Chapter 5

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͛ Harry ͛

After dinner and dessert, we had a small Quidditch match, before calling it a night, and turning in. I was glad that we were able to have the wedding at Hogwarts - no, scratch that, I was delighted (as Percy-ish as that sounds). Just before the match had taken place, Molly got Ginny and I together and told us that if it was what we wanted, she had neither the power nor the want to force us to have it somewhere other than our first choice.

I'd say that she said that in an offhand voice and sounded that she was completely fine with that, but my hand is a constant reminder that I must not tell lies; she teared up, and nearly suffocated the two of us!

As I got under the duvet, I reflected back on everything; my parents were murdered when I was one, and from that moment on, Mr life took a different course: I was raised by my Aunt and Uncle who pretty much abused me, all because I had magic. Then, I got my letter, met a half-giant, and went to Hogwarts.

In my first year, I was the youngest person in a century to get onto the house's Quidditch team, after being caught flying when I wasn't supposed to be. I fought a fully grown mountain troll with my new best mate and the girl he had been so horrible to that it resulted in her spending the day crying in the bathroom. The wimpy Defence Against the Dark Arts turned out to be after a stone that gave you a substance to turn you immortal, and give you as much gold as you desired. Oh yeah, and he had the darkest wizard of all time's face in the back of his head.

In my second year, a house-elf came to my house, used magic (which resulted in an official warning from the Ministry of Magic), and caused my Uncle to install bars onto my window. My best friend and two of his brothers drove a flying car to my Aunt and Uncle's house, got the bars off, woke them up, took me away before they could do anything, and ended up showing me how to de-gnome the garden. His younger sister was a sort of fangirl, who ended up being possessed into controlling a supposedly mythical creature, commanding it to kill all the muggleborns. She almost died but was saved just in time.

The next year, my third, I blew up my Uncle's sister (not really my Aunt, but I had to call her "Aunt Marge"). I ran away and got scared by a huge black dog, before running into the Minister of Magic himself. A prisoner was on the lose, one who "killed 13 people with one spell" and was "my parents' secret keeper". I illegally went to Hogsmeade, got anonymously sent the fastest racing broom there was, and won the house cup. I also found out that the escaped convict was framed and one of the people he supposedly killed was an illegal animagus, who really did the things the ex-convict was convicted for. Not to mention that he was my Godfather.

The year after that, I was put, unwillingly, into the most dangerous magical competition and watched a friend get murdered. My friend was jealous of me and only realised once I nearly got killed by a dragon that I never wanted to be in it. I watched my parents' murderer be revived by a potion, and to top it all off, I had an annoying reporter buzzing around all year, trying to get gossip about me, lying and creating rumours.

In my fifth year, I was hated by lots of people, and no one believed me. A pink toad taught us how to spend a lesson doing nothing but stare at the world's most boring textbook, and she named herself headmistress when the headmaster was kicked out (due to an incredibly paranoid Minister of Magic). During the summer, I was attacked by some Dementors and had to use self-defence, which lead me to a full hearing at the Ministry of Magic. At school, I created an illegal group, and taught them spells, before falling into one of Voldemort's traps, and broke into the Ministry of Magic, where I, alongside some of my friends, fought a bunch of Death a Eaters. My godfather got killed, I was incredibly miserable, riddled with grief, as he was the only father figure I could really remember.

In my sixth year, I started developing feelings for my best mate's sister, and had a mental war with myself, trying to decide whether I should go out with her or not. I suspected a fellow sixth-year of trying to kill my headmaster after sending a cursed necklace in his direction, along with a bottle of poisoned mead which my best mate took instead. I learnt about Voldemort's past and got a memory from a Professor who taught my parents. I found out about Horcruxes, and my headmaster died by the hand of my potions master. I finally got together with my best mate's sister, but then had to break up with her to keep her safe.

I didn't actually have my seventh year, but spent it camping, breaking into the Ministry of Magic yet again, finding Horcruxes, destroying them, breaking into Gringotts, riding a dragon out of it, starting a battle at school, and was the cause of people such as my godson's parents to both die, along with my ex-girlfriend's brother (plus many others). I defeated Voldy once and for all, and asked Ginny out again.

Three years later I got engaged to her, and here I was. It seems that at long last, my life had been changed for the better and things were finally going my way. Thinking of that and of Ginny, I fell into a deep, peaceful sleep.

*Ginny's POV*

The next morning, I snuck into Harry's room, and sat on his bed, shaking his shoulders.

"Harry. Harry? Haaaa-rrrrrry? Harry! Fine, I'm going to see if Dean Thomas is still single, he'd wake up when I called his name." I smirked to myself when I said that. I got up to leave, when a strong arm grabbed hold of my waist and pulled me back so that I was now lying on top of the duvet.

"Ah, but I heard that he's with Parvati now, so it looks like you're stuck with me."

"Hmmm, I guess you'll do. Although you'll take quite a bit of fattening before you're ready for the stewing pot."

"You're going to put me in a stew now are you?"

"Yup, didn't you ever hear of the tale of Hansel and Gretel? How they found a witch, who's house was very sweet and had a big oven..."

"You know about that fairy tale? Then how come Ron thought that Cinderella was a disease?" 

I giggled.

"He did? When did he say that?"

"At my seventeenth birthday party, Hermione got a copy of "The tales of Beedle the Bard", and Ron was shocked that neither of us had ever heard any of the stories. I think Hermione mentioned something about us growing up with muggle fairy tales, things like "Cinderella". Ron asked if it was a disease."

"Hermione was involved, you say? I think it was to try to impress her; dad's always been obsessed with muggles, so much so that whilst mum would read us magic bedtime stories, dad would read us muggle ones. Actually..." I pondered for a moment.


"I swear Cinderella was Ron's favourite!"

"You're kidding!"


Suddenly, he wore a mischievous grin.


"Blackmail material!" He quite literally sang.

"What is?" Ron came barging in.

"Oh, nothing."

"No, seriously, what dirt have you got, and who's it on? I need something from Ernie McMillan... he took something of mine, and is refusing to give it back."

"Ron?" I asked.


"You're a bloody Auror! Use that fact to say that technically it's stealing, and you could have him arrested. Or you could report him. Or you could-"

"I get the point! Thanks though, Gin." He smiled.

"No problem, but can you do just one tiny little thing in return?"

"Ummm... sorry, I can't give you the money now, but I'll have it soon, I swear."

"Good, but I was gonna say something else..."


"LEARN HOW TO BLOODY WELL KNOCK, THEN ENTER, BUT ONLY ENTER IF I SAY YOU CAN!" With that, I used the banishing spell and sent him crashing into the wall, the door closing behind him.

I turned back to a shocked Harry. Honestly, though, he should be used to this by now. Siblings need to learn to stay out.

"Anyway, anything you have in mind? That he hasn't told you?"

"Well, he's kinda being weird about his and Mione's relationship - he goes all silent if I so much as ask how they are."

"Really? Actually... Hermione's being like that too! Maybe they're just taking a break or something?"

"Wouldn't they both be upset, and come crying to us, though?"

"Probably would actually. Well, go and find out!"

͛ Harry ͛

"Okay then, I will be right back." I promised, before scurrying throughout the house to Ron's bedroom. I knocked on the door, heard a bit of rustling, then a

"Who is it and what is?"

"It's me, Harry. I wanted to ask you something."

"Alright then... but be quick." I heard more rustling, and it sounded like it was a duvet.

"Ron!" A whisper said, "don't let him in right now."

"Why not?" He whispered back. I was incredibly happy that I always kept a spare Extendable Ear on me. I slipped it under the door but first placed a disillusion charm on it so they couldn't see it. Slipping the flesh-coloured earpiece into my ear, I practically jumped when their voices sounded to be right next to me.

"Because if he finds us like this, he'll assume the worse, and think about that as some sort of blackmail material." Came the reply that was shot back in what sounded to be the voice of Hermione.

"Mione, one, we were doing the worse he could imagine, and two, you're a witch. Magic some clothes. He's gonna be suspicious by now as to why it takes so bloody long to open the door!"


"Perfect! Okay, either stay so that we can continue, and pretend you're studying or something, or dissaperate to your house and when he's gone, I'll cast a patronus to send you a message."

"Okay, I'll study."

"Alright then. Ready?" I didn't hear the reply, because I took the EE out, and put it into my pocket.

Another few seconds passed, and the door creaked open. Hermione was at Ron's desk, writing something, and Ron himself was on his bed, casting charms to create coloured sparks.

"So, what was it mate?"

"Oh, uh, I-" looking around the room for inspiration, I had an idea "I couldn't remember if I had asked you already, but I wanted to double check."

"Double check what?"

"D'you want to be my best man at the wedding?"

"Yeah! Blimey, thanks Harry!"

"No problem. Besides, I'm sure that when the time's right, I'll get to be yours, eh? Not that I'm telling you to let me or anything." I suddenly noticed both Ron and Hermione looking guilty. "What, what is it? What's happened?"

Ron cleared his throat, and glanced at Hermione, who gave him a slight nod.

"Well, y'see... we er, um, well-"

"Spit it out, mate!" I said, but not harshly.


"We're already married." Hermione spoke up.

"What? What do you mean? Of course you aren't!"

"Y-yes we are. We eloped. Neither of us wanted a big thing, and we wanted to take you along, but then they might assume we were like fighting another dark wizard or something, and you'd probably want to take Gin. In all honesty, she would probably spill the beans, so mum would freak out, not let us go, and make us have a big thing." Ron explained.

Suddenly, it sank in.

"So that's why you both got quiet when someone asks how you are? Because- because-"

"Yeah..." said Ron.

"We're married."

A/N: Really short chapter, sorry! I needed to update, so here you are! Slight cliffy, but not really.

Love you all,

Alice xxx

P.S. How come this story already has over 2000 reads?! Thanks so much guys!

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