Chapter 7

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Just to clarify, it's Classic Who Harry is on about, as New Who was (obviously) not around then.

͛ Harry ͛

All was well.

Not a thing was going wrong in my life, and I was glad about that fact. Ginny and I were currently in the sitting room, once again - surprise, surprise - talking about the upcoming wedding.

"So we're definitely having the colour scheme as red and white?"

"I thought it was gold and white?"

"It says here red and white, look-" Ginny pointed to some of the notes we had made.

"Ah. Well, what about red, white, and gold?"


"You sure? We don't have to-"

"Yes Harry, I'm sure. Trust me."

"Alright, good."



"That's all fine then. Maybe of you add the gold then, so we don't forg-"

"Done it already."

"Alrighty then. Oh yeah, so are we doing the whole portraits-in-seats or not? You never actually replied before."

"Yeah, I think we should."

The days continued like this - planning, referring to notes, and sorting everything out. But amongst this, we also had to make time for packing. The day after tomorrow we were moving in the last of furniture, and Ginny was moving in with me. Every now and again, someone would find something that was hers, so we ended up just accioing all of her possessions so that they landed in a pile in the centre if her room. We then sorted it into piles, before going to Grimmauld Place with the boxes.

I had one of the master bedrooms, and Ginny now had the one next door to mine (we decided not to share yet, in case one of the Weasley's decided to check on us).


I crept closer to Charlie's bedroom door, in which the entirety of the Weasley brothers were gathered.

"So we'll do a rota, yeah? I'll go first, then Charlie, you can be the day after-"

"Not everyday, it'd seem suspicious." Percy's voice interjected.

"Okay, every three days?"

"Ron, we're all her older brothers, but we don't need to keep tabs on Harry and Ginny every single day. Besides, I'd be surprised if they haven't done it already - they've been together for nearly four years! I don't know about you guys, but I trust them."

I felt a sudden wave of anger directed at Ron overwhelm me; he was planning on getting all the Weasley brothers to go on a rota to ensure that I wasn't doing anything he deemed inappropriate with Ginny, when he did exactly that with Hermione, and they weren't even engaged!

"Personally Ron, I do trust them. Besides, they're old enough to know what they want by now, and I doubt that you and Hermin haven't reached that point yet. Actually, it's you, so-" Charlie (I think) was cut off by the sound of a punch.

"Shut up! And actually, we have, so there!" If I knew Ron at all - which I definitely do - he was currently blushing like mad.

"Anyway, Ron, Gin's old enough to know what she wants, and Harry seems to really love her. Who actually wanted to go along with this plan anyway?"

Silence fell when the question was asked.

"Me?" Ron offered after a couple of minutes.

"Anyone else?" More silence.

"See - Ron, it's just you. I would've thought you'd trust Harry, he is your best mate. Obviously though, that doesn't mean much to you. Perhaps you would be a bit more trusting of him once he was gone, and you realised everything you could have said that you didn't; everything you wish you could have taken back; everything you wished you hadn't missed. Don't be so ungrateful. Do you remember at the Battle, when You-Know-Who announced he was dead, and even had his body? Remember how that felt? Imagine living with every stinking unsaid thing every stinking day. Then maybe you'd be a bit more appreciative of what you've got." George spoke for the first time in the conversation. It was obvious who it was that he was referring to, and I couldn't help but feel that it truly was my fault. Of course it was my fault.

"Sorry, I didn't mean-"

"Yes Ron, you did."

"I really didn't mean it like that, I swear I'm sorry, it's just that-"

"-He's your best mate, and she's your little sister? Ron, you've told us that so many times. The fact is though, that he's always been like yet another little brother - well to me, anyway - so it's like practically incest or something. The point is, that it's just as weird for us. Me and Fr - I spoke to him before you, when we helped that random scrawny kid with his trunk. Yeah, you're the one who actually made friends with him, but stop acting like you're better. They've been dating for longer than you and Hermione, so if you guys have, then so what if they have? Get over yourself Ronald, and stop being such a git." With that, the conversation ended, and I could tell that Ron was thinking long, and hard about what his older brother had just told him. In all honesty, I thought Ron would've been fine with this, evidently it was just for show.

*End of Flashback*

Anyway, so Ginny's room was already clad in Holyhead Harpies posters, and she had a trophy wall from the games she had won with her team. There were also pictures of her with the team, accompanied by photos of her and her friends at Hogwarts, and photos of her family, me and her together, and me, her, Ron, and Hermione when we had about last day at Hogwarts. Her wardrobe was set up against a wall, and her dresser was beside it. A full-length mirror took up the height of the wall next to the dresser. She had a Quidditch bedspread on her Queen-sized four-poster. The walls were painted with magically-enhanced paint so that it would change to reflect her mood. Against yet another wall, resided her desk.

There were two doors in her bedroom; one leading to the hallway, and the other taking her to the en-suite.

My bedroom also owned an en-suite, however, it also had a theme: my wardrobe was designed to look like an old-fashioned blue police box from the 1930's. It had an undetectable-extension charm placed on it, and there was wallpaper lining the inside that looked like the inside of the very box the wardrobe was themed to be; the TARDIS. The bed was placed neatly against the wall to the left of the hallway door. Opposite it was a desk and set of drawers. My walls looked like space, as did the floor. In case you couldn't guess, I was very much into the muggle television show "Doctor Who". Of course I was sad that it had ended and desperately hoped that it would "regenerate", and start over again. Yet there seemed no chance that the show that had stopped airing 22 years ago would indeed start once more.

Back to the present though.

Teddy Lupin was currently sitting beside me - well he was giggling beside me as he rolled around on the couch.

"STOP - giggle - IT - giggle - HARRY! - giggle - IT - giggle - TICKLES!"

"Is that right? Does it tickle?"


He squealed as I tickled him some more. Absent mindedly, I wondered what mine and Ginny's kid(s) would look like. This - in turn - lead me to wonder if Ginny actually wanted any children at all, and if so how many? If there was one thing I had always dreamt about, it was having siblings; having other family members, ones that actually liked me - cared, even. Ginny, however, had exactly that - she had six older siblings! But would that mean that she would want the opposite of a big family? That she'd think our children wouldn't want so many brothers and sisters? I knew that I wanted to have two children minimum - otherwise, it's just too lonely.

But for now, I was going to focus on Teddy Lupin.


That day, Ted and I just played. His hair kept changing colour, length, and style. He had seemed particularly fond of the teal coloured locks that had just changed to pink. He was going to be four in a couple of months, and it amazed me just how quickly he had grown. I had shown him how to play the magic version of "snakes and ladders", and it was a Hogwarts edition. As well as snakes there were eagles that flew you up, badgers that slunk across the board changing where it took you each time, and lions that would prowl to a lower-numbered square. The ladders were staircases - moving ones like those they were based off.

He seemed to enjoy it a lot, particularly the animals - watching them move, he would turn his face into a representation of the creature. Right now, he was fast asleep, the hand-crafted wooden mobile hanging above his bed for when he came round. It had been a Christmas present, and had a wolf, stag, and black dog on it, as well as a colour-changing Hippogriff, a badger, a lightning bolt, a lightbulb, a crown, and the black family crest.

Ginny had taken the day off and was spending it with some old schoolmates. The were having a "girls day", where they were going to shop for ages, then go to a spa or something, then go back to Angelina's house, which was where they were having a sleepover. I shuddered to think what it would be like there and was perfectly fine to instead stay with my godson .

A/N: just a short filler chapter for you! I'll try to update when I can!

I have to say,I can't believe that from chapter 5-7 this book has gained over 1,000 reads - 3,000 is pretty good for a book with 7 chapters I'd say!

Thanks so much guys, I couldn't have done it without you!

Okay, so questions:

1) Favourite part of the book so far?

2) Would you like more of Ginny's POV, or for me to stick with Harry's?

3) What do you want more of?

Love you all,

Alice xox ❤️

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