Chapter 9

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*after the party*

Gray pov

"Has she gone home yet?" I asked my white haird best friend.


"Good." I walked over to the now empty tank where Lucy still sat at the bottom, water dripping down her hair.

"Gray." She insantaly cired out when she saw my approach her, getting up on her knees only to slip on the remaining water and land back down.

I glared at her for a moment to be frank I didn't know what to say. "Why?" Was alm I can come up with.

"Why what?" I acted innocent.

"Why did you set this up?"

She looked away, "because. ....."

"Spit it out." Lyon sneered from behind me.

"Because I was jealous okay?" She huffed.

I chuckled "That's really stupid of you, you know that?"

"Kinda. Yeah."

"Then why did you still do it anyway?" She shrugged. "How can you be so blind as to not see there's someone who has been craving your attention?"

She looked at me, spekitcal.

"Hi." Natsu appeared out of the shadows. Lucy face fell and her eyes doubled their size.

"I don't understand."

"Clearly you don't." Lyon spat. "This guy here has been chasing you for god knows how long. Yet you still didn't see it. Amazing."

"Is that true, Natsu?" He shoved his hands into his pockets, turned away, blushing and nodded.

"Do you see now? You were so crop up with trying to get with Gray. You forget the one person who has always been by your side." Lyon's tone soften.

"I'm sorry, Natsu. I've never noticed before."

"It's fine. Just being close to you was good enough for me." He smiled.

"Maybe when all this is over we can go out?"

"Yeah, I'll like that."

Lucy sneezed.

"But first let us get you out of that tank." Natsu said and walked over to the glass tank.

"How do we get her out?" He asked, searching the glass surface.

"Beats me. She was the one who got the tank." I shrugged.

"Don't look at me. I never thought about it, lucy admitted. We all stared at the tank for a moment.

"You could always break the glass." Said a very familiar voice. We all turned. At the bottom of the staircase stood the ine and only juvia, holding a hammer over her shoulder and a smile on her face.

"Well, I guess we could."

"Stand back boys." She commanded with much sassy-ness.

"You might want to scooted bacl a little." She warned lucy.

She brought the hammer off her shoulder and swung. The head made contact with the cool glass and it shattered into million of pieces in front of us.

Lucy removed her arms from her head and stood up, with the help of Natsu.

"Sorry for all the trouble I've caused to each one of you. I really am." The blond apologised.

"Its fine. Now you better go home before you catch a cold." Juvia said. Lucy nodded and walked out the door with Natsu.

"Juvia, what are you still doing here?"

She held up her purse "I left this behind, thought I came back to get it." She smiled as I closed the gap between us.

"Thank you."

"For what?" She giggled.

"For everything."

"That's so cheesy." She couldn't help but to blush.

"Can't be helped." I shrugged and planted my lips onto hers. Our lips molding into each other perfectly.

"I love you." I said as we pulled away.

"Me too." She said before placing her lios back with mine. Behind us there was a small cough. I nearly forgot he was there. We broke apart and spun to face Lyon. We all brust out into laughter.

"This is going to be a good year." We all nodded.

The End

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