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A WEEK LATER, while the Spanish News were running on the TV in the background, Selina was in a whole other world at the time. She loved drawing and had just started another work of hers. Due to the fact that she was completely absorbed by this, she didn't care to pay attention to her surroundings. On top of that she was listening to music, so just after the fourth ring she heard the door bell. Annoyed with what it could be that late and being interrupted, she got to the door, but was shocked when she saw what, or better who, was behind it.

"JO!", she screamed at the top of her lungs. Her opposite, Jo, was doing just the same and if one of her neighbors would have seen this while walking by, they could have thought these two girls had gone mental, crazily hugging each other, dancing around and screaming.
After having calmed down a bit, she finally managed to say more than her best friend's name.
"What on earth are you doing here?", she asked completely breathless from the hugging she had just gone through.
"I missed you so much, you know we can't stay away from each other for more than wo weeks. Also, Chris was getting on my nerves and I want to help you get 'Mr. I send you flowers even though I've just met you one time'.", the other girl answered with a wink.

Embarrassed, Selina turned away to hide her reddened cheeks and instead proceeded to show Jolene her apartment. After a whole tour through the rather big flat and a few sarcastic side comments from Jolene about the amount of things Selina's dad gave his little girl, they sat down on the couch and talked about every little thing that had happened ever since they had last seen each other two weeks ago.
"No way! Chris actually admitted he did something wrong?", Selina asked while laughing madly. Jolene had just told her a story about how Chris tried to talk a cashier into giving him something for free and the cashier then blew up at him, resulting in Chris admitting it was very rude and actually apologizing.
Selina could hardly believe that. Chris was never the person to admit his mistakes, he just had way too much pride, just like herself. 'Must be a family thing', she thought, as her father was just the same. It was one of the few things she didn't get from her mother.

They were so distracted by their conversation, that they, again, didn't hear the ringing of the door bell. When Jo finally noticed it and pointed it out, Selina wondered what it was again. She was getting tired and really not in the mood to see another person.
When she answered the door, she was very surprised to see the two guys, Frenkie and Sergi, standing there. Sergi was smiling adorably, while Frenkie looked very uncomfortable.
"Oh, hi, um, do you want something?", she asked curiously. "Ahh, yeah, Frenkie wanted to ask you something.", Sergi replied while continuing to smile furiously.
"Mhm, wait what?", Frenkie replied, clearly startled by his friend's direct words.

"Come on, mate, do it", Sergi said, while pushing him forward.
"No, no, it was nothing, Selina. Can we drive back now? Thanks", Frenkie retorted and took a step back, bumping into Sergi in the process.
Selina couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of the pair in front of her.
"Okay, Sergi, you can go in, talk with Jo, my best friend, you're gonna get along perfectly fine. Frenkie, we can talk here, right?"
"Um, okay, yeah, sure", the latter answered while scratching his head awkwardly. Sergi was more than happy to have someone to chat with and went inside, let himself down onto the couch and very enthusiastically introduced himself to Jo, who was just as excited. Selina was sure they had the potential to become best friends.

"So, what was your question?", she asked.
"Uh, I was wondering, you know, I don't even know, god Sergi, why did you make me do this? Sorry, I was wondering if you wanted to go out some time? Like, on a date? Sorry, if this comes off as weird, damn, Sergi, I'll kill him.", Frenkie started rambling and Selina had to try her best not to erupt into a fit of giggles.
"Frenkie, calm down. I'd love to do go out with you. I'm quite flattered, actually."
To say that Selina had never seen a person that relieved was an understatement. That boy looked like someone had just lifted a five ton heavy stone off of him.
"Good, thanks, okay. When do you have time?"
"Friday night? I have no work on Saturday. We don't need to stay out late."
"Sure, sounds perfect. I'll pick you up here at 7?"
"Good for me. I'm excited."
"Me too."
They smiled at each other for a moment, then Selina called back Sergi, who was having a lively conversation with Jo. They all bid their goodbyes and soon Jo and Selina got ready for bed.

When Selina told Jo about her upcoming date, Jo absolutely flipped out and already started planning everything, from her hairstyle to the shoes she could wear. Selina had to calm her down and tell her she'd choose herself what she'd be wearing. Only then Jo shut up, but soon after went on a riot and insisted she had to help her. When they lay down in her bed, which they'd share as it was big enough to easily fit four people, Jo had reached the point of constantly teasing her about Selina always getting all the boys, how that was so typical for her and so on.
Selina just put her head onto her favorite pillow, which had been a present from her mom when she was 6, and fell asleep quickly, as she was completely overwhelmed by what had happened today.

The following days they spent with exploring the city, Jo annoying her while she was trying to work and a lot of excitement for Friday. That day rolled around and Selina woke up with a giddy feeling, she hadn't felt like this in the longest. This was hopefully about to be one of the best days she had ever had.

word count: 1057

finally i updated, sorry it took literal months, but i finally felt motivated to do so. really wrote this while i was supposed to pay attention to my maths video conference, lmao.

hope you liked it, i tried to write a bit more than i did in the chapters before

vote & comment please <3

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