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After spending three hours on getting ready, as Jo had insisted on her making a full on spa, trying on a hundred outfits and thousands of hairstyles, and, last but not least, getting the makeup to literal perfection. They'd decided on a white skirt with embroidery and a white tanktop with small blue flowers on it. she was wearing simple white sneakers and a white handbag, as well as her sunglasses. Selina's hair fell down her back in small waves and two small parts of her hair were sectioned off by a headband. some jewelry added to that completed the look. Jo kept her makeup simple, with some light cream eyeshadow, lipgloss and just a bit of mascara and highlighter. When she looked at herself in the mirror, she was absolutely stunned. Jo had managed to enhance her natural most beautiful features. She was absolutely ready to go on a date.

Just a few moments later, her doorbell rang again, and, when she opened it, revealed Frenkie, dressed pretty casually. He began to speak:"Ahh, I see you had the same idea as me. I wanted to keep it fairly casual." "Oh, yeah, that's what I was going for, too!", Selina answered, "Shall we go? I don't wanna come off as weird, but I'm starving!" "Ha, I know that. I am, too, don't worry, you're not alone." "Very good", for a moment they smiled at each other, then Frenkie gestured for her to go down the stairs first. She did so and when they reached the outside of her building, they just kept on walking, as it was situated close to the city centre and thee walking distance was minimal. Soon they reached the centre and had found something they wanted to eat. When Frenkie heard she'd not yet tried Paella, he was determined to get her one and soon he'd found a small shop. They ordered it for take away and while waiting made some small talk.

"So, you have a brother named Chris and he's dating your best friend, who's five years younger, and your dad is never home because he has so many business trips? Sounds like one chaotic family", Frenkie observed when Selina told her all about her family. "Chaotic? That's an understatement. We're an absolute mess. We were already bad enough as three, but when Jo was added to the mix, it all got way out of hand. Until I moved here we all lived under one roof because my brother is too lazy to get his own apartment and Jo basically lives at our house at this point. She's just family at this point. No offense towards her, though, I love her.", this alone brought Frenkie to burst into laughter and soon enough Selina joined. "You have such a crazy family. I think Jo has got something to do with Sergi always being hyper now. What has she done to him?" "Hmm, I don't know. But she always does this. Look at me, I wasn't like this before I met her. Ever since first grade my life made a full 180."

After they got their food, they sat down at a near park, enjoying the evening sun and eating their food in a comfortable silence. They could hear the birds chirp around them. It was fairly empty for the time of the year and it was pretty quiet and they both savored the moment. Selina absolutely loved her Paella and soon complained about wanting another one, to which Frenkie shared some of his' with her.
When they'd finished they just sat there and talked. When it had gotten dark, Selina looked at the clock and noticed they'd been there for four hours. "Y'know, Frenkie, I can't believe we straight up just talked for more than three hours right now." He was startled by that and, upon seeing the time, panicked. "Oh god, I won't get enough sleep and the coach will kill me for being sleepy and-", he started rambling, but Selina interrupted him. "Then let's go" "Oh, okay, yeah" Selina couldn't help but laugh at his expression, he looked like a lost puppy that wanted to get home as soon as possible.

They strolled back towards her apartment, while still talking about even the smallest details of their lives. Shortly after they arrived back at the door to her building, but Frenkie insisted on bringing her up. When they were finally standing in front of her door, Selina started talking. "I really enjoyed this evening. It was so much fun to talk to you and hope we can do this again some time.", she smiled at him. "The same for me. I loved it. It was so easy to talk to you." "I hope you have a good night, Frenkie." "You too, Sel." She was about to open her door and disappear behind it, but Frenkie then stopped her. "We still haven't exchanged numbers.", he stated. "I knew we'd forgotten something. Wait, I'll write it onto a note for you." She took out a notebook and a pen, then wrote down her phone number, ripped out the page and gave it to him. "Thanks, I'll write you soon to get a day for a second one of these.", he replied and then waved at her, before turning around and walking down the stairs.

When she opened the door, Jo practically tackled her and asked her about every little detail about the date, what he'd acted like, what he said, what they did. Selina was able to brush off almost all questions, teling Jo she was tired and tell her everything tomorrow. With that said she got herself read for bed and when she was just about to close her eyes, she got a message. She opened it and read:
Sweet dreams ♡ ~Frenkie
This caused her to fall asleep with a smile on her lips. Her start in Barcelona could not have been better off and she was incredibly happy it all had worked out for her so well. This had really been one of the most amazing days in some time and suddenly she had hope again. She had hope in love, real love, a thing that is so rare to find, but this one guy seemed to be the reason Selina was believing in it again.

word count: 1059

okay, i don't know what's up, but i am really motivated right now. i hope you enjoyed reading this chapter just as much as i enjoyed writing it! please note that i've never been to barcelona, so my description is completely made up and could be absolutely wrong! and notice how i incorporated the book title in the last paragraph?

if you want to, vote and comment please ♡

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