𝟙𝟟. He Makes Me Mad

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(WARNING: strong language)
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I went to put on my sweatpants and take off my shirt, like how I usually sleep. After that I turned off the lights, knowing my way to my bed I go there and went behind y/n. I spooned her from behind and held her close to me as I closed my eyes then slowly drifted off to sleep.

Toms pov

Everything just keeps getting worse doesn't it. For me at lease... I just hope y/n us ok. I honestly feel like I'm going insane just to the thought of her being around that monster.

Edd was talking to me but everything was just a blur in my mind. "Tom?" I heard Edd ask but it quickly gone away. "Tom" I heard Edd say once more. "Tom!" I finally snapped out of my thoughts and snapped, "what?!" I asked annoyed. "Tom I'm worried about you. You haven't been acting the same..." Edd said and I just rolled my eyes. "I'm just stressed-" "I know you are but there is something else." Edd cuts me off and I sighed. "I'm stressed, worried, depressed, all of the above!" I said frustrated. "Then maybe you should get help," Edd said. "I don't need help.... I don't want it..." I said looking down. "Tom, it's going to help make you feel better. I can help sign you up for a therapist appointment," Edd says. "Edd we don't have therapists in town, the one that everyone this is one needs to put a bigger space between the and rapist." I said rolling my eyes. "I'll be fine anyway..." I said getting up.

"No Tom please sit back down.." Edd says grabbing my arm. "Edd, I want to be alone..." I said trying to pull my arm away.

I suddenly heard my phone buzz. I sighed taking it out from my pocket and looked at it. It was from Mr. Davis... 'good evening Tom. I've got news about y/n, I do request if I could come over to discus more plans or we can do it over call.'

"Who was it?" Edd asked me and I looked over at him. "Mr. Davis... he got stuff about y/n but I don't really feel like having him come over so we can just call him about it." I said looking back at my phone.

"I think you should listen to the call. It's just going to drive you more insane Tom.." Edd says and I gave in. "Yeah... I guess..." I didn't want to feel like this so I guess I do need some time to myself to help myself.... but i got that urge. I'll just ease drop..

"Alright, tell him that we can call him and then you can go to your room or something while i talk to him?" Edd suggested to me. I nodded staying quiet. Am I going crazy..? I don't feel like I am...?

I got lost in thought as I texted Mr. Davis. "Hey says he will give you a call in 30 minutes.." I said putting my phone back into my pocket. "Perfect, I'll just stay in here until then," Edd says smiling. I shrugged it off frowning.

I saw Edd get up and come over to me, "Edd you know I don't-" Edd cut my off and gave me a hug. "We are here for you Tom. Matt and I are, and y/n is too.." Edd says as he slowly pulled away from me. "Yeah... right.." I said turning away and walked away. I headed upstairs to my room keeping a close eye on time so I know when to go back down there to listen to the call.

Edds POV

I sighed as I go to sit back down at my spot in the living room. "Please..." it muttered just thinking about Tom. I was really worried about him, he was just acting so weird and I know it's just not those three things he listed.

I decided to start cooking up dinner before it got too late. I've been cooking dinner more lately since y/n was usually the one who made it for us. We didn't force her to, she just enjoyed cooking, I do too so I would help her a lot whenever she did.

"Hey Edd," I heard matt behind me say. "Hey Matt," I replied back as I was getting stuff out to cook. "Anything new?" He asked me and I glanced back at him, "Mr. Davis will be calling us a bit later but Tom will not be there. He has been acting off lately and I'm worried about him. I know he wants y/n to be safe but we also need to be safe while trying to get her back.." I said softly. "Yeah.. I just hope he will get over it soon.. I'm not meaning that in a bad way... I just don't want him being so upset..." Matt nodded in agreement with me. I sighed looking out the window and then back at Matt, "we should try talking to him later. Maybe we can see what's really wrong with him." edd says still preparing the food to start cooking it.

"Yeah we can try I guess.." Matt says pulling out a mirror. He always has a mirror, waist of money if you ask me.

Toms POV

I was laying down on my bed. Just staring at the ceiling. I couldn't think, I just kept staring as time passed without me realizing it.

I then turned over to my side and sighed, "what is wrong with me..?" I muttered under my breath. I sighed standing up and checked the time. My eyes widened slightly to see that almost a hour went by. But I didn't care.

I go out of my room and heard Edd talking, I soon realized he was on the phone with someone and gasped. I went downstairs and hid somewhere near the kitchen so I could listen to the conversation Edd was having with Mr.Davis. 

"So... she's still ok?" Edd asks. "Yes she is, I found her on the camera but that army is more advanced then I though, they immediately found my guy placing bugs in there to slowly shut down the base. But he saw her," I heard Davis say over the phone. I sighed with relief that she was ok but continued to listen. "But the thing is... I think she likes being there. No sign of distress, I injury, or anything. He must have put something into her head, tricking her."

I growled slightly, thats what that commie probably did to her. She wouldn't give in that easily would she..? I can change her mind, I'll get her back...

"Oh really? So.. uh what can we do about it?" Edd asked. "I can send people back over, but the worst I can do is attack his base but that could put y/n in danger." I heard Davis said. That's what I wanted from the beginning, for him to just go in there. It's so much more simpler, go in, grab her, and get out.

"Well... if it didn't work the first time I probably won't work for the second... so.." Edd continues. I don't think he wanted to say it but I knew what he was wanting to say. "Yes we can try that Mr. gold... but it could be for the best." Mr. Davis said. I felt more relieved then ever.

After a few minutes the call ended. I got up and went into the kitchen. "Oh tom, were you there the whole time?" Edd asked me. I shook my head and lied, "no, I just came down to check if it has ended yet. I wanted to get a snack" I said going to the fridge to get me a Smirnoff bottle. "Tom please don't drink right now..." Edd sighed. "Edd you know it takes about two bottles of these to get me drunk right?" I stated. It's true, I grew up drinking it so my tolerance to it is very high.

"Alright.... some good news about the call is that they know y/n is alright. She just seemed to take his side," Edd says. I smiled acting like I didn't know, "really? That's good that she is fine, but took his side? That's hard to believe" i scoffed.

"Yeah... but the thing is I knew she had liked him for a long time so.. she probably gave in because she could possibly still like him..." Edd says quietly. I sighed thinking about that one night I kissed her and she told me she still liked me. "You never know edd." I said in a more pissed off tone. I hated the thought of her liking that commie. And she knows I disliked the idea.. but I can't control what she wants... I can't do that to her... but what I can do is convince her...

I suddenly heard a bell, that startled me a little bit but Edd laughed seeing me get startled, "dinners done guys," Edd says getting out of his chair to go over to the oven. He opened it and pulled it out using a rubber glove. "Uh Edd..? What did you make..?" I asked him. It smelt good but look weird.

"It's a recipe I wanted to try out. It's bacon and ham with potato and cola," Edd says grinning. "You really put cola In that?" I asked him. It looked like throw up. "Yeah but only half of a can. It's in there for that sweet flavor," Edd says. Yes Edd is good at cooking but god, what the hell kind of shit does he look up to get a recipe with cola in it?!

Edd puts the dinner into plates for all of us and sets them down. Edd was the first one to try it and he perked up. "This is actually really good!" He says. The. Matt tried it. He had a ok face, "will this cause ache?" He asked looking into a mirror. "All of this stress has made my skin begin to get oily and I don't need more things to add to it," Matt says worried.

I rolled my eyes, "you're fine Matt." I said In a dead tone. I go to sit down and try it. You tasted the bacon and ham more then the cola. The potato also hid it more as well. "You can't taste any of the cola.." I said. "Exactly! You were so post to put a full can but I knew you guys wouldn't like that," Edd says. He already finished his plate.

"Uh... I'm not that hungry at the moment. I'll have some left overs later Edd..." I said. Yes I was hungry but I didn't want that to make me feel sick later just in case. "Oh, alright," Edd didn't seem too fazed by it, which is good. I then head upstairs, now thinking of way to get into contact with y/n...


I woke up from a loss of warmth. I opened my eyes and yawned softly. "Good morning my love.." I hear Tord say. I sit up slowly and saw him getting into his uniform. "It's so early..." I mumbled rubbing my eye slightly. I felt exhausted from last night. "How are you not tired..?" I asked him. "Oh I am, I need to do a lot today so I woke up early to get it done faster so I can spend more time with you," he says. He went onto the bed and softly kissed my forehead. "But Tord... stay a bit longer.." I mumbled reaching out to him. All I wanted was to be cuddled until I fully wake up.

"How long?" I heard him ask sarcastically. "Torddddddd...." I mumbled again just wanting him to hug me already. As soon as he sits down next to me I cling onto him.

Tord's POV

Y/n was always adorable in the mornings. Few years ago I used to wake her up early; and all y/n wanted was cuddles.

I wrapped my arms around her and put my head on top of hers. I closed my eyes softly holding her close to me until I felt my phone buzz. I used one arm to get my phone out while I used the other to still hold onto y/n. It was from pat..

Sir, there is a man looking to have a walk in meeting with you. His name is Mr. Davis, the guy you told us to look out for. There is a few men looking after him in a lockdown room just Incase he does something, but we need you here to help deal with him.

I sighed leaning my head back closing my eyes. Every time I have a chance to be with y/n something base to pop up. "What's wrong..." I heard y/n ask. "It's nothing jentebaby... I'm just going to have to go in 5 minutes to deal with a few things.."(babygirl) I said quietly. I felt her hug me tighter and groan.

I could help but chuckle at this. "Don't worry y/n. I will check in with you every hour or two, and if you need anything use the phone and there should be numbers on who to reach. I'm at the top of the list," I said softly. I reach my other hand up.

You better keep a good eye on that guy. Make sure group A through C scout the base just in case he pulls shit. I'll be there in 10 minutes and nothing better happen until I get there.

I sent it and put my phone down. I rubbed y/n's back slowly as I closed my eyes again relaxing. I felt y/n shift up more onto me where her face went into my neck. I smiled warmly as I hugged her tighter to me. "I love you.." I softly whispered to her. "I love you too... you goof...." I heard y/n say. I chuckled softly, she used to use that nickname for me years ago, "then you are a cute mess..," I said softly saying her old nickname too.

I soon felt her get off of me after a while, "you should get going..." she says softly. She got back under the blankets. I lost track of time and got up. "Thank you for reminding me, I'll see you later jentebaby," (babygirl) I said softly and leans down to kiss her forehead.

I left my room and made my way to the lockdown rooms. I slowly got angry the closer I got. Just the thought of that asshole made me boil inside. As soon as I got into the room I shot daggers at him with my eyes.

"Nice to see you again. Mr. RedLeader."

I'm so sorry for posting this chapter so late. There is still a lot going on with my family and with this whole virus going around it make it harder.

I hope everyone the best and please stay safe and stay inside. Make sure to wash your hands and stay clean. I don't want any of you to get infected by this virus and I hope you and your family will stay safe.

Here is another poem I came up with to help lift up your spirits:

Roses are red,
Veins are blue,
Those colors make purple,
Then what the fuck are you?
(Ceo of best poems)

2,597 words

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