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Y/N POV: right now, me, my team and Luna are being called to ozpin's office, apparently we had a very special mission to do, wasting no time, we went to his office.

Delsin: I hope this is important, I wanted to sleep more.

Sinon: oh just suck it up, this is our job.

Delsin: no it really isn't, we're only training to be huntsman, we're not official, (looks at raiden, luna, Y/N) you guys agree right?

Luna/ raiden/ Y/N: don't really care.

Sinon: ○_○

Delsin: ○_○

Luna/ raiden/ Y/N: (looks at them) What?

Sinon: you 3 are so in sinc that it's freaky.

We just look at eachother and shrug our shoulders and keep going.

(Mini timeskip)

Y/N: what's the job oz?

Ozpin: I need you to go to the temple where the initiation was held and find a relic.

Raiden: what does it look like?

Ozpin: you'll know it when you see it.

I nod my head and we head to the elevator, I pressed the button and we waited for it to reach the ground floor... in awkward silence.

F/LSDR/ Luna:......

Delsin: so..... any guesses what it might look like?

Luna: nein.

Sinon: no

Raiden/ Y/N: nada.

Me and raiden both share a look of "how the fuck are we in sinc" then look back at the doors and see them open as we've reached the ground floor, and proceed to head to the forest.

(Mini timeskip brought to you by Luna as a beowulf biting Cardin making him do a squeaky noise)

3rd POV: Y/N along with his team and Luna are at the edge of a cliff overlooking the forest, right now delsin is looking all the Way down, raiden is zooming in on the forest looking for the temple (cause he can do that) with sinon using her sniper to scope out the forest, Luna is sitting down licking her paws and Y/N is using hunting pulse to highlight the most infested little areas in the forest.

Raiden: found it, 11 o'clock.

They all looked at where he was saying it was and managed to see the temple and a little entrance to it.

Y/N: how the hell did I not see that entrance during the initiation?

Luna: because your legally blind?

Delsin: cause your a fucking idiot?

Y/N:..... screw the both of you.

Raiden ignores them and jumps off the cliff and stabs his sword into the mountain to slow his descent, delsin jumped and used his smoke to hover slowly down, Luna just turned into a nevermore and a flew down, and Y/N picked up sinon bridal style which caused her to squeak and blush heavily and jumped down and landed with the others, he puts sinon down and looks to raiden.

Y/N: think you could lead us there?

Raiden: (scoffs) can I?



Y/N: can't you?

Raiden: of course I can!

Delsin: calm your damn rolls and let's go.

They proceeded to walk through the forest, killing any Grimm they came across with ease, once they reached the temple, they walked through the entrance, raiden and Y/N taking the lead and sinon and delsin are at the back.

Raiden: I'm picking something up.

Luna: what is it?

Raiden: don't know.... whatever it is, It's giving a huge power signature.

Sinon: could be the artifact.

Delsin: only way to find out.

Y/N: let's pick up the pace.

They began to jog to where raiden picked up the power signature, and once there, they see a sphere of some sorts glowing yellow and floating in the air.

Luna: I'm gonna go out on a limb here, and say that's what we're looking for.

Y/N: yep.

Raiden: what kind of Grimm are those?

Sinon: they're scary looking.

Delsin: hey Luna, do you think you ca-

Luna: on it.

They all turned to face Luna to see she turned into the same type of Grimm, raiden turns his attention to Y/N.

Raiden: what's the plan?

Y/N: simple, sinon, stay here and give sniper support.

Sinon: got it.

Y/N: del, fire from afar, but if they get close, don't be afraid to go close quarters combat.

Delsin flicks his chain, making some ashes appear then wraps it around his hand.

Delsin: pfft, piece of cake.

Raiden: say that when we get this over with.

Y/N: anyways, raiden, we're going up close and personal.

Raiden: wouldn't have it any other way.

As he says that, he slowly pulls his sword out of its sheath to reveal a red blade releasing some red sparks out of it.

Luna: what kind of sword is that?

Raiden: it's a high frequency blade called murasama (that's the name of it right?) It's capable of slicing through almost anything.

Y/N (in head): he could probably slice through my biomass armour without a problem, I feel bad for whoever faces him in the future (outloud) alright then, oh and Luna....

Luna turns to Y/N.

Y/N:..... smash.

Luna cracks her knuckles and jumps down and charges at the Grimm, Y/N and raiden jump down and follow after her, Y/N turns his arms into hammer fists and starts to punch the shit out of them while raiden slices through them with ease and then takes out a group of them using zendatsu (he slows his perception of time to slice things faster or precisely as he likes), sinon goes in for headshots which decreases the number of them very quickly, delsin shoots them in the legs to slow their approach but whenever they got close he'd use his chain to inflict more damage to them and then retreat back a bit further and Luna is just bashing their skulls in and throwing rocks at them, after about 25 minutes, the area was clear, raiden, Y/N, and Luna were mostly covered in blood, Delsin began walking to the 3 with sinon doing the same, Luna reverted back to her little Beowulf form and just sits down, the sphere stops glowing and slowly descends until it's in between the five of them, delsin begins to reach his hand out to it but raiden stops him.

Raiden: don't touch it, it could harm us.

Sinon: then how do we take it back?

Suddenly the orb began to glow again But it was brighter it then shot yellow lightning at Y/N causing him to scream in agony, raiden was about to strike the relic with his sword to hopefully stop it, but was hit with the same lightning, soon sinon and delsin were hit as well, leaving Luna to stand and watch helplessly as her friends were screaming in pain, it lasted for 5 seconds until they fell to the ground unconscious.

Luna POV: what just happened?! Why did it do that?! Why didn't it affect me?! What do I do?! I need to get help! Uhh..... Y/N's scroll! I went to his body and grabbed his scroll and managed to call Blake.

Blake: [hel-]

Luna: shut up and listen!! We need help! Y/N and the rest of the team are down! Tell ozpin and hurry!!

Blake: [what?! Ok! I'll tell him! Keep them safe!!]

(Timeskip Brought to you by chibi Y/N and raiden playing fighterz and Y/N saying "I can't hit, hit, cause everytime I hit, hit, I get hit by hit!!")

Blake POV: I'm at the hospital with luna next to me, looking at the doctors checking Y/N and the teams vitals, according to luna, the relic that they were supposed to take had shocked them but didnt effect her, the relic is right now floating around the team and hasn't done anything else, after some time the doctors came out.

Blake: are they ok?!

Doctor: they're fine but they appear to be in a coma, we don't know when they'll wake up.

I felt my heart beat faster, they're in a coma?! I hope they wake up as soon as possible, I hear footsteps behind me and saw the people that I hate the most, I pull out gambol shroud and block the entrance to their room.

Yang: wait Blake! We're just here to see if they're ok.

Blake: if you wanna see if they're ok, then you can stay out here and wait.

Summer: please let us see him!

Blake: I don't care, I said-

Ruby: Blake.... please, we know what we've done is bad... no, horrific, but we want to do right by him.... please, just.... let us see him.... I beg of you.

Blake:.......... (sigh)... fine, (turns to the doctor) can we see him?

Doctor: yes you may.

I holster gambol shroud and we walk in, me and luna sit on the right hand side of Y/N and ruby and yang sit on the left side while the others are just standing.

Blake (in head): Y/N.... please.... wake up.... I need to tell you... how I really feel about you.

Y/N POV: I open my eyes and I can't see shit, everything around me is completely dark.

Y/N: hello?! Anyone here?! Raiden?! Delsin?! Sinon?! Anybody?!?!

???: you're alone...

Y/N: who's there?!

As I say that, everything lights up and then I see an all too familiar sight in front of me.... the place I ran away from.

Y/N: no... not this place...

The door opens and I slowly walk in, I see "them" around a table eating having a laugh, it looks like they can't see me.

Y/N: if they're down here... then am I.... still up there?

I walk up the stairs and I go to my room and it's just like it was, the walls and floor covered in blood, dust everywhere, and no bed, and I see me in the corner.... crying.

Young Y/N: you were such a coward.

What the fuck? Who am I talking to?!

Young Y/N: I'm talking to you asshole.

Y/N: you can see me?!

Young Y/N: of course I see you.

He then looks at me and.... my left eye is gone, blood coming out of my nose and mouth and cuts all over my body.

Young Y/N: you were such a coward, you were so weak, you let them do this to you, you let summer shoot your eye, you let raven and qrow cut you, and you let ruby, yang and tai break you, how pathetic can you get?

Y/N: shut up! I was never a coward!

Young Y/N: then why didn't you fight back? Why didn't you run as soon as it happened?

Y/N: becau-

Tai: hey you little shit!!! It's time for your daily beating!!!

I turn my head and see "them" at the door smiling.

Young Y/N: just shut up and do it.

Tai: oh, talking back now are we? You need to be taught lesson.

3rd POV: they proceed to beat the shit out of young Y/N and Y/N is standing there watching his own torture happen in front of him.

Y/N: stop it.... stop it..... STOP!!!!!

Y/N creates his claws and runs at his younger self's attackers and tries to hit them, but they fade and he stabs himself, Y/N stands there in disbelief.

Young Y/N: (coughs out blood)... why....?

Y/N stands there not saying a single word and then the voice he heard before comes back.

???: such a horrible childhood... let's see what your future looks like.

Another white flash happens and he's in vale and he sees it burning, buildings destroyed, and bodies on the floor, he keeps walking and sees something he didn't expect, he sees a bunch of black light infected and Grimm working together.

Y/N: what the fuck is this?.... What is this future?!

He then starts running and then sees something he wish he didn't.

Y/N: no.... please no....

He runs to the body and sees....

Y/N: uncle Heller..... dad...... wake up.... please.... wake up.....

He then hears a roar and sees someone flying out of a building, the person was a blonde girl with a scar on the right eye and a left lilac eye with a robotic left arm.

Y/N: that can't be.... yang?

He runs to her and sees a stab wound in her stomach and she's slowly losing blood, he then sees rose petals and finds ruby opposite of him, ruby looks a bit taller and has longer hair, her clothes are in tatters and she has a scar on her right cheek.

Ruby: yang stay awake! You're gonna be fine!

Another roar comes out and ruby gets up to and charges into the fire, all Y/N could hear was clashing and then ruby goes flying and falls to the ground, she gets up and turns around but immediately get a stabbed in the stomach by what looked like a whipfist, she then drops to the ground, lifeless, he then hears an all too familiar scream.

Y/N: no... Blake!!!

Y/N gets up and starts running to where he heard the scream once there he sees Blake on her knees looking up at a man in biomass armour.

The guy then grabs Blake by the throat and lifts her up and slowly chokes her.

Blake: please..... don't do.... this....

Without wasting time, Y/N runs to her and tries to save her but it's too late as she gets stabbed in the chest and thrown to the floor, Y/N runs to Blake's dead body and sees picks her up and holds her close, he then looks at the armoured guy and it slowly disappears to reveal....

Y/N: you're.... me?!

He then starts laughing and then everything fades to black, he looks down at Blake's body and holds her tightly but she soon fades away and the voice appears once again.

???: you are weak.... worthless.... you'll die alone..... everything you hold dear.... Will die.... because of you.....

Y/N POV: everything I hold dear is just leaving me.... I'm all alone.... I'm trapped in my worst nightmare......

Raiden POV: I'm walking around vale and everything seems fine, until I see something I didn't expect.

Raiden: what the hell?

Young Raiden: you're pathetic.

Raiden: what?

Young raiden: you're so weak, you left your parents to die and then let yourself get turned into a cyborg, it's like you couldn't give a shit about your life.

Raiden: shut up! You don't know anything!

Young raiden: I know enough!!

I then sees a girl i hadn't seen in so long.

Young raiden: hey rose.

Rose: hey Jack..... listen there's something you need to know.

Young raiden: what is it.

Rose:..... I was ordered to keep an eye on you...

Young raiden: keep an eye on me?

Rose: yeah.... by the patriots....

I then look at my younger self and see him slowly back away, rose tried to talk to him but it was too late, he ran from her and then everything fades away.

???: (laughs) how pathetic, you didn't let her explain, I wonder what your future holds.

3rd POV: another white flash happens and raiden appears in a factory and sees himself killing people with a visible red aura around him.

Future Raiden: rose~ jack is back~

Future Raiden keeps killing random people and then as he's about to kill another one, rose appears.

Rose: JACK STOP!!!

Future Raiden turns around and smiles sadisticly and slowly walks to her.

Future Raiden: hello~ now I can finish what I started~

Rose: jack this isn't you!!

Future Raiden: (laughs) you're wrong! This is me! The new me and I'm loving it!!!!

Future Raiden full on sprints and before rose could do anything, she's in cut in half, and he laughs as he walks away then everything fades to black, raiden goes on his knees and slowly starts sobbing.

???: you are nothing but an emotionless killer, that's all you'll ever be.

Raiden (in head): he's right, I'm exactly that, I've killed, and steal just to survive, I'm alone.... I'm trapped in the worst thing imaginable....

Sinon POV: I'm in a cafeteria looking around until I spot my self but younger.

Young sinon: you're a waste.

Sinon: what're you talking about?

Young sinon: back then, and even now, you hide what you really are.

Sinon: that's because I don't want people to know, is it bad thing to do that?!

3rd POV: just as she says that, the doors burst open and a guy with a mask and a gun comes in.

Thug: get your asses on the fucking ground!!!

Everyone did so and so did the younger sinon, just then, the lady behind the counter tries to stop him and manages to knock the gun out of his hands but she gets pushed to the floor, without thinking, the younger sinon grabs the gun and shoots the thug In the chest, he leans and the wall and falls down and eventually dies, the younger sinon just sits there, holding the fun shaking with a scared expression on her face, soon everything fades to black.

???: aww that was very sad, maybe you're future will be more interesting.

A white flash occurs and future sinon is on the ground and a man wearing a camoflauged cape and skull mask with red eyes pulls out a pistol and does a prayer, once he's done, he slowly aim the gun at Simon's head and says one final thing.

Death mask: you will be rid of your sins.

He then fires the shot and kills future sinon and everything fades to black.

???: you are weak, you'll die alone, helpless.

I just stand still with my head down, not moving one bit.

Sinon (in head): he's right, I'm alone and I always will be, I'm trapped in my loneliness......

Delsin POV: I'm looking at my younger self talking to Reggie, I'm looking at myself panicking because of my powers.

Delsin: I don't know if I can stop it man, I don't know if I can-

Reggie: it's ok.... breath slowly, calm down.

Delsin: I don't want to hurt you reg.

Reggie: listen to me, you are my brother alright, and we'll always stick together, listen del, we're akomish, we take care of our own.

Everything fades to black.

???: what a caring brother you have, I wonder what your future holds.

A white flash occurs and I see Augustine and Reggieon the edge, I need to save him!!!

(3:55 to 4:55)

I lost him... I just lost my brother.... everything starts to slowly fade to black.

???: if you can't save your brother, then what purpose do you have now?

Delsin (in head): I can't believe this, I'm trapped in this nightmare that I wish won't happen, I need to protect him but.... I'm trapped.

3rd POV: the 4 teammates are slowly losing their hope after seeing what'll happen in their future, all they could think about is how they can hopefully prevent it and how to escape this trap, slowly but surely, they are succumbing to the darkness and they all have one thought on their minds...

F/LSDR: someone.... please...... get us out of here.

Blake POV: everyone right now is asleep on chairs as they didn't want to leave, I'm slowly succumbing to sleep, but I refuse, not until they wake up, I look at Y/N and see.... tears, I slowly move my hands to his face and cup his cheek and rub the tears away.

Blake: (whispers) Y/N.... I hope you can hear me.... because I want you to know that I'll always be there for you.

As I say that I hear the door open and see professor ozpin walk in.

Blake: professor? What are-

Ozpin: don't say a word and listen... now, do you want to save Mr Mercer and his team?

Blake: what type of question is that?! Of course I want to!

Ozpin: I should warn you, if you want to help him, you'll live your worst fear imaginable, it's just like these 4, they've seen their fears and are losing hope, now I'll ask again, do you want to risk yourself to save Mr Mercer and his team?

If I go through with this... I'll live through my worst fear, I don't want that, but.... if it's Y/N, then it's worth it, besides, if I was in his position, he'd do the same for me, I face ozpin and I'm filled with determination.

Blake: yes, I want to save them, if I have to see my worst fear to save them, then so be it, what do I have to do?

Ozpin: all you have to do... is touch the orb.

I look at the orb and without hesitation, I put my right hand on it and I could feel myself getting dizzy, right before I pass out, I have one last thought come to my mind.

Blake (in head): hang on Y/N.... I'm coming to get you!!

A/N: well then, this was.... interesting for me to write to say the least, you trapped and your only hope is Blake, will you be free or trapped for all eternity? Find out next time on Dragon ball Z, and I just made that rhyme without trying, anyway thanks for reading "prototype - trapped," and as always.... PEACE ✌✌

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