Chapter 19

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Please read the A/N at the bottom.


"You're right, you don't have any right to say that at all." Harry grumbled to himself.

"Hey, I thought you had called a truce?" I semi-asked, semi-stated.

"Yeah, so did I." Harry began darkly, "Until he decided that actually, he's better than me,a Ms sent me a letter at work declaring that I'd pay for putting his "innocent" father in prison. I retorted of course, asking what he was going to do, as this wasn't really anything he could go running to daddy about."

"Harry." I signed disapprovingly.

"What? He relied with his catchphrase. "Wait until my father hears about this."" He put on a silly voice, and scowled at the blonde bimbo.

"Look, I understand, but try not to-" I was cut off by him snorting.

"Sorry. It's just, you understand? Go on." I felt my temper flare up, but didn't want to cause a scene.

"Yes Harry, I understand. His family constantly provoked mine, even before you turned eleven and became a hero. It was thanks to his dad that I got possessed by the darkest wizard of all time. Not you, me. I was taunted about the poorness of my family and how Harry Potter would never even look at me. And that wasn't even once or twice, that was every time he saw me in the corridors. Every year. In fifth when we started going out, it was just a trick to break my heart. In sixth it was proof, and you were never coming back for me." He store at me, shellshocked.

"Sorry. I was just-"

"Wound up at him? Believe me, I get it." I turned away and watched the film.

It was a great movie. The perfect overbalanced of comedy to a tragic, heartbreaking background of a certain mammoth. Harry kept apologising, and I forgave him in the end, before we just watched the movie happily.

"That looks so fun!" Little boy shouted gleefully as Diego, Manny and Sid whizzed down paths of ice trying to grab the baby. He turned to his mother who was telling him to be quieter. "But mummy! Please we have a go at it? Please?"

"Kenneth be quiet. Other people are trying to watch the film too sweetie."

"I wanna sweetie." A smaller figure told the poor woman.

"I don't have any- look, what's the tiger doing?" Her tactic of distraction had worked and the kids turned their attention back to the screen.

It was fascinating, as Diego almost died, Manny saved him. Diego was feeling guilty- you could see that. And right before he led them the wrong way, he admitted he was a about to lead them into an ambush, but they should run quickly. Manny didn't trust him (and rightfully too) but eventually they devised a scheme.

Once the fighting was over and the kid was safe, it was looking happier for the pack.

"Hey Harry, thanks. I really needed a day with the two of us."

"No problem, love." He told me, kissing the top of my head.

"Hinny, Hinny, Hinny!" Gracie was chanting quietly. I scowled at her. "Right, lets go guys." She announced, clapping her hands together as the credits rolled down the screen.

Everyone collected their stuff and we headed out. Then, I quickly dived into the bathroom. Gracie followed.
"What is it?"

"The team's here. Okay... Quickly, change my appearance." I looked around the posters advertising films. "Brown hair, grey eyes, make the hair wavy... What else? More tan? And I'll do a fringe." I quickly did so, also adding a few adjustment to things such as the length of my nose, getting rid of my freckles, changed my voice, and height.

"Brilliant. I don't even recognise you!"

"Okay. My name can be..." I looked once more to various posters. "Holly Windsale."

"Holly Windsale." She repeated. "Got it. I'll go tell the others and Harry, actually, you can too."

We headed out. So far, they had gone undetected. We headed over to the group, and whispered what my name was. Harry was only here because I was ill and it would be a waste of the ticket, and I forced him to go. Draco and Kat had dissipated by now, which was rather lucky.

Gwenog spotted Harry, and strode over looking suspicious.

"Alright Harry?" She asked.

"What? Oh, hi! Yeah, I'm good thanks. You? How did the match go?"

"I'm fine. We won, 230-40." He let out a long whistle. "Nice. Sorry neither I nor Ginny could make it, she's-"

"Ill? I heard. Odd though that you were still able to come here, rather than look after her. And that you wouldn't even go to see the match..."

"About that. I'm really sorry, I just... I didn't want to leave her, trust me. But then she was going on a bout how this would be the waste of a ticket, and I'd been wanting to go for ages so it was the perfect opportunity."

"And you went just like that?" She asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Well no. Quite honestly, I was still adamant to stay with her. No offence you two, but spending a couple of hours with some giggling girls and no backup man wasn't exactly how I was looking to spend the day. But you know what she's like when she wants something done. "If you don't go, I'll use my bat-bogey hex"." He shuddered. "Enough to get me here."

"Bat-bogey hex? Harry Potter, defeater of the Darkest Wizard to exist was - and presumably still is - scared of his girlfriend's hex?" He blushed. Then frowned.

"That sound pretty bad, doesn't it?" She nodded. That's when she spotted me.

"Hey, what's your name? You look... I don't know. Were you my old neighbour?"

"No. S-sorry. I know you though! Oh Merlin! You're Gwenog Jones, captain of the Holyhead Harpies, aren't you?" I did my best to look excited, and grabbed a quill and slip of parchment. "Can I have your autograph?"

"Uh sure... What was your name again?"

"Holly Windsale, miss. Merlin, this is so exciting!" I squealed and jumped, to the amusement of Harry.

"Something funny Harry? And how come your acting particularly close to Holly?"

"Holly is a very good friend, Gwenog, and I'm amused because she's been waiting for this moment pretty much her entire life." Harry said cooly.

"Just friends though?" Gwenog was starting to act like a certain beetle-brained reporter.

"Yes, of course. What else would it be?"

"Well, Harry Potter could have any girl in the world, why not have two?" I felt my face heat up, and Harry turned red too - but from anger.

"Holly used to live on my street, she was my only childhood friend. My first friend. And then she moved away. But after I got - after I got Hedwig, I kept in touch with her. She didn't go to Hogwarts, but we still sent each other letters and stuff. Quite frankly, she's practically my sister. If I had girl trouble I could ask her. If she had boy trouble she could ask me. So I can assure you that you need not worry, because we are essentially siblings."

"Right. Well, don't blame me. You looked kinda close and protective-"

"Because we are essentially siblings." I repeated, looking at her firmly. "Harry is protective, you're right. But er-" I looked up at him, and made myself cringe. "Sorry, but you're literally like a brother to me."

"Okay, okay. I get it guys. But believe me, I know when people are lying." She thrust the signed parchment at me, and fixed a glare at me. "Bye 'Holly'." She didn't believe us. That much was evident. Gracie actually had the nerve to grab her arm, and spin her around.

"I'm sorry, but you are being a total bitch right now. Yes, I know who you are. And I also know those two. Quite frankly, me, Mollie, and Kat - who's left - all used to try to get them together but they physically couldn't because you could see that it pained them both to act like that, it wasn't right. It would be like-" she looked at Mollie for inspiration.

"Athena and Ares? Apollo and Artemis?" She was sort of a Greek Geek.

"Yeah. Exactly. Anyway. It's not your place to go assuming things, Jones, so leave them alone. Plus, Hinny is life. Hinny is real. Hinny will never, ever end. Enjoy your film." She gave her a sickly sweet smile, before shoving her to the screening room.

"Thanks." I told her and Mollie.

"No problem."

After that, we talked a bit, the two of them came home, and eventually each parted. A couple of hours after we got back, a letter arrived for me from Gwenog.

Dear Ginny,

I am sorry to hear that you're ill, and had to stay at home. It was a most unfortunate event. I bumped into Harry and some of your friends at the cinema. He said he was there because you had forced him to take the ticket you would have otherwise used.

However - I must ask - why did you have a ticket planned for the cinema for the time time as the match? If you were desperate enough to send your boyfriend to use your ticket so as to not waste the money, surely this means you would have missed the match even if you were not ill?

When we offered (and when you accepted) the job for being one of our chasers, you swore you would put the team first. Every match played would be played by you, unless you were incredibly ill. Neither I - nor the rest of team - appreciate you being willing to spend a day watching moving pictures which you could do the following day quite as easily. Indeed, Mary (reserve chaser) was not hesitant to display her thoughts on the matter, and even suggested putting you on suspension. Some agreed, some didn't.
I myself vouched for you. So this is a warning. One more stunt like this, and I'm afraid you'll be off the team for good.

-Gwenog Jones, captain of the Holyhead Harpies.

P.S. Just remembered - there was a girl with Harry at the cinema. Named Sally Windsheild or something. You might want to watch out. Harry may be a nice guy, but nice guys can change.

The last sentence was crossed out as though she's decided not to include that bit after all. I sighed, and showed it to Harry, raking a hand through my hair as I paced.

""One more stunt like this", "suggested putting you on suspension", "don't appreciate"-" Harry read aloud a series of phrase incredulously. "And the Holly thing again. Can she not just leave it be? I mean-" I suddenly mimed him being silenced. Inside the envelope was a magic walkie-talky. It could record and send from opposite ends of the Earth. And it was tiny, stuck to the inside. I pointed at it. He nodded.

I silently recast the sick-voice charms.

"I know Harry. But to people who don't know... it could seem like something more than siblingship."


"I know though. And I wouldn't doubt you fir a second. I wouldn't doubt Holly either. I mean, she's with Derek."

"Yeah, and I know about that." He said darkly. "I swear he's a git. If he does anything to her, I will personally storm over there and-"

"It's alright. It's alright. Don't worry love, calm down." He took a few deep breaths, and closed his eyes.

"Okay, sorry. I just - I have a bad feeling about him, y'know?"

"Really? Harry, your opinion changes about him every day!"

"Well he makes her happy. And we've basically adopted one another as siblings. So y'know, I wanna make sure that she's happy."

"Unless them snogging each utter is what makes her happy." He cringed, and I had a feeling he was thinking about if Hermione was with someone other than Ron.

"Ugh. Just don't." I gave out a wheezy laugh, and coughed a bit. "Ooh, sorry."

"No problem. Would you be able to make dinner? Soup sounds good."


With that, I trudged upstairs, and fiddled with the envelope. I don't even know why I took it with me. I burnt it, meaning that Gwenog would no longer be able to hear anything. Then, I went back down stairs.

"Hi. Again." Harry greeted me. "Dinner'll believe ready soon. I've actually made soup."

"Cool, thanks."

Once it was done, we sat down, and Harry placed the soup on the table, along with some homemade bread and some balsamic vinegar. He served it up, and we tucked in.

"Mm, this is good. Really good. You can make it again." He shrugged and blushed a bit.

"One of my specialities."

"And I've only got to try it now?" I mocked being angry at him. "How could you?"

"I thought we'd had it before." He said truthfully.

"Well it's brilliant."

After I had finished my second bowlful, I rested against the chair. "Cor, I'm stuffed!"

"Cor?" He shook his head. "Whatever. Um Ginny? There's something I need to tell you..."

This couldn't be good. "Yes?"

"I er... Well a couple of days ago, I got a letter. I'm... I'm being sent on a mission at work. It won't be until after the wedding, and I'll be back in time for Ron and Hermione's. But er, yeah. It's about three months." I sat there silently. "Gin, are you alright? Sorry I didn't tell you straight away. Is that alright with you?" A sat there a moment more, speaking not a single word.

"Three?" My voice came out sounding hollow. He let out the breathe he'd been holding in.

"Yeah." He scratched the back of his neck.

"Why would it- what's gonna take three months?"

"It's catching this guy. Thought to be an ex-Death Eater, and he's been terrorising muggles."

"In what way?"

"Torturing, killing, turning some into slaves..."

"And it's gonna take three months to catch this one guy?"

"Well we've been tracking him down. And trying to figure out a pattern. We think we've got one, but three months is the maximum."

"But what if it isn't? What if- what if something happens Harry, and they can't find you? If it's too dangerous to find you? You know I don't like it when you go on missions."

"And you know that I don't like leaving you here either. You know that I would never die out there because then I wouldn't get to see you again. Look, as I said, it'll be three months max." He grabbed my hands in his own, and held them, looking into my eyes.

"I know, but-"

"But what?"

"But you're not invulnerable anymore. That Horcrux died inside you four years ago! And you say all that, but what if something happens like it did last time? What then, eh?"

"Gin, last time was different-"

"How so? How was it any different? Who's the guy you're hunting this time anyway?"

"I think you know who." I gasped, and ripped my hands back to cover my mouth.

"No. Harry you promised-"

"But I have to do something. Don't you see? I have to do something."

"Harry, last time there were ten of the top Aurors we have, and only three survived. Ten to one, and three survived. You were hospitalised for seven months! Do you know what that was like for me - wait, of course you don't!" I had tears in my eyes.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He demanded.

"It's supposed to mean exactly how it sounds. You don't know what that was like. At all. The worst injury I've had is a broken arm and leg, which got mended in a minute. At the Battle of Hogwarts I thought you were dead. And you don't know how that feels. I thought you were gone forever. I was so relieved that you weren't. But then when you went to Mungo's for seven months, I wasn't sure if you'd make it. Because you're the same as us, and you only have one life left. You survived dying twice, but now you're back. And I thought you were slowly slipping away. Every day, I visited. Every stinking day. And I thought I was losing you. That I'd never see your cute little smile again-"

"But you did."

"But you dint know how it felt that I wouldn't. Out of the three of you, you took the longest to heal."

"Yeah, I know that funnily enough. I was the one who was hurt-"

"But you couldn't feel it because of the painkillers. They had none that would work for me though." He had the nerve to laugh.

"None that would work? You're acting like you had heartache. Ginny, I am here. And painkillers can't block everything out so would you get off of your fuckin' high horse for once and look around you-"

"I need to get off my high horse? Harry Potter, I do not believe you. First you pulled that stunt. Then you promised you'd leave that creature to be sorted out by someone else. And now you're telling me that you're going back to face the guy? I can't believe you. I'm going to bed." I stood up, and waved my wand. The dishes sorted themselves out. "Thanks for ruining a great day."

I stormed upstairs, tears streaming down my face. But he had to go and follow.

"No, I'm not in the wrong here. I won't let you act the innocent one this time."

"Innocent one? Harry, he almost killed you! Even the healers didn't think you would pull through. They didn't think you could."

"And right now he's killing and torturing muggles. Muggles who have done no wrong."


"YOU DEAL WITH IT." That was it.

"I'm not going to deal with it. At all." My voice was deadly quite. "In fact, I'm going. I'll pack a bag. Right now, so that I don't have to deal with it."

"Fine, see if I care."

"Fine, I will." I shoved past him, and into my room. A couple of spells later and I had a bag packed for a couple of days. He came to stand in my doorway, a sort of direly look blazing in his eyes.

"Where are you going to go?"

"Like you care."

"No, I'm just checking that you have somewhere to go."

"Well I've got enough money. I'm going away from here." Venom had leaked into my words, so they sounded harsher than they were meant to be.


"Yeah. Bye." I flicked my wand, locked my bedroom door, and went down the stairs.

"Bye." He called back. He didn't even see me to the door. I summoned my broom, all thoughts of his vision earlier erased from my mind, and exited the building. Without so much as a backwards glance I flew off, out into the distance.

Afterwards, I wished I hadn't lost my temper and stormed out like that. I wished I had listened to Harry's dream. Because as I flew away, I started to notice a presence.

The presence of the same guy we'd just been discussing: Nathan Bulston. I had enough time to look and know for certain that it was him, before I was hit by a curse. I fell off my broom and into the wilderness below. Everything turned black.

A/N: I'm back! Did you miss me?

Okay, sorry guys, but I really needed that break. And yeah, it was pretty short. But I needed it, and things are pretty much back on track now.

In other news, me and Tumblr have a love/hate relationship.

And I got accepted into the school I really want to go to. So yayy!

But yeah, the Alice is back :P

-Alice xoxox ❤️💛💙💚

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