10k reads contest!

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Okay guys, this isn't an actual chapter. Basically, I've previously mentioned possibly doing a contest when this book reaches 10k reads, and here we are with 10.2k reads!
So, a couple of people said they'd try to enter. But the problem with doing it now, is that this is the time of year when lots of people have exams and stuff. Which'll mean not many people will enter. Now, I thought, what if I do one anyway, but extend the deadline? So, say, it starts today, 6/12/14 British Time, and ends on say 21/2/15? So it gives two months and a half for you to write/draw your entry.

Which leads me to give the criteria for this contest.

You may write a one shot, or draw fan art to do with Harry Potter, and submit it to me at an email address I'll include shortly. It can be about this book (for example, something that happened before it, or it could be the next chapter if you wanted), or it could just be a general one shot, as long as it's to do with Harry Potter. If you want to submit fan art, it's pretty much got no boundries; it could be the wedding, a banner, a new cover, or anything really, again, so long as it's to do with Harry Potter.

The winning entry/picture will be published in this book. If there's fan art and one shots submitted, the winning entry for each will both be published.

You can submit:
• One piece of fan art or
• One one shot entry or
• Both a piece of fan art and a one shot.

You cannot submit more than one one shot, or more than one piece of fan art.

How to enter?
Simply send in the work to: [email protected]

You must include:
Your name (and/or username).
What the picture/writing piece is called.

Entries will be accepted up until 21:59 on 21/2/15.


Okay, the part you've all been waiting for.
The top three entries for both categories will win the following (according to their place):

3rd Place:
• 2 dedications
• A follow from me
• A shoutout
• I will read one of your books
• Your entry will be published in the "Book of Entries"

2nd Place:
• 2 dedications
• A follow from me
• A shoutout
• I will read one of your books
• You can ask me, and I'll tell you, two things that'll later happen in this story.
• Your entry will be published in the "Book of Entries"

1st Place:
• 3 dedications
• A follow from me
• A shoutout
• I will read two of your books, voting on every chapter
• You can ask me, and I'll tell you, three things that'll later happen in this story.
• Your entry will be published in this book, and the "Book of Entries"

All entrants will receive a dedication, and I will publish their works in a book, to give you more publicity.

Entries will be accepted up until 21:59 on 21/2/15.
If you are entering, please comment so.

You don't have to be following me to enter. I'd be grateful if you did, but at the end of the day (or month and half, whatever you prefer), this is just for fun. So yeah. I'm not saying don't follow me, but I am saying that you don't have to, and it is entirely your choice, and wether or not you follow me has absolutely zero impact on the judging.

Any questions? Ask away, m'dear boy. Or... girl. I was just referencing... no? No, okay then...

But anyway, thanks guys, I hope you enter, but I understand that this is the time in which many people are doing tests and the such (I know that I am too).
And also, thanks so much for the 10k reads! I couldn't have done this without every single one of you.

If you, hadn't read this little story, it wouldn't be here. It'd be deleted. Gone. Vanished.
So thank you, dear reader, for taking the time to read these little words that are creating a future for Harry and Ginny Potter. For reading a story written by someone just like you. We may be different races. We may look completely different. But at heart, everyone reading this is a Potterhead.

So thank you.

Alice xox ❤️💛💙💚

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