Chapter 3: Sorry

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Blaze's POV

I got up earlier than usual and decided to went into ices room..

I knock but there was no answer which means that he was still sleeping...I tried to open the door and it was surprisingly open..I went inside and saw ice asleep curling into balls with a phone on his chest...

I slowly sat down and watch my lil brother's peaceful eyes gaze at his phone and I slowly take it away...

I open it and was disappointed when I saw that it has a password...

I read the clue that was displayed above where you will type the password...

It says:

Me and my big bro

My heart skips a bit when I type "ice and blaze" and to my opened!!!

I bit my lower lip as I open the messages...I felt anger when I saw His and that bastards texts..I open it without a second thought..

From Fang:

Hey..are you still asleep?..

To Fang:

No I'm not wake me up genius...

From Fang:

sorry... I was just excited for the the point where I cannot sleep..(-_-)

To Fang:

Oh do we do now that you wake me up?..

From Fang:

Okay so.. How about we will just talk?

To Fang:

Sure I don't mind!!

From Fang:

Okay.. So tell me what kind of guy do you like?

To Fang:

Caring and cool just like my big bro...although I don't think he cares about me anymore...he already has cyclone..

I felt pain in my chest as I read ices message... He...likes a guy that's just like me?....

But.....How can he say that I didn't care about him?....

Did....I...say anything bad to him?.. (Author: sure did..)

From Fang:


To Fang:

But...I also like your type fang..

Ouch man..  He likes that kinks butt too....

The pain starts to get worse...

From Fang:

Cool! Thanks..that's why girls like me..;-)

To Fang:

Whatever fang...

From Fang:

I like your type too...cute.. And...adoroble!!

Lemme punch that guy...(Author: don't hold back..)

To Fang:

Impossible!! A boy can't be cute and adorable!!

From Fang:

Ey!! Its true!!!

To Fang:

Okay I believe you..

From Fang: you still love him?..

Wut?? Love who now???! Ice love someone?!?! WHAT!!!but he hasn't told me anything!!!!!

To Fang:

I-i don't know....I really don't..

From Fang:

Its will soon forget him...

To Fang:


From Fang:

With my help of course...

What help?..  

I felt ice started to move and I slowly close the phone just in time when he open his eyes...

"Big brother?.." He said as he rub his eyes like he normally do...

"Hey..." I voice a little low due to the heart ache...which, I don't know why of course..(Author: that's why your stupid)

"What's wrong?..." He said as he hug me and I just buried my face on his shoulder and cling in to him...

I sigh deeply to calm myself down...I swear I'm gonna kill him..

"Nothing.." I said while I quickly shut the phone and hand it to ice

"You..uh...drop this.." I know that I lied but I can't let ice know that I'm reading his and fangs text...I'm sure he will get mad...

He pull away from the hug, making me miss his warmth and he grab his phone while smiling ..

His phone buzz and my eyebrows twitch as I saw his eyes sparkling.... I slowly got closer to him and had a chance tu read the message...

From Fang:

Ice are you awake? I'm boooorrreedddd!!!!!!! Wake up sleepy head!!! it was that guy huh....

I watch as ice slowly type a reply...

To Fang:

I'm awake...

From Fang:

Ouh great!!! Watcha doing?

To Fang:

Sitting on the bed with blaze...

From Fang:

What's hot head doing inside your room?

HOT HEAD?!?!! Did he just call me hot head?!?!?!!

I quickly Grab my phone that was inside my pocket and text that jerk

To Fang:

I read your texts dumbass!!!

From Fang:

Which text? The one that I said 'will you be my boyfriend' text..or the 'will you marry me' text?..


I particularly type the screen hard..due to my anger...

To Fang:

The fuck!!! Did you ask those question to ice?!?!?

From Fang:

Sure did...

To Fang:

But I didn't read any of that text!!

My eyes widen to the point where it will come out when I send him that text...

Oh shit! No! No!

I keep pressing the 'cancel' button hoping that it will not be send...

*Message sent*

Fuck this phone...

From Fang:

Aha!! you have been stalking ice huh...

What?!?! Stalking?!?! Me??!!!! No way!!!!

To Fang:

Fuck no!!!

From Fang:


"Argh!!!!!!..." I scream and shut my phone while I heard ice yelp and turn to me confusingly...

"Uh..what's wrong?.." Ice said while scooting closer...I put a hand on the back of my head and force myself to calm down but It didn't work...

"Blaze what's wro-----"


Ah shit....I screw up...

I watch ice with his sad expression..making me regret that I yelled at him...

"I-i was just worried..." He mumble with a broken voice..Tears starts to from on his eyes and slowly fall down..

I just sat in there in shock...

I want to comfort him but my body won't move...

Hiks And sob was the only thing that I heard and it snap me in realization... really crying......

I tried my best to move my body to comfort him but it didn't work...

Fuck move!!!

Why do you want to comfort him?

Just move dammit!!!!

This is all your fault.....

The voice in my head pissed me off and I just look at ice.....anger took control of my body....

"THE HECK ARE YOU CRYING FOR HUH?!?!?!..." I yelled at h once more and slap his cheek hard...making blood gush out....he cried harder while touching his now blooding face..

He shakily reach his phone and call someone...

"Hiks....f-fang....hiks....can y-you please p-pick m-me up?.." Ice said while standing up and walking through the door....

".....okay....wait for me...." I heard fangs voice and ice ended the call quickly and rush to the door...

I quickly grab his wrist and turn him around so that we were facing...

I was about to wipe the blood when he push me away...

"NO MORE!!!!..." I heard him yell and in a blink of an eye...he was already gone....

And that hit me....

I really fuck things up..

Ice's POV

It hurts..

What did I do?.......

I was only worried..

I was waiting outside the house since mom and dad are not home yet.....

I was still crying from the pain making my vision blurry

I look up and saw fang running towards my direction while panting slightly....

I quickly ran into him and hug him while burying my face on his chest...

He put his hands on my waist and whisper nothing but sweet and comforting words.....

I pull away to look at his face...he look at me with wide eyes...

"Ice...your bleeding!!.." I heard him gasp and slowly reach a handkerchief and wipe the blood that was on my face making me whimpered at the pain...

Once he was finish...he grab my wrist and pull me to somewhere..

"Where are we g-going?.." I ask voice was still sore from crying....I heard him sigh and decided to keep quiet...

After a minutes of walking we finally arrive... I was surprise because we where at the highest top of the could see the city lights and the stars..

"Fang...what are we---.."

"Scream.." He said while looking at me and I only give me a confuse face....

"Scream your anger..pain...any kind of depressing emotion..." He said and by this I quickly understand him and walk while taking a deep breath....

I look at the stars and scream while crying

I notice warm arms slowly pull me into a hug and I just cry on his shoulder...

I have keep this feeling all by myself..
..and I was relief to let go of it...

I heard fangs phone buzz and we pull away from the hug while I wipe my tears..hissing slightly because my cheek stung a little...

I look at fang and notice his angry face....

I just keep quiet and sat in there while admiring the beauty of the stars...

Fangs POV

What does this jerk wants now?!? He already hurt ice!!

From Blaze:

Where's ice?.....

To Blaze:

Why do care? You just fucking slap him and now your asking where is he?!?!?! He's in hell because of you!!!!! He was depressed and sad..BECAUSE of you!!!! Don't you fucking ask me if he's okay cause he is not!!!

From Blaze:

Please....just let me talk to him...

To Blaze:

I can't...because I know that ice will not Want to..

I sigh and shut my phone and look at ice.....I scooted closer to him and he put his head on my shoulder while gazing at the stars...

Blaze's POV

"!!!..", I was punching the wall while crying....

" ice...I'm sorry....sorry ..hiks....hiks..." I punch the wall harder making my knuckles bleed..

I heard the front door open and some footsteps coming from my brothers room...

Knowing that it was ice...I cried some more thinking of what I had said to him earlier....

I heard a knock from my door but I didn't answer it...

"Blaze?..its the door.." I sob and slowly open the door...

"Ice..." I cried when I saw his face and his cold eyes...I notice him carrying a first aid kit...

"Let me in..." His voice was shaky but full of concern and worry..

I sob and hiks while I look at his bruise cheek....

I open the door wider and let him in.... He sigh and sat on my bed..

"Here.. Sit beside me.." He said as he pat an empty spot beside him..I slowly sat next to him and wipe my tears...

"Give me your hands...they're beeding..." He said while not looking at me......I let out a shaky breathe... Ice bandage my hands and I bite my lower lip to prevent the pain...

"Okay...I'm done..." He said and was about to stand ....

"I-ice..." I called him and he stop walking midway and sigh while finally looking at me...

I open my mouth to say something but my voice won't come out so I close it...I started to shake when I felt his stare..

I heard my door shut and it was probably ice leaving me here..all alone....

But I assume wrong..he was still there..He walk over to me and took off his cap and lay down on my bed...

"Night...." I heard him yawn and I secretly watch his face... He slowly close his eyes and within a seconds he was already asleep...I lay down beside him and also took my cap and throw them on the table...I rolled over so that me and ice were facing each other...I gently touch his cheek, the one that I slapped and caress it....

I look at his peaceful face and lean in and kiss his bruise cheek tenderly..

"I'm sorry...." I whisper while hugging his fragile body and rested my chin on his head..not long after...i also fall asleep while a single tear roll down from my face as I thought of ice hating me...

I had promise myself to not hurt him....he was the one who comforted me ...he did not leave me alone through my hard times,like now for example...


I hurt him.....


Angel: that was cheesy...


Angel: a love story between you two!! Blice!!!

Ice: Blice?

Angel: yep blice!! Your ship name...

Ice: ship? What ship? I didn't own a ship...

Blaze: uh..(0_0)

Angel: *rolls Around the floor while laughing hard*....

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