Chapter 7

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Juvia Pov

I looked at him when I finished the story waiting for his reaction.

"So thats why Lyon is always shy around you." He said more to himself, I nodded.

"So, what do you think she would do to me?"

"I really do not know. I guess we will find out sooner or later."

Lucy Pov

"Oh that bitch is going down." I muttered.

"So, what are you going to do?" The pink head who sat beside me asked.

"I'm going to need your help once more."

"Sure. Anything."

"What's the plan?" He asked once again.

"We are going to humiliated her. In front of the whole entire school." I smirked as I imagine the look on her face.


"Would you stop with the questions?" I hissed at him. He nodded and shut his mouth.

Gray Pov

"So what are we supposed to do?"

"What do you mean?" She titled her head to the side.

"Well, we can't just seat jere and wait till she attacks and for all we know you might be the target not me."

"What makes you say that?"

"Because its obvious that she is jealous of you and not me. Whats the point of hurting me if I'm the prize?"

She stared at me as if I'm out of my mind so maybe I did sound crazy. "You know how weird that sounded?" She smiled and giggles started to escape her mouth and soon she was in a fit of laughter.

"Hey, don't laugh." I pouted.

"I can't help it. "Whats the point of hurting me if im the prize?" She mimicked me still on the floor laughing.

At first I was trying to stop her but after a moment it got to hard and I just joined her.

Juvia Pov

I laughed because I didn't know the answer to the question nor have I thought of the fact that she was after me. As we continued laughing, tears rolled down my face but not from laughing too hard.

"Hey, look you have tesrs in your eyes.." he said still laughing "are ypu laughing too hard?" He joked but he stopped when he realised I wasn't laughing anymore.

He cupped my face with his hands and pulled me into him. Without another word his lips landed on mine. And everything else didn't seem to matter anymore. Only he matters right now and thats why I cant let her win.

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