Chapter 27

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"Holy Hephaestus Ron! Shut up! We don't care."

We were sitting in a weird sort of hotel, where in some ways it was like renting an apartment. Each floor was for a different family or person, and had a certain amount of bedrooms, a small, cramped, living room, a bathroom, and kitchen.

Percy and I were in the living room, whereas Charlie was in the kitchen, resting on a chair. The tow of us had been arguing, due to the fact that I was still - and rightfully - upset about the fight with Hermione.

4 years of ups and downs, break ups and re-unitement, and I blew it all. £2,000 I had to save up in muggle money, to buy the ring, and then you add on the fact that I actually got the spoon customly made, do that it could fit the ring, and then spent even more getting it engraved.

And I might as well have thrown it out of the window, as that's what I seemed to have done with our relationship.

"Whatever Charlie." I replied grumpily.

"Now Ron, there's no need to be like that. I know you miss Hermione, but you need to stop wallowing around in self-misery, and instead, get up, and do something about it."

"You can also shut up Percy." Was my reply, "I am doing something about it."

"Which is?"

"I'm using the tinternet."

"Internet Ron." Came Charlie's groan from the other room. "We've all told you a million times, that it's the internet."

"Whatever. Anyway, I'm buying stuff."

"Ronald, grow up!" Percy stood up, and towered over me (I was slumped down in a chair). "You have to do this properly! Because you only get one shot at a second chance-"

"This is his 6th 'chance'. You'd have thought he'd've got the message by now."

"At least she accepted me those five other times!" I called back to Charlie. "At least I didn't loose her to the janitor."

It had been like this a lot - me and Charlie arguing, Percy trying to help, then giving up and reading a book of two.

Admittedly that was a low blow - Charlie's girlfriend had cheated on him with a middle-aged janitor in Romania. Still, that wasn't my fault. And it may have been years since it happened, but it was still a touchy subject - he'd been thinking of proposing.

"Ron-" Percy warned. Oops, too late. Charlie came storming in, and grabbed me, hauling me up. His face was red, and he held a cold, stoney glare at me.

"Take. That. BACK!" He roared. Spit flew from his mouth.

"Spit flying from your mouth? Bad habit Charles." This enraged him even more. "Then again, maybe it's why she left."

Advantages of being taller: older (angry) brothers aren't as intimidating. You can now dodge any signs if violence with a fair amount of ease.

I opened my mouth to scold him. Percy got there first.

"Both of you stop that right now! You're acting like children."

"And what exactly are you gonna do if we continue to 'act like children'?" Me and Charlie chorused, before glaring at each other.

"I'll owl mum."

We stopped at that. Percy wore a satisfied smirk on his face. "Thought you'd stop."

Meanwhile, back in England, in Ginny's POV

I sighed in relief as the masseuse did her job.

"Sweet Merlin Ginny, this is so relaxing. Ahhh, perfect."

"Yeah, I'm glad you invited me to you hen night, thud spa is lovely. There's even a de-wrackspurt room." Three guesses as to who said that.

"Mmm, it's great." I replied.

"How on earth did you get the tickets though? Apparently, it's easier to get pixie dust - and everyone knows how hard it is to get some of that!" Hermione exclaimed.

"Haha. It wasn't that bad actually. I just- just phoned up."

"Oh. Well it's lovely, thanks Gin."

"No problem. Weird though."

"What is?"

"I'm going to be married in a week. I'll be Mrs, rather than just Miss. Mrs Ginny Potter..."

"Sounds nice. I really hope the Knimpes don't gatecrash it. That'd be rather horrid."

"What are 'Knimpes' again Luna?"

I was so relaxed and excited that I didn't even give Ange a look for saying that. Instead, I listened to Luna's answer.

"They're sort of like giants, except much smaller. In fact, have you ever heard of a Gruffalo?"

"Er no."

"Oh. Well they're like a Gruffalo, but scarier than it looks." I recognised the name of that beast. It took a minute to click though.

"Like the muggle story The Gruffalo?" I asked.

"Yes, but that book scales it all down for the children who read it. Julia Donaldson is actually an author of tales for both muggles and magical folk." Luna said this all whilst having her hair, nails, and skin done, in her dreamy Luna way.

"I've never heard of the book." Katie said.

"Wait what?!" Hermione cried.

"Sorry ma'am, but if you could please lie back down." Even without looking I could tell she was both embarrassed and shocked.

"But I mean... How can you not have- woah."

"Mum would read me some magic stories, dad would pretty much just use the muggle fairy tales. What is a Gruffalo then?"

"He's got terrivle tusks, and these really long claws."

"Knobbly kneed and curled out toes?"

"Oh! And a poisonous wart at the end of his nose." I added on. "It's one of Teddy's favourite books." I explained.

"It would have a black tongue, orange eyes, and purple prickled all over his back." Luna continued.

"I swear I've seen one before." Katie said worridly.

"There there dear, don't scrunch your eyebrows so much. Take a deep breath-" We could hear Katie obeying the instructor. "-and... relax." Cue her breathing out.

Angelina, however, laughed to herself.
"Silly old Katie, didn't you know? There's no such thing as a Gruffalo." I laughed along with 'Mione, Mollie, and Gracie.

"Huh? I don't get it."

"Don't - worry - about - it!" Mollie giggled. "Read - book. Then - find - out."

My laughs were cut off with a sigh when my shoulders began to get massaged.

Soon enough though, we were rotated round. The day passed too fast - in fact, in contrast to the aim of it being a relaxing day, it was rather unnerving as to how quickly it went by.

Overall though, it was really enjoyable, and definitely got rid of some of the stress that was building up due to the excitement and nervousness of the wedding, which was rapidly approaching.

Incredibly rapidly.

A flurry of events occurred, and a clutch of nerves hauled me up six days after the spa.

It was the day before my wedding.

On gosh this is tiny.

I'll try to get Romione back together next chapter, and possibly the wedding too. Sorry this is so short!

And for the many spelling errors. I changed the format of my keyboard so now its AZERTY instead of QWERTY.

Also, my iPad's been taken away.
So I'm doing this all on my phone.

Feedback for chapter?


Favourite bit so far in the book?

Anything you're not liking?

The story and monster as well as any quotes and/or description from it belong to Julia Donaldson.

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