Illogical reality

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Ellen's brother Walter had refused to drive us to school. Our friend, Brenda Lane, even refused. Ellen Vanhelen is a childhood friend of mine I have known since we were little girls. We can get on each others nerves but we usually forgive one another. We are like sisters and besties put together. There are many things we can say about each other but mostly is that we would be lost without the other. She is like the baggage of emotions that remind me about what I really am.

A human being denying they have emotions.

"Wanna ride to school in my new car?" Jason asked.

"No way," Ellen said. "Get your ass on the road and leave us alone."

"Ah come on!" Jason said. "You still have a grudge on me, Miss Spock?"

I continued walking.

"It is me you should be worrying about," Ellen said. "I could kill you in your sleep and no one would ever know."

Jason had a laugh.

"You are not even a doctor or a skilled assassin," Jason said. "Hah, I wonder why George is still dating you, Miss Bones-I-have-an-attitude."

"Wait here." Ellen said, putting one hand on my shoulder with a reassuring smile.


George Vern, a boy that Ellen likes, and he likes her back. He is more invested into the show Star Trek than I am. It is logical to say they have both dug this hole together into the fandom. At one point I had heard them having sex in the basement calling each other "Lenore" and "Captain Kirk" which disturbed me greatly. Lenore is the female name for Leonard McCoy. McCoy and Kirk having a romantic relationship is ridiculous and illogical. Highly disrespectful I believe for two men who are best friends.

"Ow!" Jason yelped.

"My friends call me Bones," Ellen said. "You only call me Ellen."

Jason covered his nose as Ellen came back to my side the picked up her backpack. She took my hand and we resumed our walk. Holding hands when walking somewhere was a thing we did, from childhood to sprouting into young grown adults. The reason why I do not show feelings and detach myself from them is because they make me do irrational choices and make the wrong decision. I started this from childhood. My father only understood what I was going through as "She's modeling herself as a Vulcan" Which at the time I had no idea whatsoever what a Vulcan was at the beginning even though they were popular in the day. I caught glimpses of Vulcans in my childhood. My father spoke of Spock so highly I started to believe he was real.

But apparently Mr Spock was a fictional character who had great influence in my world.

Seven years ago, I finally met this Spock character on the silver screen. My father had described, nicely, even the bowl hair cut. Then I met the original Spock on the same screen. It was strange to see the people my father had spoken so highly of as young men.

"Hey, girls, wait up!" We heard a familiar voice.

Ellen looked over.

"Oh, hey Amanda!" Ellen said.

Amanda Rogers is a senior in high school who never takes a ride home. She came into our school system last year wearing a pink dress, her hair up in a unusual hair style, and her blue eyes stood out toward us. The first thing Ellen had to say about her is that: "OH MY GOD, SHE'S A Q!" I didn't understand how she could be a James Bond character or a letter when she is female human capable of being sapient.

Though, she hasn't spoken much about what a Q is after I asked and only said, "I must not spoil you, my Vulcan friend."

It was illogical to referr to me as a Vulcan when I was a seventeen year old human girl.

"Hey Ellen and Courtney!" Amanda said, catching her breath.

"Hello." I replied.

"Are you excited for Star Trek Beyond?" Amanda asked, by our side.

Ellen grinned.

"Hell yes!" Ellen said, as we continued walking. "I wonder if there will be tribbles. Or Ponn farrrrrr!"

"Pon Farr is a very sensitive subject for Vulcans," Amanda said. "They don't talk about it often so there is no chance it will appear on TV. It is like us talking about being sexually active to a bunch of abstinent monks."

Ellen laughed.

"That's a funny picture." Ellen said.

"That would be logical," I said. "To not speak of such a private matter."

"Well, Miss Spock," Amanda said, with a smile. "You really are a die hard fan."

"No, she is not," Ellen said. "She is just a newbie. She needs time to be assimilated and have a more 'logical' out look on Vulcans."

Logically, this sounds like she wants to recruit me for a fanon vid.

"I am not up for fanon vids," I said. "I am taking a exclusive vacation."

"Hold on, you haven't done a fanvid in two years," Ellen said. "Not since you broke up with Jason because he cheated on you."

"That has emotional ties and I prefer not to associate myself to them." I said.

"Damn it, Spock!" Ellen said. "You are half human." She shook her free hand. "Not one hundred percent Vulcan!"

"Doctor McCoy, being emotional means I am emotionally compromised," I replied. "And I prefer to not address it."

"That is not logical," Ellen said. "If you want to devote yourself to pure logic then use Kolinahr."

"Kolinahr would make my duties less provideable." I said.

"See?" Ellen said. "Emotions are part of Spock's daily life and you must go head on with yours, he balances his life like . . . Superman! The original one who didn't let all those kids drown in that stupid bus. Superman is from krypton and he was raised on Earth as Clark Kent."

"You tricked me into acting like him." I said, feeling anger and yet I was busy keeping it back.

"I most certainly did not trick you into being like Spock," Ellen said. "You could have easily told me I called you the wrong name. So logically, you should be an actor not a athlete."

"That is. . . logical." I said.

"See you two slowpokes at school!" Amanda said, speeding right past and a flair of light blinded me momentarily.

Ellen sighed, relieved.

"That was a close one." Ellen said.

"May I inquire in why you claimed I was not a Trekkie?" I asked.

"That is Amanda Rogers." Ellen said.

I stared at Ellen for a minute.

"I know." I said.

Ellen sighed.

"No, you don't get it!" Ellen said, taking me by the shoulders. "She is not human. She could bring us into Star Trek, a world you barely even know. A universe the entire world is just beginning to understand. Amanda is a universal godly being capable of doing whatever the hell she wants." I raised an eyebrow. "She could put us in another dimension, in the past, in a different universe, on a unknown vast planet full of rocky characteristics, and she could get us killed!"

I lowered my eyebrow.

"That is illogical as there is no such thing as godly beings," I said. "I would need proof to believe such a being exists."

"I discount Voyager as being part of cannon for the Q continuum," Ellen said. "As it ruined the image I had of the one and only--" She clasped her had around her mouth glaring a hole through me. I could hear a faint, "Fuck me."

I raised an eyebrow as she had taken her other hand off my shoulder.

"Your attempts to not spoil me of this Q being indicates he or she may be Amanda," I said. "You are failing, futiley." I headed down the block back on my casual pace. "It is wrong to resist giving spoilers. Resistance is futile."

"DAMN YOU CANNON VULCANS!" Ellen shouted at the sky.

I flinched though I pretended it did not hurt.


. . . 12:58 PM. . .

. . .Outside the principal's office. . .

I sat in a chair pressing a bag of ice against my face sitting in a chair. I had let my emotions get the best of me. I had my head lowered down to my lap. I was outside because the principal, Mr Heart, was speaking with Amanda and the student, Thomas Ryker Troi, who started the fight with me. Amanda had lied that she was the one who threw the first punch. The plethora of anger I had felt sent me to bezerk mode. A mode that I trembled and made people fear ever to insult me or my friends.

There was a flash of light that drew my attention.

"Amanda is so pulling so many straws," Came a deep voice with bass and whinyiness to it, that I at first thought of Starscream only to remind myself that Starscream does not sound like that. "I can't believe she is still poking around in this school." I looked over to see a man sitting in a chair in a--wait, that was a uniform from the first Star Trek The Next Generation movie. He looked over toward me, rudely. "What are you looking at?"

It is illogical to feel angry.

"Your face," I said. "Are you Miss Amanda's parent?"

The man shook his head.

"I am her guardian,and I am Q." Q said.

I stared at him blankly.

"Q. . . who?" I asked.

"Q!" Q said. "That's all there is to my name. That's what I am!"

"A Q?" I asked.

"Yes!" Q said.

"You are dressed in the uniform from the beginning of Star Trek: Generations," Q raised an eyebrow up. "Are you a fan of Star Trek?"

Q's jaw dropped, his eyes turned into realization and he covered his mouth leaning back from me. I observed myself to see what illed him so. There was no reason for him to be acting this way. It was illogical. Unless he is a time traveler using a invincible machine. That is illogical but in this case it is potentially logical. Q rubbed his chin looking at me then straightened himself up, lifted his chin up,and grinned.

"Of course I am!" Q said, folding his arms with a smirk.

"I like Mr Data." I said.

"My favorite captain is Jean-Luc Picard! He is the best captain." Q said.

I raised an eyebrow.

"And why are you dressed in Star Fleet uniform?" I asked.

"Because I am going to the filming of a fan video," Q said, taking out a bunny from his sleeve. "I am also a magician." I stroke the furry mass of energy and comfort. "Been in the family for countless generations." He took the bunny away. "And who are you, might I ask?" He seemed honestly curious. "My charge has not spoken of you before."

"Courtney Winters." I said as he put the bunny to the floor.

"Courtney . . ." Q seemed to be speechless at first. "Not that Courtney!"

The bunny went down the hall.

"Are you referring to Courtney Robertson who got pregnant last year by her senior boyfriend?" I asked.

Q shook his head.

"I just imagined you be. . . shorter," Q said. "And not a fighter."

"It is illogical to give the ammunition a antagonist wants from the victim." I said.

"Sure you are from Planet Earth?" Q asked.

"Affirmative." I said.

"Been raised by anyone named Spock?" Q asked.

I shook my head.

"Spock is a fictional character who does not exist," Q leaned forward, putting a elbow on his knee, and raised an eyebrow. "The influence of Star Trek is great, as well as Spock. There is a comet named after him." Q grinned, fondly, as though he knew what I was talking about. "Mr Leonard Nimoy, the original actor of Spock, passed away last year. There were currencies drawn upon of his face in his honor."

Q stood up.

"He is dead?" Q said, appearing to be heartbroken.

"Humans cannot live forever." I said.

"Dead as in. . . dead dead?" Q asked.

"Logically, there is no further state of death than the vessel being empty and the heart ceasing to pump, the last neurons vanishing from the brain," I said. "He is gone and out of this world in a better place than this."

Q looked down toward me with a frown.

"Mr Rogers?" Mr Heart said, opening the door.

Q looked away from toward Mr Heart.

Thomas went out of the door with a icepack covering the side of his face with bruises on his face and he had a black bloody nose himself that was starting to clear up. I could hear a gasp escape from the oddly named man as Thomas went past. Q looked in my direction almost in impressed. Which is illogical to be impressed by what a girl can do since it is not a surprise and it was what was coming to the boy. Not very impressive I say. In many ways my life lives around logic.

"Call me, Q, please." Q said, reaching his hand out toward Mr Heart.

"All right, Q," Mr Heart said, shaking the hand of Q. "It is nice to finally meet you."

Mr Hear stepped aside.

"As to you," Q said, then he snapped his fingers. There was a brief flash of light. "Mr Heart."

Q walked into the room.

Mr Heart looked over toward me, puzzled.

"Miss Winters, why are you here?" I notice that he had on a toupee. It was illogical to laugh. I noticed he had a Hawaiian themed shirt on, brown pants, and sandals. He seemed to have a bad sun tan.

I noticed then that I wasn't holding a bag of ice.

"I am here for being involve in a fight with a student," I said, feeling the side of my face which oddly felt fine. "I was requested to be here."

"Go to class, Miss Courtney," Mr Heart said. "I just got back from vacation."

"Mr Heart?" I said. "But you have been here the entire time."

"Go to class," Mr Heart said, this time with a smile. "I will deal with what the substitute left."

"Affirmative." I said.

I got up from the chair then walked down the hall feeling an unusual feeling resting in my stomach.

Something was not right.

How could there be a large passage of time within a mere couple of seconds?

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