Break free.

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Blake POV: I woke up and looked around me to see everything is pitch black, I stand up and start walking to oum knows where.

Blake: hello?! Y/N?! anybody?!

???: another soul I see.... i wonder what your past will hold....

There's a white flash and then I see I'm in Menageire, I start walking around and see a younger version of me walking into a forest looking down, it took me a minute to realise that this was the day of a failed white fang rally and I was too sad to go back home, but I also remember that this was the day I met Y/N, another flash of white appeared and I was in my house, I'm older and I'm looking at my family.

Kali: are you sure you want to do this sweetie?

Past Blake: I'm sure I want to do this, it's for the good of all faunus afterall.

Ghira: well.... please be safe, we don't want anything bad to happen to you now.

I watched my past self hug them and then turn my attention to Y/N.

Past Blake: hey bro..... I-

Y/N: it's ok Blake.... like you said, it's for the good of all faunus.... just.... please be safe.....

My past self looks down for a moment before looking back at Y/N with teary eyes and pulling him into a tight hug to which he returns.

Past Blake: I will..... please take care of yourself.

Y/N: don't worry about me.... if anyone hurts you Blake, call me and I'll be there before you know it, and I don't give a fuck if Adam says otherwise, I'll be there.

Past Blake: (crying) ok.... I'll be sure to.

3rd POV: they break the hug and walk Blake out the door, as she walks away, she turns around one last time and waves at her family and they return it, a flash of white appears and everything is pitch black again.

???: such an interesting life yet.... I could see apart of you didn't want to go.

Blake: I know, I didn't want to leave them, but what I was doing was too important.

???: more important than your own flesh and blood? Let's not forget your adopted brother, all his life his goal was to protect you, but when you left, he was afraid of losing you, but you didn't know that did you?

Blake: of course I know that!! He told me how afraid he was of losing me!!

???: do you now? Do you know what happened when he heard you ran from the white fang?

Another flash appeared and it shows Y/N walking in a forest minding his own business.

Blake: what is this?

Blake got no response from the voice and continued to watch, someone walks out of the shadows and Y/N turns and sees a familiar face.

Y/N: hey Ilia, I didn't expect to see you here, how's-

Ilia: you need to run.

Y/N: what?

Ilia: Y/N.... Blake left the white fang.

Y/N: ok... but what does this have to do with me?

Ilia: Adam is the reason she ran.... he and the white fang have gotten violent, they're going to kill humans for peace, and Adam has set his eyes on you.

Y/N:..... so.... That's how things are going huh.... thanks Ilia, what're you gonna do?

Ilia:... I'm gonna stay in the white fang.

Y/N: are you sure?

Ilia: yeah.... (sigh) please, get out of here.... before they find you.

Y/N: don't worry about it, I'll take your advice, don't get yourself killed Ilia.

They both share a quick hug and then go their seperate ways, the scene fades and Y/N is at the docks heading to a boat which will take him to vale when he suddenly gets surrounded by white fang, Adam starts walking through the group until he's face to face with Y/N.

Adam: well, well, going somewhere Y/N?

Y/N: yeah, away from you, I heard what happened to Blake by the way.

Adam: ah yes, her leaving me, she's gotten soft overtime and I bet it's because she's being hanging around a weak human like you!

Y/N: her leaving has nothing to do with me, she left on her own accord.

Adam: don't lie to me!! I'll kill you, and when I do, I'll bring back my beloved Blake to the white fang.

Y/N glares at Adam and his hands turn into to claws.

Y/N: you touch her.... you die....

Adam draws his sword and orders the white fang to attack Y/N, to save time, Y/N grabs a member and turns him into a biobomb and throws him to the others who then get grabbed by tendrils and pulled away and explode, Y/N looks at Adam who's charging at him but Y/N simply slashes his sword away and kicks him Into a wall, the boat to vale begins to leave so Y/N quickly hops on it and turns around to see Adam getting up and sending a glare at him to witch Y/N responds with a smirk with his arms folded and later does a 2 fingered salute, everything soon fades to black.

???: your actions caused him to be hunted by them, you painted a target on his back and it's all your fault.

Blake:..... no..... no it's not, you're just saying that to get into my head, I would never paint a target on my brother's back, I know it and he knows it.

???: hmph, you won't last long, what does your future hold I wonder.....

Another white flash appears and Blake finds herself in the middle of vale, she looks around and sees that everything is burned and Grimm are running around with some infected, as she looks around, she sees a familiar pair of horns belonging to a certain bull and a bleeding Y/N kneeling, Adam looks at Blake.

Adam: now Blake, make your choice, either join me and I spare his life, or you run and let him die.

Y/N: don't listen to him Blake!!!

Adam punches him in the face, making Y/N spit out blood.

Blake: Adam! Stop it!

Adam: ahh.... my beloved Blake, I cannot, only you can make the choice... So what's it gonna be?

Blake:.... Ok.... I'll go back....

Adam smirks and then chops Y/N's head off, Blake looks in disbelief.

Blake: no..... No.....

Adam: now... we can finally be together Blake.....

Blake looks down and slowly walks to Adam.

Blake: Adam..... (places hand on his cheek) I'm sorry but..... (grabs his sword and stabs him in his heart and smirks).... you lie to me, then you die for that and by the way, Y/N doesn't die that easily.

Adam coughs up blood and then falls to the ground lifeless, everything fades to black again.

???: you're a tough nut to crack, you are right about one thing, Y/N can't die that easily, he can just regenerate, but here's a better idea.... why don't I bring Y/N... the real Y/N and have him killed in front of you?

Another flash happens and Adam is back and is about to kill a young and bloodied version of Y/N.


Without hesitation, Blake runs to Adam and tackles him to the ground and quickly goes to Y/N.

Blake: Y/N?! It's me! It's Blake!!!

Y/N gives no response.

Blake: what happened to you?!

Adam: (laughs) oh Blake you don't get it.... he's relived his most horrified memories, thanks to the orb, he's now broken, a man with no soul.

Adam starts to walk to the both of them and prepares to strike at Y/N but Blake kicks him away and prepares to pull gambol shroud but doesn't feel it so puts her fists up and prepares to fight.

Adam: Blake.... this is your last chance.... come back to the white fang Blake and we can save our kind.

Blake: violence isn't the answer Adam, so my answer is no, I'll never go back, I have people I care about, and (points at Y/N) he's one of them!

Adam: (sighs) so be it Blake.

He charges at Blake and does a downward slash to which Blake rolls to the side to avoid it and does a roundhouse kick which lands knocking him on his ass and losing his sword, he gets up and raises his fists and slowly walks towards Blake while she stands her ground, once Adam is close enough, Blake throws a right hook which Adam catches and twists her arm, making her wince in pain, she manages to ignore the pain and kick him in the stomach, Adam stands up quickly and tackles Blake into a wall and punches her in the face 3 times but Blake retaliates by headbutting him and knees him in the nuts and punches him back, she then wipes the blood of her face and spits some out, she looks to the right hand side and sees his sword, she runs to go and grab it but Adam grabs her leg, making her fall, Adam gets on top of her and starts to strangle her, Blake slowly starts to choke and lose her vision, she looks to her left and sees the sword, she tries to grab it and her finger tips reach the handle and eventually her hand grabs it, with what little strength she has, she cuts Adam's right hand making him scream and back up in pain, she stands up and cuts his head clean off, making his head roll along the ground and the body fall backwards, Blake falls to her knees and starts to breath slowly, Adam's sword disspears along with his body and everything fades to Black, Blake turns around and sees Y/N but he's no longer young or bloodied, Blake slowly walks to him and then kneels in front of him.

Blake: Y/N? Y/N it's me Blake, your sister.

No response.

Blake: Y/N please snap out of it, I don't want to lose you.... please....

No response.

Blake slowly starts sobbing and holds Y/N with all her might and continues to sob until something pops into her head.

Blake (in head): I hope this works.... (outloud) hey Y/N? (lifts his chin)

Blake undoes her bow and and wipes her tears away and tilts her head slightly to the right.

Blake: nya~

There's a moment of silence and Blake seems to almost lose hope....

Y/N: he... hehehehe.....

Blake: huh?

Y/N: hehehe..... hahahahahahahahaha!!! Oh man!!! That always cheered me up! Hahahahahaha!!!!

Blake: Y-Y/N!!!!

Without hesitation, Blake tackles him in a hug, making them fall to the ground.

Blake: (cries) I THOUGHT I LOST YOU!!!

Y/N: you can never lose me Blake, not in a million years, now come on, let's go save my team and get out of here.

Just as he said that, everything starts shaking and the unknown voice is heard again.


3 white flashes appear and raiden with red aura (jack the ripper mode), delsin with an evil aura (full evil karma baisicly), and a hypnotized sinon appear.

Y/N: guys?

They draw their weapons and delsin and raiden slowly walk to them while sinon aims her sniper, seeing no other way out of this, Y/N creates his biomass armour and claws and prepares for a fight, Blake struggles to her feet but Y/N intervenes.

Y/N: stay here Blake, I'll deal with this.

Blake: are you sure?

Y/N: (turns to Blake and mask comes off and smiles) come on Blakey, have a little faith in me (mask goes back on and faces his teammates).

Y/N rushes them as they do the same, raiden attempts a slash him but Y/N dodges out of the way and slashes at delsin, landing a hit, sinon fires at Y/N's kneecap making go one knee, delsin wraps his chain around his neck and raiden impales him in the stomach, Y/N grabs the chain and pulls it making delsin fly to him, he swings delsin around making raiden let go of the blade and back up, Y/N then throws him at sinon, to which she dodges and takes another shot but Y/N creates a shield and blocks the shot, he then turns his right arm into a hammerfist and runs to sinon.

Y/N (in head): sorry sinon, but this is gonna hurt!!

Y/N jumps in the air and then smashes his right fist into her face, rendering her unconscious, a white glow surrounds her and she suddenly vanishes.

Y/N: what the?


Y/N: so that's how it is....

Y/N pulls raiden's sword out and charges at raiden and Delsin and attempts to stab delsin but raiden intervenes and grabs the blade and kicks Y/N back and then runs at him with delsin following closely behind, seeing how things weren't working out, Y/N decided to match them by having his right arm turn into a blade and his left turn into a whipfist, Y/N swings his blade at raiden but he blocks and then delsin attempts to fire some smoke shots but Y/N creates a shield and blocks them, Y/N then uses his whipfist and pulls delsin to him and then kicks him in the stomach then wraps the whipfist around his leg and slams him into the ground, while he's distracted, raiden does multiple slashes at Y/N piercing the armour, Y/N does a horizontal slash and then impales him in the stomach then wraps the whipfist around his neck and tossed him to the side, both del and raiden both get up and delsin flies up in the air and starts sky diving and raiden starts Charging towards Y/N, Y/N sees a way to kill 2 birds with 1 stone and stands completely still, once they're close enough Y/N barely dodges as delsin crashes into raiden and a huge explosion occurs, knocking Y/N back, he slowly sits up and sees both of them engulfed in a white light and dissapears.

???: NOOOO!!!!! IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!! (Screams in pain for a while until it's quiet).

As the screaming dies down, Y/N withdraws his blade, whipfist and armour and walks over to Blake who was still sitting down on the ground, he helps her up and they're both suddenly enveloped in a white light.

Y/N: looks where getting out of here.

Blake: yeah.... About time right?

Y/N: Yep, thanks Blakey, for saving me.

Blake: (hugs Y/N) no problem, you'd do the same for me....

Y/N: (returns hug) you're damn right I would.

The 2 then dissapear.

Y/N POV: I'm hit with a white light, I begin to slowly open my eyes so I can get use to it, once I do, i see my team slowly sitting up and rubbing their heads, I feel someone shift on my right and see Blake rubbing her eyes, once she sees me, she smiles and pulls me into a hug which I return, I look around and see I'm in a hospital room, the door opens and in comes ozpin with some tea in his hands.

Ozpin: I see you're all awake that's good.

Y/N: oz..... I'm only gonna tell you this... you've got a lot of fucking explaining to do about what happened to us.

Ozpin: that is acceptable, come by my office and I'll explain.

I just nod and he leaves the room, I turn to my team who are now standing.

Y/N: you guys ok?

Raiden: not exactly, I've seen some shit I didn't want to.

Sinon: you're not the only one.

Delsin: same here.

Y/N: why don't you guys go to our dorm and rest, that little session was a mindfuck.

They nod and proceed to leave

Luna: good to see you're awake.

Y/N: (sees Luna sitting on his lap and pets her) thanks Luna.

Ruby: Y/N?

I look to my left and see ruby standing by the door, Blake let's go of me and luna gets off my lap, allowing me to get up.

Y/N: what do you want?

Ruby: I want to talk to you.

Y/N: well I do-

Blake: Y/N wait, let her talk to you.

I look at Blake and see that she wants me to listen to what she says, I look at ruby and reluctantly nod and we proceed to check me out of the hospital and leave.

(Flashback Blake POV: before Blake touched the orb)

I was heading to the vending to machine to get some water, since I was very thirsty, as I was about to put my money in I heard ruby.....

Ruby: Blake can I talk to you?

Blake: (turns to ruby) What do you want?

Ruby: listen, when Y/N wakes up, can I talk to him, I-

Blake: why should allow someone who abused him to talk to him.

Ruby: I just want to say how sorry I am to him, i know what I did was something horrific but I just need to get this off my chest, all I want is my brother back, ever since that day I dreamt of seeing him again and holding on to him for dear life, but I know something like that will probably never happen, but please.... Let me talk to him, that's all I ask.

Blake:...... (sigh) alright, but only you, I don't like the others.

Ruby: thank you.... So much.

(Timeskip to present time, Y/N POV: by the fountain)

Y/N: what do you want to talk about?

Ruby: I just want to say I'm sor-

Y/N: and I'm leaving.

Ruby: wait!! Please...

Y/N: why should I hear you apology? You know if you were really sorry and wanted my forgiveness, why weren't you at the room next to me?

Ruby: I was, me, yang, mum, dad, aunt raven and uncle qrow, we all waited, but professor ozpin needed their help taking that floating orb back to beacon so they can lock it away, when it was done I ran back to you and saw you awake.

Y/N: I'll give you that, continue.

Ruby: I just want to say I'm sorry, I know I don't deserve your forgiveness-

Y/N: you're right You don't, you hurt me so much, and you think saying sorry will fix it? You deserve to suffer with this guilt.


I was a little surprised by her outburst but snapped out of it, she looks at me with teary eyes and starts to roll up her sleeves and I see......

Y/N:..... why are the cut marks on your arms?

Ruby: let me explain.....

(Flashback, Ruby POV: after you left the house and the others who searched for you came back).

I sat in my brothers room crying uncontrollably, yang's trying to cheer me up but no amount of cheering me up can do anything to make me happy, I lost him, i lost my brother, I hear the front door open and I rush down hoping to see Y/N but see the sad looks all around.

Ruby: where is he? Where's Y/N?

Qrow:.... we couldn't find him......

Ruby: what?! No! You just didn't look hard enough.... he can't have disappeared like that!!!

Summer: ruby-

Ruby: (cries) no! No! This isn't happening!!! I want this to be a dream!!! I want him back!!!!!!

I ran to the front door and into the forest ignoring my family calling my name, I searched as much as I could, hoping to find him.


(5 mins later)

After some time, I saw something white on the floor, I ran to it and saw it was a bandage, it must've been the one that Y/N used to cover his left eye. I grabbed it and saw bits of dry blood on it, I fell to my knees and held it tightly and cried my heart out.

Ruby: (cries) AAAHHHHHHH!!!!! Y/N!!!! IM SORRY!!! PLEASE DONT BE DEAD!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!! IM SORRY!!!! IM SORRY!!!! IM SORRY!!!!! AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

After I cried, I had enough strength to get back up and head back home, once I got there my family ran to me and asked if I was ok, I didn't say anything, I couldn't look at them, I was disgusted with them, and I was disgusted with myself, I walked past them and went to the bathroom and took a good long at myself in the mirror, my face still had tears and my eyes were just dull, I opened a draw and saw a razor, I grabbed it and had it aimed at my wrists, I started to cut myself on both my arms and before I could go further, it was knocked out of my hands and I felt someone hold me, I then heard dad's voice.


Ruby: (emotionless) this is my fault, I hurt him, this is my punishment, and I'll accept it until I die.

Yang: sis!!! Don't say that!!!! You have a life to live!!! You can't just throw it away like this!!!

Ruby: (emotionless) it doesn't matter to me anymore, I must be punished for my crimes.

Summer: (hugs ruby while crying) don't say such things ruby, we'll get through this, we'll all get through this, do you think Y/N would want this?! We'll make it ruby, YOU will make it!

(Flashback end, Y/N POV)

Y/N: you actually did that to yourself?

Ruby: (nods) you leaving affected me so much, I couldn't take it, the guilt was eating me up, and the only was to escape was to self harm, there was even a point where I tried to kill myself, but I was stopped, i even slept in your room because it was another form of punishment for me, then eventually the entire family was hurting more, aunt raven left and went to her tribe, uncle qrow drunk a lot, yang and mum were in depression, and dad cried himself to sleep Every night.

I let all of that sink in, Ruby..... the youngest girl of the rose family, punished herself because she wanted to pay for hurting me, I couldn't help but feel sad for her.

Y/N:... did you ever stop?

Ruby: eventually yes, I was slowly losing myself but.... (rolls up right sleeve a bit more to see a bloodied bandage [the one that you used to cover your eye] wrapped around her arm).

Y/N: you kept it?

Ruby: it was the only thing that kept me from falling too deep, it was like you were there with me, (looks at Y/N and starts crying) please Y/N, I just want my brother back again, I'm so sorry that I hurt you, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, IM SO SORRY!!!!

She then proceeds to full on cry, I let all the things she told me sink in, she went to look for me after qrow and the others couldn't and hoped to find me, she started to punish herself because of what she did and even tried to kill herself, she slept in my room to punish herself more and she kept the bandage I used because she wanted apart of me to be with her, she really did care after I left, I can't be mad at her anymore, I've seen this whole different side of ruby, one where she's vulnerable and weak, I gently untie the bandage and hold it in my hand and roll down her sleeves.

Y/N: ruby look at me.

After a few seconds she reluctantly looks at me, I reach my arm around her and see she closes her eyes, she probably thought I was gonna do something bad, I wrapped it around her and pull her into a tight embrace and put my chin on top her head.

Y/N: I forgive you..... little sis.

I hear a slight gasp before she wraps her arms around me and cries, she falls to her knees and I do the same and keep hugging her, she keeps saying "thank you" and "I'm sorry," over and over, I rub her back and kiss her forehead.

Y/N: come on ruby.... no more crying.... (lifts her head up).... smile....

She then wipes her tears and gives me a smile and then hugs me again.

Y/N: hey rubes, the night still young, want to head to vale and get some cookies? My treat.

Ruby: I'd like that, I love you big brother.

Y/N: love you too little sis.

We then stand up and ruby holds onto my arm and I give a slight smile to this, we then start walking to vale with ruby whose happy to have her big brother back.

(Meanwhile somewhere in vale)

???: great where the fuck did the orb send us?

??? (In Head): we don't know, it looks like where in vale but it's not "our vale."

???: I'm guessing parralel remmant, maybe there's a beacon academy here, maybe oz of this world can help us.

A/N: WFM = white fang member

WFM: Hey who are You?!

???: (dark chuckle) WE...... ARE VENOM!!!!

WFM: (screams)

A/N: FINALLY!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE I TOOK SO LONG WRITING THIS!!!!! (Clears throat).... sorry about that, anyway, Blake saved you by fighting her fear, which was Adam, you fought your team and won, had a talk with ruby which shed some light on what happened after you left, and now..... VENOM HAS CROSSEDOVER TO THIS WORLD!!!! Expect yourself to meet your other self in the next chapter, anyway, thanks for reading "prototype - break free," and as always.... PEACE✌✌

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