Chapter 6

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͛ Harry ͛

I stood there and could feel the shock that was written across my face, as though it had been branded there with a piece of red-hot metal. Suddenly, the two of them laughed. In my face. They laughed in my face after telling me that they had eloped and were married.

"Oh Harry!" Hermione giggled. "You actually thought that we would elope? For one thing, where would the rings be, for another, when have we been away together besides when we found my parents? And when you consider the fact that even then we had been dating for like a month..." I realised what she was saying, and store at her, then Ron, then back to her again.

"Hang on, it was a joke? Thank Merlin!"

"So you wouldn't want us to get married?" Ron asked, stuttering slightly as though he were nervous.

"Well, it's not that I'd mind, but I'd just rather have my best friends at my wedding, rather than attend their funeral in what's suppose to be a happy time of planning."

"Funeral?" He questioned, eyebrows creased in confusion.

"Ron, if the two of you eloped, do you really think your mum would be okay about it? Do you really think that she'd let you live?"

"Ah, good point. Well, Hermione, there goes the plan for Las Vegas!" Ron joked.

"Ha, anyway, I'm gonna go now, I can tell you two were busy." I wriggled my eyebrows suggestively, but didn't actually mean to imply that... eww, I mean, they're my best friends! The thought of them "doing the do" sent my skin crawling. To my complete embarrassment, they both blushed.

"You realised?" Ron worriedly asked.

"Merlin's beard guys! I didn't actually mean it... ewww..." I hurriedly left the room, leaving the pair of them blushing like strawberries.

I scarpered down the stairs, eager to put distance between myself and them. I reached Ginny's room and skidded in.

"What's the matter?"

"I just... ugh, get the images out of my head!"


"Obliviate me or something, just get me to forget what just happened! Please!"

"Why, what's wrong?"

"I jus-just..." Gulping, I somehow managed to choke it out, "I just found out why they're so quiet about their relationship."

"Go on then."

"They seem to, uh, well, I don't know how often, and don't really want to know, but, er, they do it. As in when I went up there they were. When I knocked on the door, I used an Extendable Ear to hear the conversation, and assumed that, but didn't confront them about it. Instead, I asked Ron to be my Best Man, and everything was fine. But as I was leaving - and I don't know why - I said that I could see that they had been busy, and y'know, wriggled my eyebrows suggesting what I suspected..."

"And..." She prodded.

"And they were both blushing, and Ron sorta half asked half stated that I realised."

"Ugggggh. I see why you were in such a state when you entered. Merlin's beard, you were right; the images are so horrifying that I can't even close my eyes. He's my brother!"

"Yeah... but Gin, he may be your brother, but he's also my future brother-in-law, and she's practically my sister. Not to mention they're my best mates!"

"Harry, I feel for you, I really do."

"Thanks, but I think we need some kind of distraction, like wedding plans or something... Nope, that just made me think of the conversation! Okay, okay, let's make lunch! Or... how about, we could start packing your stuff?"

"Er, sure? I'll start with like posters or whatever, then some clothes, but I'm still gonna need some. Hang on, do mum and dad even know I'm moving in with you?"

"Not yet, so should we ask them now?"


We apperated down to the living room, as it would take longer to walk down the rickety old staircase. Stepping inside, I spotted Arthur sitting on one of the seats that had stuffing leaking out of it.

"Hi, um Arthur - dad? I was wondering - hang on a minute, where's mum?" As if on cue, Molly bustled in, laundry basket in hand as she sat down. "Perfect. Okay, um, so we were wondering if it's okay if-"

"-If I move in with Harry at some point over the next couple of weeks."

"We understand that you may not want us to, because we're not actually married yet, but thought it made more sense to before the wedding, as once we're married we'll need a house, but if it's too close to the wedding it'll just add more stress onto the pile."

It was quite for a couple of seconds, as they shared a look.

"Harry Ginny, of course it's okay! I have to say, Harry, you're being the proper gentleman asking the bride's parents and all, but why would we say no? If Lily and James were here, they would be so proud of the man you've grown up to be, I can assure you." At the last remark, I felt slight tears well up in my eyes, at the thought of my parents being proud of me. In all honesty, I wish more than anything that they were still here, but if there's one thing I've found out in life, it's that it's not fair and that you have to move on.

"Thank you." Was all I could say. Mum seemed to know what I was thinking, for she got up and gave me a hug that could turn Voldemort good it was so heart-warming. When she released me, and Ginny went upstairs to start packing.

At dinner, we thought it best to tell everyone that they'd be two less people living in the house.

"We have something to tell you all, though it's nothing too big." Gin said as she held my hand.

"You're pregnant? Blimey Harry, I thought you'd wait until you were married! Unless this is why you're getting married?" George said, winking at me. I blushed slightly.

"George!" Mum scolded.

"I can assure you it's nothing like that!" I told my to-be brother-in-laws, all of whom were shooting me murderous looks. "Were you guys not listening to my deep, heartfelt, mushy speech the other day? I love Ginny! Besides, I'm hurt - after everything, you guys don't trust me?!"

"Guys! It really isn't that, and even if it was, it's none of your business! Whether you like it or not, it's more than likely gonna happen some day." Ginny informed them. Once again, I blushed. "But anyway, it's just that next week, I'm moving in with Harry!"

"Phew! Honestly mate, if you guys were actually expecting, I reckon I'd have to kill you, even if you are my best mate." Ron told me once everyone had congratulated us and had resumed their previous conversations.

"Ron, I'm the one who wanted to talk to you, but found out that you and Hermione were busy in that sort of way! Besides, does it really matter that much to you whether we have or haven't "done it" yet? If you really want to know-"

"I get it, Harry, I really don't want to know about my sister's sex life..." he wrinkled his nose up in disgust.

*A few days later*

When we weren't packing things, Ginny and I had been planning for the wedding. Today, it was guests.

"Okay, so we have your whole family, plus Hermione, Dean, Seamus, Pavarti, Nev, the old Quidditch team, your teammates, some of my work colleagues, and most of the DA?"

"Yup. Was there anyone else you wanted?"

"Well, I was thinking... what if we saved seats for those who can't be with us? Like have their portraits on the chairs or so etching so they can still witness it?" Ginny looked at me when I said this.

"Y'know, for the "Chosen One", the "Boy Who Lived", you're really just a sentimental, mushy guy, aren't you? Who'd of thought it - Harry Potter, so emotionally attached he wants a portrait of my brother at his we-"

"I get it! Gosh Ginny, you're so annoying!" I said in a whiney voice.

"Not as annoying as you! You-you four-eyed thing! Your eyes look like sea-sick!" I edged closer to her.

"Is that right? My eyes look like sea-sick, do they?" She nodded. "I thought they were "as green as fresh pickled toad". And my hair "as dark as a blackboard"." I teased, a smirk playing on my lips.

"Merlin's beard, you still remember that?!" She clasped a hand over her mouth in shock.

I nodded back.

"Weren't the last couple of lines somewhere around

"I wish he were mine,

He's simply divine,

The hero who conquered the Dark Lord"? How long did it take you to come up with that? For an eleven year old, it's pretty good."

"Harry!" She exclaimed, hitting me on my arm.


"How do you even remember that? It was like eight years ago!"


"And - ugh, forget it."

"I thought the point is that I do still remember it?"

"I'll get the Umbridge book out again." She growled threateningly.

"Umbridge book?"

"I debated "Book of Death", but they both mean the exact same thing, and "Umbridge book" is less of a mouthful."

"Fair enough, I guess." I replied, shrugging my shoulders. "But would you really want to become the killer of the boy that you wish was yours, because "he's simply divine"?" With that, I ran as fast as I could out of the room and down the stairs; running away from Dudley's gang all those years ago really paid off during times like these.

"POTTER!" Came my fiancé's yells from above me. I could hear her thundering footsteps as she stomped down the stairs. I quickened my pace, and sprinted through the lounge, out of the kitchen, into the garden, and the to the fields. "I WILL FIND YOU POTTER, AND YOU'LL WISH YOU WERE THE BOY-WHO-DIED!" Blades of grass could be heard rustling as she walked through them, forcing them this way and that, searching for me.

By now, I knew that if I moved she'd hear me, so that was out of the question. The other thing I could do would be to apperate, but that, too, would create a large sound. At last, her shouts were only a few meters away, so I resorted to apperating away.

"Not fair! You're cheating now, which means that I can too! Believe me, you'll wish that You-Know-Who finished you off at the Battle once I'm done!" Her shouts reached my ears, and I heard a series of CRACKS as she apperated to different parts of the above-shoulder-level field. I decided to have a little fun as I spotted her red hair moving around as she scanned the surrounding area.


I was beside her.

"But why on earth would you kill me? Wouldn't you miss seeing my fresh-pickled-toad coloured eyes?" I whispered in her ear. Again, I apperated, this time to her other side before her curse could get me. "Or my hair that's as dark as a blackboard?"


"Potter." She growled again.


"That's me. What can I do for you today, fair lady?"




"But wouldn't you miss-" I went in front of her, and leaned over. "Me doing-" I leaned closer. "This?" I brushed my lips against hers, before pulling back and apperating away.

We spent the rest of the afternoon like that; playing in the fields like we used to. Well, Ginny was still trying to curse me into next year, but she slowly calmed down, and in the end we just lay down, exhausted and tired beyond words. Molly called for dinner, and we sat up, before wandering over to the table that was overloaded with a feast.

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