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Danny's POV

After a very long flight, I arrived at my destination.

Vlad's castle in Wisconsin.

Earlier, the place had been filled with reporters and journalists alike, but they had eventually left. Now it was my turn to do some digging.

I phased directly inside. I flew into his study, searching his desk for any sort of formal documents. Nothing except business letters, payrolls, and bills. I checked the drawers. Same thing. Except for one. In one of the drawers there was a small silver key. I felt like it would be handy later so I took it.

I phased down into his lab. The place was huge. I sighed as I began to look around. Papers and half done experiments littered the lab. It wasn't like Vlad to be so disorganized.

After sifting through the random papers everywhere for about 20 minutes I decided to move onto the computers.

I booted up the nearest computer. "Password please, honeylamb," a holographic version of my adoptive mom said. I shuddered at the thought of Vlad's 'Maddie holograms'. The guy was a creep.

I typed into the computer, 'Maddie Masters'. It came up as incorrect.

"Sorry lambchop, that password is incorrect," the computer Maddie said. I tried again

'Daniel Masters'

"That password is incorrect."

'Mayor Masters'

"That password is incorrect."

I groaned. What could the password be? My eyes widened as an idea struck. My gloved fingers typed on the keyboard,

'Danielle Ryder'

"Password accepted, sweetheart," the Maddie hologram said.

I gulped. No, this could still be a trick. I began to search through the computer. Nothing about me was in any of his files. In fact, the only things I could find were more business documents and formal letters.

I was about to close off the computer when I noticed a small icon at the bottom corner of the screen. It was a picture of a lock. I clicked on it. A box appeared on the screen. The words 'Insert key' were written on it.

Key? Wait, key! I reached into my pocket and pulled out the small silver key. I looked around for a place to insert the key. There was a small keyhole on the top of the console. I inserted the key and turned it.

A video screen popped up on the monitor. I pressed the play button. Vlad's face instantly filled the screen.

"Is this thing on? For my sake I hope it is," Vlad's voice said.

I crossed my legs and hovered above the floor, listening to whatever the Froot Loop had to say.

Vlad walked away from the camera and took a seat behind his desk.

"Hello Daniel. If you're watching this it means you didn't believe me. And that you're sleuthing skills have improved."

Vlad folded his hands under his chin, "I can't blame you for having doubts Little Badger, if I were you I wouldn't believe me either. In all honestly, I'm glad you found this video. I never was good writing my feelings down. I am much better at talking."

Vlad sighed, smoothing down his hair, "Since you don't trust my word, trust your own actions. Behind you there should be a fridge. Open it and remove the red vial."

I turned around and saw the fridge. I put my feet on the ground and walked over to the fridge. I opened it and saw a single test tube filled with red liquid.

"Take the vial and insert it into the computer," the recording of Vlad said.

I walked back over to the computer and placed the tube into a port beside where I had inserted the key. The vial was sucked down and soon a clean test tube emerged from the port.

"Now Daniel, you will need to insert a sample of your blood into the test tube. There is a small needle in the drawer under the computer. All you need to do is prick your finger and let a few drops of blood drip into the test tube," Vlad's voice said.

I looked under the desk and spotted the drawer. I opened it and sure enough, a small clean needle rested inside. Taking the needle in my hand I removed the glove on my right hand. The needle hovered above my index finger.

Once I did this, there was no going back. I was going to learn the truth. I closed my eyes and pricked my finger with the needle. I held my finger over the opening of the test tube and let a few drops of blood drip into the vial.

Apparently, the computer had enough and the test tube was sucked into the computer.

"There are some bandages in the drawer as well Daniel. In case you wanted one," Vlad's recording said.

I put my glove back on and the recording of Vlad shrugged, as if he knew I would do that. I took my glove back off and quickly put a bandage on it. The recording of Vlad smiled.

"Manipulative old Froot Loop," I muttered.

A light flashed on the console, "By now there should be a flashing light beside a red button. Press it and you will learn the truth," Vlad said.

I looked at the button. My hand hovered over it. "No going back," I whispered, and slammed my hand down on the button.

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