Chapter 4: Dont Leave!!!

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Blaze's POV


I groan as I heard a tap in my window....I slowly open my eyes when the sun shine hit my face...I look at my lil bro's sleeping face and smile.......So he didn't leave me huh.....

Since it was Saturday and the day when Ice and I will sleep in that bastards house....I got up and walk to the bathroom....when I was done showering.... I put on a black jeans and a red maroon T-shirt....I grab my cap and put it on my head.....I felt another tap and look at my window....someone has been throwing small rocks which piss me off so I open it and my face shine and a smile form on my lips...

There I saw cyclone.. Looking up at me while waving and smile cheerfully.....I rush outside and forgot about ice....

"Cyclone!!.." I yelled and raise my hand....I notice him giggle and it was super cute....he also raise his hand and high five with me...

"Hey blaze what are you gonna do today?!!.." He said cheerfully...I rub the back of my head and smile at him...

" and my lil brother were going on a sleepover with that basta----- fang..." I said...I can't tell him the word 'bastard' he's too innocent!!....he look at me and his eyes just sparkle... Gosh.... They're beautiful.....

"Oh great!! Can I come?!.." He said suddenly...snapping me from my thoughts.... I look back at him.....

"Yeah sure....I'll text you the address later okay?..." I said while smiling at him...he jump up and down like a little kid...I chuckle and heard my mom looking for me....I ran to the house while waving towards cyclone ...he wave back and look at my window....

I followed cyclones gaze and saw ice staring at cyclone....

Oh shit......

I look at ice and was shock when he smile at cyclone.....why can't he smile like that to me too?... Fang already saw that smile.. I stop running when I was in front of the door and look at cyclone... He also smile at ice and wave...I saw a hand waving at my window...and I already know that it was ice and I went inside the house and walk straight into my room cause mom was still preparing breakfast...

I open the door and saw ice leaning his elbow while he rested his chin on his palm...he's eye were close and his hair were moving slightly due to the wind...I also notice that he was not wearing his cap...which made him look cute and adora----- what the hell am I thinking ...

"I never thought that you could smile like that.." I burst out suddenly and ice open his eyes and look at me...then back to the window...I sigh and ask again...

"Why do you never let me see that never laugh or giggle when your with me....but you did when your with" I said making him look at me again but this time he look at me straight in the eyes...

"Because I only did that when I'm happy with someone.." He said still looking at me...I avoided his gaze and try to ignore the pain in my chest...but...I can't.....his words really hurts...does that mean that he was not happy with me?...I feel like I'm gonna cry and I don't even know why am I feeling like this...

"Don't get me wrong...I was happy when you step inside this house for the first time...I was so happy to know that I had a cool brother like you...but...that was before....and now ....I don't know anymore..." Ice said while looking to the window... I didn't say anything back cause my mind was still processing what he had said...

"If I could just kill myself then maybe I won't be a bother to you anymore...that's what you want right?to not bother you anymore cause you already have cyclone..yeah ..maybe I should just end my life.." He said without expression. And finally I can't hold it in... I let my tears flow as I watch ice sigh...

"Please ice.. D-dont kill yourself..
P-please..." I let out a broken sob and waited for ice to talk....on a time like this...when I'm crying he would hug and comfort me...but now he didn't which made me cry some more ....

"Why?.." That question rung in my head and I try to find a better answer....

"B-because..m-mom and dad w-will be s-sad..." I said and sob while sitting down on the floor because my knees felt weak....

"Ah....right...they will be sad...but I wonder what will the others feel if I stab myself with a knife while they were there watching..." His voice held no emotion....

"P-please ice...dont...hiks..." I close my eyes tightly and grip my pants....

"I can't promise anything..." He said and got up...before I could say anything....he was already gone and now I'm all alone....


Ices POV

I went to my room and search something in my drawer...once I found it...I quickly put it in my pocket and run outside forgetting about breakfast....

I felt empty. And sad.

Once I arrive at my destination I began to pant and look at the house..

This Is where me and blaze always play...its located inside the forest and has a little lake and garden...our parents buy this house and hand it over to us...

I smile bitterly and went inside.... I close the door and went to the bathroom and grab my favorite thing.....

My razor blade.....

I breathe deeply and think.

This is good...I don't have to feel anymore pain....

I cut my wrist and blood starts to flow....

Blaze's POV

Once I finish crying mom called me and said that she will leave the breakfast on the table because she and dad has to work...I shakily pick my phone and gulp while I dial Ice's number....

*ring ring..*

"Hello?..." I heard ices voice through the line...his voice was somehow....happy....

"I-ice... Please come back home and let's talk..." I whisper gently and I heard a slash and some dripping... My heart began to beat faster..

"I'm too busy.." Ice said and more drip and slash is what I heard...

"Ice...what was that?.." I said getting scared by the or two minutes have past..I still didn't heard any answer..just heavy breathing.... I started to cry and yelled....

"ICE!! TELL ME WHAT WAS THAT!!.." I yelled and waited for him to say something...

"My blood that was dripping out of my cut wrist...." He said and hang up...I sat there frozen and drop my phone...I run downstairs and ride my bike....

I began crying but force myself to calm down.. I need to focused on finding ice..i search all places that me and ice likes to hang out....that suddenly brings good memories  and it made me cry.....

Then I realize that I hadn't search 'that' place yet...I ride my bike faster and go to the forest.... alive......please ice...I'm sorry... Really don't leave me.

Once I got there...I stop and catch my breathe for awhile....I got up and park the bike....I slam the door open and go to our room... But he was not there.... I search the living room and starts crying again.....

Once I was on the bathroom I open the door quickly and found ice..  His head was rested on the bath tub...left hand was badly wounded and has many cuts ...while his right was still holding a blue razor...

Blood was all over the floor and I drop to my knees and cry harder while hugging ice and shake him violently.

"I-ice....wake l-leave your b-big brother... Hiks hiks....please.....s-stay with WAKE UP!!..S-STOP SLEEPING DAMMIT!!!!..please...WAKE UP..WAKE UP....WAKE UP ICE!!!!!..d-dont leave m-me....I...hiks...hate....hiks hiks...being I-im s-sorry if i-i s-said all of that.....I ca-care about....hiks...y-you...Please...hiks... L-live for" I cry and touch Ice's cheek and put my hand on his nose and realize that he was not breathing..... I quickly grab my phone and text mom what had ice done and where are we.....  Mom quickly call the ambulance....

Three or five minutes...the ambulance came and they took ice away from me and tried to ask me what's happening....but I didn't answer any of them and my mind was still struggling to accept the truth.

But...what will happen if ice never recover? Or worst what if he will die?!..

What will I do then?.

Ice's POV

(Before blaze came)

I hang up with blaze and cut my wrist deeply.....for a while I felt getting dizzy and exactly know what was happening.... I smile to myself and rested my head on the tub and felt my body goes weak..

I'm sorry blaze..

I couldn't tell you how much I love much I want to be with you....

But I'm glad that its finally almost over..

Because when I have cyclone.....

He's a nice guy....and now I realized why you had fall in love with him

I......I'm always here....loving you in silence...... But I never tell you because you don't even care....

I love you.......



Angel: poor icy....

Ice: ew don't call me that...

Blaze: *silently walk to his room*.

Omg guys!!! Please don't hate me!!!!_ wahh!!! I'm very sorry!! I'm ready for the hateful comments!!

I'm very sorrryyyyyy!!!!!!! Wahh!!!😭😭😭😭

Sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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