Chapter 16

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"Thank you all for your time here today, and for paying your respects to the deceased. Everyone on this memorial, and these lists, and on the records were heros. But before we all go, did anyone have a special person or someone they think should be mentioned, wish to be recognised? Everyone who gave their life - wether to death, or by being cursed - was a hero. All of them should be recognised, but is there anyone who any of you think should be pointed out. Be known?" Kingsley's speech reminded me of something.

"I would, Sir." I called out, raising my hand. He nodded me over.

"Very well. Anyone else? Please form a line behind Mr Potter if you do." Most people went up, but some stayed.

"I know earlier I said that I think it's unfair to mention one person over another. An I still think that. But there is a man who was overlooked. Branded as a Death Eater. Because when he was young and foolish, he became one. And it turned out that he loved my mother. No, no, I'm not talking about my dad. I'm talking about a man who heard about Voldemort's plans to kill me and my family, and begged for the sparing of my mother. And so he became a spy. Everyone thought he was a Death Eater, but he was spying for Dumbledore. And then five years ago, he murdered Dumbleodre, eliminating everyone's doubt that he was on our side. But he did so because Dumbledore would have died then anyway. And then he'd be the master of the wand that Voldemort was after. In case you haven't yet guessed, I'm talking about Severus Snape. And yes, he hated me, despised me, loathed me because I was the spitting image of my father, and a constant reminder of my deceased mother. So this is me recognising, and thanking Severus Snape. The bravest man I have ever known."

"Severus Snape." The crowd chanted back. I sat down, and the next person went up.

"I would like the recognition of Lavender Brown to be made please. She was a nice girl, friendly, and although some didn't like how forward she was, it was an act because she didn't have many people left. So she wanted to cling on to those she could. And she was a great friend. Hufflepuff level of friendship, because Hufflepuffs are the best friends you can get. I think she was the one exception, because she was - and is - a Gryffindor through-and-through. So to Lavender Brown."

"Lavender Brown." I - along with the others - said back. The girl sat down. A wave of guilt wracked my body as I thought of how annoying I had thought her to be, when in reality she was like that, not because she was just naturally annoying, but because she had suffered losses too.

"Hello. I'm Dean Thomas. And if like to mention someone who I didn't really know. He was actually a teacher. But he was the best Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher we've ever had, and probably he best there'll ever be. Remus Lupin. Married that summer to Nymphadora Tonks, and a new father. Like Harry, Teddy Lupin was one of the many war-orphaned children. So to Remus and Nymphadora Lupin."

"Remus and Nymphadora Lupin." I knew all of these people. And it hurt to think that they were all gone, and it was left to people who barely knew them to invite memories to be unleashed, and for people to think of people who were lost four years ago.

"I'd like to honour my wife. Rose Smith. She was funny, sweet, intelligent, brave, kind, but could also be cunning. So she had all the traits of each House really. And yet she laid down her life. And it tears me every day that I will never see her again, but I know she wouldn't want me to be sad. She'd want me to go on, and live life to the full. To Rose Smith." A man stood there, tears welling up in his brown eyes. He wore a strange attire; instead of the traditional black robes, he wore a brown suit. On top of it was a long army-style brown coat, that looked as though it would fan out and swing if he were running. His hair was stuck up, and he wore glasses. Stick go out of his coat pocket was another pair, but 3-d ones.

"Rose Smith." We all repeated. The man didn't sit down, but wandered over to the edge of the Forbidden Forest. He watched us all.

It continued. And when it stopped, it was with almost everyone there having a heavy heart. But with the end of the memories and celebrating heroes, came a way to remember them more so: have a huge celebration in their names.

Some of the Ministry workers returned to the Ministry, whether out of choice or because of their job varied, but the majority of people remained. We were led into the castle, and I smiled to myself, the pictures, corridors, and everything about it bringing back strong memories.

Peeves greeted us in Peeves style, fully equipped with balloons filled with paint. He was probably told by the Bloody Baron to be on his best behaviour though, as it was revealed to be the House colours. And it struck me fully, propery, completed, just how much the war had affected everyone. Even the Poltergeist who haunted the castle, and almost got us expelled several time was removing that it was over. Nothing could have actually hurt him, which means he must've been concerned for the students.

It hadn't just been a war. It hadn't just been a psychotic power-hungry fool we were against. It was years of sadness, deaths, and pain. And then a POOF all of it at once, yet again.

Then, I noticed something hanging up on one of the walls.

"Hey Gin, look." I whispered to her. She followed where I was pointing to, and giggled.

"Yes, yes. It's me." The grumpy portrait told us, rolling his eyes. One time, back in sixth year, Ginny and I had gone out for a nighttime stroll. Upon returning, we heard some footsteps, so hid in the closest place possible. It turned out to be a broom closet. Deciding it would better to risk getting caught heading back to bed, rather than be found together in a broom closet, when even the teachers knew about our relationship.

So we snuck out, and found an empty corridor. Alone, in a secret passage, we ended up making out. And then there was a loud coughing noise, gaining our attention. A portrait of a grumpy man with a ginger beard, blue eyes, and a rather odd assortment of clothes was glaring at us. It transpired that he had moved to his frame here, to get some sleep, and had woken up because he had "heard" us.

Back to the present though. At the statement, Ginny and I both blushed magnificently, earning confused looks from some people. From others - i.e one or two of the Weasley brothers - the looks were glares directed at me assuming that because we were mushing from a portrait's comment that something else had happened.

"Well. Nice to see you again Hans, wasn't it?"

"You too. And under better circumstances. Yes, it is Hans by the way. Thirteenth in line for the southern isles. My parents were both pure blooded. But father's aunt married into a rich muggle royal family. Our family took over when she and her husband died. I never got to the muggle throne."

"Sad to hear it sir."

"Yes, yes. Well I almost got married into another wealthy, pure blooded family. Ginger, the lot of them. But a Blondie got in the way."

"I'm er- I'm sorry to hear it."

"What? Oh, yes. Yes, terrible. I was so close." He seemed rather cruel.

"Mm-hmm." I nodded politely.

"This way." Called Professor McGonagall. I had a fleeting memory of being in my first year again. The group followed her, and I bided Hans goodbye, before joining them.

"Prince Hans of the southern isles? Why were you conversing with him Harry?" George appeared at my side.

"Oh I was just- well just talking to him. Is it and I was-"

"Talking to him? Well he was a famous Slytherin. He was almost a relative of ours - bearing in mind that this was hundreds of years ago - but that's how we're realted to the Malfoys instead. Our great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great- you get the picture. But our very many "great"'s grandma Ana was American. She almost married him, but married someone called Kristof instead." Charlie told me. Appearing at my other side. Their sibling resemblance was particularly striking at that angle.

"Oh. Er... fair enough? Sorry, I'm still not quite sure why that means I shouldn't speak to him."

"We're not saying that at all."

"Yeah, don't go getting the wrong impression now."

"It's just that he was-"

"A Slytherin. Through-and-through." They were doing the twins' trick now. I could see that it made George so happy that it was working, and he could do it again. But at the same time, his face showed that it was a constant reminder that there was a replacement in a way. That he wasn't doing the tricks with the right person.

"Well I know what's wrong with that. Or rather, what can be wrong with that. Some people aren't that bad, even if they are from the sly and cunning House." I told them.

"Duh. We heard what you said about Snapey."

"Yep. And we know it's not the bad house of such. It's just got a reputation. That all."

"What're you lot talking about?" Ginny inquired. She had been talking to Molly, and had now returned.

"Well they're saying that a certain house has a bad reputation. And I get that. But y'know the whole thing about there not being a single witch or wizard who went bad who wasn't in Slytherin? I'm assuming the saying means willingly. And Pettigrew was somehow in Gryffindor, for the brave. And, Merlin was in Slytherin."

"Never denied it mate." George said, raising his hands in a surrendering position. "But how come you're sticking up for it so much anyway?"

"Well... Every House builds a reputation. And everyone knows what that house is like. But not every girl likes pink. Not every Pureblood descendant has magic. Not everyone fits the stereotype. They were sorted their because they were cunning, sly, or ambitious. Or, because of their blood."

"Eh, I guess so."

"Yeah." Ron came over too, and we found a table (by now we were in the Great Hall. Mini tables had been set up, rather than the regular four-house ones).

"Hm. Woah. Now I think about it... Shit. I'm related to Salazar. Incredibly distantly, obviously. But if both me and Voldemort are descended from the Peverell brothers. Him from Cadamus, me from Ignotus. And if he's also a direct descendant of Salazar..."

The others gasped, but Hermione seems to have worked it out already, because she simply rolled her eyes.

"Harry, we've known about Voldemort being related to Cadamus for five years! And about you and Ignotus for four! How have you not realised that yet?"

"I haven't really thought about it. And... Whoa. Hang on, how come I haven't retained the Parseltonuge ability then?"

"I dunno." Ron replied, shrugging. "Who does?"

"Well know one will know for certain. But we can still guess." Hermione had an answer for everything. "Personally, I think it's because Voldemort was a direct descendant, wasn't he?"

"Well yeah. So?"

"So? So, Harry isn't. Maybe the ability was passed down through all the possible heirs, and well... He was the heir, so it stuck with him. And then obviously with everything, Harry had it from that. And when the you-know-what inside him died, so did all the other stuff Harry got from him."

"I swear Ron. You don't need to bother using that new 'Google' thing, when you've got 'Mione." I told him. Hermione blushed at that. But before she could reply, there was a loud dinging noise, and everyone turned their heads to were Professor McGonagall was standing. Her goblet was raised, and her fork in mid air beside it.

"As we have now honoured those who left us whilst fighting for a noble cause, I would like to invite you all to celebrate their lives, and that everyone sitting here lived through it. A feast has been prepared. To the end of the war." She held up the goblet.

"The end of the war." We all mimicked her, raising our own goblets.

"Had it never it occurred, a much better, and much more worthy person would be standing here. So I shall say to you what he would have said: "Everybody makes choices in life, some choices turn out better than others. Even the smallest of things can change our lives dramatically. But now, I would like you all to choose the same thing as I. And I am choosing to eat the delicious feats prepared for us all."

We all clapped, and I had a fleeting reminder from when I was in Dumbledore's office back in my second year. He had told me that "the choices we make show who we truly are, far more than our abilities". And it's true. I chose not to hide, run, or give in to Voldemort, but to defy him. Which led others to do so to.

And then, the food spread. Much as it has for centuries, it was been magicked up, and Ron showed who he truly was. Still mentally eleven.

"Got enough on your plate their mate?" He returned from the larger table, which was one for meat-eaters, plate piled high. Looking down at it, he drowned.

"Why what do you- oh. I get it." He nodded, and smiled. "I really don't have enough. This won't last for more than an hour. Better get there quickly!"

I face-palmed.
"Gin, why is Ron so-"

"I don't know deer."

"'Mione, what do you even see in him?"

"Well he's handsome, charming, is actually able to levitate stuff-"

"Sorry, but I can levitate objects!"

"Really? When did you do so?" She raised an eyebrow, and smirked. "I did in lesson, Ron did with the club, and you did...?"

"Well I- I had no need to do so after that. We moved on in charms, because Flitwick thought that if Ron could perform it in a life-or-death situation, then anyone could."

"Perform it then."


"Well yes. It's a simple, elven year old charm Harry."

"Why do I need to prove that I can do it then?"

"Harry! Are you kindling me? Can you actually-"

"Ginny, I can!" She smiled incredulously at me. "Look: Wingardium Leviosa." I performed the swish-and-flick wrist movement, and remembered that it's Levi-O-said, and not -Levi-o-SAH.

The chicken drumstick which was half-way to Ron's mouth flew away.

"Hey, I was eating that!" He cried.

"You can have another one. But I told you so." I smiled triumphantly, before diggin I. To my own food. "This is good." I commented.

"Harry, I hate to burst your bubble, but it's not that big an accomplishment."



"I hate to burst your bubble." She promptly smacked me. "Ouch!"

"Don't make fun of the things I say... SnuggyBuggy."

"Merlin's beard, don't say you've reached the point of nicknames!" George fake gagged.

"Worse still, nicknames like... well, that." Ron shuddered.

"No. You've got it wrong we don't-"

"Harry, you've been living with our sister for a whole month! And you're engaged and all that shit. So when she calls you "SnuggyBuggy", it's pretty obvious what it means."

"Which is something that should not be happening yet." Protective brothers assemble!

I turned to Ginny. "You're family really assumes the worst, don't they? Why did you even call me that anyway?"

"Because at night time, you've been searching for "Mr SnuggyBuggy". Apparently, he was your toy ladybird or something? That someone gave to you, and then he went missing."

My eyes widened, and I blushed.

"I've been missing Mr SnuggyBuggy at night? I mean, I've been sleep-talking about him?"


"You're not gonna let this one go, are you?"


"I hate you sometimes."

"And then you realise how much you love me."


"Who even says that- besides you?"

"Harry Potter. Harry Freakin' Potter. Harry James Potter. Me. Myself. I. Our future kids. Our future nieces and nephews. I can feel it catching on already.

"The only thing it's catching is the Hogwarts Express back to London. So that it can be captured, examined, and then destroyed."

"Violent much?"

"You make fun of what I say, and it'll only come straight back at you."

"Fair enough. Not gonna argue with that."

The day passed with more memories, more congratulations, more new announcements, celebrations, and a dance or two.

And at the time in which I handed myself in all four years ago, there was a massive bonfire in the forest. Muggle marshmallows were toasted, and appreciation for the co-existing world was made clear.

All-in-all, it turned out alright. Things are finally starting to go as they should. Recoveries are being made, and people are coping with the losses and shocks that horrible time brought us. Perhaps everything will maybe - just maybe - turn out well.

A/N: Sorry it's been a while, I've been busy, and school's just started again and just ugh. And I'm really sorry that's it's so short too :/

Also, I've had serious Writer's block. No ideas, no inspiration, no time, no nothing so I haven't had anything written.

I'm back now though. Did you miss me?
(Cookie to everyone who got that.)

Feedback please! And voting, and a fan/follow would be very much appreciated too! Next chappie should be up soon. Comment what you think is up, and what will happen. I will try to start writing it now, in fact.

Also, shout out to PhanOfAll because she is just amazing and perfect and yes.

Until whenever I finish the next chapter,
-Alice xoxox

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