I would travel a entire galaxy for you

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My eyes struggled to open. Wait. Why were my eyes closed? They were open last I recall dying on the road along with my best friend who I have known ever since I was little. Exactly twelve years, four months, two weeks, four days, two hours, and thirty minutes. Wait, I don't have it down to the minute that I have known my friend. How do I know this? . . . Unless. Something happened to me.

Logically, that must be the solution.

"Star Fleet has sent me to make sure your experiment regarding Vulcan Physiology ceases here," Came a familiar voice. "You were to terminate any experiments that are being conducted here under Star Fleet law twenty-two point A section B of the laws of sapient experiments." I noticed I was freely floating in a tube. Fascinating. Water wasn't getting into my eyes. "My father would have been sent here instead if I had not vouched. . .Nurse Helen!"

I fell to the floor landing in a pool of water of some form while shivering.

"Courtney. " Came a female voice that I had not heard before.

My eyes struggled to adjust to the sudden change.

The first thing I had seen was a familiar pair of blue eyes staring down upon me. I had seen these pair of eyes before, shortly prior to passing, throughout my childhood. I recognized them, immediately, despite the face being different. Her hair a dirty blonde, freckles, and had on a medical uniform,she was still my friend. I could feel a sudden rush of hope and gratitude that I fought back to conceal. It was heavy, more heavier than it had been when I was human.

"Ellen." I said, my voice monotonous.

"Nurse Helen, you were not supposed to open that container," I looked up to see a familiar face. Wait. That is . . . . Mr Spock. The one from the Alternate Original Series. "I will report you for taking a hand in what is not your task. The only ones allowed to open these containers is the scientists in charge."

She wrapped a blanket around me. I could feel sudden heavy emotions that were tangible coming down upon me. I fought back the emotions raising a barrier between them and I. It was remarkably easy for me to do so. I took her hand stopping her from replying to the Vulcan. I was in a illegal lab that experimented on Vulcan physiology, logically. I was against her chest. Touching her wrist, I could feel her thoughts going along the lines of: You bastard, this is my best friend you are talking about. Anger and protectiveness easily indicated that it was her train of thought. Vulcans are touch telepaths.

Logically, I'm a Vulcan.

Ellen looked over to me.

I knew then through her eyes that she was my friend, Ellen VanHellen.

Also her thoughts.

I let go of her hand and she helped me up on my feet.

"Well," Ellen said. "She's awake now, Mr Spock," I never heard Ellen sound so bitter saying his name before. "I am taking her to med bay."

Ellen shot Spock a dirty glare as we went past him.


. . . Private medical room. . .

. . . Twelve minutes later. . .

"Nurse Helen?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. I was dressed in dark matching attire: pants, shirt, socks, and shoes. Shoes that self tied themselves. It was fascinating how humanity in the Alternate Star Trek had progressed to this addition seen in Back to the Future. "You claimed not to be interested in becoming a nurse."

"I got here earlier than you," Ellen said, as she turned around. Her eyes widened. "God," She folded her arms. "You look hot for a woman who just came back from the dead!"

I raised my eyebrow even further.

"Illogical, Ellen," I said. "This body was designed to look this way." I felt along my hips. "I did not die in this body."

Ellen sighed.

"I should be so lucky to have a friend like you," Ellen said. "And I appreciate understanding figure of speech even more. Turns out, we got more in common in this universe than the eye can see."

I lowered my eyebrow down.

"Explain." I said.

"I awoke in the body of a genetically engineered clone for a woman's body replacement," Ellen said. "Safe to say she didn't make it for the surgery to be transplanted. I took over in the body replacement. Been in her body for five years. Two years ago I came across Leonard McCoy and his friend Cadet Kirk." I lowered my eyebrow. "The academy was a lot like high school. I passed some of the doctor oriented classes. I figured if I were here then I better make the best of it. Turns out Xenobiology is a interesting subject."

"What about the singing occupation?" I asked.

"Turns out,it just wasn't for me," Ellen said. "After I became sapient, I called myself Ellen Van Helen, just Ellen."

I sat on the biobed.

"Fascinating," I said. "You took the occupation of your favorite character but to a different level. You have become a nurse rather than a doctor."

Ellen had a short laugh.

"Have you ever watched friendship is magic?" Came a familiar older voice.

"Q, you bastard!" I grabbed Ellen by the shirt collar preventing her from going after the entity who was resting on a bio bed with his arms behind his head and his legs folded.

"Negative." I asked.

Q frowned.

"What about Discord?" Q asked. "The spirit of disharmony and chaos? The one who resides in chaosville and ponyville? I am Discord."


"Discord is a word commonly related to chaos, differences in the frequencies of sound,and DJ's," The entity's face faltered as he became baffled. His face turned into a common 'You are unfortunate to be left out' expression that I have seen on Jason's face numerous times before. "I am not a Brony. My apologies, but I do not watch kid shows."

Q's face turned a heated red.

"KID SHOWS?" Q turned upright putting both hands on the edge of the bio bed as his eyes became daggers in my direction. He was in a sour mood. "That is not a kid show! It's a adult show unlike those god awful sexist gorey and disgusting cartoon shows on adult swim!" He shook his right fist. "NOW THOSE are for kids!" I raised an arched eyebrow. "For example some people spell the name Picard wrong: like Pikard, Piccard, and Peecard! Like he is some sort of alien." He folded his arms. "Which he is not for that fact."

"I do not see how the captain of the Enterprise E matters in this conversation," I said. "Therefor, there is no logic between spelling names wrong and cartoon shows."

"I could turn you into a pony and make you face the wrath of friendship," Q said. "With a certain Discord making sure you do learn to accept your emotions." He raised his eyebrows wiggling them and I could feel the tug becoming more difficult with Ellen. He lowered down his eyebrows. "But I can't right now because this is Amanda's affair. My way of entrance would have been less. . . dramatic."

I let go of Ellen's shirt collar.

"YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE BASTARD," She tossed a punch straight at his face knocking him down to the floor. "YOU KILLED MY BOYFRIEND!"

"Ellen, it appears he did not have any part in our deaths." I said.

"He is Q, a liar and a very threatening force!" Ellen said, as I make her step away from the entity who was covering his bloody nose.

"Negative, that is Loki you are talking about," I said. "I have seen all the indicators which show that the entity is speaking the truth."

Q appeared across us in a white flash.

"Oh, which kind?" Ellen said, in disbelief and skeptical.

"At least someone believes me," Q said. "For once!"

"The micro-expressions." I said.

"Q, go mess with Fluttershy," Came Amanda's voice. "She is having a baby pony."

We saw Amanda, dressed in a Nurse outfit, with her hands to her sides.

"And I wasn't invited?" Q said.

"That you were not." Amanda said.

"I love ponies!" Q snapped his fingers and vanished in a white flash.

"Please explain why you engineered a car accident that allowed the deaths of three innocent people." I said.

"Amanda would never instigate that!" Ellen said.

"I did initiate it, Ellen," Amanda said. "I am sorry, but I felt that you must learn a very important lesson."

"Damn it, Amanda," Ellen said. "You had so much potential--" I stopped Ellen from lunging after Amanda with my arm as she stepped forward. "Let me go after her."

"Illogical." I said.

"Damn you and your logic!" Ellen said.

"And what lesson would that be?" I asked.

"It cannot be told," Amanda said. "It has to be learned." She looked over toward Ellen. "You would travel the entire galaxy for your friend."

I let go of Ellen sensing that her 'intent mood' had gone quickly as it came.

My arms went behind my back where my fingers interlocked together.

"I didn't know she would be alive at the time," Ellen said. "How could I have known she was halfway across the galaxy for five years?" Ellen stopped then she looked over toward me with a perplexed facial expression on her face. ". . . I did have a feeling that I wasn't the only one in Star Trek yesterday."

"Like an itch." I said.

"Yes, like that." Ellen said, with a wide smile.

I raised an eyebrow.

"Intriguing." I said.

"I went halfway across the galaxy because I sensed my friend forever was back," Ellen said. I lowered my eyebrow. "It makes sense." She grabbed me by the shoulders. "It really does!" I saw a white flash from across us. "I sensed your katra go into your body!"

"What is a Katra?" I asked. "Are you referring to Chakra the energy that is drawn to make the clone jutsu? How does one sense chakra returning to ones body?" I saw a smile spreading on Ellen's heart shaped face. "That is illogical. That has never been documented or be shown to happen."

I have seen a few Naruto episodes, but not the entire series.

"For once I agree with you, Miss Spock." Ellen engaged in a hug with me, her hands going under my arms then wrapped themselves around my backside.

I raised an eyebrow.

Sometimes I did not understand my friend, however 'nonsense' and cryptic she is.

"What is katra?" I asked, again.

"You have sooo much to learn," I could hear Ellen's laughter which somewhat disturbed me. She broke the hug. "You need a Vulcan name!" She patted on the side of my face lightly. "I know just the one."

I lowered my eyebrow.

"And what is it?" I asked.

"Clenaut," Ellen said, then she started turned to where Amanda had stood. "Hey Amanda, is that what you want us--" She stopped putting her hands on both hips glaring at thin air. "Great, she leaves right when you least expect her. Q's been rubbing off her." She turned toward me with a sigh but otherwise a excited demeanor took over. "Katra is the Vulcan's equivalent to a soul."

"Ah, that is a interesting word." I said.

Ellen grimly nodded.

"It was introduced in Star Trek III: Search for Spock." Ellen said.

My eyes slightly widened.

"Spock goes missing?" I asked.

Ellen shook her head.

"It is. . . Er. . . Basically . . . . " Ellen brought my hand to the side of her face. "I want you to see it." She was not scared but otherwise relaxed about it, perhaps, eager to be precise. "Mind Meld with me. I still remember the movie by heart." I could feel a warm sensation travel up my hands to the head. I saw a grin spread on her face. "Ah, so that's what it takes to make you blush."

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