Chapter 12

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When I awoke the next morning, it was with a pounding headache. I groggily tried to open my eyes, and saw a blur of ginger hair. Then, I felt myself roll over, and vomit on the floor. Pleasant.

"Uuuuugh." I tried to remember what had happened last night. Snippets came flashing back to me, but not enough to piece together why I seemed to have gotten drunk.

*Magical Flashback*

Third Person

"To Ron! For finally getting a girl to stick with!" Charlie cheered, holding up his fourth shot of Firewhiskey.

"To Ron!" Everyone chorused back, each drinking yet another shot themselves. Then, in turn, each of them proceeded to exclaim a reason to celebrate this engagement.

"Hey, 'ang-hang on a min'ite-" Harry burped, "How come I didn't get this after my and Ginny's engagement, ya gits?"

"'Cause you're marryin' our sister."

"Yeah, and tha' means you'll get laid by 'er."

"Ewwww." Ron scrunched up his stupid, freckly nose, "Harry's gonna get Ginny Germs!"

"Ewwww." The others chimed. Harry wrinkled up his eyebrows in confusion.

"Whatcha' mean "Ginny Germs"? I've not got Ginny Germs! I've go' Harry Germs, 'cause I'm Harry. Did you know that? I'm called Harry. Apparently-ly, my middle name is James. Harry James. Eww. I'm actually called Harry Freakin' though. 'Cause then I'm Harry Freakin' Potter."


"YOU'VE WATCHED THAT TOO?" Harry asked asked excitedly, jumping up and down, squealing.

"DUH! BUT REAL LIFE MY HERMIONE IS BETTER. An' - An' I'm now gonna call her Hermin. But they got it wrong, 'cause she can draw!"

"No she can't, Ron! If Starkid Harry and Ron says she can't, then she can't. If you can't graps- graps-"


"Yeah, that word. If you can't that word the fact that Starkid is true, then I can't talk to you."

"Well maybe I can't talk to you either then. So yeah. Fine."





"Okay! Gosh Ronald, stop flirting with me! I'm with you're sister, 'cause she's hot and I wuv her."

"Haha! Harry's in luuuuurve!"

"Well so are you, stupid!"

"You were first!"

"No I wasn't!"

"Yes you were, liar!"

"Stop it Ron, I wasn't!"

"Liar, liar, your Griffin is on fire!"





"I DON'T LOVE YOU RON, I LOVE YOUR SISTER! UGH! WHY CAN' YOU UNDERSTAND THAT YOU-" but Harry was cut off from his drunken nonsense talk.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON'T LOVE ME HARRY?" Ron whimpered. "Is there- is there something wrong with me?"

"Hehe, there's something very Ron with you! D'ya geddit? Ron, instead of wron- oh c'mon buddy! You're great! There's nothing wrong with you, but I meant that I don't love-love you, like I love-love Ginny. Would you really want me to go round kissing you?"

"Eww, no! If you've kissed Ginny, and then kissed me, I'd get Ginny Germs! And besides, I don't like you like that. That's why I proposed to Hermani-Hermandinander-Hermandinold."

"Ugh. Just go away, Ronald. I'm gonna go find your sister. She understands me."

*End of Magical Flashback*

Back to Harry

Oh. So that's why I've got a hangover: everyone was celebrating the engagement. Well, I guess that batch of hangover potions really was a good idea to make, after all. I felt around, and eventually found a glasses-shaped object, so picked them up, and slid them up my nose.

Hang on, they don't feel right. And they're still a bit blurry. Through the better-but-still-bad haze, I saw my glasses, so took this pair off, and my own on. That's when I realised that the other pair were horn-rimmed ones, which looked remarkably like... Percy's?

I rolled over, and immediately wished I hadn't - Percy was in the duvet, fast asleep. I scooted back, and fell off the bed, clad in boxers and a t-shirt. The cold was creeping onto me, but it was nothing compared to the scared feeling that was crawling all over me. I stood up, and escaped the room, all the while with a pounding headache, and disturbing thoughts entering my mind. After closing the door, I inched along the wall, and to the Burrow's Bathroom, rummaging around in the cabinet, until I found what I was looking for:

"Aha!" I whisper-exclaimed to myself, but immediately wincing after, for the pain that had struck me. The tiny vial containing the blue liquid was soon uncorked, and then I downed it in one. One of the side effects kicked in, and I rushed to the other side of the room as I threw up in the toilet.

"Hello?" Came a voice through the door, "Who's in there? Are you alright?"

"I'm fine!" I croaked.

"Er... Okay."

I rinsed my mouth with water, and had a quick shower, before accioing some fresh clothes. I dressed, and stepped out, feeling a bit better. The better effects of the hangover-cure were starting to do their magic; my head felt more relived, and I was no longer aching all over. A bonus was that it often removed the overwhelming feeling of being tired.

I stepped out the bathroom, went downstairs, only to find one other person up.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Well, I'm assuming that you're the one who threw up earlier."

"You assume correct, as always Hermione."

The bushy-haired brainiac and I were still great friends, but I had felt that we had been growing further apart recently, what with not being at Hogwarts, me being with Ginny more, and Ron and her spending more time together.

"Haha, thanks. Although, I've not had as much to be correct about." At this, I fake gasped.

"What? Hermione, with nothing to be correct about? That's like- like Quidditch without a pitch, George without Fre-" I cut off as I realised the truth in what I was saying. "Um, Christmas without a tree. Hogwarts without people. Marauders without pranks. Honestly Hermione, this is terrible! What has the world become?"

"It's a dark place Harry. It's horrible. The words, they haunt me!" She whispered, looking terrified.

"Um, Hermione? Er... Ro-"

"Stupid! I was just kidding!"

"Psh. Totally knew that. Besides, isn't it great with me around? I mean, you can do pretty much anything, and still look more clever and dignified."

"What, so I could... randomly start singing?"

"Been there, done that." I said in a monotonous voice. "C'mon, liven up a bit! Use your imagination Hermione!"

"Okay, okay! What if... I just spontaneously ran outside an-"

"Too large a word. Try it without "spontaneously" instead."

"Really? Alright then, what if I just ran outside, right now, apparated onto a muggle car, and started dancing."

"Hmm... no. That wouldn't work for three reasons. One - You'd be breaching the secrecy act, and could therefore be placed in Azkaban. Two - if one didn't happen, you'd be placed in a muggle mental institution. Three - quite possibly the most important of all really - if you apprrated away, I wouldn't be there to make you look clever or dignified, would I?"

"Whatever. Either way, I have to say that it's been weird without you."

"I know what you mean 'Mione."

"Well maybe you, Ginny, Ron and I should go out together more?"

"Sure. Either me or Gin will owl you, for dates we're free."

"Okay, sounds good-"

"What does? And what dates? I heard that, y'know. That you're planning to meet up and everything. And you're gonna owl each other about dates-"

"Ron!" Both me and Hermione cut him off at the same time.

"You've got the completey wrong end of the stick." Hermy told him.

"Oh yeah? Which is the right end then?"

"We were just saying that we've not seen as much of one another since leaving Hogwarts, so perhaps you, Hermione, Ginny, and I should go out together for lunch or something." I explained.

"Whatever. And, could you keep it down a bit please? I've kinda got a headache, believe or or not." He gestured to his face, which was squinting at us, and rather tired-looking.

"Two things, mate. One - you do realise, don't you, that there's a whole stash of hangover cures upstairs."

"You're kidding me!" He groaned.


"And the other thing?"

"You look like shit."

"Like you look any better." We all turned around to see Ginny standing in the doorway.

"Are saying I look as bad as him?" Both me and Ron said at the snae time. "Hey! That's mean!"

"Well the truth hurts dear."

"Dear?" I asked, and could tell that my face had contorted slightly.


"You... You just called me "dear"!"


"So? So? So, and I'm sorry to say this, and mean no offence, but... you sound like your mum!" Ginny squinted at me.

"Are you sure I did?"

"Yes. I-I'm sorry. Its just..."

"Weird?" Ron offered. "I see what you mean. "But anyway, I'm going upstairs to get one of those cures now." He stood up, and looked ready to apperate, before realising it wasn't the best of ideas.

"I'll take the stairs, actually. Won't be long." He looked at me and Ginny (who had joined me on the sofa, and was curled up to me). "Don't get any ideas you two." Gin scoffed at him.

"What? We're not allowed to snog? We were engaged before you, and have a date set for the wedding. We can do whatever we like, when we want to. Observe."

I suddenly felt myself be pulled in to Ginny, and our lips met one another's. Sparks flew, and I then remembered that Ron was watching us, and would beat me up if it didn't stop. I pulled away, and gave her a 'later' look.

Her brother was practically fuming, though the furious red that was shading in his ears and neck was more to do with embarrassment when simultaneously the three of us looked at him and chorused "Lavender."

"Whatever. Just- I've got my eye on you."

"Cause that makes us both so scared Ronald!" Ginny called sarcastically after him. "Pathetic git."

"Im actually gonna go and help him guys - he's probably forgotten that you usually vomit." Hermione apperated up, leaving just the pair of us snuggled together.

We sat there in silence for a bit, just enjoying one another's company. Then, Ginny lifted her head from my chest, and looked up, her beautiful brown eyes meeting my green ones.

"I heard that you weren't talking to Ron, because he's been mean to you." I blushed.

"Where'd you hear that from?"




"Looks like that's been broken then."

"Uhmm." I paused. "Now I think about it, he was actually being fairly bad really. Also, he was being mean. And not just about me."

"Really? Who else was targeted by him?" Ginny asked amused.

"You." She raised an eyebrow. "He was saying that you had Ginny Germs, and that wasn't very nice. And then he was complaining that I didn't love him, and so I pointed out that if I did, I would have to kiss him, and would he really like that? So he replied by saying-"

"No, 'cause then he'd have Ginny Germs too? You told me yesterday Hazza."

"Oh, right. Well I can't really help it."

"Help what? Staring at her? 'Cause you're doing an awful lot if that right now." I looked up to see Charlie.

"Oh, hey Charlie. Good sleep?"

"Better than you, it seems. Has having to share with Percy affected you? And besides which, no offence, but you look like shit."

"Why does everyone keep saying that?"

"Because you do?" Ginny suggested.

"He does what?" Bill asked, and then did a double-take as he looked at me. "Whoa man, you look like shit."

"Okay, I will punch - no, I will set a niffler on the next person to say that."

"Fair enough. How many times has it been says to you now?"

"This morning? Let's see... You did, Ron basically did, Charlie did, Bill did. So four, but that was all within like ten minutes."

"So have you got the picture yet then?" I smiled sarcastically back at Hermione who had just re-entered the room.

"Gee, Hermione! I thought you'd be on my side."

"I have to morally support Ron right now, because he's really scared and worried at the fact that he apparently looks like you."

"And I don't get any moral support for looking like him?!" I poked Ginny in the rib.

"Nope. Although that would be a terrible hardship, I have to go with these guys this time: you look like-"

"I get it."

"I thought you were gonna set a niffler on the next person to even imply that?"

"I did say that, didn't I?" The Weasleys (minus Ginny) nodded. "Oh well. I love and care too much about her."

"Mushy much?"

"Whatever. I've had to learn to live with it, so you will too." Ron declared.

"I second that." Chimed in Hermione. I mock-glared at her.

"What is this, 'gang up against Harry day'?" I asked jokingly. "Actually, what is the date today?"

"April 7th."

"Oh." What none of them knew, was that when I was at the Dursleys', today actually was gang-up-against-Harry-day. Dudley enjoyed beating me up whenever he could, but it came a tradition from fairly early on that he'd be extra horrid today.

"You okay? You've been zoned out for a bit." Ginny whispered in my ear.

"Wha'? Yeah... Yeah. I'll tell you later." She nodded, before shrugging it off.

*Later on*

"So what was that on about earlier on?"


"About what day it is today?"

"Oh, right." So I explained, but made the details to be not quite as extravagant and horrid as they actually were, in hope to lessen the blow.

"Okay, I don't care if they are busy or if we have plans or even if there's a practise run-through thing of the wedding. Tomorrow, we are going to visit your dear Aunt, Uncle, and fat oaf of a cousin."

She had such a steely look to her eye that I didn't dare argue.

A/N: Sorry.

Sorry for it having been a while since the last update. Sorry for it being a filler. Sorry, sorry, sorry!

Fillers are kinda needed though. And I'm literally typing this with my eyes half-closed, so I hope autocorrect is being good.

Merry Christmas guys!

If you don't celebrate Christmas, SIX DAYS UNTIL NEW YEAR!

This is my present to you all, as it is technically still Xmas right now (where I am, it ends in roughly 37 minutes).


1) Did any of you watch the Xmas episode of Doctor Who? If so, thoughts?

2) Did you like this chapter? I know it was incredibly dull. Shut up.

3) Favourite parr of book so far?

4) Least favourite part of the book so far?

5) What can I do to improve?

6) What am I doing right?

7) You want more of...

8) You want less of...

Questions you want to ask the characters?

This is getting really long now, so by!

-Alice xoxox

P.S perhaps your present could be a vote, follow, or bit if feedback?

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