before going out the back and to the brick wall.

"Three up... and... one - two across." I muttered to myself as I found the correct brick in the wall, and gently tapped it with my wand.

I strode through the streets of Diagon Alley, in a sort of business-like way. Stay calm, I reminded myself, and don't seem too forwards. Or too backwards. Or too sideways. Oh whatever, just don't screw this up.

So I continued. The carts filled with flowers and necklaces and nick-naks were of no notice to me, and every building merged into one. The only clear one was a place that stood, tall, mighty, and brand sparkling new. The opening, in fact, was only last week, yet there were already lots of reviews that bathed this place in favour for its franchise. People crowned and practically worshiped it already.

I stood outside, glancing down at my watch every few seconds. I knew she'd never be late in a million years.

At long last, she arrived. Her previously bushy brown hair had became a sea of waves that cascaded down her back. A silver strapless dress hugged her figure, and ended at knee-level. Damn that girl is gorgeous. I stepped forward and kissed her cheek in greeting, shooting a glare at a nearby guy who was checking her out.

We entered, and informed them of the reservation and name. A waiter guided the pair of us to a table, and seated us.

"Here are your menus, sir, ma'am." He suplied the cases of black.

After a while, we finally ordered - I chose the roasted chicken drumsticks with salad, sweetcorn, and a homemade sauce. She chose a lasagne. Together, we ate the food which was certainly better than how it was described, and talked, smiling, and enjoying ourselves. I tried to savour every second of it, but the time passed like a shooting star; too quickly. The bill came and I paid, refusing her to so much as glance at the overall cost. We were getting ready to leave.

This was it. The moment had came. She reached to get her coat.
"Let me get it." I told her, and got up, and slipped the coat off of her chair. I helped her put it on. She smiled at me.
"Thanks Ron, that's really sweet."

"No problem. But uh. Actually, could I ask a favour?"

"Really?" She asked, an eyebrow raised and annoyance ringing in her voice. "What is it?"

"Well-" I kneeled down on one knee, and produced a box from my pocket.

"Oh Ron!" She gasped.

I opened it to revel a silver teaspoon, which had the words inscribed along the handle. I gently lifted the spoon out, and presented it to her.
"My emotions are all yours." She read out, slightly confused.

I then pulled out a box from my other pocket. Opening it, a small, golden ring was revealed.

"Hermione Jean Granger. I love you, as you know. And er- well, Merlin, this has to be the most stuttery way of saying this ever. But I... I want to spend the rest of my life with you alongside me. Will you do the honours of m-marrying me?"

"Yes! Yes, yes, a million times yes!" I slipped the ring onto her finger as she jumped up and down with excitement.

The restaurant cheered, clapped, and wolf-whistled as I stood up and we kissed. It was sweet, and caring. When air became a necessity, we pulled away. Her chocolate eyes were blazing with happiness, and I felt so proud to be the one who caused it.

We strolled out a happy, engaged couple, and went round the shops for a bit, me listening to her chatter, whilst thinking about many times with her. I'll always cherish every single one.

Suddenly, she stopped.

"What's the matter?" I asked worriedly. She turned to face me, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Why did you give me that spoon?"

"You er- you don't remember? Um after Harry's first kiss? With Cho, and then you explained that she was feeling all this stuff, and I didn't realise you could feel that much. And you proclaimed I had the "emotional range of a teaspoon". Ring any bells?" I laughed slightly at the memory.

"No... Sorry?" I felt my heart deflate.

"Oh, it's fine. It was... it was nothing." My sentence trailed off miserably.

There were a few seconds of awakward silence, and then she shoved me playfully.

"Of course I remember Ron!"

"You do?"

"Yes. And after all that you asked who my "book" was being written to, when it was simply a letter for Viktor." A scowl forced on my face at the mention of my ex-hero. "Oh come on! I still don't get why you dislike him so much! He used to be "an artist" apparently." A cheeky grin stretched across her face.

"Have you still not worked it out?"

"No. In all honesty, I've never been able to work it out.

"You're kidding me, right?" I retracted the arm that had been around her waist, and turned instead to look her in the eye.

"No. Look Ron, are you gonna tell me or not?"


"What? Sorry, I didn't quite get that."

"I said that I was jealous." She laughed.

"You weren't!"

"Yes. I was."

"But - but how long did you like me for then?"

"Since forth year. I already sorta knew, but the jealousy kinda helped too."

"Ugh! That's so annoying then!" I felt slightly nettled by this.

"What is?"

"Well - I've liked you for years too, right. So we could have got together before the war. Like, had so much more time. Now do you see?" I nodded at this.

"Yep. I feel it 'Mione. I feel the annoyance, and just wish I could change it. But I can't, and I'm not gonna try, instead I'll just stick with what we've got." I smiled down at her. "Now let's get home, yeah? We have an engagement to announce!"




Hinny and Romione, as requested.
I'm sorry guys, I really am. I've been away for ages, but I've had writers block.

And I'm part of PotterInk, so I had to prioritise that entry. Also, I was gonna do the 30 day writing challenge thing, and post it once it was complete. But I kinda gave up on that. I don't have enough time guys! I mean, for thing it was my birthday last week, my sisters' a week before, and cause they're twins, one celebrated it in the actual day, the other a week before that. And homework is like really gettin piled onto us - I live in the UK, and as a Year 9 student, I have to take SATs this year and we have options and stuff. It's basically a really important year, which means that my updating will be less frequent. So sorry in advance too.

Please, please, please vote, comment, fan and provide feedback. I can't do any better if I don't know what's being done wrong.


1. Favourite part of chapter?
2. Favourite part of the boom so far?
3. Least favourite part of chapter/book?
4. Thoughts on Doctor Who Finale (Part 2)?

Please check out potterheadfanfic and our joint account siriuswriters . And my amazing real life friend-human-thing HarryPotterssidekick .

Thank you! I will write the next chapter ASAP, but as reasons above say, it may not be for a while.

I love every single one of you!
-Alice xoxox ❤️

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