Recruiting teamates.

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Y/N POV: after a 2 weeks of being in the hospital, I was finally discharged and was heading to the emerald forest to replenish my biomass because I hadn't consume anything in a while which is why I lost the fight to hunter, goes to show how fucking retarded I am, it took about 30 Grimm and some beer to replenish my biomass And right now I'm just lying down after my meal.

Y/N: (sigh).............. well.... I'm bored as fuck.

As I say that, my scroll rings, I see it's ozpin and i answer it.

Y/N: {hello?}

Ozpin: {Y/N, could you please come to my office? I need you to recruit 3 possible students, I'll tell you the rest once you're here.}

Y/N: {ok, be there in a minute.}

(Mini timeskip)

Y/N: so who am I looking for?

Ozpin: there's not much to tell about them but one is a female with blue hair and blue eyes, she carries a sniper rifle with her and has incredible accuracy with it.

Y/N: neat, who are the other 2?

Ozpin: the other is a being who can somehow use the power of smoke, and uses a chain as a weapon, you need to look for a man with an orange beanie, dark blue jacket, and blue jeans.

Y/N: and the last one?

Ozpin: the last is a cyborg who wields a red sword, he's possibly capable of killing an army at blinding speeds.

Y/N: ok then... they seem like a merry group, I'll start looking for them.

I turn and start walking.

Ozpin: good luck.

Y/N: won't need it!

I then got in the elevator and headed down and then out of beacon to begin my search.

(Timeskip brought to you by chibi Y/N picking food out of his teeth with his claw)

I've been flying and using my hunting pulse to find the guy with smoke powers and maybe after about 5 minutes, I see him... spray painting?

???: perfect.

Y/N: not bad...

He turns around and faces me.

Y/N: if I do say so myself.

???: who are you? You with the D.U.P?

Y/N: the guys that lock conduits up? Not on your fucking life.

???: then who are you?

Y/N: the names Y/N and I'm from beacon academy, and the headmaster wants to see you, now what's your name, cause I know next to nothing about you.

???: the names-

???2: DELSIN!!!

Delsin: oh boy.... uhh hey Reggie.

Reggie: seriously delsin, you've gotta stop doing this, it's getting rediculuous, (looks at Y/N) who's that?

Y/N: long story short, I'm from beacon academy and the headmaster wants to see delsin.

Reggie: really now? (Looks at delsin) did you sign up or something?

Delsin: nope, he just appeared out of nowhere, wait... are you a conduit?

Y/N: nope, ever heard of the blacklight infected?

Delsin: yeeeaahhh...

Y/N: (creates claws) that's me.

Reggie: great, we got more crazy people.

Y/N: thank you for the compliment Reggie ice.

Delsin: (laughs) oh damn, I would not take that reg.

Reggie: whatever.

Y/N: anyway, (looks at delsin) I need you to come with me, we need to pick up 2 more guys and-

I get a message on my scroll saying " that the sword wielding cyborg is at beacon."

Y/N: ok, nevermind, we only need to get one more person.

Reggie: (turns and walks away) have fun del!

Delsin: wait! You're just gonna leave me?!

Reggie: you're in safe hands.

Just as he says that, Reggie gets in his truck and drives off.

Y/N: wow, he legit left you, that's a real dick move.

Delsin: (sigh) yep.

Y/N: here let me do you a favour.

I grabbed the spraycan and wrote "Reggie ice" next to it and spray painted the Pokemon cause fuck it.

Y/N: ok, what' do you think?

Delsin: you do know my brother is gonna be pissed at you for doing this.

Y/N: I say fuck em, come on let's go.


Delsin: so who are we looking for?

Y/N: some girl with blue hair and eyes, she uses a sniper rifle and has perfect accuracy.

Delsin: she hot?

Y/N: what?

Delsin: is the chick hot?

Y/N: I don't fucking know, I don't have a picture.

Delsin: then how are we supposed to find her then?

Y/N: I got it covered.

I used hunting pulse to locate her, and after 10 seconds, I got a pulse.

Y/N: found her.

Delsin: how di-

Y/N: I have something called hunting pulse, helps me find people, but enough about that, let's go.

We proceeded to walk to where I felt the pulse and when we arrived there, we saw who we were looking getting ambushed by grimm, I jump into action and run to her and punch a beowolf in the face and send it flying into some trees, delsin fired some smoke blasts and then wrapped his chain around a ursas leg to hold it in place and then fired a big ball of smoke at it and blows up, the blue eyed girl pulled out her sniper and started taking headshots at the remaining Grimm, What's everything was cleared, me and delsin turned to face her.

???: thanks for the assists.

Y/N/ delsin: no problem.

???: what's your names?

Y/N: the names Y/N and the guy over there (points at delsin) is delsin.

Delsin: sup.

Sinon: the names sinon and again, thanks for the assist.

Delsin: Just doing our job, well... not technically our job but it is bu-

Y/N: let me stop you there del before you lose yourself, (looks at sinon) anyway, we were looking for you, I'm from beacon academy and the headmaster wants to see you.

Sinon: may I ask why?

Y/N: he wants to recruit you to going to beacon, now if you don't want to go, then that's fine I won't force you to go.

Delsin: how come she gets the choice and I didn't?!

Y/N: you did have a choice, you could've just left or said "no I don't want to go," but you still followed me.

Delsin:.... I stand corrected.

I look back at sinon.

Y/N: anyway, What's your choice?

Sinon: hmm...... sure why not.

Y/N: perfect, let's ge-

Before I could finish my sentence, a bullhead lands and I see goodwitch come out and starts walking towards us, delsin stands next to me with a lewd face as hes looking at goodwithes.... melons, and whispers....

Delsin (whispers): hot damn.

I can tell sinon heard him and smacked him upside the head.

Sinon: get your head out of the gutter.... pervert.

(Meanwhile in parallel universe)

Koneko: achoo!!

Rias: are you catching a cold koneko?

Koneko: no, I just feel like someone is stopping another- (sees issei looking at rias with a lewd face and punches him) pervert.

(Meanwhile in our universe)

Delsin: I'm not pervert!

Sinon: keep telling yourself that!

Glynda: I see you've got the other 2.

Y/N: yep.

Glynda: it's good to meet you 2, hop aboard the bullhead, professor ozpin is waiting for us.


When we land delsin and sinon take a moment to admire the looks of beacon.

Sinon: holy....

Delsin: ..... shit.

Y/N: (sarcatsic) welcome to Disneyland, where all your dreams come true along with free killing Grimm and assholes all day and all night long.

Glynda: that's... an odd thing to say, but besides the point, Mr Mercer, could you escort them to professor ozpin's office?

Y/N: yeah sure, follow me.

As we began walking, sinon and delsin took the time to take in everything they see and along the say we heard some murmurs from some of the male students.

???: hey, check out that chick over there.

???2: I'd tap that all day, that's for sure.

Hearing this, I took a quick glance at sinon and see she's slowly becoming redder and redder by the minute, then Cardin appears out of nowhere and talks to sinon.

Cardin: hey there beautiful, What's a nice girl like you doing here?

Sinon: i-im just going to the headmasters office.

Cardin: really? Well maybe when your done we can have a little "talk" if you know what I mean.

Y/N (in head): this guy must be blind if he doesn't realise me standing right here, like come on, (looks at sinon and sees her face completely red) you know what? Fuck it.

I grab sinon by the waist and pulled her close to me, she let out a little squeak at my sudden action.

Y/N: no, mine.

Delsin POV: what the fuck am I witnessing right now? This is just getting more awkward and- oooo~ I see a scroll, time to get some video.

I slowly stretch my hand out a little and absorb the power from it and create little demons that go past this guy and then grow big and prepare to scare the shit out of them.

Y/N POV: I was about to punch Cardin and continue walking until I see some demon looking creature appears.

Y/N: Cardin are you a bitch?

Cardin: I ain't no bitch.

Gets tapped on the shoulder.

Cardin: oh what do-

As soon as he turns, the creature roars in his face.

Cardin: (screams) I'M A BITCH!!!!

As he says that, he runs away, leaving me, sinon, and delsin laughing our asses off, we then continued to walk down the hallway until we reached the elevator, I pressed the button and just waited until we arrived at ozpin's office and was met with the grey haired sword wielding cyborg ninja.

???: who are these 3?

Ozpin: these are your teammates.

Raiden: good to meet you 3, the names raiden.

Sinon: I'm sinon.

Delsin: sup, names Delsin.

Y/N: and I'm Y/N.

Ozpin: now that introductions are out of the way, I've called you 3 here because I'd like you to join beacon academy, here you can get a decent education, learn how to become hunters and huntresses, have food and drink and also have a place to sleep, what would you 3 like to?

Raiden: I'll join on the condition I don't wear a uniform.

Ozpin: done.

Sinon: I don't see why not, could be fun, but I'm not wearing the uniform.

Ozpin: very well.

Delsin: I'll join but I refuse to wear the uniform and I get to spray paint what I want.

Ozpin: seems reasonable.

Delsin: sweet.

Y/N: hey oz, why do you make the uniform if you're going to allow people to not wear it doesn't make sense, also, don't you ever run out of tea, like fucking hell.

Sinon: language.

Raiden/ Y/N: español.

Sinon: -_-

Delsin: moving on.

Ozpin: as I was saying, I called you 3 to join and seeing as you all agreed, I'm putting you into a team with Mr Mercer.

Raiden: Mercer? Like Alex Mercer?

Y/N: yep, you three are with me, don't worry, I'm not gonna kill you all in your sleep.

Raiden: I doubt you can kill me anyway.

Y/N: (looks at raiden) wanna bet?

Raiden: (looks at Y/N) you'll lose it.

We look at eachother for a few seconds before I crack a grin on my face.

Y/N: were gonna get along just fine.

Raiden: indeed we are.

Ozpin: (clears throat).

Raiden and i both turn to him.

Ozpin: you will be put into a team and sleep in Mr Mercers dorm, the beds are being put in as we speak, from this moment forth you'll be known as team F/LSDR, led by... Y/N Mercer.

Y/N: wait, I'm leader?

Delsin: I guess you are, try not to get us killed out there boss.

Raiden: what he said.

Y/N: I'll try not to.

Ozpin: now that that's over, you may leave now.

We then went to the elevator and headed down, once we did, we went to my dorm and I saw the extra beds and Blake sitting down reading and Luna sleeping, I explained to her what happened today and introduced her to my team, after that we started taking, getting know eachother and by the time it was night, everyone started to fall asleep, Blake of course slept in my bed since she still hates ruby and yang, I closed and let my thoughts drift as I was slowly falling asleep.

A/N: alright guys, just want to say that I'm back from my holiday, this part was supposed to be up ages ago but I had writers block so I didn't know what to do, but that doesn't matter, now, I'm back and it's here, just want to say quickly that it could take a little longer to release chapters due to the fact that I'll be very busy and I might not know what to write half the time, also, I'd like to say thanks you all for being patient with me and the story, I hope you all still can be and I know I've said this before but I'll say it again, you're all the best, I love the support you all give me, once again, you're all the best, anyway thanks for reading "prototype - recruiting teammates," and as always..... PEACE✌✌

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