Chapter 11

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After a day that was rather relaxed compared to the previous rush, just as we were about to decided what to have for dinner, Twiggy (A name thought of by Ron) came flying in. He was the Weasley's new owl, and was an extremely well-ranked breed; one of the fastest to deliver letters, and able to take longer journeys than most.

Anyway, me and Ginny opened the letter attatched, to find out that we were being called for at the Burrow, and that we'd be eating there. I shrugged, and looked at Ginny.

"Looks like food's sorted then."

"Yeah. Wonder what it's about though."

"Eh. I dunno. I guess we'll find out. Shall we leave in say-" I checked my watch "-fifteen, twenty minutes?"

"Harry, since when has it taken you twenty minutes to get ready?"

"I was thinking more about you, but okay then, ten it is."

"So you take ten then?"

"No way. Honestly Gin. For many, it takes hours to look as sexy as moi, but I'm just naturally beautiful."


With that, he sashayed away. He's more feminine that Angelina. And I'm engaged to him. Then he just walked back in.

"I'm just kidding. It doesn't actually take me like ten minutes to get ready, but I thought you'd still want a bit more time." Cue the walk back out.

Woah. That man is a nightmare, honestly. Handsome, but a bloody idiot none the less.

"Times ticking!" He called from upstairs.

"Shoot!" I muttered to myself.

With that, I hurried up the old, rickety, shrunken-beheaded-house-elf-heads-lining-the-walls stairs. I found my bedroom, and opened my wardrobe.

Luckily for me, I had devised a scheme, and section of the wardrobe for "Emergency Burrow Meetings". There was a casual part of it, a smart part, classy part, and smart casual for when it was unspecified - like today.

I took out an outfit from the "smart casual" bit, and put it on, before applying a touch of makeup. I only put on some foundation, eyeliner, and lisptick, so it didn't take too long.

Leaving me waiting for Harry… Again.

"HARRY!" I called up the stairs, "WE'VE GOTTA GET-"

"Back to Hogwarts, I gotta get back to schoool. I gotta myself to Hogwarts, where everybody thinks I'm cooool." He sang, as he apparated next to me.

"Where d'you get that one from?"

"A fan-made musical by Starkid. Called AVPM." I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Harry. Where would you find something like that??"

He dipped down his head in a shameful manner.

"The internet?"

I sighed and shook my head.

"Oh dear Merlin's boxers, do I even want to kno-" I cut myself off, and raised a hand. "Don't you even dare begin to sing the Arctic Monkeys again. Remember how last time we had to pay for old Miss Fernborough's new hearing aid? Because you broke the other one."

"I apologised-"

"And she moved house."

"Well to be fair, I didn't mean to-"

"Do you think McGonagall meant to take four stunning spells when the toad was around? That she or ordered Umbitch and her minions to attack her?"

"Well no, but-"

"Look, let's just end it here. You can't win, and you know it. So use the excuse that we need to go, and get it over with."

"Well why do I need to say it if we're ending the conversation, and both know we need to go?"

"Harry." I began in a warning tone.

"Ginny." He mocked.

"Well you know I'll go on about it otherwise, and continue listing my points." He remained silent. "Okay then, so-"

"Okay, okay, I give in."

"Give in about what?" I asked, smiling sweetly at him."

"You know exactly what, Miss Weasley."

"Really now, Mr Potter? Please do divulge, so I know what it is you're referring to."

"Look, we need to go, we're running late."

"Okay, okay!" I grabbed his outstretched arm, and felt the familiar sensation of apperation occur.

We entered the Burrow, me with a triumphant smile on my face, and Harry frowning a little.

"Oh cheer up grumpy." I nudged him playfully. "I mean, c'mon."

"Alright, alright, oh magestic Lady to rule all."

"Lady to rule all? Hmm, I quite like that."

"Well I quite like you."

"Only like? I'm offended!'

"Nah, I'm just messing with you. You know I love you."

"And I love you."

"And I love the fact that you're both here now, so we can eat. What I don't love is that you guys go all flirty like that all the time."

We turned around, to see George standing in the doorway.

"Well, in you go then. We've all been waiting for you."

"Whoops. Sorry." We walked in, and sat down in two of the three unoccupied seats.

"Ah, there you are dears! Have you settled in alright? Sorry to call you in at such short notice."

"Its fine mum." I told her.

"Yeah Mrs Weas- mum, it's fine."

"Oh okay then, if you're sure. But anyway, let's eat now, or the food'll go cold."

As we all tucked into the roast dinner, it was the usual affair. When everyone was full, Ron and Hermione stood up, holding hands. That was when I noticed - along with lots of the other girls - and sqealed. Harry shot me a look, but I waved it off.

"We have er- we've got something to announce."

"We're er, well, we're-" Hermione broke off under the gaze of the Weasleys questioning looks

"We're engaged." Ron finished off proudly.

The table burst into applause and congratulations.

"Well done mate, finally got the balls eh?" Harry clapped him on the back.

"Yeah. Blimey Ron, engaged? I never thought I'd hear you say that."

"Non of us did Charlie!" Bill called down

Even Percy joined in with the teasing.

"Oh shut up you guys!"

"Yes, it's a lovely thing to have happened, so we should be celebrating." Mum scolded the others.

"N'aww mum, y'know it was just a joke! Isn't that better than us not being nice to him?" George replied.

"Well yes, but-'

"But what? C'mon, it wasn't even that bad!"

"Well I know, but-"

With that, mum's words were cut off as though with a knife, as my brothers and Harry continued the teasing. I went over to Hermin.

"So, Ron finally asked then?"

"Yeah, it was really sweet, and he got me this little teaspoon …"

"It was sweet because he got you a teaspoon?" I asked, confusion lacing my words.

"Oh, right long story." Seeing my face, she sighed. "Okay, basically, I proclaimed that Ron's got the emotional range of a teaspoon, so he gave me a silver one that had "my emotions are all yours' inscribed upon it."

"Wow, such a long story Herminion." I said sarcastically, despite thinking that it was actually pretty sweet. "But I didn't know Ron could be like that. Wow, you've like changed him or something."

We looked over to him, blushing , and looking dreamily at Hermione. He noticed, and turned even more red, before waving at her. We looked away again giggling, and she simply shrugged.

"Well, I don't mind. He's a really great guy."

"Okay, well I'm gonna go and join Hazza now, because I can tell that you'll tell me again I really don't want to know." She blushed again, and I left her to the fate of my sister-in-laws...

Good luck I mentally told her, you'll need it.

My teacher just turned to me and my friends and went

"Don't you think Hufflepuffs have really nice cake?"

I'm weirded out. But update, so yay?
Leave comments and thoughts below please!

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