Chapter 20

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Dedicated to befuddled_thoughts because she's the one who had the oneshot competition who started this book! Go check out her amazing books. Like, professional-author level of amazing.

I was gonna keep the sorta-cliffy for a bit, but then I decided to be nice :P


A day passed. I felt so guilty into driving her away like that, but she needed space. And she didn't understand that I'm not someone who can just wait around and let innocent people get murdered.

A second day passed. A third. Day four.

I knew something was wrong by day two, but had nothing to act upon. She could be anywhere! I let another couple of days pass until I was at full-scale worried. Beyond the scale, in fact.

That brings us to the present. It had been an entire week since Ginny had gone, and I was pacing my front room. I had visited the Burrow and all the Weasleys' houses, on different occasions - I didn't want to worry them.

I decided that I should check everything out for myself. And with a gut-wrenching motion, I realised that the last words I had heard her say were "Accio Broomstick".
And the dream from that day came back.

I was certain that something had happened, and didn't hesitate to grab my own broom, and head off. I knew Ginny, and she wouldn't know where she was going if she was angry. She'd just fly. Straight ahead.

Trying to convince myself I was right, I headed directly forwards from where the front of the house faced. I scoured the land, but couldn't see anything- wait. There.
I zoomed down, and choked up - from both a mixture of the picture below and from the fact that the air was freezing my eyes. It was a bad day to wear contact lenses.

When I landed, I stumbled, due to the shock that had enticed me. I stood - well, lay with my chin resting on the floor - for a moment, just staring. Ginny lay there, head twisted and knee bent oddly. Slowly, I got up to assess the damage. Almost immediately I looked away; she looked so... so dead.

I understood what she meant now. I picked her up, sent her stuff back home, as well as the brooms. Carefully, I picked her up, and apperated to St Mungo's. People moved out of my way as I landed there, and gasped. I carried her to the queue, and thankfully people let me go forward quickly. The witch at the reception looked at Ginny, wide-eyed.

"Ground floor. Third right turn down that corridor." She said. Suddenly, there was a blinding but of light aimed at me, and the snap sound of a camera clicking. There stood the photographer for the Daily Prophet.

I summoned the camera.
"You have no permission to use any photographs of me. In the muggle world it may be different, beautiful because of a certain Miss Skeeter, you now have to get permission. This is not how it seems at all. She didn't come back from her holiday, so I went flying around. I found her like this." I told the reporter.

"A likely story Mr Potter." He replied snidely.

"I love my fiancé. So I'm not gonna bother wasting my time and breath on a scumbag such as yourself, because she needs desperate help." I did a quick bit o' hokey-pokey, and the film inside the camera was altered so any photos of me were ruined. "Now if I see a single photo of me, submitted by anyone here, I will be suing." I told the crowd.

Then, I went to the room. I explained what had actually happened, and the healer nodded. "Alright then sir. I'm going to have to ask that you leave now though, so that we can assess the damage and see what we can do." The woman had a sorry look on her face, but it was hard to think she was actually sympathetic when her voice sounded like someone was pinching her nose.

"No but I can't-"

"Can't what?"

"I can't leave her, not right now. I- she needs me."

"Mr Potter, she's unconscious. She's not aware of who's presence she is or isn't in."

"Well... I need her."

"And so do I. She's my patient, I need to examine her. You should probably alert the rest of her family."

I protested, but to no avail. The healer simply eased me out of the room, into the corridor, and locked the for behind herself. I stood there for a few minutes, staring at the door, willing it to open. It didn't.

Talking out my wand, I attempted to make a patronus. It wouldn't work though, so I wrote a bunch if letters and sent each of them to the Weasleys. It wasn't long after that the first arrived. Ron came running up to me, anger plastered to his face."What's this about? Eh?!"

He shoved the note into my face: Ginny's in St Mungo's, really hurt. Come quickly. Ground floor. Third right done the corridor.

In answer, I pointed at the door mutely. He glared at me, demanding to know what had happened, but the shock was starting to set in. I couldn't get the image of her wrangled body out of my mind.

Hermione ran down the corridor, panting. "Ron!" She hiss-called. "Ronald, stop! Look at Harry for a moment! He's in shock and you're yelling at him. Calm down." She reached us, and started lecturing her boyfriend.

"Please be okay." I whispered to myself, "Please be okay, please be okay. You have to be okay. Please. You- you- you have to. Have to." I could feel my eyes widening, and felt myself rocking back and forth on my feet, but it did to matter. She had to be okay. I continued to whisperer to myself, desperation leaking into my words.

"Harry? Harry, are you-"

"HARRY FUCKIN' POTTER WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU DONE TO OUR SISTER?" I heard a voice roar. A stampede of feet were hurtling this way, but I couldn't count how many people were there.

"You have to be okay. Please be okay. Have to. Please. Need you to be. Don't be not okay. Have to be okay. Have to. Have to. Please. Have to." The whispers were becoming progressively more urgent.

People were gathered around me, yelling. I put my hands over my ears so I couldn't here, and was beginning to gain volume.

"MUST BE OKAY. BE OKAY. HAVE TO. MUST. PLEASE. NEED YOU. NEED YOU TO. MUST BE. PLEASE BE OKAY. PLEASE." The mere leak of desperation had transformed into a flooding.

Shouts were made over one another, until I collapsed, everything overwhelming me.

"CAN YOU ALL BE QUIET." Came a stern voice from the door. I sat up, and could feel the hope in my eyes.

"She's okay?" It caught everyone's attention.

"I don't know yet, Mr Potter. I can't concentrate with all this noise. If the lot of you don't shut up this instant, I shall have you all kicked out." It was a different Healer, one who wouldn't look out of place at a Victorian school. Small circular glasses rested upon the bridge of her nose, and she was rather plump. Not the kind, Mrs Weasley plump, but the one which gave the feeling that she had power and authority. Her her was up in a bun, and she surveyed us all. "Is that clear?"

"Yes ma'am. Certainly." I responded immediately.

"Yes, of course." Everyone agreed and she returned to her work.

"So, Potter. What happened to our sister?" I stayed silent until one at a time the brothers took out their wands. "Speak."

"Found her. Head on rock. Foot twisted. Leg at odd angle. Head twisted too."

"Why? What did you do?"

"We had a fight. She- she went away. Needed some time and space. Didn't want to upset her anymore. Went looking for her. Sent brooks back home with her stuff, then apperated."

"What the fuck did you fight about that made her so angry?"

"I was gonna go on a mission." I looked at RON, and he nodded, knowing what I was on about. "Dangerous one. I told her about it, and it upset her because it was to fight Nathan Gray. And then she - she was really worried, but I thought it was just over-protectiveness. I'm an idiot. And then she left. She said it would only be for a few days but she needed a bit of space. So I gave her that. Don't know what happened after that."

"So basically, you thought that her caring for yOur safety was just being overly protective? And it annoyed you so much that you annoyed her to the extent that she left, and she is now in there, possibly d- possibly dying." Bill clarified. My eyes widened again at the d-word.

"No. She can't. She can't die. Don't say that." I could feel the tears in my eyes being to roll down my cheeks, and was surprised I had lasted so long.

"Why not? This is your fault-"

"Don't say that Ron-"

"-and you need to accept that."

"I already have. And it's tearing me apart. If she goes, I go with her. And that sounds pretty extreme, but quite frankly, what'll be left that's worth living for?"

"Us." Hermione replied.

"Don't lie 'Mione. You may be fine, but you'll start to comprehend how much I was part of it, and you'll begin to hate me as much as the rest of all these. I'll despise myself though, I already do."

"'Arry, do not say zat. You know it eez not true."

"Think what Ginny would say. It'd probably be something about how she's not gonna say this again, but she agrees with Fleur. No offence."

"None taken."

"Please don't. You're trying to make me feel better, but it's just made it all worse. As Ron said, it's my fault."

Hermione glared at Ronald.

"Look, sorry. I'm really sorry to you all, but more so to Ginny. And I can't be here right now. She should see her family if-when she wakes. Because she has to wake."

"Stop saying that. "Please be okay" "you have to be okay"." One of the Weasleys - I'll call him Weasley #1 - mimicked. "It's not gonna do anything."

"I can hope it will."

"And you can have your hope ruined too. Look, our baby sister is in there, and you're asking the air for her to be okay? We all need our own thoughts." Weasley #2 said.

"Well s-sorry. I just- just- when I was younger and was punished by the Dursleys, I would-"

"None of us care about your sob stories right now."

"It wasn't a - y'know what? I-I get it. I'll er- just tell me when she wakes up, yeah? Please?"

"I'm not letting you anywhere near my sister again Potter. If you drive her away that's your own problem. Get out of my sight." Weasley #1 hissed.

"Yes, of course. Okay, I'll be- out. Please let me know though as soon as possible. Hope you have a good day, goodbye." My mind was distracted, and I just about had enough time to hear an angry growl before I did the dangerous thing of a apperating away.

A/N: I'm really sorry the chapter's so short, I'll try to update another one ASAP.

Can I just have a moment though guys...

Just to say how thankful I am of all of you.

I feel like I've said it tons of times, but this was literally just meant to be a oneshot. And now it's at its 20th chapter. And I don't don't quite know how to express my gratitude to all of you. I mean, some of the people reading this right now have put up with my absolutely awful updating schedule. Some may have just found it a couple of days ago - or even today.

And it's my most popular story. I mean, well... I've written, re-written, and deleted chapters to write them again so that the wording would be correct, but I can't get across what I'm trying to say. So I guess a simple "Thank You" will have to do. It's no way near enough.

But I'm astonished as to how far this little "oneshot" has come. I mean, in three months it got 15k reads (Dec-March). That's pretty amazing. For me, anyway.

And when I joined, I was one of those little people who read other people's stories, and was amazed when they had 300 reads. I looked up to so many authors. And now, I've got more than 300 reads. I've got thousands! When I first reached 1k on one of my books I was shocked. My dad told me it would be no time until I reached 5k and then 10, but quite frankly I thought he was being a bit ambitious. 10,000? No way.

So thanks for proving me wrong.

I'm truly thankful. And shocked. And just... Thanks.

I know, this is long. But I still can't believe it. I've always been the weird fangirling kid no one really likes, and here I feel like I belong - as cheesy as that sounds. And I can hope that I'm one of those people others look up to. And that people can see this and know that if I can get this far, so can you. And when I say that, I'm not saying that as everybody reading this. I'm saying it to you, personally. I believe in you.

You should too. And I want you to know that anyone and everyone can do this well. Because I'm just a sad, lonely girl. So if I can get over even a thousand reads, anybody can if they try.

-Alice xoxox

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