Chapter 17

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A/N: If you're wondering wtf the picture is, my younger brother made it for me. It's my "Gringotts Key". Sorry if you don't care, but I thought it was really cute, because he literally came home from school, told me to hold my hands out and close my eyes, before presenting it to me. And the purple thing it's on is a cushion my mum made me.

So even though you're not reading this, thanks mum, and my younger brother (who I'm not going to give the name of, because this is the internet). Love you both!

Weeks passed after that, in a flurry of events. The next one was Dudley's wedding - due in a week and a half. But tonight, me, Ron, George, Neville, Bill, Charlie, And a bunch of other guys decided that we might as well live a bit, and went out for the night.

I spotted the destination, and headed straight towards it. Upon entering, I scanned the Leaky Cauldron, and soon saw a head of ginger hair, which could only belong to one family.

"Hey Ron. How're you mate?" I asked, clapping him on the back. He wheeled round, and smiled.

"Yeah, good. Just waiting on Nev now."

"I'm not that late am I?" I hadn't left too much earlier than my intended target time.

"Well, it's quarter to nine, and we said half eight. Hang on. Why's your t-shirt on back-to-front? And- is that the label? Is it on inside-out?" I blushed, and was glad that they had chosen a dimly-ish lit corner.

"No. All, yeah. But it's designed to be that way." I made up on the spot. I cast around for a change of subject, before seeing a familiar person. "Oh look, there's Neville now. NEV! HEY, HEY NEV!"

It wasn't Neville. It was a random stranger, who looked at me weirdly. I smiled awkwardly. Whilst the others hooted with laughter.

"Sorry, I er- I thought you were someone else." I called over. Wincing slightly at the awkwardness of the situation.

"I guessed that mate. But you don' know me. And I don' know you." I raised an eyebrow and smirked.

"Look again "mate"." He came over to me, and I realised that indeed it was incredibly hard to mix him and innocent little Neville up. He was a large, burley man, with thick muscles and a malicious face. Stubble dotted his chin.

"Wha' am I lookin' for?" His voice was deep and raspy.

"Do you know who I am?"

"No. That's why I said so. Stop tryin' to look cool or wha'ever. Or I'll call the landlord over."

"I'm Harry Potter. The Harry Potter."

"Yeah, and I'm Gandalf the Grey." He chuckled to himself.

"No. I'm actually him. Any of these people could confirm it. Tom could. Anyone who knows what I - that is to say what Harry Potter - looks like can identify me as him, and him as me. So... "Stop trying to look cool or whatever, or I'll call the landlord over"."

He glared at me, before stalking off.

"Hi guys. Should I have mentioned that I'm here?" Came a voice I spun around to see Neville.

"Really? Y'know what, it doesn't matter. We'll order the drinks. What do guys want? I'll get the first round." They each told me their order, so I went over to the bar.

"Four flagons of Firewhiskey, two pints of Ol' Goblin Grub's Ale, and two glasses House-elf wine please. Oh, and a flagon of Butterbeer." I told the innkeeper.

"Coming right up sir. That'll be 5 galleons, 3 sickles, and 5 knuts please." Came the bored reply of the young man behind the bar. He held out his hand lazily, and I put the right amount of coins in his hand. He counted them, nodded, and prepared the drinks. I levitated them over, and they were handed out.

Four drinks each later, and we were as sober as a bunch of teenagers. Drunk, in other words.

"Okay, so then, and this is the bi' you'll really not believe - hic - the Leprechaun told the gian' tha' he looked a bi' overweight. I was terrified for him." Charlie told us all.

"The nerve!"

"I know! I didn' hang around to see wha' 'append next though. But when I went back there, a couple o'hours la'er, they was siting there, with other things like trolls and goblins, and they had all formed a suppor' group."

"Goblins and trolls in the same place and nothing happened? Nah, you're lying." I told him bluntly. It didn't even cross my mind that calling a giant overweight would leave you dead at the very least.

"You calling me a liar?!"

"Yeah. I am. Whatcha gonna do abou' it?"

"Hang on guys. Let me go do somethin' with my life."

Neville had evidently never had this much to drink before in his life, because he had more courage than ever. He stood up, and walked in a wobbly line over to yet another ginger person.

"Hey girl. You're hand looks heavy. Want me to hold it?" He asked a very familiar face.

"Neville? Is- is that you?"

"Er yeah... Sorry, I just- I'm not drunk." He told her quickly, before adding on a quick "I'm just intoxicated by you." Cue the wink.

"Are you okay?"

"Nope, I'm Neville Longbottm. And you are?"

"Hannah Abott. Your fiancé." She was not amused.

"Hannah. Firstly, I did know it was you. I was just testing. I've always loved that name y'know. It's so unique, being the same back to front and all. And all the letters are mirror-image." She looked at him blankly. "Anyway. I was just wondering whether you wanted a drink? I mean..." His eyes widened as he realised what he had said. "I mean, if you want one. If you'd like one, would you like a- shit I'm getting all juggled up. I mean muddled up." She laughed. "Do you want a drink? And then we'll head back, I may have left the oven on..." He grinned sheepishly.

"What, you did what?" She cried in horror. "Again?"

"I am not used to those sort of things. It's all... Weird and fiery." He pulled a face, to which she giggled.

"Alright alright. Drink then home."

"Now... What are we actually gonna do tonight? Besides get wasted?" Ron began, drawing everyone's attention back to where we were.

"How about-"

"Ooh, ohh! Pick me! I've got an idea!" Percy jumped up and down excitedly (if you can imagine that).

"Go on then."

"How about, we go back to someone's house - not Ron's or Harry's though, because their girlfriends will either be in one or the other. Anyway, we could go back to mine or something, and then play truth or dare!"

"Perce, that's a kid's game." George groaned.

"Yeah but it's fun." Charlie said.

"All in favour say codswallop."

"Codswallop." Chimed everyone. Including "it's a kids' game" George.

"Majority wins."

"It was everyone. Not a majority."

"Okay okay. Everyone's in agreement. Better?"


"Back to the point though. How'll we get there?"


So we got our coats, and left. Flagging up a couple of cabs, we eventually got to Percy's posh and tidy flat. Bookcases with neatly arranged books; plumped up sofa cushions; clothes folded up in colour-coded piles... It made me think of the Dursleys.

"Okay, gather round in a circle. I'll get some Firewhiskey." We did as we were told, and he came back a couple of minutes later with a couple of bottles and some shot glasses.

"It can be truth or dare. If you refuse the dare, you have to do a truth and take a shot. And likewise, if you choose a truth but don't do it, you have to do a dare and take a shot." He grinned.

"Alright. How about we each have a shot to begin with. And then the remainder of it gets spilt between us, so we've got our first shots already? Then, we can use the bottle for the random selection."

It was agreed upon, so that what we did. In the end, it landed on Ron.

"Truth or dare Ron?"


"I dare you... to... hmmm..."

"Hurry up Percy!"

"Yeah, or someone else can decide."

"Okay, George can then."

The said half-of-a-set grinned evily.
"Well Ron, I dare you to take the bad ends of every sweet in the skiving snack boxes right before you next see Hermione."

Ron blushed.
"Okay. Sure."

"But you have to film it for proof."



"Nothing, it's fine. I'll do it."

"You kinda have to. That's the whole point."

"Next. Spin it Ron." He did so, and I shot him a glare when it came to stop on me.

"Thanks mate."

"No problem. Truth or dare?"



"Just do it."

"Okay okay! Calm your tits."

"I don't have any tits Ron. Ginn-"

"SHUT UP RIGHT THERE! Okay, truth. Most saddest moment from age eight and below."

"Er... Well there's a few. Okay, one without the Dursleys, or you'll all get cross with them. Er... Well, when I was like five there was a school trip, but I wasn't allowed to go-"


"Because the Dursleys didn't let me."


"Because they're mean and naughty and ugly horrible Poo-poos."

"Okay. Continue."

"Anyway. So I wasn't allowed to go, which meant that I had to stay at school and do boring maths stuff. And at one point I we needed to draw our family, and so I drew Vernon, Petina, and Dudley, and then me as well. But the next day Vernon called in because they were teaching me that they were my family, and so the teacher had to tell me off. So then everyone knew that I didn't have a proper family, and word got out as to why, and all the other kids laughed at me because I didn't have a family and they did."

"That mean."

"I know."

"You need to be cheered up."

"But the rest of you haven't had a go yet-"

"How about we calm the girls over?"

"Okay then. As long as Gin-Gin is there."

"Ewww you do have nicknames!"

"Only when we're alone."

"Let's just call them over before Ron murders Harry."

So Bill cast a patronus, inviting Ginny, Hermione, Fleur, Angelina, and some of their friends over to Percy's. Hermione couldn't make it though - she was at her parents' house. When the others arrived, I greeted Ginny with a sloppy kiss.

"Harry how much have you had to drink? You reek of alcohol!"

"I dunno. Do you want to play hide and seek? Or tig?"

"I thought we were going to play snakes and ladders!"

"I say tig."


"Snakes and ladders."



Tig was voted for in the end. Rules were set, and a girl named Audrey ended up counting.

"Quick, Ginny, this way!" I whispered to her, dragging her towards a discreet set of bushes.

"But what if-"

"Please? You can choose next round. I promise. Pleeeeeeeease?" I gave her a puppy face.

"No, listen. How about we apperate away?"

"But you said I was drunk. And you know the rules. Don't drink and apperate."

"But side apparation is alright, and I'm completely sober."

"I thought the rule were you're not allowed to apparatus or cast a Disillusion charm though?"

"They are. But I know a secret place where we can go."

"Where? Where? Where?" I was as excited as a seven year old going on holiday.

"Depends whether you want to stop playing the game or not. Or we could play a different one..."

"Oooh. That sounds fun! Okay then Gin-Gin."

I took hold of her arm, and she dissaperated.

After a swirl of colour and being unable to breath, we landed. She was fine, but I decided to pay the floor a visit.
"Will you tell me now? Oh, hi Mr shoe! How's your wife? What's that? You're - you're what? No! You can't!"

"What's going on between them now?" Ginny asked, amusement filling her voice.

"They're planning on getting divorced. And did you know that your voice sounds very nice?"

"Er- what?"

"Your voice sounds nice. It's like your laugh. Your laugh is like a little tinkle. Tinkle tinkle tinkle. But not like a wee-wee tinkle. Like a little bell."

"Erm right. Thanks?"

"You're very welcome. Now, where are we going?"

"Well there's a visitor upstairs."

"Is it Yoda?"


"The Doctor?"

"Try again."

"Er... Bilbo? Frodo? Sam? Thorin? Or, I know. Thor!" I could feel my eyes widening with excitement as I started jumping up and down, a smile stretched upon my face. "It's Thor, isn't it Ginny?"

"No, no, no, no, and sorry, but no." I stopped jumping, and frowned.

"Oh. That's made me sad now. I was really sure but- oh, is it Katniss? Gale? Liam Hemsworth?"

"No Harry. I'll give you a clue. It's a girl, she has wings, is quite small, and collects children's teeth, replacing them for money."

"Well it could be the tooth fairy then, but I don't think so because she never visited me, only Dudley."

"Okay. Well actually it's the tooth pixie. Fairies aren't real."

"What about Tinkerbell then, hmm? Hmm? How'd you explain that?"

She sighed and rolled her eyes.
"Just go to bed."

"Ah ha! So it was just a trick to get me to go to bed, was it? Well I've beaten you this time! I'm going."

"Where to?"

"A different building. I will disappear, like magic!"

"We have magic. It won't be like magic, it will be magic." I nodded wisely.

"That's what I wanted you to think."

"No, it's true."

"Keep telling yourself that. But first, marvel as I disappear."

"How? You can't apperate when you're drunk, you're also too drunk to fly, and you'll just slur your words together, so you'll end up lost if you use Floo Powder."

"Nope. Now, close your eyes."

*Ginny's POV*

Sighing heavily, I did so, and waited as I heard him stomp up the stairs, giggling to himself. Well, he's gonna be happy and lively tomorrow. I opened my eyes again, and quietly climbed up the stairs. The giggling led me to the room mum and dad used to share whenever we stayed here.

I opened the door, and winced as it creaked loudly. He took in a rather loud and deep breath to stop himself from being caught.

"Hmm, where could Harry be? I wonder. Well, I guess I better look in here first, and then go to a different room." I said.

"No, you've got to go to Harry's room first. He's in there." Came Harry's voice, but deeper and more mysterious.

"Well, I better listen to that weird voice then. I don't know who could have said such a thing."

"Hey! My voice isn't weird, smelly poo." Harry called, sitting up from behind the bed, and pouting at me. "That's mean!"

"Harry, what have I told you about calling people smelly poos?"

"That it's not nice." He grudgingly said.

"Yeah. So it can hurt people's feelings, and that mean, isn't it? How would you feel if I called you a smelly poo?"

"Not very happy." He mumbled.

"I didn't hear you."

"NOT VERY HAPPY." He said loudly.

"Exactly. So don't be mean, okay?"

"But you were mean to me firster!"

"Firster?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Yes. Y'know, the most firstist. Duh!"

"Okay, well I'm sorry I was mean, I didn't mean it."

"You just said mean twice. I didn't know they had different meanings. Look, it was that word again!" His eyebrows were furrowed in confusion.

"Yes, very odd, isn't it? Now, I think it's time for bed mister."

"No! No, no, no! I don't want to go to bed! I want to go to Pigfarts again!"

"And what's Pigfarts?"

"Haha, good one."

"No really, what is it?"

"It's only the best Wizarding school in the entire galaxy!"

"Then why haven't I heard of it?"

"Because Pigfarts is on Mars."

"Right. Sure. Well you've already finished school, haven't you? Remember Hogwarts, with Dumbledore and-"

"Dumbledore! Pffft! What an old coot! He's nothing like Rumbleroar. Rumbleroar is the headmaster at Pigfarts. He's a lion. Who can talk."

"Well, if you go to bed now, we'll meet Rumbleroar in the morning."

"Er Ginny, Rumbleroar lives on Mars. You need a rocket ship to get to Mars. Do you have a rocket ship? Because I don't. I'd like one though-"

"A girl can only survive this for so long." I muttered to myself. "Sorry about this Harry."

"About wha-"

"Enocto." The lids for his emerald eyes snapped to a close, as he fell into a deep sleep. "Mobilicorpus." I levitated his body out of the door, and up the stairs, guiding him to his bedroom. Gently, he was lain down on the bed, and I tucked him in, sliding his glasses off his nose, and putting them on the bedside table.

Carefully and quietly, I snuck out of the room, closed the door, and headed downstairs. That man was a handful and a half. I swear, I need to cast more spells here, so that his toplap is unable to work. He watches too much YouTube and programmes.

After finishing to make the dinner I had left before to go and fetch Harry, I say down, yawning. I ate it, and then headed to my own room, got dressed quickly, used the bathroom, had a quick shower, and then went to bed.

A/N: I'm really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really (times infinity) sorry that this a) is so short and b) has taken so long to write.

I've been really busy, and I've had parents evening (ew) and stuff like that. This year I'm choosing my GCSE options, so it's pretty important. And the thing is, I might be moving schools. It won't be until September, and we missed the admission date by 3 months, plus I'm out of catchment, but there's actually a high chance I might get in, because they still had/have some spare places, and both my sisters go there, with increases my chances by a lot.

I'm still not guaranteed though, and I won't find out until March 2nd.

So I've been to an options talk there, had a tour, talked to people and it's been pretty busy. But if I do get in, it means that I'll be by myself (because I'm out of catchment and stuff). So I'd be leaving all of my friends, and y'know, it'll be pretty different.

My current school though has been giving out a lot of homework.

Basically, I'm really sorry, but you've got to understand that realisticly, my non-Internet life sort of has to come first.

But on the bright side...


Just had to get that off my chest. But seriously, I can't thank you enough. If I could, I would send every single one of you a pile of food and unlimited amounts of data so that you can go on the internet whenever you want. And free wifi everywhere, as well as Harry Potter merch, and merch for every fandom each of you individuals are into. If I could, I really, truly would.

So thanks

-Alice xoxoxoxox ❤️

P.S a shameless promotion to enter the cover contest for this book. Must have the title, my username, and something to do with Hinny. Can include your username. Due: Feb 10th. Send to: [email protected].

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