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A maid opened the door and greeted by a h/c colored female.

She is non other than Y/n.

Maid : Yeah! Come in. Sir is waiting for you in the living room.

She nodded and the maid head her to the living room.

She saw there Mr. Kurenai the father of Shu Kurenai and the ex CEO of kurenai industry.

She greeted him and he smiled while gestured her to sit.

She gladly accepted the offer and took a sit.

Mr. Kurenai : Miss Y/n...As you know why we called you here...My grandson...Kaito Kurenai..He is too difficult to handle. No babysitter could stay here more than 10 days...I hope you handle him well.

Y/n : Don't worry sir..I will try best.

Mr. Kurenai : He is in his room. The maid will lead you. You can start your work from now.

Kaito Kurenai is the son of Sora Kurenai aka Shu's sister. Unfortunately, his parents died in a car accident.

She went upstairs while following the maid. She hesitated a bit coz its her first time babysitting someone. She only babysit new born babies.

Y/n : Aishh!! Calm down...I can do it!

She lost in her own thoughts that she didn't noticed she bumped into someone.

She noticed she bumped to a handsome man. From looks, she can tell that he is a member of the Kurenai family.

Y/n : S-Sorry sir...

She feared of getting fired.

He looked at her and then at maid.

Maid : Oh! He is Young master! Son of Mr. Kurenai.

Shu : Who is she?

Maid : She is the new babysitter of Kaito.

Hearing that he smirked at her.

Shu : Well good luck miss babysitter...let's see for how many days you will be here.

He said and left.

Y/n mind : Wait...Is he challenging me?

She knocked on the door and then come inside. She saw a boy standing facing the window. She cleared her throat to get his attention.

Kaito : Who are you? 

He said in a rude voice.

Y/n : Who? Me?

Kaito : Is there anyone else rather than you?

y/n : Ah! Yes! I am Y/n your new babysitter!!

Kaito turned around making Y/n sight.

Y/n : Its already time for lunch. I should prepare lunch for him.

She came closer to him and asked.

Y/n : Hey cutie! Did you eat lunch?

Kaito : No! I don't wanna eat!

Y/n : Hey!! Why are you upset? Are you angry??

Kaito : Stop it will you? I don't need any babysitter! Go away!!

He said but his stomach growl.

Y/N : Okay then I am going to make pancakes for me.

She waited to see his reaction but he didn't showed any excitement.

Y/n : Nah! I'm making donuts!

Still no reaction.

Y/n : Nah! I'm making cupcakes!

Kaito turned around but again back faced her. Y/n smiled.

~After sometime~

Y/n made some cupcakes and come back to the room.

Y/n : Its looking so tasty.

Kaito was looking time to time at the cupcakes.

Y/n : But I am not hungry. What should I do? I shouldn't waste it. Hey cutie! Please eat it! Please!

Kaito : No.

Y/n : Pretty please?

He looked at the pancakes and gulped.

He took the plate and digged into it.

Y/n smiled seeing his cute gestures.

~After somedays~

In these days,  Y/n and Kaito grew closer.

Now Y/n is making muffins for Kaito. When Shu come near her.

Shu : You really handle him well. I'm impressed. After a very long time I am seeing him smile. Thank you so much.

Y/n : No need to thanks...But I want to ask something about Kaito.

Shu : What is it?

Y/n : Why isn't he like other kids? I think he is not enjoying his childhood....

Shu : *sights* It's because he lost his parents at a very tough age and after that no one has time for him. Mom and Dad is always busy with the works and me too. It's our fault he is like this. If only that time we gave him love and care then things would be different.

Y/n : Umm...Do you close with me before the death of his parents?

Shu : Yeah we are very close but after that accident I got busy with work and he distant himself.

Y/n : Why don't you try to spend time with him? I think he needs love and care. Why don't you try to give him that?

Shu : Hmm...Okay...I'll try. By the way you are cute.

He said and walked away. Y/n blushed a little.

~After a week~

Day by day Y/n and Shu are get close. Shu gave his most of the time to Kaito and Y/n. Kaori also started enjoying. He feel love and care after so many time.

They went to the picnic. Shu and Kaito are playing while Y/n was making sandwiches for them.

Y/n : Kaito!! Shu!! Come and have your sandwiches!

Kaito : Let's race!

They ran towards her.

Kaito : Yeah!! I won! Now I want my reward!

Y/n : Okay tell me what you want.

He blushed a little while saying.

Kaito : C-Can I have a peck please?

Y/n : Awe!!

Shu widened his eyes.

Shu : Hey! That's not fair!!

Kaito : Why? Are you jealous? *Smirked*

Shu : N-No...Why I would be j-jealous?

Kaito : Because you love-

Shu put his palm on Kaito's mouth shutting him up.

Y/n : Huh? You love what?

Shu : N-Nothing

Kaito smirked internally.

Kaito : My peck?

Y/n : Awe! Come here!

Y/n pecked Kaito's cheek while Shu was munching the sandwiches looking at them.

~In the evening~

Kaito slept after playing a lot. Shu carried him to the car.

Y/n : Shu!! Look at the beautiful sunset!

She admires the sunset and Shu admires her.

Shu : Very beautiful...

She noticed his gaze and blushed when realised he was talking about her.

Shu hold her hands as looked at her so lovingly.

Y/n : S-Shu...

Shu : Y/n...I don't when and how this happen but I fall for you very deeply. You are like an angle to me. I love you. I really do.

Y/n : B-But Shu it is not possible...

Shu : Why?

Y/n : Because our worlds are different. You are a rich man but I am just a middle class...What will people think about you and what about your reputation-

Shu : Forget about whole world Y/n...Just think about us. No one can separate us if our love is true.

She smiled and hugged him.

Y/n : I love you too!

He smiled and hugged her back.  They were in each other's embrace. When Shu asked.

Shu : Will you marry me? I can't wait to make you mine officially.

Y/n : I will and...

Shu : And?

Y/n : Can we adopt Kaito and make him our son?

Shu can't believe what he heard. He also the same but he afraid if Y/n will agree on this or not.

Shu : Yes!! Thank you so much Y/n!!

Y/n : Okay so from now you and Kaito are mine right?

Shu : Yeah! This is the best!

Slowly they leaned in and kissed. Kaito smiled seeing them from the car.

Kaito mind : Now my family is completed!!



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