Chapter Five

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Okay, the end of the day. I've been dreading this. Why does there have to be evil alien dopplegangers?! Well, whatever's left of my body, please send it to my parents.

"Huh, looks like no-one's-- mmph!" Something grabbed me from behind and covered my mouth so I couldn't scream for help. I heard someone yell and I was released from whatever grabbed me's grip. I turned around and saw a rather tall boy with light green hair and vivid green eyes, and he was holding some kind of futuristic looking stun gun/taser. He had some kind of communication device on his left ear, and wore an orange shirt and black trousers and shoes. On the ground lay Kirino, or should I say his lookalike.

"Who are you? And what is going on?" The boy smiled. "I'm Fei Rune, and I'm not really sure what's going on myself. Come with me, we need to alert the team-- well, your team." Not entirely fully trusting of this boy, I followed him to where our team was residing. "Y/n? Fei? What's going on?" Tenma asked, confused. "Hey, you guys remember the 'Fake Tsurugi' alien thingy?" There was a few nods and murmurs. Fei continued. "Well, there's something similar to them around. And they're targeting this team-- more specifically, Y/n." Oh hell no! "What?! No no no no no no no no no no! This cannot be happening! why me?!" I started to freak out until a felt a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "Hey, relax Y/n. We won't let anything happen to you, promise." It was Fei. I swear if it were anyone else I'd have probably slapped them out of panic, but Fei has an odd ability to just be really calming, so I didn't slap him thankfully.

"I promise you'll be fine. We'll all make sure of that." He gave me such an adorable smile that I felt my cheeks heat up slightly. 'No no no no! I refuse to blush! Get back from there blood!' I forced myself to stop blushing, and I returned the smile. "Thanks Fei." "Ahem. If you two are done being star-crossed lovers, we've got a bit of a situation here." Shindou chimed in, slightly pissed for some reason. "What? Shindou did you just-" I was cut off by Fei nudging me in the arm. 'I guess for Fei's sake I can shut up.' "So what's the plan?" Kirino asked. "Okay, first of all no-one should be on there own if they can avoid it. Those guys are dangerous. Secondly, Y/n, you need to be with someone all the time preferably. We need you safe and sound if we can." Shindou instructed. I nodded. "Yeah, can do. If it means I'm safe, I'm willing to do it." I grinned. "Good. And if anyone encounters a lookalike, make sure you're with someone and-- Look out!" 

Everyone turned around and saw...Fei? Wait no, Fei's next to me. But he's also over there? Oh no..... It's a lookalike...but he doesn't have purple eyes? Neither of them do! How do I tell them apart? "Okay, Who's the real Fei?" "Y/n, he's the fake! Step away from him, all of you!" Imma call him Fei number 2 said. "No! It's not true! please believe me!"  Fei number 1 cried out. "Everyone step away from both of them! Especially you Y/n! We don't know who's real!"


And done! Who's the real Fei? And has the real Fei fallen for Y/n? The answer is yes, yes he has. But why do the aliens want Y/n? Find out in the next chapter! Also, sorry if the formatting or anything looks different, I'm not using my phone anymore, I'm using my laptop. That's all for now, bye! Love you all!

-Author-chan 👋 

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