Chapter 2:Why?..

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Ice's POV

I was at the park..sitting on the swing while crying...

Its been a month since blaze was a part of our family...we got along pretty well... But...there was a boy who became blaze's new friend....

He starts to forget about me because of that boy...

Then one day...I ask him why does he did not want to play with Me...

His answer was like a hurts...


I walk on blaze's room and knock on his door...

He open it and when he saw me..he just roll his eyes...

"Um..blaze..can I ask you something?.." I said while trembling slightly...

"What?.." He said with annoyance in his voice...

"Why..did you not want to play with me anymore?.." I replied as I look straight into his eyes..

He sigh and look at me..

"Well..its because your so lazily!! You like to sleep all day!! I'm glad that cyclone has become my friend!..I don't want to take care of you anymore!! I already love someone!! And its not you!! Its cyclone..I love him more than a CAN YOU JUST LEAVE ME ALONE YOU SHIT!!.." He yelled at me and I was already running... hurts...

Why?...can't he see that I loved him?!?

And then I stop at a park and sit on a swing..

End flashback..

"B-blaze...w-why?...i-i love you..hiks..hiks.." I cried while thinking of blaze...

If his happy with someone else...then I should be happy too..

Besides his not the only guy in this world... hurts...I want to make the pain go away...

Please.....someone.... Make the pain go away....

"Hey...what are you doing here?..its already late.." Someone said as he sit on the swing next to mine...

I ignore it and keep crying harder...

"Hey..." The boy talk again and he got up and kneel down in front of me...

I sob and gently hug him...I know that I only meet him...but...I needed this badly...

Blaze always do this when I was stress or crying...

The thought of him hugging me made me cry even harder...

I put my head on the boy's shoulder...

"I-im sorry...hiks..i-i just needed this..hiks..b-badly.." I said while hugging him tighter...

He began to hug back and pet my hair...

"Ah...its okay..." He said while still petting me...the warmth of his body made me stop crying...

I pull away and look at his face...

"Beautiful.." I whisper and he blush and turn his head away...

I wipe my tears and he look at me once more...

"Fang...the names fang.." He said while smiling...

"Ice.." I said while returning the smile..

He slowly got up and I grab his wrist to stop him..

He quickly look at me in confusion..

"Um..can you take me back to my home?...its getting really dark..a-and...I'm a-afraid of d-darkness.." I said while biting my lower lip..

He scratch the back of his head and give me a smile...

"Hm..yeah I'm fine with that.." He said while offering me a hand..instead of accepting it..I grin at him...

"Piggyback!!.." I said with puppy eyes plus with a pout...he sigh in defeat and put me behind his back...

"So....warm..." I said while he began walking... I notice that his ears are red so he is probably blushing.... I giggle at the thought...

He stop walking and look at me with wide eyes...

"D-did you just giggle??." He ask me and I just roll my eyes playfully....I stick out my tongue and giggle again...

He smile at me softly which made me blush and buried my face on his back..

He continue to walk again with wasn't an awkward was comfortable....

"So...can you tell me why your crying at the park alone?.." He ask with a bit of sincere on his heart aches again but I decided to tell him what happened...

"Hurt by my love.." I said while smiling sadly....

"Ah...I'm sorry.." He apologize and I just nod my head while looking at the eyes shine brightly and I had a smile on my lips...

"Woah!! Fang!! Check it out!! Look at the stars!!.." I said while pointing up.. He look at the sky and I look at him...I notice that his eyes were shining just like mine..

"Your beautiful.." I said while smiling cutely..he blush really red and averted his gaze from the sky and walking a bit faster..

"Hey fang.... Do you even know where my house is?.." I ask him and he stop while looking at me with his eyes wide and his mouth ajar....

"Pfft...hahahaha!!.." I began laughing uncontrollably and soon he started laughing too...

My laughter disappear once I saw the person who was standing in front of us..

"Blaze..." I whisper to fang and he look at blaze then back to me with a 'oh-this-must-be-your-love-who-broke-your-heart' look..I nod at him and got off...

Before he could leave I ran up to him and kiss his cheek...

"Eh?!?!.." He back away while blushing madly....I just giggle and hand him my phone number..

I wave him goodbye and he just smile and roll his eyes...

When me and blaze was walking..I was literally skipping..

I can't wait when he will call!!

Blaze's POV

Mom told me to find ice because he was late for dinner...

I was walking around while thinking about what I said to ice ..

I know that was really rude but its true!!!!

But.......its quite rude..

Aish!! I don't know anymore!!!!

I play with my hair while fighting with myself and betting whether I will apologize or not..

Ah....I should...

No!..its the truth!!!

But......what if he will ignore me??

Forget it you have cyclone. .

But....then again...

"Argh!!! This is so frustrating!!!." I scream while kicking the garbage can...

My thoughts snap as I heard ice laughing with someone else...

He stop laughing when he saw me...I was looking at the boy who piggy back ice...I clench my fist and grit my teeth...

"Blaze..." I heard ice whisper to the boy...he just look at me then back to ice with a face that only ice could read and it pisses me off....

I notice ice nod and then got off..

I glare at the boy when he was ready to leave...

But Ice did something that set pains in my chest...

He....kiss the boy........even though that it was just on his cheeks..I was....jealous.....

But I don't know why......

I am in love with cyclone.....


Why am I feeling like this?...

On the way phone rings....

He pick it up while smiling...

He never really smile to me...

"Fang!!! You called!!!!!!!!.." He said while giggling and jumping up and down....

"Jeez...don't scream at my ears.." The boy named fang said while chuckling...

"So....why did you call?.." Ice said while he wait for that bastard to answer...

"Well...I'm just gonna ask you if your free tomorrow?.." Fang said with a hint of nervousness..

Is he gonna ask my lil bro on a date?!???!? Fuck him!!! I won't let him do that!!

"Oh yeah su-------.." Before ice could finish his talk..I quickly grab his phone..

"His not going bastard.." I said and hang up while ice gasp..

"Blaze!! Why did you that?!?!.." Ice yell at me angrily... I just 'tsk' and hand him his phone while he sigh and dial that idiot's number...

"Oh um...hey ice.." Ah...that voice is so annoying....

"Sorry for hanging up...I just want to tell you that I'm free tomorrow... Why do you ask?.." Ice said while glaring at me coldly....

"I'm just gonna ask if you want to sleep at my house for like...five days?.."


"Of course!!!! .." Ice laugh and that boy followed too which made me I grab ices phone again....

"His going on one condition..." I said with a piss expression...

"Don't worry I won't do anything bad to him..." He said and I raised my eye brow....

"You only met him can I trust you huh?!?.." I almost yell but calm down so that Ice will not hear our conversation...

"Because ice trust me and I decided to protect him from now on...heh...I bet that you didn't know that he was crying and how i hug him and how I cheered him up... I have seen him smile..giggle and laugh...and im glad that it was me who made him happy.... Back have no idea how it hurts to see him cry..." He said and I snap in realization....


Was it because of what I said?...

"He's going if he wants to...who are you to stop him? His boy friend?..hah..yeah right..." He said while laughing slightly...

"And who are you to him huh!!!?!.." I ask him back and everything went silent...

Hah!!! I got his ass!!!

"A guy who will protect him and a friend who's always there when he needs me...." He said and now...I was the one who felt silence.

I was about to talk back but ice suddenly grab his phone back...

"Hello fang?.." He said while I just look away....

"Hey icy.." The heck?!?? Did he just call my lil bro ICY?!?!?!?

"What's up with that nickname?.." Ice said and giggle while I'm just here imagining that I'm torturing that bastard..

" suites you.." Fang said while chuckling...

"Hmp...okay so...I'll see you on Saturday then??.." Ice said while his eyes was sparkling with excitement...

"Yeah yeah yeah..... Good night ICY.." Fang said and hang up..

I grab ices wrist making him face me...

"What?..", he said as he raise an eyebrow...

" uh...I just...wanted to...say sorry..." I said pausing once a bit to make my heart calm down...he look at me with a questioning look...

"For what?.." Ice said as I let go of his wrist...

"F-for what i-i said....i-im sorry....p-please forgive m-me.." Ah shit...I shutter!!!I look at ice and he look back with his icy blue eyes....

He sigh and pinch both of my cheeks...the action startled me and I back away...he slowly got near me and pat my this... I was enjoying his warmth..

"You know you don't have to apologize.... Its the truth after all..besides...if your happy with cyclone....then I'm happy too...I'll try..." The last part was barely a whisper but I still heard it....I give him a nod and a thought suddenly spark in my stupid head...

"Hey...about the sleepover...can I come too?.." Who am I to let my lil bro go to that freaking bastard huh?!?! I will watch his every single move...

I mean it...


"Um...yeah sure..but you better ask him permission... Here..I'll give you his number.. " ice said as he handed me that bastards number...

While we were walking..  I quickly text that freak...

To Fang:

Oi brat...i will come tomorrow and accompany my lil bro...

After a while I heard my phone buzz and I open it...

From Fang:

Tsk...yeah sure..just don't stop my freaking move..

The text got me piss because he already know who was texting him....I replied back really fast..

To Fang:

What move?!are you hitting on my Lil brother?!?

From Fang:

Hell a problem with that?

To Fang:

..don't you dare touch him!!!

From Fang:

I already did...>:)

To Fang:

Fuck you...

From Fang: you know that when I kiss ice....his lips are so soft??

I widen my eyes as I read his message....

The fuck?!! He kissed ice?!?!

(Author: actually no...he was just teasing you...)

To Fang:

I swear I will kill you...

From Fang:

I wonder if ice will mind if I take him on a date... Hm....

To Fang:


From Fang:

Make me..>:)

Out of frustration..I throw my phone on the wall...hard....and it broke...and ice stared at me wondering what happened...and I just shrugged and bought a new phone and ask again for that bastards number...


I'm sorry if its bad!😭😭 nose hurt cause when I finish writing niece suddenly showed up and I drop my phone in surprise and she just laugh at me....and then she ran away..-__-

Bruh....anyway don't forget to vote!

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💗 u guys!

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