Never go against a Q's wishes

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I am a Junior in High School. As is Brenda, Ellen, and Walter. George? He is currently at home, working, a senior.

"So what happened?" Ellen asked, as were in our Academic Period Class that was set at the end of the day. "You don't have any injuries anymore. Something happened to you."

"A man named Q snapped his fingers," I said, and raised an eyebrow. "That's when everything had changed."

Ellen turned toward the computer screen, typed in three words then hit the text 'images'. Images came of Q on the screen in various scenes.

"Is that him?" Ellen asked, turned toward my direction.

I lowered my eyebrow.

"Affirmative." I said.

"Q, HOW DARE YOU SPOIL YOURSELF!" Ellen shook her fist in thin air. Many student looked in her direction as did the teacher. She had that random sophisticated side to her. That I do respect. "Grr, I should have expected this." Ellen looked over toward me with a frown. "There are eight Q episodes you must see but the episode 'Tapestry' would be your best route--"


Ellen logged off the computer with a over-exaggerated groan.

"Gotta be Q's doing." Ellen said.


Juniors had their own seating arrangement which was beside the seniors. I could see Jason among the crowd of Seniors consisting of sixty-nine people. I had my bookbag in my arms. The gym was blanketed in darkness. I could feel Ellen jump into my arms. I placed her back into her seating. I know that for a fact getting this many students is unbelievable but it is the truth. Vulcans do not lie. I do not lie when it comes to the truth. I always told the truth.

There was a white flash of light in the middle of the gym and a pool of light fixated on a familiar figure in a white business suit with a rose on the right breast pocket. It took me a second for my eyes to adjust to see the brown hair that was turning gray at the sides of his head. The familiar eternal-frown-on-his-face-that-hadn't-left-since he last spoke with me. I noticed he had on dark shiny shoes.

"Gooood afteerrrrrrrrnooon!" Came Q. "I am your new principal! Principal Q at your service!"

There was applause.

"Q!" Ellen screamed.

Q smirked.

"I didn't hear the audience!" Q said, aiming the microphone at the crowd. "Say that again!"

"QUEUUEEEEEE!" The audience except for I shouted.

Q twirled the microphone.

"I have a special announcement!" Q went on, his voice booming in the gym. "EVERYONE must slow dance on the dance floor or risk dying!"

This was illogical.

The crowd burst into murmurs and mumbles, voices overlapped the other. I did have a degree of skill in dancing. It is a essential form of entertainment as I have come to learn living in a world where people are irrational and illogical. Which is a direct quote that Spock would describe Captain Kirk after years of being familiar to him as seen in Star Trek: Generations. Ellen has complained it is the worst movie in existence besides to The Motion Picture, Nemesis, and Into Darkness. Me on the other hand? I believe they are fine movies. Dancing is a logical form of entertainment that does not tie into emotions.

"Q,DAMN IT, GO HOME!" Ellen shouted.

"I didn't hear you!" Q said.

"YOU ARE SHITTING ME!" Ellen shouted.

"Afraid not." Q said.

"YOU HEARD ME!" Ellen's voice rose above the noisy students.

Q deadpanned, "Dance, or die."

Q snapped his fingers, there was a blinding white flash, everyone else started to get up. I then noticed that most of the boys were in black tuxedos and the girls were in formal dresses that ranged in style. I look down to see I am in a sparkly blue dress holding onto a purse. I also had on transparent blue elbow gloves. I looked over to see that Ellen was in a sparkly white dress with a golden necklace around her neck and she had a sash around her hips. She even had a pair of glowing high heels that were crystal like eerily reminding me of Cinderella. This was illogical. My head could have burst.

Ellen took my hand and shoved me back down to the bench alongside her.

"Ignore him." Ellen said, suddenly.

"Why?" I asked.

"Just ignore Q," Ellen said. "Wait for the bell to ring. And he will no longer mess with us. He feeds off attention."

I raised an eyebrow.

"So he is needy for attention." I said.

"Yes." Ellen said.

I lowered my eyebrow.

"That is the only thing logical about him today," I said. "Asides to him being a fictional character."

A flash of light landed upon us so I shielded my eyes.

"I said, dance!" Q said.

Ellen and I did not say a word.

"Speak!" Q repeated.

I could see on the floor was dotted by students slowly dancing together, and then, I heard a slow romantic like song that was not entirely school approved. I only know of this because I had attended some school dances in the past few years. The songs sounded old and outdated. I could see in the middle of the gym there was Amanda shaking her head standing beside Q rubbing her forehead. It must be the facepalm that my friends talk about often when writing stories and the one that my English teacher critiques as she gave us an example one time, "Slapping your forehead one too many times has to hurt," so she would tell us to describe it as rubbing the forehead. Amanda cleared her throat then said something to Q, who frowned, then coldly looked down upon her with a icy glare.


I put my purse around my shoulder as did Ellen who waved goodbye to our new principal with a smirk.

Q had a cold hard expression about his face.

Which was a logical one given he be a important being that is far superior than us far less understanding mortals.


"George, can you please pick us up and take Courtney to her house?" Ellen asked. A smile spread on her face. "Knew I could count on you. Love you, babe."

Our attire had returned to normal. Normal as in shirts, jeans, shoes, bookbags, and jackets. I had my hands behind my back with the straps of my bookbag around my shoulder. I anticipated the departure of many students through the doors. What I did see was Brenda and Walter coming out hand in hand while Brenda leaned into his arm and Walter had his arm wrapped around her side with a endearing look back toward the shorter girl. He turned his head away in our direction.

"Hey Miss Spock!" Walter called. "Are you going to watch fanon film The Search for T'Spock at my sister's house? Brenda would like to watch it."

"Negative." I said.

"Why?" Walter asked.

"I have homework to do," I said. "And chores as well."

"You have been ducking this for two years," Walter said. "Ever since you broke up with Jason."

"Jason," Ellen said, putting the mobile device into her pocket. "We agreed not to talk about it. We had six fanon films with Jason in it!"

"Not my fault we didn't have a girl to play James T Kirk willingly." Walter said.

I never watch the fan movies I played a part in, period. Even though I have participated in constructing them, the scenes were not filmed in order. It was Ellen's insistence we do that. The gang enjoyed the movie and liked how it turned out in the end. I listened to music while the movies played and often times I fell asleep that someone had to wake me up at the end. Fanon can't quite cut cannon, I say.

"You do realize she never watches her movies anyway," Brenda said. "I played Miss Scottonya 'Scotty' Montgomery in those six films. And it was fun! We got a fanbase of our own. Did you ever check the fanfictions there are for T'Spock and Lenore McCoy? I mean, there are some that are very well written!" She held out her free arm widely. "I really wish we collabbed with those new trekkies for the next two films. Star Trek Beyond gotta be epic! I have a feeling THE KIRK Prime is in it! Did you read the article where Shatner said he would come back if the story was science fiction-ey and it would explain how he aged so much? You know, before he said he wouldn't be in it!"

"That is logical," I said. "Hiding a key player from the previews and denying that he is in it."

Today is February 8th, Monday, 2016.

"Too bad we won't get the Prime Reunion that should have been," Ellen said. "The only way we'll get it is through CGI and body doubles for Nimoy."

"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory." I said.

"I cried for hours after hearing he died," Brenda said. "Grieving for such a amazing man."

"And you didn't cry, Miss Spock," Walter said. "Are you sure you are a human?"

"Affirmative." I said, pushing aside my dark curly bangs from my eyes.

There disadvantages and advantages for having short curly hair. For filming as T'Spock, I didn't need a haircut. I was T'Spock. All I needed was some make up, attire, the script, and for someone to say 'Action!'. Spock and T'Spock were essentially the same characters who I knew by heart inside and out. Logically, because I have lived the life of a Vulcan for a majority of my life. The only difference was that they were not real and I was. They had their own background, backstory, and history that they have each lived in their worlds.

The disadvantage?

Sometimes my curly bangs got in the way of my eyes.

"See?" Walter said. "She has become the mask!"

"No, she hasn't," Ellen argued back. "She has been this way for years, brother."

"We're walking home," Walter said. "Don't want to push my luck with you two girls."

"Hey, what about the truck?" Ellen called out, as the two went down the street.

"I left it home," Walter said. "We counted on you walking with your best friend forever, Miss McCoy!"

George played the male version of 'Nyota Uhura' as Nyotan Uhura.

Walter and Brenda walked down the sidewalk hand in hand. I looked over my shoulder to see that there were students coming out in their usual attire coming out in crowds. The sounds of wheels squealing against the curve brought my attention. I saw the red car materialize beside the sidewalk. George had a classic family friendly smirk on his face with one hand wrapped around the head rest of the passenger seat. I opened the back seat door then got in. Ellen got into the passenger seat and shared a kiss with George on the lips. I swung my bookbag alongside then buckled myself in. I shut the passenger door noticing the buses were not arriving as they should which was odd. I heard the slam of Ellen's door shortly after I had buckled.

"So what happened today, baby?" George asked.

"Q happened!" Ellen said.

George drove off from along the sidewalk.

"Q is not real," George said. "And we all know Q has the hots for Picard! Who doesn't exist. We know Q would arrange him to exist if he were real."

"Perhaps he is here in this world in plain view." Ellen said.

"Patrick Stewart is not his character." I said.

"Would it be funny if he were Picard?" George said.

"He never ceases to age," Ellen said, jokingly. "He looks like a fifty year old. That would be funny."

"If it were true," I said. "Q acted surprised when I mentioned Star Trek to him. So there is not a chance Picard is here."

"Picard and Q are like frenemies! Q just really, really, really loves him. He should have been a man and just told him in 'all good things . . .' quite a shame he didn't." George said, changing the station with his hands. "Oh, oh, oh!" He squealed. "I love this song!"

Ellen turned her head in the direction of George with a grin as the melody clearly indicated that it was 'Locked away' playing.

"If I got locked away." Ellen sang.

"And we lost it all today," George continued. "Tell me honestly, would you still love me the same?"

"If I showed you my flaws," Ellen sang."If I couldn't be strong."

"Tell me honestly, would you still love me the same?" George added the verse.

"Right about now," The two sang. "If I judge for life, man, would you stay by my side?"

"Or is you gonna say goodbye?" Ellen sang.

"Can you tell me right now?" George continued the verse.

"If I couldn't buy you the fancy things in life," Ellen's singing voice became higher. "Shawty, would it be alright?"

"Come on show me that you know," George's voice became deeper. "Now tell me would you really ride for me?"

I knew this song too well, and, it was logical to join in.

"Baby tell me would you die for me?" I sang.

"Would you spend your whole life with me?" Ellen sang.

"Would you be there to always hold me down?" George sang.

"Tell me would you really cry for me?" I sang.

"Baby don't lie to meeee." Ellen sang.

"If I didn't have anything . . ." George said.

"I wanna know would you stick around?" I added.

"If I got locked away!" We sang. "And we lost it all today,tell me honestly, would you still love me the same?"

"If I showed you my flaws," Ellen continued. "If I couldn't be strong."

"Tell me honestly, would you still love me the same?" George and I sang.

What happened next was unexpected. We were singing and enjoying it, the next George's car was sent flipping. It was all a blurr what happened inside. All I know is that I was hanging upside down. I could smell smoke. My arms felt stiff. I could see the window shields were coated in blood from George's side of the car. I could hear screams from outside. Logically, George was dead. I could see a arm outreached from Ellen who placed her hand on where a neck should be.

"He's. . . dead. . . .Courtney." And then I saw her hand fall.

I could feel my body hurting all over.

"Ellen." I managed to choke out.

I looked over to see that the side door had been ripped off due to the damage the car had suffered. I pressed the end of my seatbelt. With a loud zip the belt was off. I fell out of the car landing on my side. I could pain riddling through my body. I could smell the scent of flames growing from inside the car. I had to get Ellen out! I had to get her out. I forced myself up ignoring the pain. The glass window was gone. I wrapped my hand through the windowless hole then tug open the door making it snap off the hinge. With a clad the door landed in front of my shoes.

Ellen had a bad head injury and several others, she didn't look like she would make it.

Her face was covered in blood and her head was turned in the direction of George.

Ellen was still breathing.

I carefully managed to unbuckle her and catch her into my arms, painfully then I trudged away from the scene looking over to see a damaged flamed truck and another car that appeared to be damaged at the front with a scar at the side of the door. There was a loud boom from behind me, thankfully I acted as a shield for Ellen, and came to the sidewalk well close enough to be precise. I placed her down feeling in great pain.

I fell to the ground landing on my side beside Ellen. I experienced a sharp pain in my chest. My eyes winced in pain I had a loud gasp looking up to see a long item protruding from my chest. It was sharp and singular right in the shape of a pipe. It was coated in my blood. Logically, I was struck by scrap metal from the car explosion.

"Courtney. . ." Came Ellen's voice.

I looked over toward Ellen.

"Ellen." I took her hand.

"You are hurt." Ellen said.

I squeezed her hand and I could see the life in her eyes was fading.

"I have, and always shall be, your friend." I said.

"Why you pointy eared trekkie. . ." Ellen didn't finish it.

The life in Ellen's eyes had vanished.

A lone tear came down my cheeks. If we were in the world of Star Trek, Ellen could be brought back to life again. She would be alive and I would be dead. I turned my head away facing toward the blue sky feeling the pain starting to go away. When death occurs the human eye does not close. Ellen's dead eyes were still aimed in my direction. I could feel another tear coming down my cheek.

I wish Star Trek was real.

If I were a Vulcan, I would not feel the pain I am in right now for the loss of my friend.

I wish I were a Vulcan.

I started to feel numb in my hands.

I wish Ellen was still alive.

I could see the colors of ambulance coming down the street.

I wish we were in Star Trek together.

Perhaps we'll meet again in the next life.

Darkness enveloped my vision.

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