Lost baby with ex

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Y/n & Shu are happily married and have a cute daughter D/n.

They are happy until.....

An knocked heared at the door in sunday morning....

Shu : Who's at this time?

Y/n stood and opened the door and shocked yet confused seeing Shu's ex girlfriend and a little boy.

Shu : Who is it Y/n-

He also shocked seeing her. They broke up when she cheated on him. Later, Shu fall in love with Y/n and marry her.

Shu : What are you doing here??

R/G/N : I come here to give you your child! I can't tolerate him anymore so keep your son with you!!!

Shu : What do you meaning?? My son?

R/G/N : He is S/N, you & mine son. Keep your son with you! He is so irritating!!

Y/n : W-What?

Shu : What the hell are you saying?!!! Don't believe her Y/n!

R/G/N : I know you don't believe me that's why I bring DNA test with me!

She handed the paper to Y/n and she shocked seeing it is matched.

Shu : Shut up!! Get out from here!!!

R/G/N : I am going anyways! I am also not interested!!

She left from there and the little boy came towards Shu with small steps.

S/N : D-Daddy? A-Are you my daddy?

Shu : NO I AM NOT! DON'T EVER CALL ME THAT!! *left from there*

The little boy scared seeing his anger and started sobbing.
Y/n came toward him and kneel down to his level. She wiped his tears.

Y/n : Don't cry S/N...

S/N : B-But w-who are y-you?

Y/n : I-I am your dad's wife...

S/n : Wife?

She nodded while feeling nervous.

S/N : S-So y-you are m-mommy?

She widened her eyes as she didn't expect this.

S/N hugged her tightly.

S/N : M-Mommy...

Her heart fluttered hearing mommy from his mouth. She felt like she got something she lost long ago. She felt a connection with him.

After sometimes, they pulled.

S/N : I-I am h-h-hungry m-mommy...

Y/n : Let's have breakfast okay. And why are you scaring baby?

S/N : S-Sorry it's just...whenever I asked mam for food... S-She beat me...

Y/n : Mam? You mean R/G/N?

He nodded.

S/N : She ordered me to call her that.

Y/n mind : What type of mother she is? How can she do this to a innocent child?

Y/n : Forget it baby. From now, no one even layed a finger on you.

They went to dining room and find Shu feeding D/N. They noticed them. She can sense Shu is still angry.

D/N : Who is this boy mommy?

Y/n : He is-

Shu : He is no one princess.

Y/n : He is your brother, D/N.

Shu : What?! Do you lost your mind Y/n?

Y/n : Shu come with me. I want to talk to you.

She dragged him to their room.

Y/n : Why are you doing this?

Shu : Doing what?

Y/n : Why are you behaving rudely towards your son?

Shu : He is not my son Y/n!! I only have a daughter!

Y/n : But-

Shu : Listen Y/n! How he is mine & R/G/N's son?! It is not possible!

Y/n : But why?

Shu : Because I even never kiss anyone except you!! Making love is far away! You are my first Y/n!!

Y/n : T-Then how the report? And he is looking like you Shu...

Shu : I don't have any idea Y/n...so its better to leave him. He can't stayed with us.

Y/n : No!! He isy son! I-I can't leave him Shu...I don't want to loose my child again....

Shu : I know why are you feeling this way with him...

Y/n : Why?

Shu : Because you still miss our baby boy?

Y/n : H-How I-I not? It's a n-nightmare for me....


Doctor : Congratualations Mr. Kurenai & Mrs. Kurenai. You have twins. One boy and one girl.

Shu : Really?! Where are they? I want to see them?

Doctor : Just wait for a minute.

The nurse came with a baby in her hands. She handed the baby to Shu.

Shu : Where is other baby?

Nurse : S-Sorry sir but...

Y/n : B-But what? Where is my baby?

Nurse : Sorry to say but the baby boy died...

Their whole crashed. Especially Y/n, she can't even believing what she heard.

Y/n : L-Liar....

Shu : Y/n...

Y/n : YOU ARE LYING!! This is n-not t-true!! My b-baby is alive!! I h-heard his c-crying!!!! Shu they are lying!!

She cried like a crazy woman. Shu hugged her tightly.

Y/n : S-Shu m-m-my b-baby d-die....

Shu : C-Calm d-down Y/n...

He confronted her even he was also broken from inside.

While an random haired colored girl smirked while seeing this and holding a crying baby.

Flashback ended

Y/n : I-I still f-feel the pain S-Shu...I-I can't forget that h-horrible i-incident...P-Please...I don't want to l-leave S/N...

Shu : I'm so sorry Y/n...I was just insecure that you would leave me after this...That's why I behave rudely with S/N....

Y/n : I will never leave you. We are family. I love you so much.

Shu : I love you too...

They hugged each other.

Later Shu said sorry to his son and now they are happily living with each other. D/N also considered him as her brother.

One day, an police inspector came to their house telling that the child that they lost a years ago is alive and that is non other than S/N. That night R/F/N stole their baby. She didn't know that they have twins. She thought that he is their only son so if he is dead then they both got separated but things got opposite.

They are the most happy family ever and now they are welcoming their third child.

The End!!

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