The Trekkie

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"That is not logical," I said. "Why would Spock fall for his captain?'

"Because they are lovers!" Ellen said. "It is painfully obvious. Have you seen the Original Series movies?"

"I have seen The Next Generation movies and the Alternate Original Series movies." I said.

"YOU HAVEN'T SEEN AMOK TIME?" Ellen screamed.

"I know all that I need to know about Spock." I said. "He is a straight Vulcan."

"YOU DON'T KNOW ABOUT PON FARR AND KOLINAHR!" Ellen panicked. "You should see them!" She folded her arms. "Bones is my favorite character. You know what he has to go through with our favorite duo? Hell!" She waved her arms. "You only know Spock is from Vulcan and that he claims to not feel! Wrong, he is half Human so that makes him capable of feeling emotions. Which we saw in the first movie and the god awful second movie that was a terrible take on Wrath of Khan! God, the other Khan was so much better!"

"The second movie was good."

"Oh god,you are a trekkie."

"Yes, that I am."

Ellen took out her device then scrolled on the item where a orange screen appeared with the words 'Netflix'.

"That is it, I am giving you a prescription to watch the original series movies--," She stopped mid-sentence with her face slowly becoming red and her fingers clenched around the device. "KHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNN!"

I stared at her, raising a eyebrow, at the dramatic theatrical effect my friend had done.

"There is no one in charge of Netflix named Khan far as I am aware." I said.

"THEY GOT RID OF THE FUCKING GOLDMINE!" Ellen panicked. "It is not on Hulu! Not on Hulu! The world is ending!"

I lowered my eyebrow, staring at Ellen for a few minutes then I slapped Ellen at the face, and then she was herself once more.

"Did I go panic mode again?" Ellen asked, after shaking her head.

"Affirmative," I said. "I am confused, what is Pon Farr?"

"I. . . will . . . not. . . spoil," Ellen said. "I will not spoil. I will not spoil. I will not spoil."

We were walking to school. Ellen was the one who usually drove me but since she had cheated on a test last week her father grounded her from using the car. We both could hear a whistling from right across us where Jason Nimwell, in his red sports car, was driving alongside us with dark sunglasses on. He had his bookbag in the back seat with plenty of incomplete homework sticking out. I took Ellen by the wrist then accelerated my speed down the sidewalk keeping my attention away.

"Hey girrrrlls!" Jason sang.

I suppose this is where things can get . . . Illogical.

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