𝟙𝟠. More Problems to Deal With

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{WARNING: strong language}
Last chapter:
"Nice to see you again. Mr. RedLeader."

Tords POV

I growled walking up to him, "don't act like you haven't done shit." I snapped at him. I wasn't going to play nice at all. The soldiers around him gave me the 'look'. Not only was I trying to scare this Davis guy, my soldiers were getting scared as well. I felt that vibe and a smirk slowly crept onto my face.

"Oh that's in the past now, Mr.RedLeader, I just want to simply talk to you, make this as civil as possible so.. we don't cause any damage." I watched Davis as he spoke. I was still, I wanted him to think what I would do next for being so still. Just so scare him more. "Before you ask me anything, what will this meeting be about." I asked. My accent flowing through a few words.

"I think you know exactly what I want to talk about with you. Be we must do it in private. I don't want to ruin your reputation with any of your soldiers," he says in a bit of a baby tone afterwards. "My soldiers have seen me at my absolute worst years ago, I'm not afraid to show them that side again," I said in a low growl. "They are staying with us, and if you have a problem with that then you can leave." I stated. I began to see him sweat. He knew exactly what I was talking about when I said when I was at my worst.

"Mr. RedLeader, I'll ask nicely again if we can have a private meeting. It won't be long... it won't be too short.." he said. I saw him beginning to look a bit uncomfortable. Reading body language was one of my most strong things I could do. From the past years I needed to learn body language so I can see when someone lies to me. But I gave in on the idea of having a private meeting.

"Fine. But, no funny shit. Got it?" I threat him in a low growl. "Same goes to you too." He says. "Is there any loaded arms on him?" I asked my soldiers. "No... we took everything he had when he came in. He was loaded before he came here," they answered.

I looked back at Davis, "Hmm, thank you soldier." I said. I stared at him with a death stare. The look on my soldiers faces showed that they were getting uncomfortable too. Good.

I headed to the door, "follow us to the meeting room," I ordered my soldiers. They made a 'U' shape around the Davis guy. Even know this guy was a bit taller then me, I was more of a threat to him than he was to me. It was like that for everyone... except Jehovah..

I continued to walk, making sure that everyone stayed behind me as I lead. I soon went into a meeting room specially designed to spy on whoever is in there. "You all may be dismissed." I spoke talking to my soldiers.

I walk to the desk in there and sit down and looked at Davis. It sat in front of me and looked at me. "So. Mr. Davis, what do you want." I asked. "Let's talk about y/n. The one you kidnapped. I want to bring her back to her friends because it's too dangerous for her here," I listened to him but stayed still again. I put my ankle on top of my leg and watched him closely.

"Well, this place ain't dangerous at all. It's dangerous for people like you here first off and second she is happy here," I spoke. I wasn't really sure on how she felt on being here... I should probably talk to her after this..

"But you kidnapped her, you can be thrown in jail once you get reported." Mr.davis said. I rolled my eye, "but I haven't, haven't i?" I asked. I saw him glare at me after I said that. I didn't care. "Id say you let her go back. She if she would like to go back to you or stay with who she is living with. You should be lucky you haven't been reported." Davis said. I sighed, "they wouldn't do anything to me anyways. I'm unstoppable," I said. I saw him smirk, "you'll see about what soon.." he says.

"What is that so post to mean?  Are you going to do something because if you are, you are staying here and never going to see the light of day again." I said in a growl. I was dead serious and I saw his facial expression change. "Don't think I don't know about your guy placing bug-chips around my base." I spoke once more.

"That wasn't from me.." Davis said looking slightly to the side and I rolled my eye once again, "bullshit." I growled. I knew he lied.

"Ok, let's just talk about what I really came here to talk about. Y/n probably wants to go back home. I came here to nicely tell you that. She most likely doesn't like you and if she does, she is probably faking it just so you don't hurt her." Davis said. That began to make me think about the relationship I had with her. And the times I talked to her. Maybe she really just gave into me...

"I wouldn't never hurt her." I spoke in a growl. I began to get angry. "Well you did try to kill your friends, including her." Davis spoke. "There is a reason why I did that." I said trying to hold back my anger. "You have no reason to defend yourself on that. You almost killed them, you shot at them, and blu-up the damn house! Mr. RedLeader, you need to understand that she doesn't belong here." I just kept getting more and more mad at what he was saying. I didn't want to fight with him so I did my best to hide it back.

"You are treating her like she is a little kid, she wants to be here. She is a grown fucking adult who can make their own decisions and they chose to stay here. If she wanted to go back she would have already told me. I've also known her for a very long time so id know what she would want. " I growled. I tried my best not to snap at him.

"Well I'm treating her like this because I knew her older brother. And he even told me how she can't speak up for herself. Maybe think about that, put that in your small brain of yours since 'you've known her for so long'." He said. Oh that made me very mad.

"Listen here you pice if shit! You have no right to speak to me like this, especially in my own goddamn base! Be lucky that I haven't fucking killed you yet for the stupid shit you are saying right now! Especially for the fucking thing you tried to pull a day ago and the shit you have pulled in the past with other leaders! You killed her older brother! She doesn't know that but I know that. I know every little detail I need to know about you and everything you have done. You know absolutely nothing about me except that I am so close to beating your fucking ass to the goddamn grown!" I snapped and yelled at him. You should have saw the look on his face when I was talking. He looked terrified from his facial expression. His eyes were wide, eyes brows raised, and you could see him beginning to sweat.

I waited for him to say something as I shot daggers at him with my eye. He was silent for a moment. "jævla snakker du" (fucking speak you piece of shit) I spoke in Norwegian. I continued to wait.

"You have no idea what I can do..." Mr. Davis. "And you have no fucking idea what I can do TO you.." I said back a grown. I threatened him as much as possible. I waited and stood up. I saw him flinch slightly. "I think this meeting is over..." I said in a growl. He got up too and stood there still.

I walked to the door and opened it. "Come here." I said walking through. My soldiers were waiting there and they said nothing. "Get this guy into the cells. I need to do a questioning later.." said in a low growl. I then walked off as my soldiers grabbed onto  this Davis guy and leads him to the cells.

I tried to cool down before I went to go check on y/n. But thoughts raced through my head about our relationship and what she might actually want. I actually began to get upset. Like.. sad..


I was awake. I wasn't up for that long though I went back to sleep when Tord left to who whatever he needed to.

I got up and went over to where I thought the bathroom would be. After all, I don't know his room but it was easy to find. I turn on the lights and surprisingly it was a very large bathroom. I looked over at the tub. I got tempted and let my temptations get the best of me.

I plugged the drain and started the water in the tub. It was a really big tub too, bigger then the one at the new house. I looked around the bathroom, eventually finding that I don't think he'd ever use. Maybe it was a gift he probably wouldn't want or use. But if he had no use for it then I will use it. It was just rose scent bath bombs, found it in the way back of a cabinet.

I took one out and put it in the water as it continued to fill up. I softly ran my hand through my hair waiting. I just hope Tord isn't gone too long.

Once the water filled up to a good point I stoped it from filling up any more. I slowly stepped into the water, the warmth of it relaxing my muscles as I fully submerged myself. I grabbed a towel near by and folded it up to be small, I placed it behind my head and lean my head back relaxing. After last night and feeling bit sore, this was very soothing.

I then heard a knock before a door opened. I knew it was Tord but I glanced back to see if he went to the bathroom yet. Once he did I looked up at him, but he looked upset. "What's wrong?" I asked him softly, I sit up slightly as he kneels down close to the tub. "Nothing.. I just.. I want to talk to you. It's nothing bad, it depends on how you think of it really but, I need to ask you a few things.." he spoke softly. He gently held my hand when I put it out to him.

I smile softly rubbing his hand with my thumb. "That's alright.. here come join me," I said grinning. "My soldiers will make fun of me for smelling like roses but, whatever makes you happy," he said and I smiled more. I peaked a few times as he was getting undressed. I saw him smirk at me once he caught me, but I returned the smirk back.

"Here, scoot a bit forward and I'll go behind you," he said and I did what I was told and let him go behind me. He then pulled me back and let's me lay against his chest. Tord wrapped his arms around me pulling me a bit closer.

"So, you you like to talk here? Or when we get out?" I asked him. I lean on him more, taking in this relaxing moment. "I'll just ask you afterwards, I want to use this time to spend it with you.." he said. He began to massage my sides and legs, switching between the two every now and then. It felt nice.

I closed my eyes leaning my head back a bit onto his shoulder. I relaxed into his touch enjoying what he was doing. "What happened earlier?" I finally spoke to break the silence.

"Nothing too serious my love.." he said. By the look he gave me when he first came in the room said otherwise. "Tord I know something happened... when you came in you were making you cute pouty look," I said in a soft chuckle. "Hey I told you a while ago that only you do the cute stuff, not me," he said chuckling. I giggled, "pfft- yeah, like, years ago Tord,"I laugh softly. We both laughed for a moment, "ok, but seriously Tord, what went on?" I asked once again but a bit more serious.

"I just had to do a walk-in meeting.. with a guy named Mr. Davis.." he said. My eyes widened and I turned and looked at him, "do you know him?" I asked. "Yeah.. but we aren't good with each other," he said. I was shocked that they knew each other. "Wait- for how long," I asked. I didn't want to ask too many questions but this was stuff I just wanted to know.

"I've known him.. ever since he began to be known for doing something.." he says quietly. He looked at me as I stared at him. I then got caught off guard, "is your robot, mechanical, thing arm water proof?" I asked looking at it. It wasn't in the water. Tord looked at it and then back at me, "I'm still trying to get used to this arm, and I'm not entirely sure if it is.." he said. I then saw him detach the arm after pressing a few things, "can you set this down on the counter behind us love?" He asked me. I nodded putting it up there. I was now facing him on his lap, but I wasn't trying to pull anything here. I then lean over to look at his shoulder. "This is interesting, they put all of that on you?" I asked looking at it.

He chuckled softly, "yeah, I need two hands to do many things," he said. "And after losing the one that was once there I needed a new one, but more advanced then some other arm controllers. Brain signals can move the hand perfectly like my other one, so far I think I'm the only human in the world who uses a arm like this," he said. "But didn't you design it?" I asked once again.

He nodded, "the arm part yes, but my workers had to build a plate that can send the signals to the arm, and this plate stay on forever." Tord says softly tapping it. I was very impressed, I never really expected him to be this smart with mechanics. It just made him a whole lot more attractive to me.

"Wow.. anyways, I'm sorry for all the questions, I know you just want to relax," I said softly. Moving back to were my back leans up against his and he wrapped his arm around me once again. "It's alright love, I don't mind.." Tord spoke. I sighed out of happiness leaning more into him, "I love you.." I softly said.

"I love you more," Tord said after kissing my head. I smiled kissing his cheek back. I closed my eyes to relax once more. "Cute-mess," I heard him say once more. I laughed softly and rolled my eyes, "whatever," I giggled softly.

I'm going to end it there before I make another over 4,000 long chapter again. I don't want to bore you guys idk if you guys like reading the long chapters. But please let me know or give me advice.
Thanks for all of the support you've all shown me for this book, I love you all and please stay safe -LB

2,687 words

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