The Truth

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Danny's POV

"Analyzing DNA samples," the Maddie program stated shortly after I pressed the button. The video of Vlad suddenly took up the whole screen.

The faint sound of a drawer opening then closing could be heard as Vlad stood up from behind his desk. In his hand he held a small brown book. He walked off camera and returned with a chair. Vlad placed the chair in front of his desk and sat down, crossing his legs and balancing the book on his lap.

"If you're still watching this Daniel, I can honestly say I'm surprised," Vlad began, "I thought the second you heard my voice you would have blasted the screen to bits. But for you to actually do what I asked you? I am truly shocked."

I titled my head in confusion. How would he possibly know that I did what he asked?

"I know because I made it so parts of this video wouldn't play without you doing these tasks," Vlad's recording answered. I frowned.

"You must really want to know the truth. Do you still have doubts Daniel? Do you still think I am not your father? That you are not my son? Or do you not want to accept the truth?" the old man questioned.

I clenched my teeth and let my hands curl into fists. Vlad uncrossed his legs and placed the brown book on the floor. He undid his ponytail, letting his silver hair fall past his shoulders. Vlad rested his elbows on his knees and placed his head in his hands.

"I can't even imagine how much you hate me right now Daniel," Vlad said, with a touch of sadness in his voice, "Though I can't really blame you. This is all my fault anyways. If I hadn't been such a coward, maybe.... maybe..... you might not hate me so much."

Vlad stared directly into the camera, locking eyes with me. It felt as if he could really see me. "In all honesty Daniel, if I had tried to change, tried to better myself, let our rivalry die...... would you have accepted it? Accepted me?"

I was taken aback by the question. I.... didn't know. If Vlad had suddenly came to me saying he'd changed I would think he was lying. He always lied. There was no way I could trust his word. I still didn't trust him.

"DNA processing complete, sugarcake," the Maddie program sang. The video disappeared and I was greeted by a blue screen. "Recognized. Vladimir Masters DNA sample. Recognized. Daniel Fenton DNA sample," stated the Maddie program. I wish I knew how to delete it. It was getting kinda creepy.

Two strands of DNA appeared on opposite sides of the screen. Numbers and words flashed on either side of the screen. My name was on the right side and Vlad's was on the left.

"DNA analyzation complete," the Maddie voice said. The two DNA samples moved to be side by side.

Dots appeared on the two samples and soon enough a green text box appeared on the screen with one word on it.


I backed away from the screen, tripping over a fallen chair. I landed on my backside and hit my head against the floor. Sitting up with a slight headache I heard Vlad's voice once more.

"Well now you know the truth Daniel. I am your father."

I looked up at the screen. The video once more filled the large screen. I noticed there were dark circles around Vlad's eyes. "I know you didn't want this to be true Little Badger, but it is. I know you were hoping that this was all a lie, a trick, another one of my ruses to mess with your head. But it's not. We are blood Daniel. There is no changing that."

I stood up, grabbing the fallen chair and planting it in front if the panel. I sat down as the recording of Vlad reached down to pick up the brown book.

He flipped it open and a sad smile appeared on his face. "This was a photo album Danielle and I created after our 1 month anniversary," he said sadly.

He turned the open book towards the camera revealing a smiling picture of him and Danielle at a fair. Vlad was holding cotton candy and Danielle was holding a snow cone. Danielle's arm was extended as it looked like she was the one taking the picture.

"I loved that fair. I won her a stuffed panda," Vlad said. He continued flipping through the pages showing pictures of the two of them on picnics, dinner dates, movie dates, silly pictures of eachother while giving a small and sad explanation of each one.

"She would have been a wonderful mother," Vlad said as he closed the book and placed it on his desk behind him.

Vlad looked straight into the camera once more. He ran a hand through his long messy hair, "I always wondered what it would have been like, had I moved on from Maddie and let my heart fully belong to Danielle. What it would have been like to have a son of my own. What it would have been like to wake up every morning seeing her beautiful face. What it would have been like being a father."

He sighed,"But I will never know, because I was a fool and let my love for Maddie as well as my hatred for Jack ruin my happiness. I never realized how much my anger held me back."

Vlad stood up, fixing his hair back into its normal ponytail. He walked over to the camera and lifted it so I was looking directly at him, "I am sorry Danny."

The screen went dark.

I felt wetness on my cheeks. I hadn't realized I'd been crying. I quickly wiped away my tears. It was only more lies. Vlad rigged it, he wasn't my dad and this Danielle lady wasn't my mom.

I had to prove it, expose his lie. I paced around the lab thinking. Who was the one person I could go to that would guarantee the truth. A lightbulb went off in my head.


I flew towards Vlad's ghost portal. "Please work, please work, please work," I whispered as I pressed the activation button.

Sure enough the portal hummed to life, it's metal doors opening to a swirling mass of green. Taking a deep breath I flew in, heading towards Clockwork's Tower.

A/N: Ok, so this is not the last chapter. Another one might be coming shortly or possibly even tomorrow. Let me know your thoughts! See you all in the next one!

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