Why did this happen?

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Well! Here is the next part~
The last part were a little bit sad, but okay~
Hope you enjoy~

Jay's pov
I was taking care of Lloyd while he was asleep. We found a old hut, it was not warm there and we had nothing to cut wood with. And even if we had, it would't be good to use, because it is wet wood, and wet wood just makes smoke...

I cleaned his wounds, he flinched when the wet piece of cloth touched his stomach.
I lightly rubbed his wound, the cloth was already soaked with blood. I didn't have more pieces of cloth, so i ripped of a little bit of my ninja-gi.

I soaked it in water and pressed it against his stomach, once again, he flinched.

I bandaged his wound after it had stopped bleeding. I took up my phone and dialed Cole's number. "Fine! No signal!" I yelled.

Lloyd woke up, he looked around the room and then at his stomach.
"Oh, sorry" i apologized, i sat down beside him.
"Oh, hehe it's okay, thanks" he said and smiled at me.

Cole's pov
Me and Kai was sleeping, the thunder were loud and the lightning were bright. It was strong wind and cold rain outside.

The cave was not warm, but not cold either. I stood up and looked outside the cave. It was still night, the sky was full of stars.

I heard Kai waking up, i looked behind me to see Kai with red eyes again.
"Hey? What's up?" I asked.
"I had one of those dreams again..." He said under his breath. "The ones where your parents..." He nodded.
I walked over to him, i said: "it's okay Kai, i'm here" i hugged him tightly, i knew he hated these dreams.

Kai's pov
He must think i am a wimp...
"Hey Cole?" I asked. "Do you think i am a wimp?" I asked, he shook his head.
"If you would call youself a wimp, then everyone on the earth is wimps, because you are one of the strongest people i know, Kai" he said, that made me feel better. Not happy, but better.

Cole's pov
I can't believe he thinks that he is a wimp...
That's not true!

"Thanks Cole" he said and faked a smile, it made me a little bit more calm to see that he was trying.
"No problem, don't ever think badly about yourself" i said, he nodded.

I wonder where Zane is, he must be close, right?

Zane's pov
Where am i? Where are the other guys? I heard Kai's voice yesterday, but i can't hear it now...

I stood up and looked around me, i was in a forest. I started walking towards where i heard Kai's voice yesterday.

Kai's pov
"I will go search for Zane, i count on you doing nothing bad, Kai" Cole said, i nodded, but didn't promise anything...
I know i am a wreck and I don't know what will happen...

He left the cave, it was morning and the rain and wind had loosned up a bit.
It was still cold, i curled up and slipped down on the cold-hard ground...

I looked at my hands, they were full of blood. I looked around me, dad and mom?
I walked up to them, i searched for their pulse, but none of them had.
I heard Nya's crying voice behind me, i walked over to her without her noticing.
I hugged her from behind. "Kai?" She asked, i nodded. "Get away from me!" She yelled and punched my face, i felt the tears in my eyes grow. "Look what you have done!"

Not this dream again... "It... I..." I couldn't talk properly...
"Don't look at me! Don't touch me! I HATE you Kai!" She screamed and ran away.

I heard the stupid voice in my head again: "Look Kai... What have you done? You are worthless! Don't dare come back! You shouldn't have been born! You are nothing!"
Oh how i hated this! I had been unstable before, but this time i think this is the end...

I want this pain to stop, and never come back! This is the only solution right?
No... I can't! Cole will... No...
"He doesn't care, Kai... He is not your friend, he never was! He just played with your heart and feelings! Let me take your tears and pain in exchange for your life!" The voice was talking, it was slowly invading my body!

I couldn't sleep with this in my head, i need to wake up! I cried, i tried to understand everything... But i guess i'm just a hopeless fool... This is the end right?
End of dream

I woke up with stained tears everywhere, i stood up and went outside.
The sun was shining, it had stopped raining, and the wind was just a warm breeze.

I placed my arms against my neck. I held hard and squeezed. I coughed some blood and my tears was overflowing, they were streaming down my face...

I saw two shadows coming closer, i knew it was Cole and Zane...
"I'm sorry mom, for not getting good grades in school... Sorry dad, for not becoming what you wanted me to... I apologize Nya, for not being the brother you needed... Forgive me Cole, i said that i wouldn't do anything stupid, it's not your fault... Thanks my team, for being my friends and loving me... Don't miss me, it was my choice... I have been mentally unstable a long time now, and i am sorry for not telling... Ask Cole, he will tell you everything... What i have been trough without letting you know... Keep him alive for me..." I talked under my breath. "Goodbye" i closed my eyes and the last tears i had rolled down my face. Then everything went black.

Cole's pov
I found Zane and we were walking back to the cave. We saw Kai choking himself, we were not fast enough to stop him, but we heard him apologizing to everyone...

"He don't have any pulse..."

Sorry guys... This is maybe heartbreaking...
Here is the picture i drew for the chapter, i couldn't put it on the top, because then you would kind of know...
Well here you go.

Hope you cried, that was my plan, but if you didn't... You are strong!

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