Chapter 28

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2 days after the spa trip thing. So 3 days before the end of last chapter. Ron is back in the UK.


Yet another letter arrived. I opened it and found yet another package of teddy bears with a letter rather badly painted on each, in a different colour.

I placed it with the rest and decided that I would write all the letters down, see if I could work this out. It turned out they had a number on the back, too, so I put them all in a massive pile on my bed.

? niaga em ta gnikloo redisnoc uoy dlouc tub, ssenevihrof evresed t'notd I wonk I. ma I yrros woh ebircsed t'nac sdrow dna, evol ni toidi nd m'I, regnarG enoimerH


I tried rearranging the letters, but it wasn't working, until I realised how obvious it was: all the words were backwards.

Hermione Granger, I'm an idiot in love, and words can't describe how sorry I am. I know I don't deserve forgiveness, but could you consider looking at me again?

Idiot indeed.

Cute, loveable, adorable idiot, but an idiot just the same.

Make that hot idiot.

But still... Maybe I overreacted. I mean, he did spend all his wages on that ring... And he did try to apologise pretty much immediately afterwards. Also, he did-

Stop making excuses for him, I told myself, he blew it ages ago. He lit the fuse months ago, it simply took a while to reach the bomb.

But then, look at this; a teddy bear apology. That is both creative and sweet. And Ron wouldn't normally do that. Maybe it was me who held the puzzle piece that completed our relationship. I didn't do much to help with it.

Because you tried, but what was there for you to help with? Nothing. You tried. But there was nothing to do. He ruined it. Not you. Him.

I sighed to myself, and tried to think for a moment. I could hive him a chance. Just one more.

Every chance is the last one.

This would be different. This time... This time, he'd know that it was the final warning. It still felt like I was forgiving too easily, but I guess you have to be ready to forgive.

So I scribbled down two words on some parchment and sent it off.

Final chance.

I got a letter later that day, asking when I wanted to meet up, and where. I said a surprise, and he told me to go to the Three broomsticks at 3 o'clock tomorrow.

I still felt as though I was being bought in, but decided to go among with it. I did the usual chores and got on with some work. I was writing yet another report on the equality house elves deserved, and should get.

Despite the fact they claim to enjoy work, that's because work is all they've ever known. They don't get a chance to experience what it would be like to get their own clothes, money, freedom. If they love work so much, why not be free do that they can do it if and when they choose to?

Yes, I am still going on about S.P.E.W.

Once it was finished, I sealed it and placed it upon a stack of papers.

The day passed, I did the jobs I had been putting off doing. I even repainted the walls in the spare room. Stopping for lunch, of course.

After dinner, I had a shower then went to bed. Sleep came readily to me, and soon enough I was waking up once more. I got up and dressed in some old clothes, used the bathroom, had breakfast - the usual - before finishing the painting, and then getting ready properly.

I decided on nice-casual. I didn't want to seem like I was dressing up too much. After a quick lunch, I read for a while, until it was time to go.

As always, I was a few minutes early. I waited, but he was no where in sight. At a few minutes gone 3, there was dome commotion outside, but I ignored it and scanned the vicinity for that dash of red hair.


At 3:15, he still wasn't there, so I was annoyed, upset, angry, and hurt. He stood me up.

I decided to see what was going on - there were even more people now, crowded outside.

I joined them, and was shocked when I heard the person who was the centre of attention speak.

"Think, ladies and gentlemen. Think. Think about every time they've done something for you. Even if it wasn't your own. OWNING a living being? Think about it, that I'd like you sir-" the guy pointed to someone in the crowd, "-being owned by... You." He pointed at someone else.

"If you were born, and grew up doing work for somebody, that working was all you ever knew, you'd grow to love it, because you had to love it. You'd know nothing else. You would have nothing else to nothing else to love. You would have no choice but to be loyal to your 'owner', and the thight of anything else would scare you, am I right?"

A murmur of agreement spread through the crowd.

"But this is by about humans, its about a different creature, one that has grown up like this. And yes, I know you'll all be going "not someone else banging on about this again". But that's exactly what I'm doing."

A couple of people slipped away, but most stayed. Some looked thoughtful, others wore expressions of being confused.

"Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, I'll on about house elves. I was considered a blood traitor because I didn't look down on people who weren't "Pureblood". In fact, the best student in my year was a gil, who was muggle-born. She is so talented. And so are house elves."

"They deserve so much more then they get. People take them for granted. I, myself, was rescued by one, one who was free. I would be dead right now if it weren't for him... Instead, he's lying in a grave. He was called Dobby. He died a free elf, because he saved me and some others. Ollivander, Luna Lovegood - he saved Harry Potter. On more than one occasion. And I know that you paid good money for a living being, so don't want to free it. But the first step that can be taken is act kinder towards them. The next one you see, if you talk to it nicely, it makes such a difference."

"This world is xhabgibg, and the Ministry is stressing so hard on the fact that muggle-borns, Half-Bloods, and Purebloods are all equal. No blood is better than another. Well house elves have blood too' thank you for your time."

He stepped down to applause, and I shoved through the crowd to give him a hug.

"You came." He stated, looking surprised, but equally as happy.

"Of course I did. And you just-"

"Yeah, it was... Kinda scary with all those people. But I meant every word of what I said."

And then I kissed him. Passionately.

When at last we pulled away from air, he looked at me, and then opened his mouth to say something, but no words came out.

"Ron? Are you okay?"

"I can't speak." He mouthed. "I just can't-"

I did the spell to reverse silencio and his voice retubref.

"Thanks." He said gratefully. "And wow. I- wow. I guess listening to your house-elf lectures kinda stick in your brain."

"Listen, Ron... I'm sorry. I- I don't Knox what came over me. I missed you."

"Hey there, it's fine 'Mione. Honestly. It really made me realise how much... How much I need you. How much I love you."

"It did the same for me." I murmured to him. "I love you. I'm sorry, and I love you."

"It's okay. I think it- Gods, Charlie and Percy are going to kill me if they ever found put I say this. But I think it did us both some good, made us realise how important the other is. Or is that just me?"

"No, it's both of us." I smiled at him again, and we linked arms.

"Oh shit I've just seen the time. Sorry 'Mione, I was supposed to be meeting someone."


"A- well, a girl. I knew things wouldn't be right back where we left them straight away. And- and I planned to meet with someone. I'm so sorry. See ya later."

He gave me a sheepish look, then ran off, leaving me there.

I stood, and felt like I was being torn apart. He moved on. Said that stupid voice. He loved on, and left you. I must've looked like an idiot, standing there, years brewing up inside my eyes, not moving.

Everyone else bustled around, yet it was like time had stopped. People apperated, disapperated, flew, ran, and walked. I stood there.

Just as I turned to go, someone patted me on the shoulder. I turned round.

"Sorry ma'am. It's just... A pretty lady such as yourself would surely like to go and get a drink. May I accompany you?"

"What? But you said you were-"

"Hermione, I said I'd meet you inside the Three Broomsticks for a drink of your choice. It's gone 3, so I reckon I owe you a drink." Ron offered me a hand. I looked at, before grinning and taking it.

"Well, sir, it would be rude of me to decline."

"Then it's a date."

Time travel to the wedding day


"Oh! My little girl is all grown up!" Mum sniffled, looking at me, before giving me a Molly Weasley Monster Hug.

"Mum-" I began.

"Ginny, your mother has every right to be emotional today. We all do." Dad said.

At that moment, Bill's head popped round the door.
"Alright Gin? Worried? Nervous?"

"A bit." I admitted. "Okay, pretty nervous. Very nervous."

"Ah, well you'll be fine. Trust me. Harry's a good guy. I never really wanted to think of you getting married, you're my baby sister. But I guess I'm glad it's him."


"No problem. C'mon dad, bridal party are waiting to come in. Dunno about you, but I don't really want to be stuck in here with a bunch of excitable girls armed with make up. No offence Gin."

"Right you are Bill. Come on, let's er-" he hurried out, Bill on his tail.

"Good luck bye the way!"

"Yeah, good luck." The two phrases were shouted throgg the door.

"Don't worry about them." Mum told me, her eyes shining. "But look at you. You're all grown up! What will I do now, eh? Who can I fuss over?"

"Well there's Vic and Ted already. And Bill and Fleur have another on the way. Don't worry mum, with seven kids, you'll have tons of grandchildren."

"Ah yes, I guess so. And er- we lay need to have a-"

"Not the talk. I'm sorry mum, but not... No. No, no, no."

"I really think me, you, perhaps your father, and Harry ought to have a chat..." She selected her words carefully.

"Mum, no. And besides, we'll be married by the end of today, we're responsible. Please don't do this mum." I cringed as I pleaded.

"Well I guess you will be married. So that does show responsibility. I just don't want you to do something you don't want to."



"Mum, Harry's not that kind of guy, and you know that. Look, I appreciate your concern, really. But... I'm capable of looking after myself."

"Alright, alright." She looked at me, beifee smiling again. "I'm so proud of you Ginny. Remember that."

A loud knocking came from the door. I gave mum a hug, then got up and opened the door.

I was met with Angelina, Hermione, Katie, Mollie, Luna, Gracie, and Kat, all of them grinning, an identical glint in each eye.

"Hello Ginny." Luna greeted, as the others entered like a troupe of soldiers. I stepped aside, then heard the door close

Gracie sat me on a spiiny chair, and spun me around so I faced them all.

"You look good." Mollie commented. The others took that as a cue to each pull out a makeup bag.

"But we are gonna make you even better."

The next thing I knew, they were stationed.

"Alright girls, I'll leave you to it." Mum said, before heading towards the door. "Do your best. Or rather... Do your worse. Whichever looks better." With that, she sent me an amused look, then exited, loci BG the door behind her.

And from then on, all I can remember is pain, patience, and make up. Lots, and lots of varieties of make-up.

I don't even know guys.

Romione is back!


Now, I have had an idea.

People want their books advertised. I want new books to read. So, if you have any good books/know of any, comment them! Harry Potter fanfics only please. I'll read them, and mention ten every chapter, along with their author.

Please only comment them on this chapter though, in this line/in-line comment.

Liked? Disliked?

Bye my little jelly beans. They're sweet, and awesome, just like all of you ;)

Alice xoxox

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