Chapter Six

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"He's the lookalike! Please believe me!" Fei number 2 cried out. "No I'm not! And I can prove it!" Fei number 1 pulled out that space gun thingy from earlier and pointed it directly at Fei number 2. He pulled the trigger and a beam of purple light shot out. Fei  number 2 collapsed and we all knew that Fei number 1 was real. 

"Wow...That was intense..." I muttered. "Fei! You're alright!" Tenma ran up to Fei and tackled him into a hug, and to be honest I was pretty glad that he was unscathed. I know I've only just met him and all but seriously? This guy looks like an adorable rabbit, he's proven to be loyal and a good person, not to mention the team that I manage already knows and likes him. It's like, people "The perfect human doesn't exis--" Me *Throws Fei Rune in their face*. He's perfect! How could someone not like this boy! "So, what do we do about the lookalike?" Kirino asked. "There's nothing we can do I'm afraid. It appears that one has managed to copy eye colour now as well. If that's true for all of them, well..." "So basically if they aren't dead we're screwed?" I asked. "Well no...I'll explain some other time, I need to go." 

Well, today sure has been interesting. I met Fei, and I nearly got kidnapped by an alien, so you know, pretty eventful. "Y/n? You done spacing out?" Oh yeah. i'm walking home with Hakuruyu of all people. The team asked him to, and since he was my best friend he agreed. "Huh? What did you say?" Hakuruyu laughed. "Yep, you were totally spacing out. You really haven't changed at all." "Hey! Meanie Haku." Yeah, I call him Haku. That's always been my nickname for him. "I'm not a meanie, but I can be and leave you alone to walk by yourself if you want?" "No! You can't leave me alone!" Hakuruyu laughed. "I know I'm just teasing you. I wouldn't leave you, you're too cute, something might come and snatch you up." I blushed ever so slightly. "Aw, my little Y/n is blushing!" "Shut up!"

Welp today was eventful. I'm at home now,and at the request of my team I locked myself in. "Well this is boring." I usually like to go outside but for obvious reasons I can't. 


I violently jumped at the sound of my door being knocked on. I walked up to it and unlocked it, then cautiously opened it a crack. "Shindou? Kirino? Kariya? What are you guys doing here?" I opened the door fully and stared at them all. 'Brown eyes, blue eyes, yellowey-brown eyes, yep, I think they're the real deal. "We thought you'd get bored on your own, so we decided to invite you to get ice cream with us." Kirino answered, smiling. "Ice cream? I'm sold!" The three laughed and I stepped out with them, since I already got changed (Where whatever you want, idc im just the author (If you get what this is referencing from another book, you are amazing)) and had my phone and purse and junk. 

We went to Inazuma ices and all got ice cream. Me and shindou both got vanilla, Kariya got strawberry and Kirino got blueberry (Just realised they got the others hair colour flavour equivalent lol). We decided to eat at the little tables they had outside the store (Idk what im writing) and we just messed around as friends for a bit, without any stress for once. And then somehow Shindou dropped his ice cream. I think kirino accidentally bumped into him but it doesn't matter. poor guy looked like he could cry, and to be honest if that were me I'd be on the ground bawling my eyes out and screaming "oH No mY ICe crEaM!" I didn't actually get eat any of my ice cream cos I was too busy watching a pidgeon eating a possibly stale chip. "Here, you can have mine. I haven't touched it." I handed him the ice cream and he looked at me with the teensiest blush on his cheeks. Okay so maybe it wasn't thta small and he did in fact look like a tomato. "Well don't just stand there, eat it before you drop that one too." "T-thanks." He muttered, before starting to eat the icecream.

"Do you guys have to walk me back to my house? It's only 15 minutes away, I'll be fine!" I complained. The guys had told me the were walking me back to my house, just in case. Pffft what are they going to do? Fei is the one with the space laser thingy, not them. Oh well, I guess they'd be a great human shield. #Suchagoodfriend. "Y/n, that's not the point. We're walking you home whether you care or not." Kariya said, crossing his arms. "Fine, Fine, whatever." I sighed. giving in. We walked in a comfortable silence, until we turned a corner and saw another Kirino there. F***. 

"What the!? Two Kirinos?!" Shindou freaked out in surprise. "Y/n, get behind us now!" Without waiting for an answer I was pushed behind the boys, and that was when Fei appeared. Perfect timing. "Is everyone alright?" he called back to us. "Yeah." "Good, I've got some stupid alien to get rid of-- no offence!" He called out to the alien lookalike. "I'm your enemy, you're allowed to offend me!" It rolled its eyes, and that was actually very agreeable. In the time it took for Fei to be slightly confused by this, it had charged forwards and at Kirino, knocking him over and sending them both to the ground. Oh, and they both have blue eyes, so we can't tell who's fake!

"What the hell do we do!?" "I don't know, ask Fei!" Fei pointed the laser at one, then the other. "I don't know who's real, and I don't want to shoot the real one because it'll hurt him!" He yelled. "I'm the real one!" "No I am!" "Well you can't both be the real one!" I yelled at them. I then thought of something. "What ice cream flavour did you have today?" I yelled at them. One of them looked at me all confused, and the other grinned. "Blueberry!" I ran towards the fake one and tackled him to the ground. "Kirino, go over there!" The real Kirino ran over to the others, and I used all of my weight and strength to hold the fake in place while Fei aimed at it.

However, at the last second the fake (You know what lets call him Timmy) I mean Timmy flipped me over so he was the one pinning me to the ground. 'Oh yeah I forgot that could happen.' Just as he was about to probably kill me, Fei shot it with his laser. "Noooo Timmy!" I thought. I pushed Timmy's now limp figure off me and stood up. "Y/n! Thank god you're okay!" I was immediately nearly killed by a hug from Fei. "Me and my cracked ribs are happy you're fine too." "O-oh, sorry." He loosened his grip on me and the others ran over. "Y/n! That was incredibly stupid of you, but thanks for not shooting me." Kirino said. "What? You guys were just standing around like damsels in distress, I had to do something!" "Yeah, but you could've, y'know, not launch yourself at it!" I rolled my eyes. "Whatever." "Guys! Don't argue, the important thing is Y/n is safe, and that's all that's all that matters." "Fine, but what do we do about Timmy?" "Timmy?" "That's what I named him." Shindou face-palmed. "You named it....why...?" I shrugged. "I don't know, but getting back to my question." "We can't do anything about him, he won't stay out for long, and if we so much as touch him he'll wake up." "Well, I suppose we should head home then, like we were doing." "Does this mean you guys aren't gonna walk me home?" I asked hopefully. "We still have to, we-" "I'll do it, I know you guys live on the other side of town." "Are you sure Fei?" "I'm sure, now go on." The three said there goodbyes and I turned to Fei. 

"Do you have to walk me back?" Fei smiled at me. "Yep, we don't want you being attacked or anything, do we?" I groaned. "Whyyyy?" Fei laughed and we started walking. I picked up my pace slightly so I was walking about two steps ahead of him. He caught up to me so I did it again. And he caught up to me again, so I did it again. "Y/n please stop being difficult. I get that you just want to walk on your own but you can't." I rolled my eyes. "Whyyyy? It's not like it's dangerous or anything." Fei sighed. "But it is dangerous though!" "Well you can't make me walk with you!" "Y/n-" "What?" I snapped at him. He looked slightly taken aback y my hostility and I took this moment to walk off. "Y/n wait!" He ran after me and pulled on my arm slightly, but I pushed him off. "I'm trying to go home Fei." "But it's unsafe! Everyone is supposed to be with at least one other person, especially you, you're being targetted, remember?"

I ignored him and continued walking. 'What's the worst that could happen?' I thought as I rounded a corner and saw Fei Rune No. 2 standing there waiting for me. I could tell it was him because of the purple eyes.I think I changed my mind.... "FEI!!! HELP!" I screamed and ran in the opposite direction. I could hear Fei no. 2 chasing me, and prayed I would make it to Fei in time.


OOOOOOOHHHH YOU IS BEING CHASED! Okay so what do you guys want to happen next?

A) Fei saves you

B) Fei doesn't save you

You decide in the comments. Love you all, bye!

-Author-Chan <3

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